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Author Topic: Deepest Blue-Turn 4/Entrances  (Read 8498 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 2
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2012, 10:47:14 pm »

Umbraaqua moved his spellblade close to his mouth and licked it across its edge, a condescent look on his face.
"Well, the Halls seem more attractive, and if I am allowed to pick my prey, it is a done deal."

He turned to the Bright One.
"I respect you and your goals, and you remember me of my beloved Imperial parents, but I am after vengeance. I shall not rest until I obtain it definitely, and in the most savage way possible. If our paths cross again, I will still consider you an ally and an acquantaince, but if you face me under a different light, I won't have any choice."

Accept the offer from the Dark One, but still show respect towards the Bright one.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 2
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2012, 03:17:12 pm »

No. No no no no no no.

He has lost too many today. His friends-from training. His family, his mother and father especially. He was not going to lose his brother, his friend-for ages. He took an oath from the young one's birth to assist in protecting him. He won't let him die.

The thoughts from his brother-in kin still echoes in his mind. Fear, sorrow, but most importantly anger. He cannot let the mermen get away with this.

And yet, he cares for his brother more than he cares for his honor.

Reaching out with his mind, he plants an ultimatum.

"Brother. I will not loose any more of my kin. Either you will come with me or I will fucking drag you. 'One should not run to death when life still lingers'! Do you remember that? It was the first thing we learned in training! Do not casually throw away the word of our ancestors! COME!"

« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 08:16:14 pm by ggamer »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 2
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2012, 11:11:09 am »



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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 2
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2012, 11:14:28 am »

ungh! D:

Turn is 3/5'th done.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 2
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2012, 12:08:49 pm »

Turn 2

In the Central Shrine of the Kundaline Temple...

"A greater mage," Sisreenta said, as though the answer were obvious to her. "A leader, maybe. Someone who builds and creates and does things nobody else can or has. Maybe someone who rebuilds an empire or comes to truly understand the Dark Water..."

Sistreenta tried to explain...

Brother Gahan merely shook his head, tentacles waving. Old memory seemed to trouble him.

"We all must choose our path. If it is truly your desire, I can teach you these things...there was a time I too though as you did, and wish to change things. I was strong. But, it was a bad life. I hurt and destroyed much, in my pursuit of power. The end was not worth the means. Perhaps, I can teach you the wisdom I earned.

So, I ask you now-I swore to never use my magic to again harm an innocent. If I teach you...will you make my oath your own?"


In the small town of Ogoshrap...

No. No no no no no no.

He has lost too many today. His friends-from training. His family, his mother and father especially. He was not going to lose his brother, his friend-for ages. He took an oath from the young one's birth to assist in protecting him. He won't let him die.

The thoughts from his brother-in kin still echoes in his mind. Fear, sorrow, but most importantly anger. He cannot let the mermen get away with this.

And yet, he cares for his brother more than he cares for his honor.

Reaching out with his mind, he plants an ultimatum.

"Brother. I will not loose any more of my kin. Either you will come with me or I will fucking drag you. 'One should not run to death when life still lingers'! Do you remember that? It was the first thing we learned in training! Do not casually throw away the word of our ancestors! COME!"


Orkatt's words strike deep.

His brother wavers...on the verge of saying something, doing something. His emotions are in utter turmoil.

Then he shakes his head, and draws his spear across his arm. The scent of blood floats through the room-maddening, terrifying.

"...Forget about me, Brother. You must go on without me."

Before Orkatt can do anything, his brother inhales the blood-and changes.

The Frenzy of the Sharkmen is a terrible thing to behold. Even for their own people. Orkatts brother gives into it completely...letting his grief, rage and pain fall into the abyss of bloodlust. In a short moment, Orkatts brother is gone, in all the places where it counts.

There's nothing left, but a beast. It looks upon Orkatt with no recognition, no love-only hunger. By sheer force of will, it passes by him, restraing the urge to attack Orkatt mindlessly-perhaps the last remnant of his brothers free will. It heads out to fight the Mermen, grunting and mumbling nonsensically.

Orkatt is left alone.

He swims-not fast enough to see his gutted brother pulling himself forward on a merman spear, trying to kill it's wielder. Not fast enough to miss the bodies being stretched in the city square, a pair he notices as his parents

But, fast enough to escape.

Orkatt does not know how he escapes-sometimes, he thinks perhaps one of the Mermen saw him, and took pity-other times, fate deemed him the arbiter of vengeance.

He spends the next few years alone, occasionally sheltering in Sharkman villages, helping them with his hunting skills. Naturally, the Mermen never want for resistance when he's around. He fights them, whenever he can. Many times he is tempted to embrace the bloodlust, but he mostly resists it.

