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Author Topic: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!  (Read 551341 times)


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #825 on: August 15, 2012, 01:45:32 pm »

Update coming later tonight.


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #826 on: August 16, 2012, 01:47:00 am »

2nd Malachite, 11

We're back in Whimkin and make a quick visit to the marketplace, selling seeds to the farmers. We then take a quick patrol around the town, checking the temple and some of the houses, just to make sure there are no goblins running around this time. The town seems clear of invaders and we enter the keep to collect the stuff I stored there earlier. Rumors of our adventures have reached the town already.

The stash I left here seems untouched. I cram the dead dwarf's corpse and all his belongings inside his own backpack and lift the heavy load into my back. I don't have any use for the human currency in the wilderness, so I leave all my coin pouches here. Maybe another adventurer will need it later.

We're ready for the journey! We leave Whimkin behind and slowly start walking towards southwest. The heavy load is really slowing me down and Ettad and Uhos are running circles around me. Well, at least they're not running after wildlife creatures. We will make a quick stop in Shakecheerful, my home village. It's conveniently in our route and actually the last civilized place we will see in days, maybe weeks.

We arrive in the outskirts of Shakecheerful at late evening and spend a few hours resting and waiting for the big river to freeze so we can cross it safely. Uhos claims she knows how to swim, but I'm not taking any chances with a river this size. It's dark when we finally reach the village.

The people are happy to see me again and I can't wait to tell the news about our adventures. The village chief is a bit skeptical at first, but also excited to hear that we took care of the outlaws and goblins. We spend the night in his house.

3rd Malachite, 11

We wake up early, say our farewells to the villagers and cross the river while it's still partially frozen. Not really sure which way is the best to go, we take a wild guess and head south towards the elven forests. I've heard tales of elves, in fact some very disturbing tales, but I'm also interested to see these creatures with my own eyes.

We come across a narrow river and Uhos demonstrates her swimming skills. This is excellent, now we don't have to wait for the rivers to freeze over before crossing them. These lands are absolutely filled with rivers, we cross several of them before it's even noon. This is going great, I think. And then, naturally, we walk right into a trap.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #827 on: August 16, 2012, 02:52:31 am »

Something shouts at us in a strange language. Kobolds!

I see a lone kobold bowman in the distance and decide to drop it with my crossbow. Meanwhile, Uhos and Ettad get in melee combat with kobold spearmen. Uhos being not very experienced, gets injured quickly. Ettad however is having a great time dismembering and biting kobolds.

I get jumped by two kobolds, so I switch to my spear and instantly disable a kobold spearman by thrusting my spear into its head. Another kobold spearman is heading towards me and in the distance I can see Uhos dying. She went down fighting, striking kobolds with her whip while laying in the ground.

It's getting a bit crowded, so I throw two kobolds in the air and then stab them with my spear while they are stunned by the collision. I manage to disable them, while even more kobolds appear. Soon I'm surrounded by four kobolds, wrestling two of them at the same time.

Finally I manage to kill two of them, first by bashing one skull in with my shield and then another with a classic martial arts technique known as the Fist of Urist. Meanwhile, Ettad takes care of the bowkobolds.

I bash another kobold dead with my shield and then finish the last one with a roundhouse kick to the head.

We patrol around the area and I spot another bowkobold farther away. Using the ground as my cover I manage to sneak closer to it. Just when I'm right next to the kobold, it spots Ettad and shoots him in the leg. Grabbing the kobold by its bow, I manage to disarm it.

Continuing with my wrestling moves, I first break its shoulder and then throw the creature in the air. It flies in an arc and I've got plenty of time to pick up my weapon, walk to where the kobold lands and finish it with my fist. This is the Way of Urist.

I wonder if there are still kobolds lurking behind the trees, scared of us. They should be. The battlefield is littered with corpses. Sadly, one of them belongs to Uhos. We set up a few campfires next to her fallen body and rest for a few hours. No more kobolds show up. Ettad's leg feels a bit better and we continue with our journey.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 03:36:24 am by uggi »

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #828 on: August 16, 2012, 10:00:55 am »

Awesome stuff Uggi! You are becomng quite the blood sattered warrior.
All that training early on is really REALLY paying off

And thanks for the update, theres so many of us choming at the bit to see what happens next.

How far are you from mthe mountains? Have you got a map of your area?
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #829 on: August 16, 2012, 11:10:13 am »

I'd like to re-offer my services for round 3. Sorry for lack of activity, but been on hols/ busy with space program.
Also, uggi, just head left until you reach the map edge. Then go down from there. GOOD LUCK!
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #830 on: August 22, 2012, 08:39:46 am »

Since its Wednesday, I thought I'd see if more Unrivaled Adventures of Uggi were available for viewing? :D
Quote from: Haspen
Quote from: phoenixuk
Zepave Dawnhogs the Butterfly of Vales the Marsh Titan ... was taken out by a single novice axedwarf and his pet war kitten. Long Live Domas Etasastesh Adilloram, slayer of the snow butterfly!
Doesn't quite have the ring of heroics to it...
Mother: "...and after the evil snow butterfly was defeated, Domas and his kitten lived happily ever after!"
Kids: "Yaaaay!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #831 on: August 22, 2012, 10:00:35 am »

Tonight, hopefully.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #832 on: August 23, 2012, 11:36:20 am »

Later in the evening, we run into a pack of wolves. Well, let's put it this way, the wolfpack runs into Ettad. I quickly drop my heavy stuff to the ground and run into the battle. I'm not letting Ettad have all the fun!

