Teloft proposed the following (Proposition B) :
Adamantiums : Things for ultimate worship. (Gods, Books, artifacts, ...)
Metals : Things to fear and respect, casual worship. (Magma, ...)
Flux : Intelligent things for industry but not for worship. (Dwarfs, ...)
Burnables : Non intelligent things, not for worship. (Trees, sheep, ...)
Stones : Non-living things, not for worship. (Stone, Rain, ...)
Hi Community
I do like many things in the Japanese language. I also like many things in the old Finish, old Gaelic and the old Saxon languages.
My idea is that there should be five types that the Dwarven words follow, easy way to do a five thing category is to use two variables, one from the Greek is a weather combo Wet/Dry and Hot/cold, Then we have four basic weathers Wet-hot, Dry-hot, Wet-cold and Dry-Cold. This basic combo is also used to classify the earths nature belts. (Deserts = Dry-Hot, Jungles = Wet-hot etc.) So for the fifth element is everything that i not classifiable by these two variables.
Personally I do not like the "Burnable" category I made, and I like things there to be more of living things that can be used for flue, (like elves). So if I speak of elves using this category, I am showing them disrespect, and i would be likely to do this especially if there is a elven siege going on.
The Dwarfs are obsess by gods, so I like the worship idea. There is also some gods and undead to be feared and served.
Flux is useful for steel making and useful things are good.
then what to do with the rest, somethings is useful to fire up the smelt, other things are not useful for this.
A selection for this Proposal B is to have five things based on dwarf lore, but these five tings are not set in stone.
But before we go for the votes, I like that we know what should happen if a words is in one category or the other, there is the issue of programing.
I would rather that we keep all the ideas and make a grand schema to work with. But an option pool is fine with me, we can than later revisit the ideas or drop them all.
for example, Proposal 0: all words are of the same type and of the type of non-gendered unisex (some languages have unisex and non-gendered as two categories, where the male and female have merged), we want the descriptiveness and the complexity to be elsewhere in the structure of this language.
Then we can also have some dialects going on with deep dwarfs and the hill dwarfs, while they would both understand each other there rules would be all mixed up. Perhaps even each civilization of dwarfs have a selection of the rules we make, but not the full language, and the thing we create here is the mother of all dwarf languages. Then in the game we can find one language with some of the rules active and others rules inactive, then we cross the ocean and the reverse is true there, giving a flavor to the civilizations. But for this we need a modular language where rule options can be turned on or off in game for different civs.
on a final note, I like my proposal, so my vote is for B.