Hmm, have I mentioned that atheists make up 10% of the population? There is no social pressure for people to stop being religious. Atheism is not a religion, and thus does not seek converts. Thus there is no coordinated pressure to swell atheistic ranks, as it is purely a lack of a religion. The social pressure from religious persons, however, is quite prominent and in many cases is a coordinated effort. Thus it should be the atheists dying out and not religious persons, as there is a larger percent of the population actively attempting to gain converts, versus a small minority that does not.
Also, I cannot accept the comment "lack of balls" without feeling a little attacked. It wouldn't have hurt to attempt to replace it with a euphemism instead of an openly hostile statement. Regardless, I fail to see how faith, believing in something without any degree of proof, is a virtue. In fact, the virtue of faith that I recognize is that it promotes adaptation. Religion started to explain the world, and once we came up with equations and predictions to replace it it evolved into something more. No longer do we have dogmas and holy books that are followed to the word. Each religious person believes in something completely separate, and has a reasonable degree of certainty that they are right.
Ironically faith allows religion to display the theory of evolution. The ideas that work survive, and those that don't die off. This is why most religious people now can accept the theory of evolution, while half a century ago accepting it alongside religion was unthinkable.
Also I have to point out that "it sounds like vague bullshit" is intuitive rather than analytical. Just thought that was interesting.