24.With discovery of Andorian mega-system, our diplomats are sent to them with bribes and promises, trying to persuade them to our cause. They are curious of us, but this will take time.
However, there's something else.
This large system is quite possibly the main rallying point of Ferengi-Romulan Alliance. Besides what you see, there is another Ferengi war cruiser, three Romulan Destroyers and one Romulan scout. We're not sure why they are preparing such large fleet so far from our theatre of operations. Covert strike against the Cardassians maybe?
Our scouts have been ordered to rendevous with Nix's fleet at Borka system for now.
Kind of wise when you have no fleet, eh? Of course we accepted the treaty. Hell, I would even send them supplies because it's pains me to see them stuffed in their little system unable to properly expand.
Husnock Raider just destroyed a Starbase-in-construction at Selay. This is the time to deal with the raiders. Ivan's and Hostergaard Jr.'s fleets shall converge near the system and destroy the warship in combined strike.
Next turn, eight Constellation-class starship is completed at Sol. Cpt.Ivan's strike group shall get that batch and together, they will form 7th Fleet. It will serve as the intercepting fleet for enemy vessels entering our space.
This happens next turn.
And this, turn after.
Also, Klingons and Cardassians asked us for donations. As our standing with them is rather neutral, I've accepted them, this time.
USS Rupertus, USS Meredith, USS Keppler and USS Norris join Cpt.Ivan's fleet. Now we will enter Selay and strike the Husnock Raider.
The Husnock is destroyed, as is USS Anatevke, Cpt.Ivan's flagship. We recovered him from one of escape pods, but his wounds are grevious. He is hospitalized on board of USS Taussig, but doctors aren't sure of his survival, and quite possibly only the strength of his will* can determine the outcome of next few days.
His acting officer has been ordered to take the fleet into Romulan space and visit the 'rally system' of combined Romulan-Ferengi fleets.
At Acamar and Eden, two different Ferengi Light Raiders are destroyed.
*wink wink, nudge nudgeWith this breakthrough, we're halfway into Level 7 of sciences in the Federation. Our diplomats are 'making friends' with the Andorians.
Our Constellation fleet has been redirected toward Eden, to intercept incoming Ferengi strike group.
However, our External Affairs department reports increasing difficulties against both Romulans and Ferengi. Accidents happen, operations go wrong because of slight errors in the conduct. We might need to boost our funds for our espionage agency.
Cardassians were caught redhanded. Twice in the same day. Our standing with them is turning to worse, but I will insist on monetary reparations for their meddlings. To make things worse, the citizens of the Federation are raising voices of concern over bombardment of Borka system. We might need to lift the siege soon.
We also lost Seadragon and Sandhusky to a surprise attack by Romulan Cruiser II class warship. Sandhusky was the fourth and the last Oberth that remembered the times when Federation was still in its infancy.
Our standing with both Klingons and Andorians continue to raise, which is the only good news this turn.
Cardassians coldly accept our demand. At Eden, our Constellation fleet destroys three Ferengi Light Raiders, fourth has escaped. Cpt.Ivan is, sadly, still in coma.