You know those necromancers that arrive ambushing? Well I've not had much troubles with them, with one notable exception.
I like above ground forts. This means that ambushers can show up
inside my fortress from anywhere on the map.
And I didn't want to use traps on this fort, until I found some goose skin get necro'd.
19 times in a row.
No problem, tried the usual, set up cage traps in chokes to see if I could catch it alive.
No luck.
Created a new military patrol to find this necromancer and process it into a corpse.
No luck.
I convince myself that the necromancer probably got scared and ran away.
The necromancer avoided detection for 2 entire seasons.
And walked right into my raven stockpile.
I'm confident I could take down the swarm with the 60 soldiers at my disposal, but of course they won't stay dead until I find this necromancer.
And throwing fuel at a fire
could work, but I doubt it.
And I can't send out military patrols BECAUSE OF THE RAVEN SWARM EATING ALL OF MY CHILDREN.
I'm going to bunker everyone down into the booze stockpile and the central barracks (the only two places where I can even stop the ravens from reaching-I really meant
everywhere). And begin the reclaiming of the surface from the ravens.
Again, 60 soldiers, armed, armoured and well trained. Why the hesitance?
It's my entire population.
If I lose my army the fort dies.
To ravens.
Necromancer screening techniques!
1. Bait:
Got raining syndrome blood which causes unconsciousness, and found that although ambushing necromancers run away from pretty much everything, unconscious things don't scare them away, and they also attack them - revealing themself in the process. This worked the first time, can't do it again because it's not raining and there's a giant swarm of ravens everywhere.
On a related tangent, ambushing necromancers appear to be immune to the effects of weather. Can anyone confirm an ambushing creature succumbing to weather/fire/flooding?
2. Anyone know a good way to finding necros?