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Author Topic: Masterwork DF Suggestions (Guild-System Discussion continues here)  (Read 35648 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #180 on: August 17, 2012, 12:39:34 pm »

I've done some more brainstorming about a human fortress.  To really do them justice, they would need to have simplified metals.  They live above ground and do their mining through buildings, so it makes no sense for them to care about olivine, hematite, lignite, microcline, etc.

Cull all the geologist porn out of their mining (other races can keep it) in favor of 1 rock (stone), and an ore for each natural metal that they can mine (copper, zinc, tin, iron, gold, and silver).  Bonus points for reducing the world to 3 types of dirt (sand, dirt, and clay).

Replace the blacksmith forge and smelter with custom buildings that do mostly the same things with custom reactions, but can only use the metals humans can reliably use (copper, tin, brass, bronze, wrought iron, black iron, galvanized iron, steel, gold, silver).  Other metals can't be melted down and reforged because humans just don't know enough about those metals to do it.

Rename the mechanic profession as engineer. 

new buildings:
Wire Extruder converts a bar of metal (copper, black iron, steel, gold, or silver) into a spool of wire.
Thread Extruder converts a spool of wire into thread for clothes (woven copper/iron/steel, spun gold/silver).
The sawmill converts the only type of aboveground tree (wood) into 8 boards (blocks) and scrapwood.
The Foundary makes metal furniture, large metal objects, and batches of simple weapons.  (custom blacksmith can't make furniture)
Immersion Tank is used to convert Black Iron into Galvanized Iron.

Cathederals and Monastaries and Universities make more sense as megaprojects than workshops.  Instead I think it would work better to have smaller workshops that split that work between them.

about metals:
black iron is just reguar pure iron
galvanized iron has the stats of black iron but is a bit more expensive
wirewound is steel wire that has been wrapped tightly around something to strengthen it to steel quality
sanctified is made by religious/magic means, better than steel
steel has a small chance of being made whenever black iron is smelted from wrought iron, Man doesn't know how to make it reliably yet

And a few elven ideas:

Tree Unringer building (needs better name:  unwinder/unbinder) converts 1 tree into 12 sheets (blocks) of pliablewood (a type of tree that doesn't actually grow anywhere).  Each piece of pliablewood can be cut into strips and woven into 4 mats (blocks) of Wicker (another wood type).  Wicker can be used to make armor as well as anything wood could make.


upgrade reaction for steel armor and weapons produces masterwork steel

Religion:  based on the 5 dieties of warhammer 40K (Khorne, Nurgle, Slanesh, whatshisname, and the Immortal God Emperor)

Khorne God of Blood
1--Khorne Shrine is built from an Icon of Khorne
a. Praise Khorne--automatic reaction, 1% chance of creating an obsidian Sacrificial Dagger (also a good weapon)
b. Praise Khorne 2--auto reaction using Sac Dagger, 5% chance of losing Dagger, 1% chance creating Mark of Khorne
2--Alter of Blood (Icon of Khorne + table), all reactions use boiling rock to cause bleeding syndromes
a.  Worship Khorne--automatic reaction using Sacrificial Dagger, 5% chance creating Mark of Khorne
b.  Babtismal of Blood--use Mark of Khorne to transform into Khorne Berzerker Caste (nofear, nopain, noexert, likesfighting, nosleep, pronetorage50, skilltweaks)
3--Bloodforge  (anvil + fireproof table + 2 fireproof barrels), all reactions use boiling rock to cause bleeding syndromes
a.  Blessing of Steel--use Mark of Khorne to upgrade masterwork steel weapons to khornate material
b.  Ascendance of Blood--use 3 Marks of Khorne to transform a Khorne Berzerker Caste into a Khornate Daemon

