Turn 6: Stabbed A LotRun for any large cover!
[2] You hide behind the mob of peasants. Wait, that just means you're another peasant. Damn it!
[10+2] vs [7] A fishman shanks you in the gut with its spear.
+3 Dodging
-5 HP
+2 Max HP
Now DyingEr, stabilise myself or something?
[1] You die. Well alright, technically you just get much worse.
[5] vs [9] Now you die.
Benjamin, Washerwoman has been struck down!Nedenir takes the spear and starts to attack the closest fishman with it, keeping his shield up in case he needs to bash something.
You grab the spear and rush the nearest fishman.
[4-1+1] vs [6-1] You narrowly miss the wriggling fish.
[10+2] vs [5+1] He spears you just under the ribcage. You collapse into the mud.
Gained: Crude Fish-Spear, +1 Attack
+1 Dodging
-6 HP
+3 Max HP
Now DyingRun to the battle and punch an armed fishman.
[5-1] vs [10-1] The fishman easily dodges your clumsy swipe, your battle against a tree evidently insufficient to prepare you for this.
[2+2] vs [9-1] It does apparently prepare you for dodging to the side of a fishman's spear, however. You're not really sure how that works.
+6 Dodging
Now Novice DodgerApologize promptly to the man, then get a shield on the ground or a weapon on the ground that is not being held by anyone in particular on our side, or as a soldier/guard or as any human military force.
In that order.
Preferably, a buckler for the shield and a bow+arrows for a weapon or a sling and some rocks.
Do not panic.
[5] You successfully apologize to the man, who admits that it's an easy mistake to make.
[6] You grab a thick, abandoned tower shield. Alright, this might be a chunk of palisade that's been broken off somehow.
Gained: Palisade Chunk, -5 Attack, +3 DefensePunch myself in the face for exactly 1 HP worth of damage! as hard as I can without killing myself!
[7-1] vs [2-1] You whallop yourself in the face like a true professional, landing comically on the ground.
[4] No hungry jackals, miffed guards, or careless ogres come to eat, stab, and/or trample you to death. This time.
-5 HP (Nonlethal)
Now unconsciousCaellath: Defeated Fishy Combat
Tiruin: The Wall
Darvi: Polite Guard Conversation
Nirur: Dodgin' spears
NRDL: Fishy Assassinated
Rather Dashing (Darvi)
Not on fire, doesn't smell much
1/1 HP
+0 Dodging (3/4)
+0 Summoning (1/4)
-Woodcutting Axe-, -2 Attack, +1 vs Heavy, +1 vs Mobile
Nedenir Adaros (Caellath)
Peasant sheepdog
-5 HP/Turn
-5/4 HP (0/4)
+1 Dodging (7/8)
+1 Shield Bashing (1/8)
Crude Fish-Spear, +1 Attack
-Iron Dagger-, +1 Attack, +1 vs Heavy, +1 vs Mobile
xSmall Iron Shieldx, +0 Defense
Forsith Ligamen (Tiruin)
Shaved black
1/1 HP
Palisade Chunk, -5 Attack, +3 Defense
Nix Dumac (NRDL)
Dusty mud
-4 HP/Turn
-4/3 HP (2/3)
+0 Dodge (3/4)
+0 Shivving (0/4)
Rusty Iron Shiv, -2 Attack, +1 vs Mobile
Sam Jr. (Nirur Torir)
14 Farmer
1/1 HP
+1 Dodging (0/8)
-1 Punching (1/2)
1/1 HP
Worthless Uselessson (Toaster)
Catapult Rejected
-4 HP/Turn
-4/3 HP (2/3)
Thoughts so far:
My current d10 experience setup is somewhat hard to track. I'm thinking about switching to everything 6+ giving 2 exp and everything 5- giving 0. This would make xp gain less swingy, as well as making it harder to gain experience out of a roll where you've got a net advantage over your opponent. Specifically, your gain would be halved at +1 over your enemy and impossible at +2. Given how large some of these modifiers are, I'm not sure I want to do something like that.
In other news, it obviously should not be possible to gain HP EXP by punching yourself in the face outside of combat, but I'd like to see how this goes for now. Plus, y'know, it's not like the game is fair to begin with, so a certain amount of cheating is to be expected.
Finally, it seems that there's nobody on the waitlist, meaning lawastooshort can jump straight from death to living again. D: