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Author Topic: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! Finished!  (Read 33258 times)


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2012, 08:48:04 am »

A treaty sent every 5 or so turns never did any harm to me :P
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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2012, 06:46:18 pm »


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Turn 73 welcomes us with breakthrough in weapons and mass-reject of our treaty proposals by everyone I have asked for. Well, time to bugger off with diplomacy and concentrate on expanding 'traditionally' by colonies...

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That's... not what I would call 'Eden'. In fact, there's around 8 or so systems that could be all useful with their maximum populations and other bonuses. Time to host another fleet of colony ships and transports.

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Just as we finish work here. As you can see, I'm going to strengthen our scouts a little by forming them into two pairs of ships. They are cheap and AI almost never uses scouts in groups, sending singlets instead. In case of aggressive action, our paired Oberth's will be able to drive them off.

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Goddamn alien flu, it is still pouncing happily around my systems!
In the same turn, Zakdorn accept our affiliation treaty and Romulans accept our non-aggression proposal. They took a while to consider that, you know.

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Uh oh. Damn you air-eating Angosians! Look at that ship! It menaces with orbital death! It wouldn't be here if you had your damn farms. I wouldn't have to build them, I would have outpost at you or maybe a few scouts.
Oh well. Let's hope that the destroyer won't be joined by transports or larger ships.

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Bastards. They must've snuck into Gaspar when we were doing peace negotiations (quite normal Romulan tactic, don't you agree?). Well, for now, they can live there. It's not that valuable of a system, but next time I won't be that nice.
The Klingon destroyer at Angosia is still there, but no other ships joined it. Speaking of the system, we managed to get the food production onto positive numbers. Huzzah!
Sol system finished construction of two additional scouts. USS Martynov will be paired with USS Sandhusky, and the old USS Andromede will get USS Cortes as a partner.

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Wonderful! Time to build Federation Council, upgrade Sol a little and start churning out few Ambassadors.  First bunch of them will be stationed at Angosia, as soon as we build an outpost close to it.

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They really want a slap. They just constructed an outpost at Gaspar. We're on content morale but I really consider breaking the treaty to raid the outpost and then harass Romulans a bit. Sounds not-like Federation, though. We're backing off, for second time now. In the meanwhile, Klingons deployed second Destroyer at Angosia system.

Suddenly, we've lost contact with the crucial outpost at Peliar Zel. They've sent distress signal shortly before that, as well as a single picture of some strange anomaly.

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Personally I hate it. I hope it will go to Klingons, or maybe Romulans.

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Nope. The 'Calamarain' as our scientists call it, went on rampage against our outpost at Orellius system, obliterating it to dust.

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Just as a third Klingon warship enters Angosian star system, the shipyard located there is allowed to buy the spare parts (for a high cost) and hastily finishes our first light Cruiser, Ambassador-class starship, USS Valdemar.
It has 410 shield points, and Klingons have around 300 SP together. Let's click 'End Turn' and see the battle, and it's conclusion...

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Remember kids - sometimes you only have to show a gun without actually firing it to scare your opponent.
The Klingon ships ran away from Angosia. USS Valdemar shall remain there as the guardian of the system, as well as a reminder of the day in which Federation won without firing a single torpedo.
Calamarian is still at Orellius, and the scouting pair Martynov-Sandhusky shall attempt to sneak past it, around the Romulan space and then, will go check out newly-accessible regions near Klingon systems, thanks to the Angosian shipyard range.

But that in the next installment of the LP~

//Phew, I really thought there will be a rather tight battle against the Klingons. Valdemar has better shields, hull and firepower, but was alone against two destroyers and a scout.
//Had to wait two hours for imgur to start working their uploadas, hurr :x
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Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2012, 09:06:31 am »


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With the Klingons gone at least for now, we need to strengthen Angosia. This should do for now.

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Hmph. I rarely pay tributes to anyone, and especially not to Romulans. If they are going to break the treaty, so be it. Citizenry will most propably support us, and also we will be able to harass Gaspar system.
Federation council is almost ready at Sol, afterwards, we will upgrade some stuff and build Ambassador-class starships.

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Suddenly Klingon scout attacks USS Valdemar at Angosia. They barely managed to get away. This is a proof they are still interested in Angosian system.

