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Author Topic: Deepest Blue-Turn 4/Entrances  (Read 8504 times)


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #45 on: May 12, 2012, 11:47:14 pm »

(I could lose an arm, gain a hook, and be Aquaman.)


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2012, 01:31:29 am »

(I could lose an arm, gain a hook, and be Aquaman.)
((How is being Aquaman good? I know, you'll gain powers but you'll be Aquaman.))


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2012, 11:13:22 am »

He traveled the seas for a long, long, time; Orkatt did. Before his hometown was conquered all he knew was the south sea. Now? Now he knew every part of the ocean like the back of his hand. He had heard many a story, and many a truth. He had discovered several ruins, and has learned many, many things in his life.

+10 ocean lore


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2012, 04:07:56 pm »



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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2012, 05:31:45 am »

~Quick Turn~ (lol right)

((He is immortal though, so there's that! :P))

Sisreenta balked, considering his offer for a moment. It wasn't an unreasonable sentiment, but...

"...'forever' is a very long time, and 'harm' is a very broad word," she answered quietly, her expression changing to one of worry and doubt. "I'm afraid I could not agree to something like that."

She glanced to the ground again, contemplating what it meant that she couldn't promise never to harm an innocent. On some level, it just meant she was realistic- vague, sweeping promises were difficult things to keep. But she wondered, if maybe deep down there was something else, something darker she would never do now, but might given the temptation. Given the right ratio. Given the right explanation.

"I'm sorry."

Brother Gahan consider you very closely for a moment. His scrutiny is intense, and unnerving.

"...I suppose asking you to take up my Oath may have been an error. You can only make an Oath you can live with.

I will still train you, nevertheless. I know your hunger for power...and, I will help you temper it with wisdom. If you agree.

In the end though, little sister...I would not want you to become me. And old man, filled with regrets. Better I had never fallen..."

Something glitters in his eyes-something dark. Something much like Sisreenta herself, though it's subdued. It's quite a dramatic turn.


Agree to train with me, Sisreenta. I see myself in you-seeking answers to questions no one will answer. They turned away from me-I survived, but at horrible cost. I would ease your burden, so that your choices can be clearer.

Perhaps you can win, where I failed.

What do you say, child?"

Sisreenta thinks for a moment.


(I was going to try this even before I knew I was INVINCIBLE BWAHAHAHA, but now it has a far better chance of working.  Or not getting me killed, at least.)

Vitis frowns deeply, head bowed for a minute as he makes his decision.  The tough decision.
"The Legion is still alive, I'm sure of it.  They probably moved in order to... I don't know.  Avoid detection, attack a secondary objective while we were gone?  What I don't know is if they'll be back."
He sighs deeply.
"We'll have to split up.  You four need to escape.  Four different directions.  I'll stay behind."
He looks into Iathena's eyes, speaking more to her then the others at this point.
"Please don't argue.  I have a plan.  Be back here in an hour, by that time... by that time, the Sharkmen will be gone, one way or another."
Vitis waits for his squad to leave, before turning to the camp.  He finds a sheltered spot, cuts his finger, and leaves a small amount of blood there, before finding a covered position overlooking that spot to keep watch from.
When the Sharkmen arrive and investigate, he'll attack from behind...

Iathina clenches her fist-just under the surfance, her thoughts roil with fierce warriors pride, burgeoning romantic feelings and blatant self preservation, all fighting for control.

Then she relaxes her grip, and seems to sink in place

"...all right, Captain. Understood." She says, with an air of the resigned.

The rest of the squad prepares to move out on your orders-they give you most of the emergency equipment, the potions, bombs, tridents and trinkets...

Rispis floats up behind you. There's pain in his eyes, but also a degree of pride.

"...You know, it should be me out here, today. I've lived too long-too many regrets. But, I know why you have to do this. don't go throwing your life away, you hear me, son? Die if you have to, but make it mean something. That girl, she cares about you. That means something."


In time, Vitis is alone. He finds a secluded spot, and waits....and waits...and waits.

In time, the Sharkmen arive-10 of them, each flanked by Hound-fish wearing colorful collars woven from tough kelp. Impossible odds...if he was one who felt the need to fight fair.


