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Author Topic: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@  (Read 118399 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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@)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« on: May 05, 2012, 03:45:21 pm »

Dear User,

          Welcome to the Midnight Sware.
                    Invite the Magic.
                              Tonight at midnight,
                                        look for Puck in the Garden.

                                                  By the Light,
                                                     Sapphire Wisp

Welcome to the Midnight Sware.

This first line catches your eye as you glimpse over the email. The Mightnight Sware is the name of a legend floating around the internet. At midnight your local time, a website called Merlin's Prism allows entry to those who it deems worthy.

Invite the Magic.

This next line is even more strange. Like something out of a bad romance or fantasy novel. It matches up with the idea of Merlin however.

Tonight at midnight, look for Puck in the Garden.

Mightnight... just like the urban legend. And Puck, the trickster from Shakespeare. But what is this garden? Maybe it means the website?

Bathe in the Light,
   Sapphire Wisp

'The light' sounds like a cheesy oath those online game paladins might say. And what kind of name is Sapphire Wisp anyway? You happen to recall that a wisp is a ghost like creature traditionally made of a small ball of light that lures travelers to their deaths... Not really a good omen.

A strange E-mail to be sure, but it doesn't seem like the typical penis enhancement or badly written english advertizing an overseas prince or princess looking for a lover. Normally you would pass such things off as junk and delete it immediately. But the mention of the Mightnight Sware has your interest. On a whim you decide to check the web address linked at the end of the email at midnight your time.

Your life as you know it ends tonight, at the stroke of midnight...


Welcome to Magia Exquisitis! This is a Joint venture with Weirdsound and myself.

You play as a human in the current modern era. Recently, strange disappearances and a high amount of disasters and suicides have been in the news, centered around Los Angeles. In particular a blurry video of a dark shadow moving across a brightly lit street has been causing a stir on the internet. After receiving the email above you are recruited by a person calling themselves a Mech Sprite. This sprite by the name of Puck explains that the disappearances were high ranking mages. These powerful mages kept the peace in the area like a mystical police force. Now only her master remains to control the balance. Her master: Sapphire, has need of people talented in the ways of magic. She explains that you are one of those talents, and can control the forces of magic.

The game will have both forum elements and a weekly maptools session(Monday nights, probably around 10pm EST) to add a bit of exploration and combat, as well as providing loot and resources. We will be using Maptools version 1.3.b84 as that is the particular version that the two of us GM's are used to and know works. Server Details will be posted later.

We will use my D100 system from the Aglaia crafting games. Skills, Stats, Gear and Difficulty will adjust your role from a base 50% success rate with criticals on both ends, and a very flexible attitude on what you can do, create, or figure out. Stats will be assigned by Weird and myself, along with a starting set of spells depending on what you write out in your application.

What you need to apply is as follows:
Name: (Self Explanatory)
Age: (Keep it within human norm, I'd say a minimum of 10, an average of 25, and a maximum of 100. Extreme ages either way will most likely effect your stats.)
Physical Appearance: (Describe how your character looks, add things here like hair color, eye color, skin color, weight, height, and special features(piercings, scars, moles, huge nose, puffy lips, etc). You can also add in a common clothing look. What do you wear on a daily basis.)
Magical Style: (This is where you describe your technique, how do you cast your spells? Incantation? Mixing a Potion? Ritual of Dark forces? Be creative and give as much information as you can, what you write out here determines what 'class' title we give your character. )
Focus: (What the mage does best. Most mages pick an element as their focus, but some styles have other choices. Focus gives a bonus to experimentation rolls within ones focus and is used to determine starting spells.)
Mundane Skills: (Mages start with 3 mundane skills, but may sacrifice up to two of them for additional starting spells. These are things like Rock Climbing, or Political Science, or Creative Writing. Think of college classes, if there might be a course for it, it could end up being a decent skill.)
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 03:46:04 pm »



- Body is your physical stat. How strong are you. How much endurance do you have. How fast are your reaction times? Most physical actions will check against Body. Some spells that require dexterity or physical strain may also roll against this stat.

-Raw Magical Power. This shows how strong your magic is, and how closely you are connected to your magic source. Direct damage comes from here, and most combat spells will call upon this stat.

-Book Learning. How much history of magic do you know. There are written instructions on how to draw magic circles, write mystical runes, preform specialized rituals. When you do something that relies more on technique than pure magical power, you roll against Knowledge.

-Pure Belief. Faith is a measurement of how much you believe. It can also be thought of as loyalty or support. A strong faith stat in a mage can result in powerful spells that turn belief into reality.

-That Gut Feeling. Intuition is guessing in the realm of magic, yet unlike luck you have an odd feeling telling you to do something other another. Where Luck is random, Intuition has a sense of being fated. Fate in general has been theorized as being nothing but people with strong magical intuition.

-Random Chance. Luck is that personal aura that can create random outcomes with no willful choice. Luck can effect anything, or nothing. If you cannot find any focus for something, sometimes it is a good idea to relax and just let luck take over.

Divide your actions, spells, and experiments into a 12 hour day. Assume that you have an additional few hours to take care of mundane tasks such as eating and the like. You will be given a bonus or penalty to your roll based on time allotted to your action. We will roll and process as many of these days as we can.

Kestrel will post three jobs an in game week. Every real-world Monday we will get on maptools and do the mission. Kestrel will instantly replace a job that is completed. You can pay Kestrel 400 bucks, and he will add an additional job to the list. He takes requests for specific types of work.

Actions that can reasonably be performed in 3 hours or less do not have the chart applied to them (Nobody is gonna do a 5 hour workout, and some spells can be clearly cast in a specific amounts of time based on their description)

Crits and mods in general will also change some. PCs add their single biggest applicable positive mod and their single biggest applicable negative mod, and nothing else. Automatic critical fails fall on natural 1-5, with mods applied on a natural 5-10 for the save.

This means stats work like this:
Stat Roll Modifiers:
01-10 = -4
11-20 = -2
21-30 = 0
31-40 = +2
41-50 = +4

Calculate your own mod for each action you give us.
-Add +1 to the mod if the action falls within your focus.
-Add +1 to the mod if any of your personal limitations imply that you get a bonus on the action.
-Add +2 to the mod if you you are using one of your declared mundane skills.
-Add +2 to the mod if you are casting a spell that the GMs have declared that your character is comfortable with.
-Add +4 to the mod if you are casting a spell that the GMs have declared that you have mastered.

Timeframe mods:
1 Hours -10
2 Hours -3
3 Hours -1
4 Hours 0
5 Hours +1
6 Hours +2
7 Hours +3
8 Hours +4
9 Hours +5
10, 11, or 12 Hours +6

DO NOTE: While you may be able to convince us to use many extra mods. Such as location, tools or preparation beforehand, we as GM's WILL be adding more difficulty mods to actions. If you try to run up a wall using your body stat, expect at least a -10 if you try it withouth a specific spell to assist you. And if a spell says something like size is important then don't try switching an arrow with a unicorn... we will add negative mods for such things. Here is a basic table of what we will use:
Minor Difficulty: -1 or nil.
Average Difficulty: -3 or -4
Hard Difficulty: -6 or -8
Extreme Difficulty: -10 or -12
Impossible Difficulty: -16 or -18

Take the time with your actions to fully explain your mods, if you also explain the difficulty you think the action is, we may be more lenient on the negative modifiers. We will adjust things if we feel you've chosen wrongly, but explaining why you choose things and arguing your case will go a lot further than just writing out the numbers and letting it go to the fates.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 12:46:46 am by Haika »
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 03:46:44 pm »

Aura Shoppe!

Jealous of Kestrel's informational skills, though she would never admit such, Tohsaka has informed you all that she is starting up an Aura Shop. Unlike Kestrel who takes common money, Sola will make exchanges based on Aura.

Aura is a field of magic that surrounds people based on the actions they do in their everyday lives. Mages have an especially strong aura due to their magical nature. Tohsaka explains very little, saying it is beyond you. She can however, tell you how much each person has, and what they can buy from her each week.