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At turn 89, Federation Council is build at Sol and Counselling Academy funded at Betazed, and finished one turn later. Calamarain still loiters at Orellius system.
However, there's troubling lack of activity from Romulan Star Empire. I hope we can get those Ambassadors fast.

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Calamarain continues to merrily obliterate our outposts along Romulan border. I'm almost convinced it works in tandem with them.

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Speak of the devil, Calamarain reunited with his Romulan fellows at Gaspar. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside from happiness.

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In the meanwhile, our scouts visit uppermost reaches of the space available to us, as well as few systems above Klingon space. There's a scout, quite possibly at intercept course. Let them come! If Klingons want to fight, so be it - we will honour them with death.

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The Klingon scout delivered a demand but honestly it wasn't important. In the same moment we received news from Acamarian ambassador - Acamarians joined our Federation!

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Just look at their system! Ton of unused buildings waiting to be scrapped for money, not to mention they have a shipyard. Acamarian Clan Hall gives +1 morale (in the system I believe), as well as doubles the income of Acamar. And it only needs 50 energy to keep it running. A very neat building, I will say. When Acamar will finish necessary upgrades, it will be turned into ship-making system. In the meanwhile, our scouts have been tasked to dive into Klingon space to peek at their star systems.

With Klingons, Romulans and Calamarain not seen anywhere causing trouble, we shall pause for now.

//Nothing special to say this time :)
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2012, 08:22:22 am »


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Eh, it's not like Klingons liked us anyway.

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Oh fuck why, I ask? This cripples your warp drives and those of enemies too. Dunno about monsters. The only plus is it grants you a moment of peace so you can build up. I only wonder how long it will last. The shortest is of course one turn, but the longest I had in my games lasted for 9 turns.
So, I've dedicated the money from shipbuilding to making replicators and farms where needed. Nothing and no one bothers us in the meanwhile. All is peacefu-

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Already? Just two turns and warp drives are online.

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Lots of things happened in Klingon space at this moment. Our scouts most propably found their home system, Qo'nos (the white star at mouse pointer). Two light cruisers were built: USS Adelphi at Angosia and USS Gandhi at Sol. There's armed colony ship intruding into Agnosia and I believe they're heading for Miridian.
Calamarain dissappeared from our space but I bet we will hear from it later.
For several turns, nothing happens.

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After some negotiations, Romulans accepted our peace treaty, 50 turns. Our scouts finished checking the Klingons (from safe distance) and so far, they seem to have 2 destroyers, 2 outposts, a colony ship, and a scout that is flying near Volon system.

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Back on colonizing track, USS Stewart will be sent to the Polaris system, just neighbouring Betazed. Above that, you can see Andromede and her paired scout going to few now-accessible systems after Acamarians joined us.
Other than that, nothing special happens, so I build and buy even more struct--

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Oh damn.
Tessen was left with minimal amount of structures and just barely away from starvation. I had to buy a farm and will have to buy more of them. On the frontier, it is still super quiet. No intrusions, no monsters.
Calamarain still haven't been seen and I think it's safe to assume it floated away toward Romulan systems, propably causing severe damage to their fleets.
Few more turns go past without anything interesting happening, again.

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Sorry guys, no donations to charity.

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At the end of this rather boring update, have a galaxy map for yourselves.
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2012, 04:13:47 pm »


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Turn 108 is full of events. First of all, many funded buildings were finished at various systems. Our scouts find this juicy system which begs to be colonized. Thirdly, Romulans break our non-aggression treaty out of the sudden. And, USS Excalibur leaves Orbital Shipyard at Sol.

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Next turn Federation gets another member system - Zakdorn. Their advanced buildings + Military Academy clearly designate the system as one of our major shipyards.
Also as you can see, I'm slowly buttering Chalnoth with small bribes with a goal of persuading them to our side.

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Angosian system was again visited by IKS Hemlom, the Klingon scoutship, which we allowed to leave. We've sent a message though - any ship that will harass our space will be obliterated. Angosian subspace scanner also picked up a pair of destroyers and colony ship in the neighbouring Exo system. Maybe they are just protecting their vulnerable colonists, or maybe it's rally point for attack on Angosia - we don't know currently.
On all other fronts, it's calm. Despite lack of any treaty, Romulans are nowhere to be seen.