In a few years, he's learned some tough lessons-about watching his back, about the things in the sea, and how to survive against the odds.

He learns the exultation of the kill, the basics of Hunters teamwork-and, how to kill Merpeople. He becomes something of a specialist...

Orkatt gained Class: Avenger

Gained Abilites:
+10 to Ocean Lore, Fortitude, Perception rolls.

Hunters Glory/ When you get the slaying blow on enemy equal or greater to your level of skill, you gain +1d6 HP. Half of this HP, round down, goes away after the current encounter ends.

Hunter's Experience/ Choose either Ocean Lore, Fortitude or Perception. When checking, you always reroll this skill once, and take the higher result.

Harrying Blow/ Sticking to an enemy like a Viperfish let's your allies tear him apart. A harried enemy takes +1d3 damage from every successful attack from allies-and, you can only use Harrying blow on one enemy at a time.

Favored Prey (Merpeople)/ Attacks against Merman do +1 Damage, and Merman attacking you take a -10% Penalty.


In the small village of Maturr...

Vajaat brothe in, then out. Is this the path he wanted? To be forever the defender? He looked around him and felt around him, the tide, the lives and even the force of his mentor. He felt at one with himself, and he felt at peace.

"Yes. This is the path I want."

Vajaat took a moment to calm himself. Then, he agreed...

The years to come would see his skills widen. He would be sent into the Wild Deeps-first with an Elder Shaman, later by himself. As warned, it was lonely and dangerous...after a number of years, though, Vejatt learned the basics-how to manipulate Ocean pressure into attacks, to drive away dangerous predators, the basics of Spiritual healing magic and the subtle art of 'calling'-using ones mental power to alter anothers perception.

With these, came knowledge of the Sea and herbal cures, increased awareness of the world, and a physical robustness few of his people could match...

Vajatt gained Class: Sea Shaman

Gained Abilites:
+10 to Ocean Lore, Fortitude, Perception, and First aid rolls.

Survivival Training/ Choose either Ocean Lore, Fortitude, Perception or First Aid. When checking, you always reroll this skill once, and take the higher result.

Spirit Balm/ A variable healing, that touches the soul with a spark of life. Target gains 1-6 HP. 3 turn cooldown.

Call of the Wild Deep/ All listen the words of the Sea Shaman...Roll d100 competing with target, to affect the mind of a Sea Creature. Subtle suggestions done from hiding can enable you to alter a creatures behaivor significantly. Forcing the being to do something against it's will, while it's aware of you, is quite difficult. In addition, you can openly understand and speak to any wild sea animal, to the extent it can communicate with you. It's possible to gain temporary or permanent animal companions this way.

Tidal Crush/ Draws a sphere of Oceanic pressure around a chosen enemy, crushing them. Next attack does +3 damage and stuns a foe who fails a Fortitude roll on hit, but can only be used underwater. 1 turn duration, 3 turn cooldown.

On the ouskirts of a small town...

Vitis smiles, internally, letting no emotion show on his face.
"This is our time.  Shallowmere, Hepheaus, stand guard out here, stay out of sight, and warn us when the next shift arrives.  Rispus, see if you can find any other ways inside the clan hall.  You know what to do.  Iathina, you're with me.  We're going in through the front, we'll kill the guard, then the sharkman leader, then join back up with the Legion.  Go!"
Vitis takes Iathina to the front entrance as per the plan, sending her to cause a small distraction to cause the sharkman guard to come forward to investigate, and coming up behind the sharkman once he's distracted to slit his throat.

Vitis gave quick orders, two of his squad mates to stand guard-Rispis was circling, looking for an entrance. Iathina and himself, began to creep forward...

They had practiced the game often. Iathina was dexterous and slight-but devilishly fast and utterly fearless. Vitis was stronger, and better at stealth...and, he didn't hesitate at killing. Especially not Sharkmen.

As the pair of assassins approached the lone Great White Sharkman sentry-they split up. Vitis went left...

Iathina went right. When she was in place, she let out a small psychic 'whistle'-one guaranteed to get his attention. She waggled her fingers mockingly at the stunned sharkman.

All Vitis needed was that single moment. He charged the shark from above, a blurring shadow in the water. The blade passed through easily-it was, at least, a painless death. Vitis smiled bitterly, wrenching the dagger free. The wound on the dead shark closed magically without bleeding-a nessecity for hunting Sharkmen, who could smell even the slightest amount of blood in the water.

He motioned for Iathina to follow. Rispis dropped in beside.

"Follow me."

Rispis led the trio around-he had removed one of Sharkmens crude windows from it's frame...

