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Author Topic: Deepest Blue-Turn 4/Entrances  (Read 8496 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Deepest Blue-Turn 4/Entrances
« on: May 07, 2012, 04:54:19 pm »

Deep under the seas of the world we know, lies another. It's just as beautiful-and just as dangerous.

Land walkers only have merely the occasional glimpse of it-an ivory spiral jutting from the sea, a half seen glimpse of a Mer, riding in the wake of their ships, the shadow of something unspeakable lurking just below their vision-and, the two worlds rarely if ever meet.

Indeed, one could say it's for the best. They have enough problems of their own.

Recently, the races and nations of the under seas and shallows are at each others throats. The forces of chaos and disorder spread further with every passing day. Fell creatures and bestial, evil Humanoids mass in numbers never seen before. And the Dark Water spreads from the abyssal depths, twisting life and bringing the dead back in horrible forms.

Into these dangerous times, you are born. A Hero-in your peoples own words, one who defies the merciless current of fate.

This world under the waves is YOUR world. And, you are one of the brave few, who have decided (or been chosen) to fight for it.

May the tides favor you, Fateswimmer...

How to Play
This is an action-adventure RTD, of course! You make actions and accomplish rolls, all done on a d100. The story puts you under the oceans of an unnamed world, as one of the sentient aquatic species.

Combat is done a straight D100, with modifiers.

Attack: Physical --> Stealth --> Magic
Defense: Armor --> Evasion --> Ward
Tactics: Melee --> Hybrid --> Ranged

This --> beats this.

So, a char who used Physical/Evasion/Ranged VS Stealth/Evasion/Melee (pretty much a Ranger vs a Rogue ), would match for their defense and the other two would cancel each other out with a +10% to each.

Modifiers can also be changed by your relative tier of gear-every tier above your opponent, or vice versa, modifies it by another +10%.

Naturally, there's many other ways to gain an advantage or disadvantage in battle...

Base mods, between equal opponents are 50/50.

Signing up!

~Char Sheet~
Name: (I've put down some naming conventions below :P )
Race/Subrace: (You wanna be a Hybrid man I didn't list, suggest it and I'll make stats if it's reasonable-even better if you provide your own racial lore)
Attack Type: (pick one)
Defense Type: (Pick one)
Tactic Type: (Pick one)

Bio: (Will be useful when I'm writing your story.)

Edit: Let's say...five players?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 04:41:45 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2012, 04:54:38 pm »

Example Races
(Feel free to suggest your own! :3)


The most common example of an undersea dweller, and by far the most numerous and successful. Merpeople are typically half fish and half human-some lean more to one side or the other, but most are in between. They're not as strong as some of the more bestial races, but are generally faster and possess a great deal of tactical intelligence, and the means to make or obtain high quality weapons and armor that suits fighting in their under water realm. They tend to be talented spell casters, as well.

While the shore dwelling Merpeople prefer to keep to themselves, tending their kelp farms and fish farms with their families in what amounts to a rural existence, the ocean dwellers tend to be classical Imperialists, constructing amazing cities, networks of travel and communiction-along with raising massive armies to enforce their interests. In the last hundreds of years, the Merpeople have constructed the largest and most impressive Empires ever seen beneath the waves-displacing many of the former inhabitants in the way.

Spoiler: ~Subraces~ (click to show/hide)


+20 to Diplomacy and Trading rolls
+10 against Evasion Defense
Merperson equipment worn by a Mersperson counts as 1 tier better

Innate Ability: Gift of Breath/The myth of Merpeople having the power to save drowning sailors is true-though, their purposes may be more dark than it one is led to belive. Simply put, most Merpeople learn the simple air breathing dweomer from childhood-even the hardiest warrior learns to cast it in a pinch. Aside from allowing normally air breathing races to survive in the water (or vice versa), and keeping unconscious allies from drowning when knocked out, it's also a defense against Dark Water and other deadly to inhale threats. While tradition among the more adventurous Mermaidens is to seal the spell with a friendly kiss, it can be done through any sort of direct touch.

The Gift can be given often-but, only to one being at a time.

Effects: +10% HP regeneration a turn, stabilizes wounded
Immunity to Inhaled Dangers, Suffocation, etc
3 Turn duration, 3 turn cooldown
Target/Touched, One or Self


If the Merpeople are the 'friendly face' of the undersea races, the Sharkmen are the opposite-They are most popularly depicted as berserk savages, swarming over ship decks at night and tearing innocent sailors limb from limb with their powerful claws and deadly jaws. That's not too far from the truth...