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Look who is back. Poor Klingon bastards, their home system was visited by Calamarain--
Oh fuck but that's close to Angosia too D:

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Romulans attacked at last. This is Betazed Outpost.
They missed their cloaked attacks, which prompted them to warp out. The outpost didn't managed to damage any of the two.
One turn later, a destroyer attacks our transport building an outpost at Acamar, and said transport barely escaped.

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And then, USS Zhukov is completed at Acamar. This will provide cover for our transport, which was tasked with return to the system. In the meanwhile Betazed is attacked by a Romulan destroyer - or rather 'attacked', as said destroyer instantly warped out under cloak.
And yes, you can see I have dilithium shortages. I knew that sooner or later, the dilithium-less region of our space will cause severe problems. Getting Chalnoth (or rather, their dilithium) is our diplomatic priority at the moment.

However, skirmishes do not end.

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This is a shot of Klingon scout's intrusion into Volon system, (relatively) far from Klingon space. As it was stated before, this time we opened fire - the scoutship has been destroyed.
Romulans, either bored or understanding they cannot defeat us that easily, retreated toward Gaspar.

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At Turn 119, we receive diplomatic news: Chalnoth became our friends and opened their system for our traders! Several more turns of gifts and we will get them as affiliates, and then, members of our Federation. USS Horatio is finished and shall defend Sol whilst Gandhi and Excalibur will be stationed at Midas, just to watch over our neighbours.

With this positive news let's end this skirmish-filled update, as I retreat to bed :)
//Images will be uploaded tomorrow as imgur is derpy and I have no time to wait for it to work again >:C
//Bastards started working at the very last second >:U
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 01:07:44 pm by Haspen »
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2012, 02:30:00 am »

Can I please have a cruiser ship, the next one you build?  Would it be possible for me to name it? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2012, 05:55:52 am »

Can I please have a cruiser ship, the next one you build?  Would it be possible for me to name it?

As far as I know, ship names are randomly taken from pre-made table of names. This way the ships get names from the TNG series (federation), Klingon language (klingon). Ferengi get trade/work related names, Cardassians get predator/death/weapon names, and Romulans get bird/stealth names.

But I will get you a ship. Because I tend to group ships in packs of 3 to 6 (or 9 even), you might end being a fleet captain if you want :)

I can also list you the names of Cruisers so you can pick up one with fancy name :P
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2012, 09:15:34 am »

A f-fleet captain?   :o

NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2012, 11:59:55 am »


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Someone stolen our credits!

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It is obvious who is behind that theft. And they just reinforced Gaspar with an outpost. We might assume they are preparing to launch an offensive, given that Calamarain is roaming at Klingon systems.

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At the same turn, I've received news from Zakdorn - their shipyard finished USS Exeter, one of Ambassador-class cruisers. Apparently Zakdornian strategist called Nrdl has been appointed by Starfleet Commission as it's captain. I'm fine with this. He will however be mostly stationed at his home system while we slowly build defensive group at Zakdorn.

After this, nothing interesting at all happens for 3 turns.

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As you can see, new colony has been founded, and Chalnoth agree to become our affiliates. Romulans also caused seeds of discontent to be sown in our home system. Their meddling have to stop soon, and I'm going to build few databanks to counter their espionage and sabotage.

Few more turns of boredo-

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I have to give them that. Romulans are doing really wonderful job at stealing my money.

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This is, however, worse news. Okay, Klingon fleet of 5 or so ships have been vaporized, but that's totally border of Angosia. I've ordered the two Ambassadors stationed there to leave the system and hide in the deep space. Hopefully Calamarain prefers jumping around star systems, and not deep space fields.
In the meanwhile, databanks are being build on few colony systems that are big enough for such investments. Soon they will be training many of internal security agents who will do their best to thwart the works of Romulan spies.

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Andromede-Cortes pair is picking up several different sensor readings in their local region. One of them is quite strong and is apparently an outpost. The design specifications are rather strange and unknown to us, and are nothing that scouts and traders of our member races seen themselves as well. Unless we get better engines or at least an outpost closer to this region, we can do nothing than wait for these aliens to come and meet with us first.
And the signal coming from 'SE' is a single ship, of different design than those aroudn the outpost. Yet again, no one in Federation ever heard of this kind of ship.

