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Author Topic: You are a Lord of the Wastes  (Read 26135 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2012, 01:50:56 pm »

Not much interests me out of those, but we should buy something to get him to keep coming back. The Composite tubes, I guess, would be my vote (if the price is fair).
The electronic parts might be usefull too.

Mr. Palau

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2012, 02:39:46 pm »

Not much interests me out of those, but we should buy something to get him to keep coming back. The Composite tubes, I guess, would be my vote (if the price is fair).
The electronic parts might be usefull too.
Should inquire about the damaged linear accelerator also. Not useful for now, but when we have a better knowledge of how to manufacture such things in the future we will be able to repair it. Even if we can't repair it we can at least us the functioning components as replacement parts for any other linear accelerators we come across.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.

Wayward Device

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2012, 03:18:14 pm »

You say, in a general sort of way, that perhaps you might be interested in the Composite tubes, the electrical parts and the "funny bumpy tube". Suliman bin Qutira sates that such desire are an indicator of excellent taste. This goes back and forth for a while, until you come to a rough estimate: 1000 L of pure water, 30 wind up torches, 2 barrels of nails and a 3 Kalash rifles with 100 rounds each for the Composite rods, the three crates of electrical parts and the linear accelerator. You probably wouldn't have to trade any rifles or ammo if you didn't want the accelerator. Suliman bin Qutira obviously considers it to be valuable. 

Just to let him know who's the boss, you leave before he can appraise your offer. After all, you've been keeping the diplomat waiting. As you enter your throne room, you realize that you could have kept them waiting for ever without causing offense, for before you stands a robot, flanked by two burly Romans. As you approach it whirs into life, its sensors flashing and articulated head turning to face you, visibly alarming your guards.

"Bio-Ident confirmed. Greetings Alcide Brunelleschi, Tyrant of Sala-Zione", comes a voice both mechanical and precise.       

"This unit is a representative of the House of Technocratia. We will soon be the dominant power in Rome and begin our great work restoring the Republic that was of old. We seek allies, lest our enemies grow to powerful. In other times, we have demanded the water price for peace. Now, we would offer a new accord. The time of the petty bandit chief and the mutant who rules by his strong right hand is over. The age of empires is coming again. We seek ties of trade and friendship with Sala-Zione. If you agree to our terms a caravan will be dispatched after the return of this unit."

With that, the robot grows quite once more.

What do you do?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you notice stuff that should be here but isn't, please tell me. Likewise with any suggestions I may have missed.
or maybe Valve goes out of business because they invested too heavily in something which then fails - like, say, human civilization.
Alternatively, initiate strife to refuse additional baked goods, and then abscond.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2012, 03:20:06 pm »

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I for one welcome our new robot overlords.

Mr. Palau

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2012, 03:33:31 pm »

Don't purchase the linear accelerator.  Yes to the robot's offer.
Carry out the suggestions from two turns ago now that we have time.
Don't do the slashed ones.
+1 to everything 10ebbor10 said.
-Issue a decree forbiding the export of any builder-manufactured spare parts, telling the citizens that they will be vital to rebuilding the infrastructure of The Builders. Any one caught exporting items will forfeit the item to the government and be fined its equivlent value. 
-Set aside a special section of town for the tinker's workshops, have it stationed around the solar furnace. Only make plans for it now, and determine an area where the residents are to be relocated to.
-Issue another decree stating that the governmnet will purchase any builder-manufactured spare parts from the citizens at a fair price, if we have money left over after other activities. (if one linear accelerator is so much we need more cash before we do this)
-Meet with the head of the de Fiero family, to discuss their current sate, how they could best benefit the city, and what it will take to repair the solar furnace.
-Have a team of tinkers set to researching ways to improve food yeild, so we can generate a surplus to store for bad harvests and to potentially trade away.
Inquire towards his other trade goods first. (How many of these bullets do we have, or can we produce them?).

Buying priorities:
-Tech artefacts
-Lithium ore: The fusion reactor needs a tiny bit of this to create tritium (Deuterium we can get out of seawater). Unless this is a He-3 reactor, in which case we have a problem.(Found out it was He-3)
Am I correct in assuming that Civilians will buy things for themselves too?.
(already asked the mercent about everything of interest)

Building priorities
-Small moveable wooden dock. It floats so we can drag it on the shore easily. Allows boats to dock a bit further from the coast. Optimally we could even place it hundred meters into the sea, and bring goods onto the shore with smaller boats.
-Fix the weak spots. The best we can do now is to secure the things with Chains.(use the composites too now that we have those)
-Get the solar forge repaired: Probably long term.

