Turn 1: Moral DilemmasNedenir then...goes to fight, while searching for anything he can use as a weapon or even better, as a shield (other peasants are not out of question).
[5] You find a shield! It's beat up and rather small, but it's metal and everything! Woooo!
Gained: xSmall Iron Shieldx, +0 DefenseSeeing the choice between being stabbed now or being stabbed later. Betrand decides to choose the latter.
Look for a weapon or shield.
[6] You discover a sword! The only trouble is, it's currently resting next to a snoozing guard with a metal breastplate and helmet...
Find a pitchfork or an axe or something. Also piece of cloth or something for Nirur.
You find a toolshed, and quickly liberate a piece of cloth and a sturdy woodcutting axe.
Gained: -Woodcutting Axe-, -2 Attack, +1 vs Heavy, +1 vs Mobile
Gained: Piece of ClothBryan will look for a pony to commandeer and will fetch his pony slopping bucket.
If successful with the bucket search, wear bucket as rudimentary head armour.
[1] That's not a pony, it's a hungry jackal!
Being a farmer, Sam knows quite a bit about finding rocks in soil.
Find a pair of throwing-rocks while meandering to the battlefield with the rest of the peasants.
[4+1] You find some very nice throwing-rocks.
Gained: +Throwing Rocks+, -3 Attack, +1 vs Heavy, +1 vs MobileAppear!
Well this doesn't look good.
Those of you approaching the main courtyard notice at least three distinct scenarios unfolding, to the right, center, and left.
The middle catches your eye first, since it appears to be an eight-foot tall werewolf throwing around fully armored soldiers like bowling pins.
The right contains several rickety-looking skeletons. Pinpoints of light shine in their sockets, glancing around.
The left contains some addled-looking fishmen of some sort, around the size of hobbits.
Peasants are getting ready to charge the skeletons and fishmen.
Rather Dashing (Darvi)
Not on fire, doesn't smell much
1/1 HP
-Woodcutting Axe-, -2 Attack, +1 vs Heavy, +1 vs Mobile
Piece of Cloth
Bryan the Slopper (lawastooshort)
Pony slop
1/1 HP
Nedenir Adaros (Caellath)
Peasant sheepdog
1/1 HP
xSmall Iron Shieldx, +0 Defense
Bertrand (10ebbor10)
Mud, mud and literacy
1/1 HP
Sam (Nirur Torir)
1/1 HP
+Throwing Rocks+, -3 Attack, +1 vs Heavy, +1 vs Mobile
Urist McNotADwarf (Toaster)
Not a dwarf!
1/1 HP
Betrand: Moral Dilemma
Bryan: Facing Jackal
Do note that even useless or harmful items (+0 or lower bonuses) can sometimes have situational effectiveness.
Are you taking a waitlist? I'm guessing maybe so, since the body count should be high.
Quite! In fact, 6 probably isn't too many peasants at once.