Ways to gain Aura Points:
Rolling a 1 or a 100 at ANY time. Be it by yourself or a GM rolling for your character. +3 Aura
Rolling a Crit, high or low during the Maptools session. +1 Aura
Bringing a gemstone to Tohsaka. +5 Aura
Being named the week's Magia Champion(one person voted at the end of the maptools session for best rp, combat effectiveness, and team player). +3 Aura
Slaying a Magus(pc or npc with full knowledge of at least three spells).  +3 Aura
Allowing another mage to steal the knowledge of one of your spells. -1 Aura
Stealing a spell from other mages without their consent. +1 Aura
A written Journal or story about the gameworld, separate from thread rp. +1-5 Aura.
Special Events, GM favoritism, Or sheer Luck may gain you more Aura points. However, asking for them is not recommended as that tends to make the GM's angry and you may loose Aura.

(price) (name) (stock) (description/notes)

Current Shoppe(changes periodically):
Spoiler: Last Chance items: (click to show/hide)
2a Gingerbread House Seed (1 in stock) - The label on the tiny seed packet promises a two story house made of edible materials grown overnight. Be sure to plant in a clear area of 30x30 feet.
3a Magus Tome (1 in stock) - This magical tome gives a +2 to knowledge related tasks. When read the pages are blank, but when researching or attempting a ritual, one can open the book and focus on your task and the ancient spirit bound within it will write tips in the pages. Warning: The Spirit is Neutral Good, using the book for evil actions that the spirit disapproves of will result in misdirection. Thus evil actions get a -2 if this book is used.
5a Aura House Coupon - (10 in stock) - These coupons are tradeable slips of paper that hold a charged amount of aura. Worth 2 aura when redeemed. Limit 1 per use.
2a Smooth Ebony Pipe - (1 in stock) - This magical item produces purple smoke that when inhaled allows the user to see in the dark. Warning: Mild hallucigen.
7a Pipe Fox - (1 in stock) - A long tube wrapped in red ribbon. Tohsaka mentions that it is a holy item meant to protect the owner, but says nothing more about the contents. It seems expensive for how eager she is to get rid of it.
Spoiler: Potions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: old items: (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 12:02:21 pm by Haika »
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 05:29:36 pm »

Name: Hannah Taylor; prefers to be called Ariel
Age: 21
Physical Appearance: Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl with bright brown eyes and a head full of curls who was the youngest of her father's two little girls. Her name was Hannah, after her dear grandmother, and she was the most adorable girl in the world. Eventually, though, that little girl grew up and became Ariel "Don't Call Me Hannah, DAD" Taylor, a wild child with violet hair, a pencent for leather vests and, according to her parents, an serious attitude problem.
Magical Style: Ariel is a practitioner of the Art of Goetia, as described in the Lemegeton, which "granteth the Exorcist the power to evoke and to compell mighty spirites of both good and evile into brazen vessels, so as to obtain from those spirites good familiars and to compelle the powers of ayre to serve the Exorcist."
Focus: Ariel's focus is her familiar, a namless spirit granted to her by the Marquis Sabnach, who is said to "to build high Towers, Casteles and Citties, and to furnish them wth armour, & to afflict men severall dayes wth wounds & rotten sores full of wormes." Her familar takes the form of a tawny cat named "Frankie".
Mundane Skills: Ariel is a college student studying Botany who is also an amateur Motorcyle Racer. She has 1 extra spell.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 05:00:24 am by Grek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 06:29:37 pm »

Looks good Grek, let's hope we get some others, then Weird and I can start generating your characters. Until then, enjoy this image of the website Merlin's Prisim:

The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 08:11:19 pm »

Do I need to know the rules system?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 08:11:57 pm »

Everything is a d100. Higher is better. Some rolls are modded. That is about the system.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2012, 08:15:09 pm »

Ack. Can't do mondays. Can't really do anything scheduled during the school year. Sorry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2012, 10:24:37 pm »