In reality, the Sharkmen are not truly bloodthirsty, but a proud people who put emphasis on courage and martial skill-sadly, succumbing to a slow death as their race is pushed back by the more organized undersea peoples into the fringes. Numerous wars have slowly whittled their once impressive power to nothing, and their scattered peoples only begun to attack land walker ships with a mixed feelings of shame and dishonor-and desperation.

Sharkmen tend to be very good warriors-they're naturally good in a melee, having the best of natural weapons to supplement them, and their skin is good as any armor. While not exactly dexterous, they are capable of amazing bursts of speed, quickly closing distances. Their immune systems are unusually robust, generally improving their lifespan by purging disease, wounds and poison from their blood streams.

Spoiler: ~Subraces~ (click to show/hide)

+20 resistance Vs Poison/Disease/Wound effects etc
+10 against Ranged Tactics
+3 HP Points

Innate Ability: Blood Frenzy/Through rigourous training and discipline, most Sharkmen learn from a young age to control the maddening effect known as 'frenzy'-the condition where a Sharkmen scents blood in the water, and loses all self control in an attempt. To succumb to it unwillingly is a sign of deepest dishonor-and may be accompanied by ritual suicide, if an ally or friend was injured or killed. Still, as desperation has grown, many Sharkmen have also learned to utilize it to enhance their own battle skill, triggering it on will. The effects are nothing short of horrifying. And, highly effective.

While it can be 'triggered' anytime a Sharkmen can smell blood, prolonged and repeated use has very unfortunate side effects-the loss of sentience is the worst and final. A warrior who loses his soul to the Frenzy becomes nothing more than a beast-one who must prowl the sea forever, to sate hunger unending.

Effects: +25% Combat Mod
Immunity to Fear, Mental and Morale Effects
Unlimited Turn duration, 1 turn cooldown when ended


The Octomen are a predictably mysterious and small numbered people, who enjoy a lifestyle as wanderers and explorers across the sea's, and above them. Their appearance is somewhat freakish-seemingly bippedal, but with strange sucker tipped fingers and 'beards' of grasping tentacles coming from their mouths. The large eyes on their bulbous heads are enrapturing.

Octomen are highly intelligent and willfull, and have an innate resistance to Wards and magic that attacks the mind and soul. They have amazing memories-and, with their fondness of travel, collect amazing amounts of stories and tales of the dangers of the sea.

Is it unfortunate, that their travels frequently generate alarm in most communities, above and below-though they are benevolent, many view them as strange threats, omens of doom-or in the case of some, profits to be made. Octomen are hunted by many races for their valuable Inks, and tend to shy away from 'civilized' people as much as possible.

This was not always so-the Octomen once had a sizable Empire, one that extended into the deepest ocean trenches-where, they claim, their armies kept threats such as Sea Monsters and Black Water kept firmly under control. The expanding and aggressive Merpeople put an end to them. The Mermen left little but rubble after the war-many of the beautiful spiraling towers of the Octoman cities are little more than dens for beasts, or haunts of evil things.

Still, Octomen are an incredibly patient and spiritual people, in most regards. They accepted their new, sad existence with an incredible amout of stoicism-knowing that for every rise, there is a fall. Everything balances out. There has been a great time of peace, for some. They forsee dark times ahead, for all.

Spoiler: ~Subraces~ (click to show/hide)

+20 resistance Vs Mental/Fear/Illusion/Morale effects
+20 to Ocean Lore Rolls
+10 against Ward Defense

Innate Ability: Ink Cloud/An Octoman's best defense is his dense cloud of disrupting ink-which he can spray in a high speed jet at a moments notice. The cloud not only disrupts vision, but blind and numb the other senses as well.

Octomen have naturally improved upon their less advanced brothers tactics. While wild Octopus use it for fleeing battle, Octomen have learned to use it an offensive fashion, staggering jets at specific foes to incapaciate them, whilst attacking the targets allies-to give an example. The Ink is a pricy trade good to the Landwalkers, who value it's use in magical scrolls and books, and other water dwellers, who use it for improvised bombs, all of which leads some Octomen to sell their ink for easy profit.