Vitis strikes from the shadows-then retreats. He leaves them bloodied, angry. The more foolish ones charge into the tangle of dark kelp. He slaughters them while they stumble blindly. The smarter ones send in their hounds to drag him out-but, Vitis is always prepared. Octoman Ink bombs fly, clouding him from the hunters senses. The blood lust begins to take the hunters, but he is not afraid. Their teeth and claws mark him, but he does not feel it.

Today, he will win. He knows.

Even as he stabs the last sharkman in the back with a broken off javelin, laughing coldly, he knows he will win. Even as his wounds accumulate, and he begins to lose consciousness, he knows he will always win...


Vitis does not die. He feels death, but does not let it claim him.

He regains consciousness in the healing temple of Sulam, the next day-in the central Merman legion camp. He can hear the hustle-the blaring of horns, the nervous chatter of passing soldiers. Ah, there was an invasion today, wasn't there?

He's survived the night. Barely. Suddently, Vitis feels an incessant itching in his left hand, and he realizes he doesn't have one anymore-there's nothing by a stump. Interesting. He stares at it odd fixation.


Most of the rest of his squad, due to his actions, survives the night-though, Sharkmen pursued them all the way back as they carried their captain, and most of them were likewise wounded. Hepheaus finally took his own 'retirement'-charging into the horde like he had promised he would always do over wineskins. Shallomwere will probably never swim easily again, and decides to head back to the shores of his home to find a measure of inner peace. Iathina seems to have suffered no outward injuries...but, the events of the night change her in other ways. Rispis remains the same. He's done it a hundred times before...but this time, is different.

Vitis later learns the reason the troops were delayed from the rendevous. It turns out, they were redirected by Command-to join a reitinue of troops guarding a visiting Mer-Nobleman. His commanding officer resigned in protest over it.

Vitis, and all that's left of his squad, joined him. There's always room for more blades-especially retired military.

They call themselves the "Cacciatore"-the Hunters...a mercenary band.

Rispis seems like a new man-having gotten out of the Legion, he still retains great loyalty to the Empire (if not the entitled classes), and serves as a trainer of raw recruits. When not fighting by Vitis's side, Iathina serves as a recruiter-using her charming nature and family connections to secure able warriors.

Vitis reptutation as a fearless leader only grows. Years of leading troops gives him an excellent grasp of tactics, both offense and defensive. With respect, comes strength. In some circles, Vitis gains an almost legendary reputation for surviving injuries that would kill ordinary Mermen-fanciful stories that he saved a Merwoman from Sharkmen Bandits, but was grievously wounded in heart and body, losing his hand. The story goes, they grew to love each other-and, she travelled long through the Darkwater deeps for that love, to dip him in the Godswater by his tail, so he could be healed.

Thus, they say Vitis will never die until his tail is severed, for that is the only part that was not blessed.

Naturally, Vitis does not confirm or deny these rumors, knowing they have a power all their own. He guesses Iathina spread most of them, leaving her presence to be merely implied, rather than directly stated-such is her way. Vitis finds himself growing closer to Iathina as the years go by, in all the ways that what extent, is perhaps best kept between them.

Vitis gained Class: Sea Warden Captain

Gained Abilities:
+10 to Diplomacy, Mental Defense, Stealth, and Fortitude Rolls

Mark of a Warden/ Choose either Diplomacy, Mental Defense, Fortitude, or Stealth. When checking, you always reroll this skill once, and take the higher result.

Aegis of Command/ Once per turn, Vitis negates 1 HP worth of damage to his followers, or himself, whomever is most wounded or he specifies to be under his watch. If he sacrifices his own attack to use this ability to spend a turn commanding his alies, 5 HP can be negated in this way.

Commanding Blow/Any time when attacking, Vitis does +1d3 damage. All allies in range gains the same damage bonus on their next attack. 3 turn cooldown.

Diehard/Vitis does not fall unconscious from blows that woud normally do so-he does not stop fighting till he is dead.

OOC: Here comes the standard GM promise of faster turns in the future. I've gotten over the lazy bump. :P
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 08:32:14 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2012, 11:47:49 am »

For the Mark of the Warden ability, I'll use it in Stealth.