The Emperor of Man
1.  Imperial Shrine made from Icon of The Emperor
a. Pray to The Emperor--automatic reaction, 1% chance of producing Divine Idol (tool)
b.  Praise the Emperor--auto reaction using Divine Idol, 5% chance losing it, 1% chance creating Divine Favor
2.  Imperial Chapel, made from Icon of The Emperor + 3 Divine Idols
a.  Worship The Emperor--automatic reaction, 1% chance of producing Divine Favor (tool)
3. Forge of the Omnisiah
a.  Infusion of Divine Essence--use Divine Favor to convert masterwork steel weapon or armor to sanctified material
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 07:47:30 pm by Tigrath »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #181 on: August 17, 2012, 08:59:22 pm »

Hate to tell you, but with travelling and the html manual, and the python gui (have to learn the language first) and the overhaul of the mod... the different embark races are rather low on the list. I might do them. maybe. The poll showed that people want a better mod, not a mod with more alternate races. And I really dont want to write 3 new races, complete with everything (tons and tons and tons of work) for something the people rarely use.

I still like the idea behind it, and will watch curiously how Orc Fortress will turn out, and I will support anyone who wants to do a human, elf, drow, kobold, whatever fortress-plugin for my mod, but it will take a very long time to potentially never, till I will write it.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #182 on: August 28, 2012, 07:01:45 pm »

Need a bit of help here... I have a few ideas, but cant get a clear idea how to implement them.

I have leather from skin, carapace from chitin and scalemail from scale. I want to do a "hardened" and a "llamelar" version. Essentially upgrade lvl1, and lvl2. Can have different names. I just dont know what I should take as reagents for this. I previously used "boil in oil to harden", which is realistic, but oil is too rare/slow/hard to make. Any ideas for a leather upgrade system ?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Leather should come from butchering (lifestock and hunting), chitin from killing antmen armies (fighting), and scale from shearing drakes and dragons (farming).

I really like runes. Futhark runes, the nordic ones. You could create each single rune individually and then use actual words written as reagents. For example you need 3 letters/runes to spell: FIRE, then you need these three runes as reagents for a fire-based reaction. Problem: I have no idea what I should use this for. I somehow dont want to involve the dwarven magic in this, even if it would make sense somehow... I dont know... any good ideas ? Or is this too complicated for players to understand, I mean they dont read/write runes (me neither, I just liked the idea)

I would love to include the stories I have in the manual into the actual game. I loved Morrowind for the libraries and books you can read, so why not add this into DF? Add the text in the description, people view the item/book, have a short story in the description. But how? I cant really do linebreaks, and the only things with written descriptions are creatures. Or decorated items with custom materials that have the short story in their name. I did so with Frostbrand in the current mod-version... any thoughts on that? Royal Engraver, or Dwarven Scribe, or Storyteller... all ideas welcome, I just want to move the "Hall of Legends" from the forum into the actual game. For fun. ;) This would also allow more lore to be brought into the game, background info about modded stuff.

Spawn of the Holistic... somewhat boring with the current setup. Ideas for them? Scrap them, make a different underground civ (maybe non-worldgen-crashing illithids?) I wouldnt even know what Spawns would drop and what industry I could base on them. And most people dont know Syrupleaf...

Special stuff from extra-butchery-objects is planned, havent thought about anything yet. All suggestions welcome, although I think I can come up with enough myself once I focus on it. ;) I mean things like elephants giving 2 ivory spikes, or a raptor gives 2 bone daggers, etc. This way people breed animals for other purposes then just: Lock them in a cage and release them on the invaders as a distraction ;)

I have a pretty good idea about the rest of the stuff I want to add, even if it is a long, long list ;)

EDIT: uh, once I am here:
Any ideas for: Graphite, Mercury, Arsenic Sulphite, Antimony, Lithium, Uranium Oxide or Manganese ? All the needed minerals are in vanilla DF already, but not used for anything.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 07:13:45 pm by Meph »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #183 on: August 28, 2012, 07:47:11 pm »

You can boil leather in water instead of oil to harden it and produce boiled leather.   Then cut the boiled leather  into pieces and use thread to combine them into lamellor armor.