Name: Harman Days
Age: 23
Physical Appearance: Harman has short, black, slightly curled hair, green eyes, and pale skin. He wears a simple, black suit with black tie and white shirt. He weighs about 130 pounds, and stands at about six feet. He's rarely seen smoking, but always has a pack of cigarettes on hand for when he needs to concentrate a particularly large amount.
Harman carries around a walking cane, a gift from his now deceased father, which he keeps resting on his shoulder like a weapon. He also carries around a small, metal trinket he calls the 'skull centipede' for use in his spells.
Magical Style: Harman prefers taking a less complicated route to cast his magic. For offensive magic, he holds either hand he desires at shoulder height out to the side, with elbow bent about 110 degrees, giving a light flick of the wrist forward. For defensive magic, he holds arm forward in a similar manner, holding his arm forward, and clenching his fingers into a half fist. For spells that erupt from the ground, he will stamp his right foot. When a spell in midair needs to be aimed, Harman swipes the arm being used for the spell in the desired direction.
Focus: Harman's focus lies in channeling and manipulating. He is particularly fond of transforming small physical objects into, usually, much larger offensive spells.
Mundane Skills: Harman is proficient in archery and memorization. He sacrificed his proficiency in boxing after learning magic, exclaiming that he no longer had a particular use for it.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 02:00:52 am by Lillipad »
Quote from: BaerTaffy
If Adele covered Aerosmith, that would be my life right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2012, 11:00:31 pm »

That 2 Haika. Wanna bring up the server so we can gen them up?

Also we might want to consider putting off regularly scheduled Maptools sessions for a few weeks, so people can get out of school or whatnot. Just the forum game bits and perhaps some individual mini-sessions.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 12:54:08 pm by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2012, 11:16:12 pm »

How many people are you looking for by the way? This looks interesting.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2012, 11:34:47 pm »

That 2 Haika. Wanna bring up the server so we can gen them up?

Also we might want to consider putting of regularly scheduled Maptools sessions for a few weeks, so people can get out of school or whatnot. Just the forum game bits and perhaps some individual mini-sessions.
Sure, lemme get some food, and I'll bring it up in a bit. We probably should pm each other some IM info. Forms may be a bit slow.

How many people are you looking for by the way? This looks interesting.

The goal is 5 people, with a minimum of 4, max of 7ish.
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2012, 11:35:26 pm »

I don't IM.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2012, 11:56:33 pm »

I don't IM.

Well then we may have to find some other way to communicate these things beside maptools. It really can be a strain on my system to be hosting all the time.

Either way, server is up for now.

Players can join with this info, to try and test their connection. Or if someone wants to talk to us about things before applying.

Server: Aglaia
Player Password: unekaru
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: @)~~}~ Magia Exquisitis! ~{~~(@
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2012, 12:00:41 am »

Hello. I am interested in joining this.

Name: Henry Calbrand
Age: 23
Physical Appearance: He stands at 6'3 and 195 pounds. He has brown hair that he keeps short because once it reaches his neck it starts curl and blue eyes with glasses. His skin is white with a light tan. He tends to wear bright colored tee shirts and loose fitting jeans with plenty of pockets. He caries around a backpack, a habit he still have even after he quit collage. He tends to keep his hands in his pockets when he is not using them.
Magical Style: His magic is based on rituals that draw in ambient power then direct it to what he needs. To do this he needs to make elaborate magic circles to first draw the power in from it's source and trap it in the first layers of the circle. After the power is trapped needs to filter the power further though his magic circles to refine it and purge the influences of where it came from. After the power is refined he needs direct the power to a purpose with configurations of runes in the inner circle so that it will do what he wants when it is released. After that the power can be used or if need be (and if possible) bound into a more portable form, normally as pieces of paper with smaller binding circles on them.
Focus: His main skill with his magic is to give energy to things that should have none. A example might be the creation of a golem or the raising of a mindless body. Earth
Mundane Skills: Clay working, Drawing, one skill sacrificed
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 12:05:11 pm by Criptfeind »
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