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2012, 02:01:34 pm »

Sisreenta sighed, concerned that this was her first test... and that she was failing. Tempering wasn't something she wanted to waste too much time on.

"I will... not abandon the ways of wisdom," she said hesitantly, "But I will accept your offer for... deeper secrets. I do not think I will fail or regret their pursuit, but if so, I will regret them only as those things that could have been avoided only with second sight."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2012, 02:56:08 pm »

this'll be fun. Sharkman punisher and Aquabatmerman, both in the same party.

Loooots of fun :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2012, 04:17:36 pm »

((Are we going to be in the same party?))


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2012, 05:08:06 pm »


Sisreenta agrees...

Gahan nods.

"Very well. Learn well what I teach, Child..."

Sisreenta spends the next few years learning every she can about magic-how to manipulate Water into a form of attack, how to defend herself against the same. She expands her mind and awareness, and gains cunning insight into how to control, and manipulate, to break her enemies defenses-Gahan himself, she feels like she quickly surpasses in this regard. Of temperence, Sisreenta learns precious little she keeps to heart.

She learns precious little of her master-he was a sort of hero, back in glory days of the Empire, and he fought during the last organized resistance against the Mermen Legions-that was he was searching for a way to turn the tide, so to speak. He failed...

Sisreenta knew when her time as a student was coming to a close-and, she made good her escape.

Without his direct knowledge, Sisreenta masters the Siren's lull. She'll use it on the night she escapes from the temple. On her way out, she makes sure that Gahans prized lore on the Darkwater go with her...she gets the feeling Gahan himself would have approved-there was something indefinite about him, something undeniably wrong.

If she took any real lesson from him, it was that first appearances can be quite deceiving.

Sisreenta gained Class: Aquamancer

Gained Abilities:
+10 to Mental Defense, +10 to Perception, -10 to Enemy spell resist (or, spell penetration)

Arcane Acumen/ Choose either Perception or Mental defense. When checking, you always reroll this skill once, and take the higher result. Alternatively, you can choose to double your spell penetration to 20%

Water Bolt Flurry/Sireentas next attack does 2 damage, with an additional +3 if the target is in contact with the a natural body of water. 2 Turn cooldown.

Siren Song/Sisreenta can echo a haunting tune, mental or physical, that lulls those hearing it into a state of passivity. Affected enemies will take no direct actions, especially against her, unless something works to snap them out of it-they will merely listen to the song for as long as sings, then fall into a daze. Sisreenta can offer them simple and non-aggressive commands in lyrical form-'sleep', 'do not resist' or 'come to me'-and, they will be inclined to follow them. Those under the Siren Song are much easier to affect with more advanced mind magics.

Darkwater Lore/Tapping into the mysteries of the dreaded Darkwater gives Visreenta +10% defense against all their attacks and spell effects, and an ensuing +10% to hit them, and a 10% penalty against her spell effects. She can freely communicate with any creature infected with Darkwater, and is able to compel them with her mental spells.Her Ocean Lore rolls can refer to Darkwater beings

((Are we going to be in the same party?))

The story will generally lead you into being a party, yes. I suppose there's no rules about going off the rails, though. ^^

Next turn will be the official game start. Woo!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 05:12:23 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2012, 05:25:57 pm »


So tough to choose, though...

I guess I'll go with Mental Defense for Arcane Acumen. All options would be useful for dealing with the Darkwater, but the most dangerous trap for one who intends to control it is probably becoming the puppet rather than the master.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #56 on: May 19, 2012, 12:18:08 pm »



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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2012, 01:24:15 pm »

Turn getting on, certainly-and slowly! :P
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 4
« Reply #58 on: May 19, 2012, 04:40:59 pm »

Some years later...

Fate conspires to bring a group of unlikely would-be heroes together-but to what end?

A new hope?

Or the end of all things...

Spoiler: Location: Invia City (click to show/hide)

Turn 4

In the lower end of Invia...

Sisreenta squints her eyes, looking up through Invia's massive sphere domed roof-shafts of high sunlight stream through the hexagonal crystal panes, lighting the city and providing power to the abundantly growing Suncoral, which in turn give the city natural lighting during night, and raw energy for a sundry of uses. Fairly impressive, she has to admit. Sustainable, yet efficent-and not subject to the whims of trade, tide or current.

