You should
really get involved while you still can Irony. Otherwise by the time Doom's army beats Sheb and gets to you it will probably have at least 15 units that are level 3-4 and have a fairly easy time killing your dervishes and taking over your city (even if you have a fortress there).
Fakeedit: Although from his post it seems that Sheb might be able to survive doom this turn (and after that he can build up fast enough to keep his city alive).
<playerturn player="lemon10">
<cityorder type="addPop" cityid="19"/>
<cityorder type="bBld" cityid="8">
<building code="aqueduct"/>
<cityorder type="rUnit" cityid="11">
<unittype code="gboat"/>
<cityorder type="bBld" cityid="18">
<building code="reagG"/>
<cityorder type="rUnit" cityid="4">
<unittype code="pKni"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="24"/>
<secondarmy armyid="116"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="21"/>
<secondarmy armyid="116"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="18"/>
<secondarmy armyid="116"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="25" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="38"/>
<secondarmy armyid="9"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="25" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="34"/>
<secondarmy armyid="9"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="38"/>
<secondarmy armyid="116"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="34"/>
<secondarmy armyid="116"/>
<armyorgorder type="dUnit" armyid="9" x="10" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="9"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="4" x="10" y="6">
<targetunit unitid="4"/>
<secondarmy armyid="76"/>
<armyorder type="mArmy" armyid="116" x="10" y="8">
<step dx="1" dy="-1"/>
<step dx="0" dy="-1"/>
<step dx="0" dy="-1"/>
<step dx="0" dy="-1"/>
<step dx="0" dy="-1"/>
<armyorder type="mArmy" armyid="76" x="10" y="6">
<step dx="0" dy="-1"/>
<step dx="0" dy="-1"/>
<armyorder type="mArmy" armyid="112" x="7" y="8">
<step dx="-1" dy="1"/>
Vanigo: I think priests are too strong right now. As it is killing a few units in a battle snowballs by the end. Throw in a priest, and you don't even have to spend time in a city to recover at the end, you can just march to their city, and by the time they are there your army will be completely healed. With a small army it isn't that bad, since having a preiest instead of another pikeman has a significant increase in your loss chances and he can die. However, if you have a very large army, and you win, he is unlikely to die and he has enormous healing power.
Nerf ideas: Either half the basic priests (I think priests of life having 6 healing is *probably* fine, since they *are* a special unit) healing amount (from 4->2).
The other option is to double/triple it, but have each healing amount heal a single point per turn (eg. if you have healing 8, a 4/7 unit, a 5/18 unit and a 3/10 unit, it will heal to 7/7, 10/18 and 3/10), which would allow a single priest to be really big help strong with a only a few units with it, but only a single one wouldn't be able to fix an entire army in two turns. You could also do the same with the priest of life, but also give him a healing aura (like he has now) in addition to regular healing.