You wanna know what the real problem is and why all this crap about "productivity" is complete and total bullshit, an absolutely bad joke? Productivity isn't rewarded in work. It's punished. That's right, punished, absolutely and completely in every sense of the word:
1.) Let's say you work in department A, which does something.
2.) You, as a worker, figure out a revolutionary way to do something incredibly faster, cheaper, better. Your idea is fucking stupendous, mind blowingly amazing. It is god damn genius, revolutionary....
3.) You'd expect to get a reward for this cost and labor saving productivity idea you created. After all, the bullshit we're fed is to "be productive," right?
4.) The department is deemed "redundant," and closed, to be merged with another department as a minor task using your new system.... Your boss takes credit for the idea and credits his or her "leadership."
5.) Congratulations, your reward is unemployment for yourself and all your co workers..... Your boss' stock price just went up 1/4 of a point though. He'll forget by next Tuesday, never giving you
real credit any thought.
This really happened to a friend of mine who worked in a warehouse doing inventory control. It was an inventory monitoring system he thought up. His idea saved the company $100,000/year in lost inventory time, etc. His boss found a way to save the company $130,000/year by stealing his idea and firing my friend, and possibly more by firing others for the hell of it.... He has no legal recourse, because his idea is "company property" thought up on the job....
That's right, if you actually solve the problem you were hired to solve, you get fired.... But, don't worry you'll find a job doing "something else...."
Nobody ever tells you what that is.... Merit? Productivity? Bullshit....