An Octoman usually regenerates all lost ink in a short time, unless harvested, at which point it might take a day for it to grow back.

Effects: Enemies in range hit take 25% Combat mod penalty-can be used as an attack or a defense. Octomen are immune to the effects.
Applies Blind and Stun
Extract (Octoman Ink)
1 Turn duration, 3 turn cooldown

Naga ~Race Design Courtesy of Tiruin~

The Naga, or as known to the surface dwellers as a common name for a 'Snake', are a mix of both human and snake features-humanoid in form, but snakelike in texture and structure. Stories tell of a day where they once lived on land but were driven to the depths by a force of the divine or other calamities. These can be no closer to the truth.

For despite their dark history, the Naga are generally described as an Athenian people, as was their last description by the surface dwellers. Their cities are built as like the ancient humans, with towers of marble and structures of limestone hewn straight from the bedrock found in the darker depths. Being a reclusive race due to their qualms with other races, mostly based on misunderstandings, it is no wonder that a typical Naga is well prepared when venturing in the Upper Waters. Despite their advances in technology and armory quality, they are not as adept at battle than the Sharkmen, or as open-minded and aesthetically inclined as the merpeople.

Spoiler: ~Subraces~ (click to show/hide)

-10 to Diplomacy rolls
+10 Ocean Lore
+10 against Physical Tactics
+10 Mental Defense
Snakeperson equipment worn by a Snakeperson counts as 1 tier better

Innate Ability: Halcyonic Mark/According to Legend, it is said that the Naga have both the characteristics of the human race, as well as those of snakes. While this holds true in both form and structure, the Naga focus more on the persona than the spirit. Simply put, most Naga have innate intrapersonal knowledge about themselves; ranging from calming the blood when wounded, to achieving a total, tranquil state of mind, allowing focus and strength to replenish in dire situations. While this may reflect on what 'human' aspect is of the Naga, the 'snake' aspect gives the wielder the ability to pass on this trance through a bite, though most only use it when aiding others, as those they target usually suffer from amnesia as an after-effect that stretches until after they were bitten.

This acts as a link between individuals if shared, but only affects one.

Effects: +10% HP regeneration a turn, stabilizes wounded
Immunity to Inhaled Dangers, Suffocation, Blind, Stun, Fear, Mental and Morale Effects
3 Turn duration, 5 turn cooldown
Self/Target - Is considered 'shared' if the latter is chosen.

If shared:
-1 damage to health upon contact or knocks out target for the same turn if no health is available
50% of any proceeding damage for the duration is split between both individuals
Effects of the mark transfer to target, owner is not affected; only on the splitting of damage
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 08:28:00 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2012, 04:55:29 pm »

Player List

1. Umbraaqua, the Outcast        (Caellath)
2. Vajaat, the Defender               (Spinal_Taper)
3. Sisreenta, The Dark Wanderer (Irony owl)
4. Orkatt, The Vengeful Son       (Ggamer)
5. Vitis, the Conqueror              (Remalle)

Waiting List

1.  Tyr'arvel, the Nomad                  (Tiruin)
2. Swiftblade, the Young One      (Tsuchigumo550)
3. Skyrunner, the Bored One       (sheet pending! :3)

Combat Style

Spoiler: Physical (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stealth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Magic (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Armor (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Evasion (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ward (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Melee (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hybrid (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ranged (click to show/hide)

Persons of Great Import

Queen Circe is the undisputed ruler of the Merman Empire, it's strength and it's heart. She is all that a ruler might aspire to be-a Aquamancer without equal, capable of destroying entire armies with a wave of the hand-a general who has never lost a battle-the most beautiful merwoman in sea, who can stop a mans heart with a glance, like the ancient fey. If you believe the rumors. They also say the Queen has ruled for almost 150 years, and not aged a day-that she bathes in blood to keep her youth intact. One hopes most of the rumors are clever lies.

Circe makes few public appearances, preferring the world to know her beautifully depicted visage-on coins, banners and shields, it's everywhere-a symbol of terror to the Empires enemies.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 03:03:46 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Deepest Blue
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2012, 05:01:24 pm »

Name: Umbraaqua
Race/Subrace: Deep Dwelling Merperson
Attack Type: Magic
Defense Type: Evasion
Tactic Type: Melee

Bio: Umbra's family was an outcast. They had once been among the ranks of the most respected people among the Imperials, but the fact they were political activists and spoke against the oppressive policy their government had about the sea-dwellers led them to being expelled from the community.