She can only supress a smile, thinking of the Legion that tried to starve the city into submission years ago. The Legions barnacle encrusted armor, weapons and war machines, made useless for even scrap use, lie outside the city as monument to the blunder.

But...her eyes can make out the flaws. Laxity in guards, cracks in the foundation. This city has grown complacent.

And, complacency breed weakness. Weakness invites death. She knows this city would flourish under her rule. If only everyone else saw that...


She turns from these thoughts, concentrating on her true mission.

The Darkwater Rifts-natural upwellings of the black substance-under the city has sent everyone in this place silent panic-already, sightings of minor undead have been reported.

Naturally, they are hiring people to heal these rifts, or destroy them.

Sisreenta has a different idea. Gahan told her that the greatest Mages who studied Dark Water did not fight it, per so-they learned to use it.

Her greatast hope in these last years had been to tap into the power of a Darkwater rift for herself. She has sated her hunger, feeding on the occasional aberration and anamoly, but it is never enough-the magical energy bleeds away too fast. This, hopefully, will be a bit more permanent. As a side effect, Sisreenta actually can shut them down-doing the city a small favor, while enhanching her powers. Amusing.

Of course, it's quite dangerous down there. She supposes there might be others set on this job-disposable alies, maybe. Or rivals.

All that's left to do is to go and meet them...of course, she could make some stops first. The Local arcanery is not very well stocked, but she might be able to find some useful spells in the library-likewise, the morning markets are open, and Sisreenta can hear the vendors hawking their wares.

Alternatively, there's plenty of trouble to be found, if she's looking for it. Plenty of shady types float in the dark alleys of Invia, offering a moments pleasure or a long death.

She does a quick mental inventory...


Her funds and equipment are certainly sufficent for a quick journey-300 Crys, the standard currency of the underwater realm, a draught of silver Mindpure, and a live healing star, wriggling peacefully it's cage. Sisreenta has always liked to be prepared...

Orkatt's first thought is that he doesn't like this city. Not at all. Invia is it's name-it's false name.

He knows. Invia used to be Invagorp-one of the larger cities of the Sharkmen. It's people were chased from their ancestral home...

But, he cannot dwell on this. He has a job of his own. He looks again, at the key in his hand. Of Sharkman design, it's hardly more than a steel plate lined with swirling runes-and he'll need it. Deep under the city, at least one tomb remains unbroken. The key, still glowing softly, proves it. He needs only find it...

For, Orkatt is on a personal mission. His Elders have told him, he must not fail. The key will open the tomb, and the tomb will lead him to a great weapon-The Spear of Karth, the greatest of Sharkwarriors. Legends say, the Wielder of the Spear can rally the Sharkmen to his banner...and if his people need anything these days, it's hope.

His haste is not unwarranted. The rumors of Darkwater rifts opening under the city will no doubt see the depths scoured by adventurers of all stripes, being hired to close them. What lay undiscovered, could be found. Not wishing the Spear of Karth to end up on a Merman legionnaries mantle, he's commited to finding and returning it. Stopping the Darkwater, is a secondary effect-little balm is it, if the shadows claim this city, and his people lose any chance of getting the Spear.

Still, he has some time to himself.

He checks his bag again.


He nods. The Elders supplied him well, with 250 Crys and a Healing star. He might have enough for some distractions-the barracks here are said to hold competitions, from time to time. Orkatt wonders if he might show the pitiful defenders of this place how a real sharkman fights?

Vajaat smelled the current. And cringed.

As he had suspected. The Darkwater was bleeding from the foundations of this place as from an open wound.

He knew the town was called Invia, but that didn't really matter to him. The seafloor still sang of the eternities that had passed here. Even the city would crumble in time. But, the land would remain...

Not, that he could not be moved by it's abstract beauty. Not of the architecture, but the people. Childen playing in the streets, guards walking side by side to their duty, matronly Merwomen exhanging rumors while they harvested suncoral. There was life here-and while some of its was corrupted, much of it was good. Some were both, and for these peple Vajaat had the greatest hope.

