I can't know what information you found or are still missing, but here's the translator.pl that Putnam very kindly handed off to me, just in case. This thread is all about farting around in the forbidden zone, after all.
# Script to encode and decode the Dwarf Fortress compressed
# announcement / help / dipscript files.
# Released into the public domain by Ilmari Karonen (Vyznev).
# Do whatever you want with it.
# Usage: Run once in your main DF folder with the --reverse switch to
# decode all compressed files from data/ to data_src/. After editing
# the decoded text files, run without the --reverse switch to update
# the compressed files. See below for more options.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Compress::Zlib qw'compress uncompress $gzerrno';
use Getopt::Long qw'GetOptions';
my $basedir = ".";
my $datadir = "data";
my $textdir = "data_src";
my $usage = <<"END";
Usage: $0 [options] <subdir(s)>
--reverse, -r
Decode compressed files into text files, rather than the opposite.
--force, -f
Overwrite target files even if they are newer than the source files.
--quiet, -q
Print nothing unless something goes wrong.
--verbose, -v
Show exactly what is being en/decoded.
--basedir=<dir>, -d <dir>
Look for the data/text directories under <dir> instead of "$basedir".
Subdirectory containing compressed data files (default: "$datadir").
Subdirectory containing uncompressed text files (default: "$textdir").
The remaining arguments should be file or directory names found under the
data/text subdirectories.
GetOptions( 'r|reverse' => \my $reverse,
'f|force' => \my $force,
'q|quiet' => \my $quiet,
'v|verbose' => \my $verbose,
'd|basedir=s' => \$basedir,
'datadir=s' => \$datadir,
'textdir=s' => \$textdir,
) or die $usage;
undef $quiet if $verbose;
# strip trailing slashes, strip base dir names from subdirs
# XXX: this is kind of a kluge, but allows use of command line completion and/or shell wildcards for subdirs
s!/*$!! for $basedir, $datadir, $textdir;
s!^\Q$basedir\E/!!, s!^(\Q$datadir\E|\Q$textdir\E)/!! for @ARGV;
$_ = "$basedir/$_" for $datadir, $textdir;
my $srcdir = ($reverse ? $datadir : $textdir);
my $dstdir = ($reverse ? $textdir : $datadir);
die "Source directory $srcdir not found.\n" unless -d $srcdir;
mkdir $dstdir or die "Error creating target directory $dstdir: $!\n" unless -d $dstdir;
my %skipdirs = ("." => 1, ".." => 1); # don't recurse into these directories!
# traverse the directories:
my @stack = (@ARGV ? reverse @ARGV : ".");
while (@stack) {
my $name = pop @stack;
# catch errors with eval, resume from next entry:
eval {
my $srcpath = "$srcdir/$name";
my $dstpath = "$dstdir/$name";
s!(^|/)(\./)+!$1!g for $srcpath, $dstpath; # strip useless /./ from paths
if (!-e $srcpath) {
warn "$srcpath does not exist.\n";
elsif (-d _) {
# make sure the target directory exists:
unless (-d $dstpath) {
mkdir $dstpath or die "Error creating $dstpath: $!\n";
# push contents of source directory on stack:
opendir DIR, $srcpath or die "Error opening directory $srcpath: $!\n";
push @stack, reverse map "$name/$_", grep !$skipdirs{$_}, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR, $srcpath or die "Error opening directory $srcpath: $!\n";
else {
# assume it's a file:
if ($reverse) {
die "$srcpath already has .txt suffix, skipping.\n" if $srcpath =~ /\.txt$/;
$dstpath .= ".txt";
} else {
die "$srcpath doesn't have a .txt suffix, skipping.\n" unless $srcpath =~ /\.txt$/;
$dstpath =~ s/\.txt$//;
my $srctime = (stat _)[9];
my $dsttime = (stat $dstpath)[9] || 0;
if ($dsttime >= $srctime and not $force) {
# XXX: if the times are identical, silently assume the files to be up to date
warn "$dstpath is newer than $srcpath (use --force to overwrite)\n" unless $dsttime == $srctime;
if ($reverse) {
decode_datafile($srcpath, $dstpath);