They were able to escape with many of their belongings before their enemies changed their mind and decided that having them killed would be more appropriate. Umbraaqua was born in the deeper parts of the sea. Although he was educated by his parents, the different habits from the abyss found their way into him. What his parents saw as political problem which should be solved with pacifical means, Umbra saw as an unforgivable offense to any sea creature. He took some equipment and weaponry his parents kept mostly for decorative purposes, learning how to fight with magic focused on melee attacks and dodging instead of talking in flowery patterns.

One day he got back to his home only to find no one there. There were signs of struggle and much of their belongings were destroyed, and the happening only strengthened his convictions: Being diplomatic was out of question. The tyrants had to be taken down, and it would be by forceful means if needed.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 10:39:21 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Deepest Blue
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2012, 05:12:29 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's funny, I kept on coming up for backgrounds for characters, and as soon as I clicked save, it told me that there was another post. I look at it, and it's the exact same back story.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 08:30:06 pm by Spinal_Taper »


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Re: Deepest Blue
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2012, 05:42:05 pm »

I was totally going to invent an octopusman race, but with a mantle for a lower half. Then you posted the Octoman, which is pretty much perfect aside from physical appearance, which is close enough to a mind flayer to be good enough anyway.

Spoiler: Character (click to show/hide)

Also Dwarmin game eeeeeee!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 05:44:13 pm by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2012, 06:23:15 pm »



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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2012, 06:46:24 pm »

Name: Orkatt
Race: Sharkman
Attack Type: Physical
Defense Type: Evasion
Tactic Type: Hybrid

Orkatt was a small child at birth. He was never thought to have been much, however he was still loved by his community and family for the vital role he contributed, that of the evasive fighter, a fighting type which is none too common among the proud, up in your face. He lived far in the southern seas, in a proud sharkman settlement near the land border. He thought that maybe he would live his life as the skirmisher of his home, working to hunt food and stave off arcane magic users.

He would have, if not for the mermen.

They came when he was around fourteen, imperial mermen, entire legions of them. They had run out of agricultural lands near the great city of Adducantur, and so decided that the small settlement that Orkatt lived was a suitable area for expansion.

His entire community was murdered. His younger brother was eviscerated in front of him, and his parents hung in the center of town. Luckily, he escaped the town, forever vowing to avenge his family and brother.

He is a strong physical attacker, as is the trait of his people. His upbringing gives him a natural skirmisher tactic, and a more evasive type of defense. He views almost all mermen as scum, imperialistic vermin who wish to kill all others that encroach upon his territory.


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2012, 06:47:52 pm »


Name: Vitis
Race/Subrace: Merman (Imperial)
Attack Type: Stealth
Defense Type: Evasion
Tactic Type: Melee
Bio: Born and raised in the Imperial Township of Janus, Vitis was part of the wealthy Chiroptus family, until his parents were killed by a frenzied sharkman soldier in front of him.  He swore revenge on all sharkmen, vowing to adopt an orca motif to strike fear into his enemies' hearts.  Until then, he trains.
Knowing that going head-to-head against a sharkman is suicide, he opts to strike out of the shadows, or at least the darkest parts of the water.  He joined the military at one point but left, finding they wouldn't give him enough freedom, but kept the combat training they gave him.
One day the very mention of Orcamer will strike terror into the hearts of all sharkmen.  Until then... he trains.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 10:42:07 pm by Remalle »


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2012, 10:10:58 pm »

Name: Tyr'arvel
Race/Subrace: Naga/Snakeman
Attack Type: Stealth
Defense Type: Armor
Tactic Type: Ranged

Bio: Tyr was a wanderer all his known life, born amongst other nomadic groups of his kind. Despite the teachings of his parents, being focused on the spiritual and mental aspects of his being, Tyr was more of the adventurous sort, constantly weaving in and out of the coral reefs and sunken wrecks that dotted his area, though obedient enough to follow any advice given to him. Most creatures seen were mostly docile and free-spirited in their purpose, giving Tyr a more open style of life and a broader outlook on the world.

Tyr grew up as a hunter of his group, preferring throwing spears over all other weaponry, as despite the viscosity of his surroundings, his prowess with the spear and it's own refinement have proven useful in his travels.