One alternative upgrade is to use thread to combine a piece of leather with either another piece of leather or with metal plates to produce a kind of reinforced leather.

Or you could also make some kind of glue from butchered animal byproducts.  Start with leather or boiled leather and have several reactions that use intermediate unusable material types to represent the numerous times you need to laminate the stuff to produce lamellor armor.  This would probably be good for chitin too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #184 on: August 28, 2012, 09:17:33 pm »

Does it make any sense to harden leather with tallow? it would be nice to have a reaction that uses up tallow.
In OF I also have the option to do lamellar with horn or shell, which i believe is realistic-ish

runes:  sounds pretty cool, but I don't know enough about real Nordic runes, I would have thought it plugs into the magic system.

Lore, hmm, it's hard because part of the magic of DF is the procedurally generated world.  No matter how cool Frostbrand is, every game it is the same.  Never will it have the engraving of the exploits of your king, or the emblems of your civilization.  On the other hand the books from Morrowind are indeed awesome :D

Spawn, eh, i don't know, I am sort of aware that they're some bad guy from a succession fort but i don't know what it is about their origin story or background to be an interesting civ on their own.   As a shock trooper mixed into a chaos or lovecraftian entity they're a cool creature. 

I like your animals ideas, as long as it's in addition to the regular stuff.

a lot of these elements have use in batteries, i suppose you don't include a Mesopotamia-Flask-Battery for anything yet right?  Actually the Mesopotamia battery might have just been copper and iron plus any electrolytic fluid, not too much fancy chemistry.

<warning:  30% real knowledge / 10% half-remembered stuff from Caesar III or TW:Rome / 60% google>
* Graphite:  pencils for books i guess?  historically used as pencils, carbon additive for steel smelting, and for special factory tooling
* Mercury:  used to cold-extract silver from ores; and to plate crafts with silver/gold; to make telescope mirrors and lighthouse bearings
* arsenic sulfide: was a pigment, also used in tanning and to poison arrows and vermin, and by alchemists
* antimony: it was a cosmetic in antiquity, and alchemy.  One of the allotropes is highly explosive.
* lithium: besides batteries, appearently it is used as a flux for glass melting, so you could use to greatly reduce the fuel cost of glass batch operations?
* pitchblende: kind of useless in antiquity, right?  reagent for a nuclear powered workshop that creates magma? ;)
* manganese:  stainless steel!  but I believe Toady's steel data already are from stainless anyway.  also, batteries.  appearently the romans used it to remove color from glass.  (the romans and byzantines had amazing glass working chemistries that we still only just barely understand, and can't easily replicate, also e.g. used gold silver and copper to make brilliant colored glasses)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #185 on: August 28, 2012, 10:20:45 pm »

Mercury--rename it to quicksilver and have alchemists use it as a base for transmuting metals
Graphite and Manganese--use it to make a new type of high grade steel
Ur Oxide--yellow glass and ceramic glazes, also blunt weaponry
Manganese--lodestone and compass tools for export


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #186 on: August 28, 2012, 10:30:39 pm »

lodestone is Fe3O4 or magnetite -- the ancients originally calling it manganese but it's not the same element we call so today.


a suggestion, make the Military tiles for Evil dwarf, drow, human, elf look a little different than the normal (especially since they have the same active season and so are often hanging around your base at the same time).  Admittedly this is more of a Orc Fort issue since I think the "Evil" races are not as high a priority for Dwarf mode, but it would still be nice.

Here's a mock up.  I'll try it out in a test fort.  Unfortunately they don't seem to use graphic tiles except default in the arena, unless I'm messing something up badly, so I'd have to test in live forts.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 02:43:25 am by smakemupagus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #187 on: August 29, 2012, 11:52:55 am »

How about a summoning system? Let me explain further.
-You'd have some pet creatures called catalysts or something, preferably similar to Gizogins legendary fluffballs, without the attacks, as the creature you'll be morphing.
-You'll then create some creatures which you'll rarely see as the summon.
-Then making some boiling rocks that release gas to turn said pet creatures, and said creatures only, into the summon of your choice.
-Make a sort of summoning workshop to produce these rocks.
-Keep your creatures nearby and have them be covered in the gas.