All these things were at a counter, to the Darkwater. The very land screamed in agony from it. It was not natural-not even close.

Vajatt's duty was to protect the sea. It demanded he heal this rift-the money did not matter, the glory did not matter. He would do this for them.

His purse jangled as he walked along...


Out of provisons, Vajatt has but 150 Crys to spend. A Sea Shaman tended to disdain wealth, anyway-he only took what he needed.

There was so much to do in this city! So many people to help...he could spend a lifetime here, healing the weak and wounded. Sadly, he only had a few hours today. The symptoms were bearable for now-the disease would need to be dealt with soon, lest the host die.

Vitis marched into the city aside the rest of the Cacciatore-Rispis sightly behind, Iathina by his side as usual, and about two dozen other mercenaries-in the usual way, banners bared and announced with trumpeteers and drummers. Yes, to a Mercenary group, image was everything.

This job had taken them to a backwater, Invia-another minor city that was holding out against the Empire, for all the good it would them. Vitis didn't exactly have much love for the Empire, anyway, so he didn't care either way.

He smiled at the whispers as the people of the city stopped to stare at his procession. Many knew the name of "Orcamer" here, and what he stood for.

Iathina had her arm wrapped his own, and she whispered beside him. "Well, at least we got here alright." The journey had been long, but quiet. Oddly so. Many of his soldiers were tense all the same. Even Iathina's normal composition had been shaken.

While the job paid well, Darkwater was something that every soldier feared. Money was hardly a comfort, compared to threat they would face. Vitis has no experience with it-he only knew the few horror stories that had always been passed around camps. Darkwater bringing the Dead to life. Black blooded Demons, rising from the deep. Madness taking those who would resist it.

Bah. Rumors! Vitis was a conquerer-and, he would conquer the Blackwater infestation here, as he had conquered all his enemies before.

He checked his immediate supplies, wondering if he should get on the job right away, or perhaps restock some...

Iathina flips her hair beside him, blowing out bubbles. She's already bored.

"Let's go find something fun to do, Vitis. We've got a few hours till they're expecting us." She teases, eyes glittering brightly, fingers trailing over his arm lightly. Naturally, her idea of 'fun' can just as easily be hacking up some sharkman bandits as it is...the other things.


He reflects that the fortunes of war have been good to him, recently. 300 Crys in spending money, a Healing Star and a potent anti-toxin.

Umbraaqua slides into the city unseen-as is his way. He has no real need for stealth, but his instincts tell him it couldn't hurt.

Yes, even here-in this scum pit-he has work to do. He noticed he was attracting attention, mostly of the people who recognized him for what he was. Those who approached, to beg or wheedle his money, quickly backfinned away. That silent menace thing he had practiced really worked out.

He recalls the memory crystal he received (it put the images of VIP's into his minds eye), and the job he was given. It's wet work, naturally. The rumors of the Darkwater wells do not concern him, though they do amuse him. As a deep dweller, he has dealt with the nightmares daily-such a small infestation bringing fear to the bright overdwellers amuses him...

His mission here is a delicate one-his first target, Rispis Alinara, 3rd in command of the Cacciatore Mercenary group. An old solder, a tough target. He accepted without hesitation.
Of course, getting to him was the hard part. Sir Alinara was going down into the Darkwater depths to deal with the cities problems for it. Umbraaqua's plan, right now, was to take him down there-the creatures might even do it for him, and then he would still need proof of the kill...

He had a few plans-his best one, taking the identity of one of Cacciatori mercenaries, preferably a quiet one. Then, once he got close...

He checked his bag again, grinning. Another approaching courtesan saw the look on his face and sashayed back to her spot on the corner with a look of fear in her eyes.


He had decided to travel light-only 150 Crys. But, Umbraaqua did have his Face Changer-the enchanted mask that allowed him to take anothers face after death...and use it for himself. A wonderful device.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 04:47:25 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 4/Entrances
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2012, 04:55:51 pm »

Sisreenta glanced between the arcanery and the market, torn on which to visit first. She had no doubt the library would be more useful to her, but the market was likely to be more varied, in its own way.

Well, business first, pleasure later, she supposed.

Head to arcanery, examine available spells and supplies.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.
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