"This leads right in. Down the hall, to the targets room. They had a fancy lock on this-and an alarm on the other end. They're not a problem anymore."

Rispis dives in, followed by Iathina. A few moments later, they signal all clear.

Vitis leads on...

Sharkmen dwellings are claustrophobic to other races. They aren't very good builders-usually preferring minimal constructions, or completely natural things, like Coral tower or the shells and bones of fallen sea creatures. Still, it makes it easier to find ones way though.

The trio swims down the hallway, spacing themselves out into into a stagged formation in case of attack.

Vitis reaches the end first, tailing open the door carefully...

He can see someone that certainly looks a Cheif-a young Hammerheaded Sharkman, napping in a pocket of air, on a bed of red gem coral. There's two females sleeeping him, possibly concubines, bodyguards, or both. Sharkwomen are not concerned with traditional gender limitations.

The job doesn't take long. Each of the trio takes one, with the honorary kill of the Cheiftan going to Vitis. He makes the 5th mark on himself, standing over the bodies-leaving just his own blood here, so they will know it was him.


The squad flees into the night-it's not too long till they hear the horns behind them, Sharkmen hunters in pursuit with their various pets. This particular tribe rears Wolf-fish...

Rispis urges the group on, no scent of fear on him.

"Just a little further. We're meeting up with a small detachment of troops, at the bottom of that ridge-they'll escort us back to camp...the Hunters won't tangle with legionnaires."

That was the plan, anyway.

When they arrive, it's abandoned. No sign of violence. No one is here.

Iathina curses, casting a feared glance back in the direction of the Sharkmen pursuers.

"Blackwater take them! What are we going to do, Vitis? What are we going to now?! They're going to catch up to us...and...damn them. Where are they?" Her voice trails off. Iathina's pretty eyes are sick with fear. Vitis feels the wake of barely subdued panic from all his team mates, except for Rispis, naturally.

Vitis thinks of his options. Most of them are bad. The squad could split up, into two and three, or maybe into indivuals-and, maybe someone might escape. Whoever's trail gets followed will certainly die, though.

They could stay and fight-hoping that the cavalary is just late, instead of absent. It's a pretty big gamble, but if they die, at least they'll do so together. Vitis sees this place would make for an excellent last stand, anyway-there's plenty of cover for a surprise attack.

Or...Rispis looks at Vitis with a air of an old soldier who is ready to die to save his friends. If asked, he'd no doubt sacrifice himself, draw off the hunters on a wild chase. Or, maybe Vitis should be the one to die-slaying as many as the Shark scum as he can..

There may be other choices. Better ones. But, he had to decide now.

As always, they look toward Vitis for his command.


Somewhere in the back-alleys of the Ludus Undercity....

Umbraaqua moved his spellblade close to his mouth and licked it across its edge, a condescent look on his face.
"Well, the Halls seem more attractive, and if I am allowed to pick my prey, it is a done deal."

He turned to the Bright One.
"I respect you and your goals, and you remember me of my beloved Imperial parents, but I am after vengeance. I shall not rest until I obtain it definitely, and in the most savage way possible. If our paths cross again, I will still consider you an ally and an acquantaince, but if you face me under a different light, I won't have any choice."

Accept the offer from the Dark One, but still show respect towards the Bright one.

Umbraaqua indicates he's going to join the Hall.

The proud rebel has a pitying look. You could tell him where to shove his pity, but politesse has a place here. He bows, and vanishes into the alley without another word.

The Dark one places a hand on Umbraaqua's shoulder.

"Welcome, Brother. Welcome home..."


The next few years will turn Umbraaqua from a arrogant bravo with a grudge into a hardened killer. He takes job after job-always what he wants, and he prefers to strike Imperial targets-not, that he isn't persuaded to do other, less morally sound missions from time to time. Targets escape, from time to time. He still had much to learn. But, he far surpasses any of his peers.

Umbraaqua shows aptitude in multiple areas-the art of stealth he already knew, to some degree, but they push him further-to embrace the shadow within, as well as without. He learns to shield his mind from hostile enchantments-and, with that, he learns to control his outward emotions, or modify what others feel coming from him. Learning to lie in a society of low-grade telepathics is difficult, but not impossible. Umbraaqua develops multiple guises, and gains a reputation for being something of a 'ladies man', able to charm females easily-given his assassination targets target both males and females equally, it could be considered black humor.

He develops a talent for Darkwater Magic, at least, the rough and tumble version useful in a street fight. He's inducted into the Order of the Fang-the Hall that enjoys the reputation as masters of poison.