Another period of boring turns and we get this:

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This came out of nowhere. Is it Calamarain that cripples them again after it left Exo? Maybe Romulans are nibbling their borders? Both these things? One or another way, we will happily accept their treaty, and given they are honourable warriors, this is propably the only diplomatic bond we can be sure of for a while.

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Aaand seems that my tactic of beefing up our Internal Security corps have paid back at last. We quite possibly thwarted a research theft in Biology sciences department.

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They are my people! <3
And so is their star system, which is quite neat. It lacks many special structures, like Refinery, but in few turns we will have Chalna look like proper Federation system (I must remember to send a colony ship there to terraform the second-to-last planet).

That's all for now, and let's hope that next time it will be only better. Who knows, maybe we will have a breakthrough in propulsion and visit all those alien ships up there...
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2012, 02:50:10 am »

Yay, I'm part of the defense fleet!  Thanks for adding me in.  So...we aren't fighting anyone right now? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2012, 05:23:50 am »

For now, nope. No one is attacking us, and our forces are too small to even try to engage the Calamarain.
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2012, 04:22:15 pm »


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Next turn brings us a breakthrough in physics. It's not that much important for now, though. Given that Klingon military is in ruins, I've sent them an indefinite friendship proposal. We will see how that goes.
USS Ambassador, the namesake of it's class, is completed at Sol.

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Few turns later this happens. Romulans are counter-measuring our counter-measures! And I'm still tweaking up our databanks. Hmph.

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At least Antedeans consider us friends now. That will boost our economy a bit.

Two turns later Antedeans love us slighty more. Also Klingons made statement about ceding disputed territories to them, which of course was rejected by our Council. The construction of shipyard at Chalna extended the scouts' range far beyond Romulan space, Martynov-Sandhusky have been sent to scout these regions carefully.

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Just as Gladiatoral Arena is built (or rather, funded) on Chalna, our scientists push our knowledge of biology further. With Genesis Research Lab, we will get a juicy +100% in Biology research, it needs a barren planet. We have several of those, and I think that one of systems close to Sol will be sufficient.

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This upgrade in warp field science bring Andromede-Cortes closer to the goal of reaching the two alien worlds. Scientisits, diplomats and civilian population are all thrilled about incoming first contact. Our economy is stable, with 1300 to 1500 credits gained each turn. Our colony ships are working on several systems tucked on Acamar-Zakdorn-Betazed triangle, rich in various, large planets.

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En route to Acamar, our two scouts discover this. As huge lifeforms can be potentially deadly, Andromede-Cortes has been instructed to avoid the thing and warp to Acamar.
Also, at Zakdorn and Acamar, mass-production of Ambassador-class warships has started. Cpt.Nrdl of Zakdorn is particularily happy about this.

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Oh jesus, so many important things in one turn!
First of all, we get breakthrough in computers. Daystrom Institute needs a systems populated by humans, which we have aplenty. We will build it somewhere save.
Weapon breakthrough alone doesn't bring anything special, but in long run, it will allow better and more heavily-armed starships to be designed and built.
And at last but not least, Antedeans join the Federation. As you can see, their world is all-around Type-3 structures. With enough fabricators, they will be churning out credits for us in an astounding rate.

Phew! Time to do some management around the systems and I shall call it a day, it's getting pretty late anyway.

Two more images for you guys, first so I can boast my diplomatic skillz:
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And galaxy map on turn 144:
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Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2012, 04:06:02 am »

Very well done!  How many ships ( in total ) do we have, and what types?

Thanks for inserting my "character" into the turn. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2012, 04:12:37 am »

4 Oberth-class vessels: Andromede-Cortes and Martynov-Sandhusky pairs.
Few colony ships and transports busy with expanding our territory around.
And then, we have Ambassadors...
1 at Acamar
2 at Sol
2 at Angosia
2 at Chalna (from Midos, to protect colony ship and transport there)
1 at Zakdorn
Which means 8 Ambassadors. Six more are in queue at Zakdorn and four more at Acamar. I think I will be able to buy half of them to quicken the production. We will see to that.
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Let's Play! (image heavy?)
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2012, 04:17:06 am »

We need more games with naval battles and ships like the ones in Star Trek.  This is just awesome. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.
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