} else {
encode_datafile($srcpath, $dstpath);
# set the target file's timestamp equal to the source file's:
utime $srctime, $srctime, $dstpath;
# announce any errors caught by eval, then resume from next file:
warn $@ if $@;
# decode compressed DF data file to a plain text file:
sub decode_datafile {
my ($zipfile, $txtfile) = @_;
my $filename = (split "/", $zipfile)[-1];
# decode compressed file to text file
open my $zip, '<', $zipfile or die "Failed to open $zipfile: $!\n";
binmode $zip;
local $/; # slurp mode
my ($len, $deflate) = unpack "Va*", <$zip>;
close $zip or die "Error reading $zipfile: $!\n";
defined $len or die "Something went wrong reading $zipfile!\n";
# verify length tag (also works as a file format check):
die "$zipfile has mismatched length tag ($len != ".length($deflate).").\n"
if $len != length $deflate;
# kluge: deobfuscate index file
my $index_mode = ($zipfile =~ m!/index$!);
warn "Note: automatically deobfuscating index file $zipfile\n" if $index_mode and not $quiet;
# decompress input data (secondary format check):
my $data = uncompress $deflate;
die "Uncompressing $zipfile failed: $gzerrno\n" unless defined $data;
# open output file:
open my $txt, '>:crlf', $txtfile or die "Failed to open $txtfile: $!\n";
# extract line count from data stream:
(my $n, $data) = unpack "Va*", $data;
warn "Decoding $n lines from $zipfile to $txtfile\n" unless $quiet;
# extract and print lines from data stream:
foreach my $line (1 .. $n) {
(my $len, my $len2, $data) = unpack "Vva*", $data;
die "Error: length mismatch for line $line: $len != $len2\n" if $len != $len2;
(my $str, $data) = unpack "a[$len]a*", $data;
warn "Warning: expected $len bytes for line $line, got only ".length($str)."\n"
if $len != length $str;
# kluge: deobfuscate index file
$str =~ s/(.)/chr(255 - ($-[1] % 5) - ord $1)/seg if $index_mode;
warn "Warning: non-ASCII characters found on line $line of $zipfile.\n" if $str =~ /[^\t -~]/;
warn "Warning: first line \"$txt\" does not match file name $zipfile.\n"
if $line == 1 and $str ne $filename;
print $txt $str, "\n";
if ($verbose) {
s/\\/\\\\/g, s/\r/\\r/g, s/\n/\\n/g, s/\t/\\t/g for $str;
s/([^ -~])/sprintf "\\x%02X", ord $1/eg for $str;
warn " line $line: \"$str\" ($len bytes)\n";
# close output file:
close $txt or die "Error writing to $txtfile: $!\n";
# encode plain text file to compressed DF data file:
sub encode_datafile {
my ($txtfile, $zipfile) = @_;
my $filename = (split "/", $zipfile)[-1];
# open input text file:
open my $txt, '<:crlf', $txtfile or die "Failed to open $txtfile: $!\n";
my @lines = <$txt>;
close $txt or die "Error reading $txtfile: $!\n";
# strip newlines and trailing blank lines:
s/\r?\n$// for @lines;
pop @lines while @lines and $lines[-1] !~ /\S/;
# consistency checks:
warn "Encoding ".@lines." lines from $txtfile to $zipfile\n" unless $quiet;
warn "Warning: first line \"$lines[0]\" does not match file name $zipfile.\n"
if @lines and $lines[0] ne $filename;
if ($verbose) {
foreach my $line (1 .. @lines) {
my $str = $lines[$line-1];
my $len = length $str;
s/\\/\\\\/g, s/\r/\\r/g, s/\n/\\n/g, s/\t/\\t/g for $str;
s/([^ -~])/sprintf "\\x%02X", ord $1/eg for $str;
warn " line $line: \"$str\" ($len bytes)\n";
# kluge: obfuscate index file
if ($zipfile =~ m!/index$!) {
warn "Note: automatically obfuscating index file $zipfile\n" unless $quiet;
s/(.)/chr(255 - ($-[1] % 5) - ord $1)/seg for @lines;
# prepend length tags:
$_ = pack "Vva*", length, length, $_ for @lines;
# concatenate lines, prepend count tag and compress data:
my $data = pack "V/(a*)*", @lines;
my $deflate = compress $data;
# write output file:
open my $zip, '>', $zipfile or die "Failed to open $zipfile: $!\n";
binmode $zip;
print $zip pack("V", length $deflate), $deflate;
close $zip or die "Error writing to $zipfile: $!\n";