Umbraaqua becomes colder-darker. Even than he thought it could be. Memories of his past life, his few joys, become faint. But, his need for vengeance is only temporarily sated...

Umbraaqua gained Class: Blackwater Slayer

Gained Abilites:
+10 to Deception, Mental Defense, and Stealth Rolls

Assassin Hall Training/ Choose either Deception, Mental Defense, or Stealth. When checking, you always reroll this skill once, and take the higher result.

Fang Intiate/ Umbraaqua has been inducted the Order the Poisoned Fang-he can use these poisoned weapons without fear of self injury, and the foe gets -10% to his Fortitude roll to resist the venom applied.

Darkwater Whisper/ Invokes a flare of dark magic to cloud the senses-useful, but damaging to the soul. Stuns a foe who fails a Mental Defense roll. 4 turn cooldown.

Backstab/ Umbraaqua has learned to fight dirty...he gains +10% to attack and does +3 damage, when attacking a foe from ambush, one that is stunned, or one that is being engaged by at least two other heroes. Enemy must have a known weak spot.

OOC: For those of you without classes, I either wasn't done with your starting story quite yet, or I'm still trying to figure what you want. As you can see, I've tried to use your intro choices as guide to what sort of character you wanted to play.

I'll handle any lingering business with  Ironyowl and Remalle in quick turns, now-then it's onto the game proper.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 12:12:30 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2012, 12:25:41 pm »

((Currently trying to figure out what I should do now. Do I have to pick something or can I roam already?))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2012, 12:45:05 pm »

@Cael: You can pick something. As for roaming, I was going to drop you into the main story line after the others have their intros completed.

Feel free to RP your char's general situation a few years after-his current work, his friends, enemies, thoughts and feeling. Etc. I'll include something in the quick-turns for you then, possibly.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2012, 01:24:18 pm »

(Er... if this is just the intro, I should have plot armour, right?  Because I feel screwed in the worst possible way.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2012, 03:01:46 pm »

((@Remalle: Yeah. You could think of the intro almost as your character remembering something that already happened. Of course, you will have survived this particular thing...more or less intact. Your choices here shaped the future, though. Watershed moment.))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2012, 03:56:38 pm »

Vajaat trained for years within the wild deep, fighting for survival the entire time. The Grand Shaman sent with him was harsh in his training, often leaving the fledgling Shaman to fend for himself, stepping in only when it was absolutely necessary for his survival. He rarely noticed the older Shamans help though, and barely noticed the Shaman leaving. Without the elders help however, he found himself starving and crawled back to his village at the end of his testing. ((Perception))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2012, 04:06:36 pm »

((Oh yeah, now my character is a ladykiller.

@GM: I assume I have to choose, so it is Mental Defense.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2012, 05:57:09 pm »

(I was going to try this even before I knew I was INVINCIBLE BWAHAHAHA, but now it has a far better chance of working.  Or not getting me killed, at least.)

Vitis frowns deeply, head bowed for a minute as he makes his decision.  The tough decision.
"The Legion is still alive, I'm sure of it.  They probably moved in order to... I don't know.  Avoid detection, attack a secondary objective while we were gone?  What I don't know is if they'll be back."
He sighs deeply.
"We'll have to split up.  You four need to escape.  Four different directions.  I'll stay behind."
He looks into Iathena's eyes, speaking more to her then the others at this point.
"Please don't argue.  I have a plan.  Be back here in an hour, by that time... by that time, the Sharkmen will be gone, one way or another."
Vitis waits for his squad to leave, before turning to the camp.  He finds a sheltered spot, cuts his finger, and leaves a small amount of blood there, before finding a covered position overlooking that spot to keep watch from.
When the Sharkmen arrive and investigate, he'll attack from behind...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2012, 06:07:33 pm »

((@Remalle: You are not invincible. According to Dwarmin, your future self may actually appear lacking some limbs if you try something too bold. :P))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2012, 11:23:22 pm »

((He is immortal though, so there's that! :P))

Sisreenta balked, considering his offer for a moment. It wasn't an unreasonable sentiment, but...

"...'forever' is a very long time, and 'harm' is a very broad word," she answered quietly, her expression changing to one of worry and doubt. "I'm afraid I could not agree to something like that."

She glanced to the ground again, contemplating what it meant that she couldn't promise never to harm an innocent. On some level, it just meant she was realistic- vague, sweeping promises were difficult things to keep. But she wondered, if maybe deep down there was something else, something darker she would never do now, but might given the temptation. Given the right ratio. Given the right explanation.

"I'm sorry."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: Deepest Blue-Turn 3
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2012, 11:24:59 pm »

((If he lost all of his limbs would he get pity points or something?))
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