I haven't tested this out yet, but I'm planning to do this for my own mod, so at one stage I will eventually have to test out my theory.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #188 on: August 29, 2012, 12:14:03 pm »

But there already is a summoning system. Several. Treants and Orchids from elven seeds, drow gargoyles, I plan demon summoning, you can "transform" pets into armored pet-versions... you can summon/build turrets and landmines... all this is not that new...

@smake & new sprites: Sure, not a lot of work and makes sense. ;)

@leatherworking: Nice ideas. I can make glue from hoof/horn, use thread and smaller plates for llamelar.

Spawn of the Holistic... I think I just scrap them. Layer linked entities are bugged anyway.

Now... lore. I had the grandest idea, which came to me randomly. How about an ingame manual ? Not to replace the actual manual, but for atmosphere. I explain:

Buildings: Dwarven Scribe.
Reactions: Find book about "topic here". Creates book.
Automatic reaction: Open chapter about "topic here". Decorates book with custom material.
Custom material has the a long text as name.
You can now look at the item description and see this long text.

The long text will be a short summary of a game feature.

Find book about possessions.
Open chapter about blood beasts.
"This is a superior dwarven tome. It is decorated with bands of gold. The open chapter shows a hulking red beast slaying dwarves. A bloodbeast. It is said that these vile creatures are formed from possessed dwarves. The affected dwarf will act weird for several months, while his spirit fights with the demon. He might be caught collecting bloodrock, or cut himself. In later stages of the possession he might kill animals or paint pentagrams with his own blood. Shortly after he will transform. What causes the possession in the first place is unknown. Possession can only be cured by Armok himself and affected dwarves should be send to the temple. End of chapter."

People wouldnt have to close the game and read numbers up in the manual, but stay inside the game. :) I think it would make great addition to quickly sum up the new features (diseases, inner threats etc) and cover the spoiler-sections in the manual. People dont want to look at the spoiler, no they can get a little bit of info from the dwarven scribe.

Oh, and another Idea I hade are saboteurs. The only thing they do is stop trade:
Dwarven caravans unharmed.
Human caravans poisoned, so they leave, no trade.
Elven caravans hurt, so they leava, no trade. (a dwarf has given us this wooden present, we will leave now)
Drow caravans kill the saboteur, because you dont fuck with them. You can still trade, but loose a dwarf.

You can also "cure" the saboteur in the temple, he will transform into a devout follower of armok, having seen the error in his ways. ;)
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #189 on: August 30, 2012, 09:07:35 am »

doublepost for the win.

Ok everyone, here are the current 15 megabeasts. All of them leave a itemcorpse that can be butchered at the slaughterhouse. The corpse will leave 3 things:
1: A trophy, an item you can keep, put it on a display stand, give it your king...
2: A soul. Megabeast souls give experience in combat skills, like the (old) skill essence/aether
3: A reward. Help wanted for this, since I only have 6 set up so far. What would you like to see as rewards ?

More megabeasts? Give me ideas. I already think that a "great nightwing" and a centaur as semi-megabeasts would be nice. Vampires, evil mages, mummies, werebeats and so forth are covered by xangis fear-the-night mod, so what else could there be?

Here the current list:

Trophy: dragon skull
Reward: 20 dragon scales (used for armor) steel grade, temp immune

Trophy: smoldering balrog skull
Reward: 1 volcanic whip and 1 volcanic scimitar

cursed blacksmith (old genesis boogeyman, but I like it)
Trophy: cursed blacksmith mask
Reward: dead? cursed blacksmith, spawn him again, friendly, needs drow magic

nightmaiden (old genesis boogeyman, but I like it)
Trophy: nightmaidens dress
Reward: dead? nightmaidens, spawn her again, friendly, needs drow magic

Trophy: colossus statue
Reward: 25 metal bars of colossus type.