Things to ask the merchant about
-The current status of the Stromboli, Etna and Vesuvius. Volcanic ash is the main ingredient to make concrete and also a strong fertilizer.

Have them try to make something similair too what the merchant described, but using copper and wood instead. That should maybe give us a crude engine, but probably a small fire.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.

Wayward Device

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2012, 07:12:57 am »

You tell the machine that you would be happy to trade with the House of Technocratia. It repeats that a caravan will be dispatched upon its return to Rome. It adds the disclaimer that it will be carrying an assortment of the goods that the Technocratia offer for trade and be capable of carrying away 100,000 L of Pure Water. This is roughly double what you currently have in your tanks, but a 3% or 4% increase in power output could easily allow you to make up the difference.

You send a messenger to the trading plaza, informing Suliman bin Qutira  that you will be happy to trade for the Composite rods and the three crates of electrical parts. 1000 L of pure water, 30 wind up torches and 2 barrels of nails are brought from the town stores.

After the Technocratian diplomat leaves, you call a council of all those who work with technology within the town. One by one they file into your throne room, which was once the gyro-chamber when the Control Tower still sent message to the heavens. First comes Luchia de Fiero, head of the Clan, along with two of her sons. Her hair might be grey but there is no dullness in her mind, and you remember that she has survived the reigns of two much more evil men than you. Next come the Tinkerers, dressed in an eclectic assortment. Some have clearly come directly from their workshops, their leather aprons and insulated gloves still about them. Others have taken the time to don flowing robes and tie bright lenses into their hair. Since more than a few have brought their favored apprentices, the room is starting to get a bit full. Last to arrive is old Dmitri the Grey. The locals say that there was a time when he dandled little Luchia de Fiero on his knee, but surely no man could be that old. He does seem to know more stories and legends than anyone you've ever met, but the same could be said for most greybeards. He takes up his accustomed place in the shadows of a gear assembly.

You lay out a bold new agenda before you. Since you came to power three years ago, you have done little but repair the worst of the injustices caused by Overseer Jorgal's reign. While the deeper scars will take perhaps generations to heal, the petty corruption, terror and waste have been driven from Sala-Zione. There is a great cheer at this point and you see a smile pass across Dmitri's ancient face. You call for quite before continuing. This time of reconciliation and healing is done. Now is the time to stop looking to old injuries and to move into the future! The glory of the Termionia will be as in the days of old! Once again there is a great cheer. To this purpose you outline a new series of reforms.

First, the bitter. All exports of Builder parts, Machines and Materials shall be forbidden except through the state. On the spur of the moment you decide to exempt family heirlooms, knowing that people would be unlikely to part with them anyway. There is some angry hubbub until you reassure everyone that exports of small technological items, torches, nuts and bolts and the like, is still perfectly acceptable and government approved. 

Then to the sweet. You outline a series of bold new projects. First, the Solar Forge must repaired. Luchia seems visibly pleased about this. She has been quietly nagging you about this for the past three years after all, as much as her standing as perhaps the fourth or fifth most powerful person in the town will allow. Next, a real solution to the crudely repaired breaches in the ringwall must be devised. Finally, some sort of floating dock facility must be constructed. You remind everyone that only last year, as he landed his catch by night after coming though a heavy storm, Bruno Seaecle was torn to pieces and devoured by a pack of zoanthropes and his young daughter so ruined that she cast herself into a furnace fire.

On that cheery note, you move on to the point of industrial organization. While there are many fine and learned persons in the town, knowledgeable in the arts of the electron and of metal, their efforts are split in many different directions. You raise the general idea of a large, cooperative workspace, and hint that the state might provide some larger machine tools and a suitable sight if agreement might be found. You suggest two major projects that would be of interest. The first would be to copy the recently arrived steam/furnace engines with lesser metals, since these are available in abundance. The second would be to find a way to improve the fecundity of the town's gardens and fruit trees. For inspiration you point to an ancient tapestry depicting Babylon Tower 79, its thousand gardens bedecked with gaudy diamond domes.

There is a great shouting and calling for food and drink as the gathered multitude discuss all that you have laid out. In the end they conclude the following:

1.They accept the export ban, but with some grumbling. Expect to have Tinkerer's coming to whine at you a little every now and then about why a particular piece of theirs should be exempt.

2. The Solar Forge. It seems that the general consensus is that building new boosters after the old design, which was basically a 1/4 scale copy of the main emitter, will be impossible. The town simply lacks the correct equipment to produce the necessary extremely accurately polished reflectors of such great size. You know from your studies that these were likely to have been made by highly specialized equipment even in the days of the Makers. They propose a solution whereby several hundred much smaller boosters are made and aligned with the main dish. This would be much more complex and costly than if you simply had spares of the original boosters, as each one will need a sensor, an actuator, a reflector and a control unit. It will also have to be connected to the main dish control computer and new software written, as the Solar Furnace wasn't designed to be used with lots of small boosters. This could be done and only depelte stocks of basic scrap metal and electrical parts by a third, but it would take a lot of effort.

