You are entirely correct in your examples, dwarfhoplite. Your command of Dwarfish grammar is admirable, and I agree with your -il suffix. I also agree with nonsequitorian in that love, in that particular way of saying "I have a lot of love", would be accusative. Have in that sense (there are several ways of saying that you have something in Dwarfish) takes the accusative, unlike many languages where it takes the nominative. Furthermore, I think adjectives should go on the end also, although I think colours could take that "of red" construction.
I started to write out a huge proposition for the verb tenses, but I started to run into problems because of my own lack of understanding of grammatical terms and distinctions and such. You'll see where I start to hit brick walls.
Present Tense
Un - To be, continuous form (present tense)
Unga - To be, one-off form (present tense)
Abod - To strike
Ber - earth
Present Continuous
Unabodkoroz akber - Be strike I (accusative)earth - I am striking the earth
Unabodaroz akber - Be strike you earth - You are striking the earth
Unabodberoz akber - Be it strike earth - It is striking the earth
Unabodkoroztun akber - Be we strike earth - we are striking the earth
Unabodaroztun akber- Be you (plural) strike earth - you (plural) are striking the earth
Unabodberoztun akber - Be they strike earth - they are striking the earth
Present One-Off
Ungabodkoroz akber - Be (one-off) strike I earth - I strike the earth
Present *general?*
Abodkoroz akber - Strike I earth - I strike the earth
Abodaroz akber - Strike you earth - You strike the earth
You get the picture there.
Past Tense
Ul - To be, continuous (past tense) i.e. "was"
Ulga - To be, one-off (past tense) i.e. *no english equivalent*
Continuous Past
Ulabodkoroz akber - Was strike I earth - I was striking the earth
Ulabodaroz akber - Was struck you earth - You were striking the earth
One-off Past
Ulgabodkoroz akber - Struck I earth - I struck the earth
And so on and so forth.
Future Tense
Ur - To be, continuous (future tense) i.e. "Will be"
Urga - To be, one-off (future tense) i.e. "Will"
continuous future
Urabodkroz akber - I will be striking the earth
one-off future
Urgabodkroz akber - I will strike the earth
My problems are things like - How can I have a continuous and a one-off version of "was?" How does "I do this" differ from "I am doing this"? Is "I do this" actually a form of the future continuous or... damn, my head is exploding.