Trophy: phoenix feather
Reward: phoenix egg, spawn him again, friendly, needs 1 fuel

Trophy: manticore skull

Trophy: chimera skull

Trophy: griffon talon

Trophy: giant skull

Trophy: cyclops eye

Trophy: ettin skulls

Trophy: minotaur horns

Trophy: hydra skulls

Trophy: roc talon
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #190 on: August 30, 2012, 11:47:58 am »

manticore's sting, a reusable vial of poison used to make toxic weapons
chimera's collar, an artifact that allows you to do some crazy animal transforms to make your own hybrid monsters?
giants:  sickle of the god-slayer (as gaia and cronus used to slay uranus) or some other weapon related to earth magic/elder gods
cyclopses: were the crafters of the olympian's weapons (lighting staff, tide trident, moon and sun beams, and so on). 
ettin:  i thought were kind of synonym with your frost giants / jotnar, maybe something that ties in there?  a fire weapon that pairs with frostbrand?
hydra:  i would have said something for poisoning again, since that's what hercules used it's remains for ^^ 

i would actually think twice to do any megabeast summons unless the main reagent was reusable, or the spawn point are more reliable somehow in MWDF2.  i think people would be sad if they have a special artifact that they see once if ever and the summon doesn't work. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #191 on: August 30, 2012, 12:15:39 pm »

rocs could drop their eggs, which you could then use to breed your own little birds (no, not the vanilla breeding, the "plop, birdīs here" summoning thingy)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #192 on: August 30, 2012, 02:06:17 pm »

Yeah, I dont want to do too much summoning... I think I keep the Phoenix for that, and skip it for the nightmaiden/blacksmith. If people want their own megabeasts, they should cage and tame them. ^^
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #193 on: September 01, 2012, 11:18:03 pm »

Megabeast idea:  Abraham Lincoln
Trophy:  Stovepipe Hat
Reward:  The Corruptor

The Great Emancipator would not be very dangerous himself, but would use interactions to transform nearby dwarves, elves, goblins, and other people into ordinary humans.  Specifficly a human pet-type of caste (similar to dwarven concubines) so that you can't assign them labor.  Defeating him will drop the Stovepipe Hat, which you can use along with two iron chains to transform one ordinary human into the Corruptor, who transforms humans and other races into dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Ideas for modding / Masterwork DF Suggestions
« Reply #194 on: March 20, 2013, 05:40:23 pm »

- Meph casts Thread Necromancy lvl3 -

Here the new to-do list for my mod. I dont really want to post it in the MasterworkDF thread, because that thread gets cluttered very quickly. This thread is just for modders and curious users that want to help brainstorming, maybe even coding, maybe giving new or better ideas. :)

Megabeast Trophies
 - Finish the existing system, several beasts leave no rewards

Skaven Civ
 - Warpstone weapons and ammo
 - Crude armor, with mutation effects

Warpstone Lab
 - Build skaven weapons
 - Build warp-thrower
 - Mutate dwarves
 - Mutate pets

 - Batch production of metal gear
 - Replication of found gear

 - More random experiments

 - All warlock items are cursed

 - Cursed Items can be found
 - Raising the dead, weaken a dwarf, berserk, sleep

 - Exorcise cursed items

 - Invite diplomats, migrants and caravans

Expedition Outfit
 - Extended expeditions, triggering megabeasts/nightcreatures

Mercenary Outfit
 - Extended raiding system, triggering sieges
 - Maybe bringing labor cells/slaves similar to Orc Fortress

 - Trade items for money
 - Trade money for items
 - Similar to Stronghammers Mercantilism or Orc Fortress Caravanserai

 - Gamble money for more money
 - Gamble money for rare items

 - Real life diseases, for dwarves and pets
 - Delete old disease system

 - Cure and combat diseases
 - Healing: Raise recuperation

Chaos Civ
 - Fake civ consisting of multi-caste creatures in hell
 - Very, very, very hard
 - All non-flying, you have to conquer hell to fight them
 - Drop special items to summon final boss in the colosseum

 - More details

 - Donation Button.
 - Fix grazing button display.
 - English translation for dwarf language. All ingame names are always english.
 - Make standardized wood optional
 - Make standardized animal materials optional.