Yet, reality has to show it's true face as time goes by, with the earlier being the better. Tyr found himself in complete shock after returning from another one of his sojourns, as his group came under raid from a strange foe. None that he had ever seen before, but closely signifying the Merpeople. While the battle was harsh, few to no losses were made on both sides with the aggressor relenting before his kin could muster it's full strength.

After a personal decision with his family and kinmates, he has decided to find out more of what had occurred, if old tensions had broken and if the other races had become aware of their fourth cousin.

Quote from: Lore
The Naga, or as known to the surface dwellers as a common name for a 'Snake', are a mix of both human and snake features-humanoid in form, but snakelike in texture and structure. Stories tell of a day where they once lived on land but were driven to the depths by a force of the divine or other calamities. These can be no closer to the truth.

For despite their dark history, the Naga are generally described as an Athenian people, as was their last description by the surface dwellers. Their cities are built as like the ancient humans, with towers of marble and structures of limestone hewn straight from the bedrock found in the darker depths. Being a reclusive race due to their qualms with other races, mostly based on misunderstandings, it is no wonder that a typical Naga is well prepared when venturing in the Upper Waters. Despite their advances in technology and armory quality, they are not as adept at battle than the Sharkmen, or as open-minded and aesthetically inclined as the merpeople.

Spoiler: ~Subraces~ (click to show/hide)
-10 to Diplomacy rolls
+10 Ocean Lore
+10 against Physical Tactics
+10 Mental Defense
Snakeperson equipment worn by a Snakeperson counts as 1 tier better

Innate Ability: Halcyonic Mark/According to Legend, it is said that the Naga have both the characteristics of the human race, as well as those of snakes. While this holds true in both form and structure, the Naga focus more on the persona than the spirit. Simply put, most Naga have innate intrapersonal knowledge about themselves; ranging from calming the blood when wounded, to achieving a total, tranquil state of mind, allowing focus and strength to replenish in dire situations. While this may reflect on what 'human' aspect is of the Naga, the 'snake' aspect gives the wielder the ability to pass on this trance through a bite, though most only use it when aiding others, as those they target usually suffer from amnesia as an after-effect that stretches until after they were bitten.

This acts as a link between individuals if shared, but only affects one.

Effects: +10% HP regeneration a turn, stabilizes wounded
Immunity to Inhaled Dangers, Suffocation, Blind, Stun, Fear, Mental and Morale Effects
3 Turn duration, 5 turn cooldown
Self/Target - Is considered 'shared' if the latter is chosen.

If shared:
-1 damage to health upon contact or knocks out target for the same turn if no health is available
50% of any proceeding damage for the duration is split between both individuals
Effects of the mark transfer to target, owner is not affected; only on the splitting of damage

Timezones! Gah!


Hope you don't mind the placeholders, thinking on what to put. Mythology!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 06:06:09 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2012, 10:25:55 pm »

If there's a space left I so want in.
Name: Swiftblade
Race/Subrace: Shore Dwelling Merman

Attack Type: Stealth
Defense Type: Evasion
Tactic Type: Hybrid

Bio: A young shore dwelling merperson who lives near a trade town. He's knowledgeable in land creature ways, and learned about their mythology about his kind- adding to his knowledge of the deep. It did not take long for him to become excited about exploring the land.

He's generally calm and collected, a tough foe to fight due to his quick nature and ability to stay at any range comfortably. He's in adventuring because he's interested in the many tales of artifacts he heard from "his" town.

He really enjoys a good nap, and can sleep nearly anywhere.
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 10:38:21 pm »

How did I miss this. D:

Sigh. >.> This is called (according to me) 'Skyrunner Luck', where you often slide in just as the last few spots are taken.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 10:49:49 pm by Skyrunner »

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward

Maxinum McDreich

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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2012, 10:47:01 pm »

Huh... I called it Dreichin Luck, myself. Heck, I've found myself seeing ones I really dig 3 pages in and taken, and ones I could care less about open and ready to accept XD.

Course, that's closer to Sod's Law now.


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2012, 11:28:10 pm »

4/5 adventurers agree- The Empire must die!

Only 2/5 advocate genocide, however. One other advocates crimes again mer and god though!

Also, always room on the waitlist, right?
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Deepest Blue (2 spots remain)
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2012, 11:30:24 pm »

Just hope...that I can finish it in time.
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