I don't much care for the nonskill based drop rates. I seem to be cursed with poor rates for ores, while I have almost no use for gems, which seem to be, for alot of gems, nearly worthless. And now mining is just another speed thing, it's like a miller or fish cleaner now with the barely useful benefit of using a pick as a weapon, which doesn't negate bad thoughts.
Besides, without masses of stone cluttering the hell out of the place, it's just.... I honestly can't think of anything other than it doesn't feel right. Flux is ruined rutinly, ores lost, which when trying to actually equip soldiers with more than fancy shoes helmets and shields is bad. My first one using this system, and my miners ruined more ore than they extracted, and I was left with on average enough metal to equiup maybe two soldiers at a time, if that. If nothing else, a higher rate for ores would be nicer. I can't really find a use for gems unless I stick an ass load onto a few thing to increase the value.
I will admit I like the blocks being more economical now. But as with ores, flux gets ruined now, and I have 3 or 4x as much wasted space because I had to needlessly mine that out with legendary miners just to get what i needed for a few steel spears and swords.
I know my opinion is obviously quite overwhelmingly crushed based on the vote, and the realism is improved, but this is one bit of realism I could do without. Hell it kinda makes minecarts outside of trading and improvised weapons a bit moot since we needed the damn things to move the mountains of stone around more than anything. That's just my take on things. No need to point out the holes in my logic or whatever, as I know some people may do anyway.
tl;dr version
Wtf, are miners relegated to sightly less useless fish cleaners now?