 - 64x Tileset, 1/3 is done.
 - 64x Creature Sprite Set.

 - Creates magical items
 - Very complicated reactions
 - Very unique items

Upgrade System for Mages
 - TrueTransform based multi-level mages
 - Familiars, special mage-pets

Guilds and Guildhalls
 - Replaces old caste system
 - ~12 Guilds, high skill learn rates. All others very low skill learn rates
 - Dwarves can join and level up inside the guilds
 - Guild Markers with buffs for guild members only
 - Includes 2 military guilds, melee and ranged

Shade Civ
 - Glasscannon, dies very quickly.
 - Kills dwarves upon touch.
 - Sends only lone assassins (like kobold thieves, but very late, and more aggresive)
 - Chance to summon Shade Army inside your fort, if you are not vigilant enough.

Armored animals
 - Write more of them.
 - unicorn, drake, dragon raptor, forest spider, wolf, cougar, giant drow spider, gigantic panda, dire wolfmastodon, blood spider
 - add war train: forest spider, blood spider, wolf, cougar, giant drow spider, dire wolf (value increase as well)

Creature Spawning Interaction
 - Bugfixing. I am sure it can be improved, especially the extravision bug.

Glass Industry
 - More types of glass, ruby, ebony, volcanic...
 - Possible use as war-grade metal equivalents

Color control
 - Furniture from blocks
 - OR make colored boulders
 - OR glazing with dyes
 - Should allow relatively easy control over fortress color scheme

New Inorganic mats
 - More reactions for oil slate and oil sand
 - Remove meteoric (?)
 - Reactions for cinnabar, rocksalt, realgar.

User Friendliness
 - Double check all hotkeys.
 - Double check all reaction sorting
 - Double check all reaction wording.

Kobold Camp
 - Tons of stuff. Really.
 - For now: Toads, Shroomshop, thievery, tradegood (no metals), liaison title, slag.
 - Magic system for kobolds

 - Add new uniform templates (lots of work and gets messed up as soon as I change one item, argh)

Leather-Skin ratio
 - Apply wannabeahero's patch, to allow a better ratio of skin to leather.
 - Small animals give small amounts of leather.
 - Big animals give large amounts of leather.

 - Make dwarves harmless. No emotions, no tantrums, with some negative effects.

Playable Races
 - Humans (?)
 - Goblins (?)
 - Elves (?)
 - Drow (?)

Adv. Mode
 - Find someone else to do it. Period.

Chemistry System
 - More of it. Acids, Rust Removal, Fertilizer, Explosives.
 - Rebalance the old one.

Threats inside your fort
 - Fake Wormfolk Civ that "tunnels" into your fort
 - Shade Portal Army
 - Poltergeist that razes buildings
 - Lich Transformation from working with dark arts to much

More Transformation/Mad Science
 - Make dwarf werewolves
 - Make dwarf husks
 - Make dwarf undeads
 - Make dwarf vampires

 - Grenades
 - Stationary man-able building: Flame/Net-thrower, Gunturret.

More Plants and Trees
 - Different EVIL trees
 - Different GOOD trees
 - Different EVIL cavern (1,2,3) grass
 - Different GOOD cavern (1,2,3) grass
 - Different EVIL cavern (1,2,3) trees
 - Different GOOD cavern (1,2,3) trees
 - Fitting reactions and goods for all of these special plants and trees

 - Add coestars announcements for mod content
 - Alter the music stage so that it plays actual music

I also just found this little misc section again:

Code: [Select]
Buildings: Dwarven Scribe. Reactions: Find book about "topic here". Creates book. Automatic reaction: Open chapter about "topic here". Decorates book with custom material.
Custom material has the a long text as name. You can now look at the item description and see this long text. The long text will be a short summary of a game feature.