3. For repairing the ringwall, they suggest building a series of watchtowers from Alloy in the gaps to replace the stone blocks. True, this would be a great expense, but it would definitely stop them being weakpoints. This might consume up to half of all stocks of Alloy.

4. Supplies of wood other that driftwood are not especially abundant in the local area, so a wooden floating dock isn't that practical. However, steel barrels could be easily constructed as two of the Tinkerers are proud owners of huge sheet cutters. This, combined with a few chains and some deck plates could make a serviceable dock. This wouldn't use up more than ten percent of whats available.

5. 5 of the tinkerers agree to work together in a communal workspace. They will work on the two projects you have suggested and start as soon as a sight is chosen (they just need to bicker for a little while about who's going to move where).                             
What do you do?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you notice stuff that should be here but isn't, please tell me. Likewise with any suggestions I may have missed. Oh, and damn that's a long post.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 07:15:41 am by Wayward Device »
or maybe Valve goes out of business because they invested too heavily in something which then fails - like, say, human civilization.
Alternatively, initiate strife to refuse additional baked goods, and then abscond.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2012, 10:43:58 am »

1. Good
2. Why keep using solar. We have a fusion plant. Can't we just use an electric arc to increase the heat?
3. Later, not now. Using up half the stores is quite bad.
4. Good. Don't forget to paint it white. (Visibility at night, not bloody hot at day.)
5. Good.

Other things. The water filtration plant was the main reason this place was build . So logically the power use will have been something like this. 80% Water, 10% dish, 10% other. Currently the plant is working at roughly 10% capacity. This means that the filtration plant is working at an even lower capacity. Assuming the town uses half the power. 4-5% is going to the filtration plant, meaning that it works at 1/20-1-16 capacity. 4% extra power(Double the current output) is enought to produce roughly 50.000 liters in the time it takes to go to Rome and back. So the plant currently produces 25.000 liters in about 2 weeks, I think. This means that the maximum capacity is +-500.000 liters / 2 weeks. Of course I doubt that 's reachable, as the filtration plant is probably not in top shape.

Things to discuss:(With players)
-Council of elders to come up with suggestions for us?

To do:
-Investigate the current state of the Power plant/ filtration plant and batteries. (There must be some, or a plant failure would be fatal) 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2012, 11:17:47 am »

As to suggestion number three, here is a modification that would make it more palatable: only build the exterior-facing parts of the watchtowers using alloys for now, and the other (interior) facing part of stone. That would mean we could strengthen our wall significantly against exterior attacks and only use about 1/4 of our alloy supply. Seems like a good deal.

Also, may I suggest we organize as systematic search of the town for technical documentation related to either the fusion plant or the filtration plant. Offer a small reward for anything valuable to motivate people. I'd like to improve these and get them back closer to full capacity, but I don't think we should start messing with it until we have a much greater understanding, as we could easily make things worse if we just start tinkering.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2012, 11:49:21 am »

As to suggestion number three, here is a modification that would make it more palatable: only build the exterior-facing parts of the watchtowers using alloys for now, and the other (interior) facing part of stone. That would mean we could strengthen our wall significantly against exterior attacks and only use about 1/4 of our alloy supply. Seems like a good deal.

Also, may I suggest we organize as systematic search of the town for technical documentation related to either the fusion plant or the filtration plant. Offer a small reward for anything valuable to motivate people. I'd like to improve these and get them back closer to full capacity, but I don't think we should start messing with it until we have a much greater understanding, as we could easily make things worse if we just start tinkering.
Especially the fusion plant. A failure in the plant would require a complete restart, which is going to be hard since it requires a lot of power to do so.

Wayward Device

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2012, 01:05:13 pm »

Just to clear up a few things about the fusion reactor and filtration plant. Firstly, you know roughly how to work the controls, you can turn up the reactor generation and  how much water is produced by the filtration plant. You just don't know how it would behave at max capacity. During the reign of Overseer Malfis the Good-Hearted the reactor was operating at just above break-even, because Malfis was a hoarder. This is why the people suffered, because they had no (electrical) power. Jorgal was the opposite, and ran the reactor at 34% for his entire reign and used the excess water to buy mercenaries. You are running it at 9.46%, which is enough to provide water for the town and to leave something to accumulate in the storage tanks. 10ebbor10, I'll take your calculations as canon, mainly because they mean that the plant would take 6 weeks to completely fill the reservoir near my house and that's a capacity I can keep in my head easily.