I throw my rocks at the wolves, killing one with a lucky headshot. We get a bit competitive and in the end Ettad gets only two kills, and I get four.

As the night falls I'm again feeling a little paranoid and surround us with campfires.

4th Malachite, 11

We wake up refreshed and continue with our journey. It's still early morning when we meet another pack of canines, this time dingoes. Ettad scores two kills, I got three.

Only a moment later Ettad runs off after a wild boar and brutally slaughters it. Will he ever stop this madness? I spend the whole day trying to keep him out of trouble, but at the evening he manages to catch a kea. Poor bird. At least he finishes it by himself. I hate euthanizing the crippled creatures he leaves behind.

As the night falls, I surround us with campfires. Can't be too careful out here.

5th Malachite, 11

We sleep for a few hours and wake up in the middle of the night. Kobolds! They're shooting arrows at us from the darkness. I should have left an opening in the perimeter of campfires. We can do nothing but trust our reflexes until they run out of ammo. I quickly drop my backpacks to the ground as they are slowing me down.

I make a desperate move and set some of the trees next to the campfires on fire, hoping that they will burn down and we can get out. I spot several kobolds on the other side of the campfires, taunting at us. I pull out my crossbow and shoot at them.

Annoyingly, the kobold bowman manages to stay in a blind spot. I can't shoot at it, but it sure can shoot at us!

This is madness, dodging arrows in the darkness, in the middle of the smoke generated by a dozen campfires and two burning trees. No wonder I got hit. Luckily it's just a flesh wound.

Ettad hasn't been hit, at least not yet. He dodges an arrow and jumps right into a campfire. He quickly jumps back, avoiding getting burned alive.

At last the kobold bowman runs out of arrows! Now it's a staring contest, both sides are waiting for the campfires or the trees to burn out. After a long night the dawn finally breaks, and one of the campfires dies out. Ettad runs head first into the battle, slicing kobolds with his halberd.

I only manage to get one shot at the kobolds until they're at me. I switch to my pick for a change, and start dismembering the kobolds.

Ettad disappears in the darkness after kobolds. The muffled sounds suggest that he's biting things again.

I finish the two kobolds easily and search around the camp. I find Ettad next to a fresh kobold corpse. In the end I find only five kobold corpses in the area. Maybe some ran away.

We wait for a moment for my cheek to stop bleeding and then continue walking south towards the elven lands. I've heard rumors of some mythical beasts living in nearby areas and I'm trying to avoid them as best as I can.

The plan:



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #833 on: August 23, 2012, 03:13:30 pm »



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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #834 on: August 23, 2012, 06:01:50 pm »

That giant dingo is either Warmthsplashed or Dipplays, Kes and Reudh I's killers respectively.


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #835 on: August 23, 2012, 10:58:10 pm »

In that case, uggi needs to haul their cursed carcass to Silverysect so we can turn it into decorative goods, clothing, and fine dining.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #836 on: August 23, 2012, 11:06:00 pm »

If you're going to, be VERY careful. Giant dingoes are fast, and if they bite you, the area they bit is gone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #837 on: August 23, 2012, 11:38:48 pm »

In the hills, Ettad kills more and more wildlife. He's getting better at it, killing them instead of leaving them unconscious. I'm not sure if that's actually a progress or not. Whenever I see a herd of wild boars in the distance, I try sneak around them and hope that Ettad doesn't spot them.

In the early evening we came across a starting point of a beautiful stream. It's flowing in the direction we're heading so we stick on to it.

I'm trying a new strategy with campfires. Surrounding us from one side with campfires and from one side with murky pools, I'm hoping this will go better than the last night. If anything wants to get at us, it has to swim through the pools.

6th Malachite, 11

A horrible growl wakes me up. What now?!

A cougar? Ettad is already on the move. Looks like I accidentally left an opening in the line of campfires. He's again faster than me, and when I arrive at the scene the cougar is already laying on the ground, stunned.

I join the battle and together we give the cougar a proper beating. The cougar finally bleeds to death and we can get back to sleep.

Nothing else harasses us that night. The next day goes by quickly as we travel through the hills and the jungle. We have some small encounters with the wildlife, I get attacked by two falcons and Ettad runs around killing things. We set up a campsite in the jungle and sleep through the night, this time uninterrupted.

7th Malachite, 11

In the morning we take a short walk to the elven forest retreat, Trussflowers. We meet the elves... and I'm shocked. I had heard tales about them, but I never thought they would be this annoying! They're taunting at us!

Spoiler: Meeting the elves! (click to show/hide)

They won't even let us inside their stupid tree houses, so we set up a campfire under their trees. Maybe if we stick around for a while they'll start acting like civilized beings.

"Silly dwarf, don't light a campfire there! Our sunshine stockpile is right abov" --- WHHOOOOOM!!

Wha... oops!

"The trees, NOT OUR TREES, NOOOOOO!!!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #838 on: August 23, 2012, 11:50:53 pm »

Hey Uggi, what's yours and Ettad's kill list look like?

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #839 on: August 24, 2012, 12:08:07 pm »

Awesome stuff Uggi!
Well worth the wait :D
had me genuinelly "Lol" at the Exploading Sunshine barrels.  Oh foolish elves, when will you learn?
Also good LORD did not know how many mega beasts are in the area! Dragon, Giants, Minotaur, nasty stuff!

Looks like you are getting close to the spot! You are in the home stretch buddy! :D
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?
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