Saboteur: Dwarven caravans unharmed. Human caravans poisoned, so they leave, no trade.
Elven caravans hurt, so they leava, no trade. (a dwarf has given us this wooden present, we will leave now)
Drow caravans kill the saboteur, because you dont fuck with them. You can still trade, but loose a dwarf.

 - port clay oven from kobolds to dwarves ?
 - buff all megabeasts
 - more dyes
 - Galvanization (or galvanisation) is the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron
 - graphics for evil twin civs#
 - Orichalcum (?)
 - More golem types. Warpstone, Mud, Bone, Flesh...
 - Herbalist building (?)
 - Furrier
 - forstbite ice landmine. if possible.
 - Add a hide-effect to landmines, so they are not killed by archers all the time.
 - plague bearing rats
 - Spellbook thread had something on freezing web-traps that explode.
 - NON-SILK WEBS. Like fireiceacid webs. Or gold webs.
 - flying invaders. (batmen do this already)
 - Replace the meteor hammer.
 - Tattoos
 - Bless dwarves with NOT_LIVING, to avoid their corpses being reanimated.
 - Make pumpset (rock) (magma-safe) (wood)
 - New special gem: Heart of Armok.
 - polymorph landmines => sheep-explosion
 - reagents for some turrets and landmines is missing
 - totems from non-skull.
 - Add more Embark Profiles, for mod-specific embarks, like guns, alchemy, religion.
 - Shade-armor, gives huge buffs linked to CAVE_ADAPT.
 - Leather armor trousers are taking as clothing, degrade. Difficult to micromanage
 - Boiling rocks sometimes destroy buildings. Check too-cold as well.
 - Kobold hotkeys Sawmill M... Millstone M
 - Layer Permit: padded gloves + metal gauntlets, or padded boots + metal boots impossible
 - Hotkey: magma crucible -> letter m (magma bottle and melt to obsidian)
 - bronze statues are way to aggressive
 - Kobold Liaison has no real title "the farmer has arrived"
 - Kobolds trade metals: Toggle special tag on metal template.
 - Shroomshop Test: Only one seed?
 - Wicker is currently firesafe
 - Bone is currently firesafe
 - Cutting values for obsidian
 - 'paint' ash-glazed pottery with dyes
 - war/magical paintings on both items(weapons/armor) and bodys(kobolds/ogres)
 - no mace/pike skill on legionnaires
 - Brewing pig tails in the brewery still produces 'Drinks'
 - Kobolds are never sieged?
 -  microline wall has no graphics in the new realease with ironhand's tileset.
 - FLASKS for gems, bone ?
 - Kobold: poisonous darts would be awesome.
 - search sand for gold: prospect
 - volcanic/bifrost into the manual.
 - Completely rewrite the deep bronze, bifrost and volcanic system.
 - Use special tag for no-trade, make ice-magic stuff with bifrost.
 - Test volcanic in arena against iron/steel
 - EXCITEMENT_SEEKING higher for adv mode.
 - dwarf size is 70.000, not 60000
 - Tumbleweed for desert wood
 - Fungi that changes behaviour
 - Test Transformation Message toggle
 -  wooden spiked balls sell for a crapload more than other trap componets on the Kobold fort
 - 2 gravecats, second one melts.
 - blueprint copies are way too much worth.
 - arrow/bolt balancing. Also sling bullets and cannon balls
 - acid/warpstone turret balancing
 - leather should be more expensive then 5/10
 - Plants: Orchis for perfume, tabbaco, tea,
 - Harder smelting ignores custom smelt-reactions
 - adv mode needs leather and thread reactions
 - gnomes cant open doors
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 07:25:20 pm by Meph »
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