As to documentation, you have a small personal library, mostly modern printings(i.e. after the apocalypse) of digital originals. Some of this is what you found on your travels, some the archives that belong to the town. Among these is the Primary Operations Technician's Manual, which is almost two and a half thousand pages long. At least there are a few pictures. It is knowledge from this document, as well as certain Words of Power, that allow you to operate the computers in the Control Room. A thorough search of the town, particularly of some of the older of the Main Building and Control Room tunnels may yield more usable documents.

Oh, the Solar Furnace. While it is indeed within your capabilities to make an electric furnace (some of the Tinkerers workshops have small ones, a does the Main Building workshop) the simple fact is that you have the SF and it's the biggest, most smeltiest thing you got. You could build a giant arc furnace from scratch, but the investment of both parts and labor would be pretty huge. 

Hope that helps.     
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:16:27 pm by Wayward Device »
or maybe Valve goes out of business because they invested too heavily in something which then fails - like, say, human civilization.
Alternatively, initiate strife to refuse additional baked goods, and then abscond.

Mr. Palau

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2012, 04:05:36 pm »

+1 to all suggestions before me, besides what 10ebbor10 said about the solar furnace before we had the information we do now.

Regarding the solar furncace, if we want to achieve it's previous level of production then it would probably just be better to build a bunch of new deflectors. The other option would be to build a small arc furnace, not the giant one described by the GM. The repaired solar furnace would be able to smelt a much greater quantity of metal, but would of course cost more, while the small arc furnace would do the exact opposite.

I am in favor of the solar furnace option, as that would allow us to buy metals from people and smelt them into more valuable goods. It would also garner support from one of the most powerful people in town, and it is always nice to have powerful people on your side.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2012, 06:14:54 pm »

I think a medium term plan would be to arm a small force of brave milita(our selves included) and try to search the Olympia.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Mr. Palau

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2012, 06:23:55 pm »

I think a medium term plan would be to arm a small force of brave milita(our selves included) and try to search the Olympia.
I don't know if we should send ourselves on the first mission. If a small froce makes it back ok, then we will go with a bigger force. I just don't want us to die.
you can't just go up to people and get laid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2012, 07:15:13 pm »

If I may ask, what exactly does our character know about the political events of the world? I can infer that Rome is some kind of local power and that Venice (I think) is a major trading power. Do we know anything else?

And what exactly is a zoanthrope?

I agree with sending a small force to check out the ship.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Wayward Device

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Re: You are a Lord of the Wastes
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2012, 08:19:47 pm »

Ok, so who would you like to send in the Olympia exploring force and what would you like them to do apart from general reconnoitering? Only about a quarter of the ship is actually above the surface and you don't have any breathing gear.

@Micelus: Rome is indeed a local power, split into shifting local factions. You do not know the exact current distribution of power within the city. In the past your people have paid a tribute of pure desalinated water. This fell into abeyance after you took power and has just been replaced with a tentative trade agreement with the House of Technocratia, who claim to be a rising power in the city. Venice, or the Water City, is indeed a major technological trading hub, at least as far as you know from wandering traders.

More generally, you are aware of rumors from distant lands as well as those closer by. There are a numbers of settlements both further up and down the coast, but more than that you couldn't say. Even in your years wandering many settlements rose and fell, the great and small alike swept aside by greed or anger or callous accident. It is ever hard to find reliable news in the dark days. Certainly, the great cities seldom fall, but when they do there is great turmoil and disruption of trade. Apart from Rome and the Water City, you are aware of Nurnberg in the utter North, renowned for its mechanized platemail, Granada the Golden, the fortress city of the Iberians where you spent part of your wanderings apprenticed to a learned Logicmatition. As ever, there are rumors of Mighty Chin and traders often Claim their artifacts as coming from Lost Amerek. (Basically, not that much besides rumor and a few personal experiences). 

Lastly, a zoanthrope is a human who has had the parts of the brain that deal with logic, language and premeditated thought atrophied by an assortment of genetic plagues and pseudo-evolution. They might use stick or rocks as bludgeons or curl up like a dog on a bed of rags but anything like tool creation, even basic tool creation, is beyond them. Basically, think of them as upright walking omnivorous bald apes happy to indulge in cannibalism that were made out of people and still retain all the basic human instincts. Not much of threat on their own, can be very dangerous when angered or in packs.         
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 08:21:54 pm by Wayward Device »
or maybe Valve goes out of business because they invested too heavily in something which then fails - like, say, human civilization.
Alternatively, initiate strife to refuse additional baked goods, and then abscond.
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