Righto, then. Onwards to the shootening! (and the stabbing).
WEEK SIX, DAY ONE........................................................
..............,o888P"'' '`"P888o..............
............o88P"' `"Y88o...........
.......... P' `Y88o.........
........,8 Furtuka& Y88........
.......d8P Zakroff Y8L......
......d8F Y8b.....
.....d8P Y8b....
....,88 88....
....88[ ]88...
...,88 88...
...]88 Old Boh& ...
...]88 Alex ...
....88[ ]88...
....Y8b d8P...
.....Y8b d8P....
......88. ,88.....
.......Y8L d8P......
........Y8b. ,d8P.......
.........`Y8b. ,d8P'........
...........`Y88o_ _o88P'..........
.............`Y888oo_ Griph _oo888P'............
................`"P8888oooo ooooo8888P"'...............
.....................'`""PP PPP""''....................
A couple SCOUTS are spotted rushing towards the base as you all get up, so more or less calmly, you get out to the entrances.
Griph in his power armor walks to the south gate, says hello to people on the way, checks the edge on the Chainblade, and accidentally trips over the scout sent there, smushing it under him and making a mess of himself. Not the best way to start the day, but hey, it worked. The other scout scuttles off.
Furtuka meets
Zakroff on the way Northwest, sees his rifle, and then generally fumbles about getting his Pistolsword out while Zakroff shoots both of them.
Ol' Boh meets
Alexander Kyrby on the way East, and the two scouts are scared off by Alex's louder than normal SHOTGUN. Old Boh still manages to kill one of them anyway, though.