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Author Topic: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!  (Read 551081 times)

Errant Gamer

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #150 on: May 07, 2012, 04:18:12 pm »

Posting to watch, this shows great promise :)


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #151 on: May 07, 2012, 07:38:36 pm »

It seems like the orders don't really matter TOO MUCH all things considered. It's not like a fortress game where the current situation is going to be vastly different, instead it might just change a little if anything.


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #152 on: May 07, 2012, 08:43:22 pm »

Speaking of which, what will determine the succession order when we get to the actual fort proper?

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #153 on: May 07, 2012, 10:01:15 pm »

I hope this does not seem presumptuous, But I was assuming I would have first year...
After that, I was thinking in order of those who survive the trip.  So you would be first after me, followed by the next person to get thier alive.
How does that sound?
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #154 on: May 07, 2012, 10:47:31 pm »

Here's more detailed story of my journey. Too bad I took screenshots only from the last battles. I found some combat logs though.

First of all, the map. I have numbered some highlights:

1: My starting point was in one of the three human hamlets: Silverfreckles, Lanternvirtue or Toolwards. Can't remember which one. I took short trips into the wilderness to wrestle groundhogs and other wildlife, and then spent the nights in the hamlets.

2: After I had built up some skills and stocked up on food, I recruited a human ranger to join me in a quest to kill a dingo in a nearby cave. I think his name was Imi Medoncosla. He almost got killed by a sea lamprey on the way to the cave. I went to rescue him but the damn fish refused to die easily.
The Sea Lamprey bites The Human Ranger in the upper body, bruising the muscle and bruising the heart through the large rope reed fiber cloak!
The Sea Lamprey latches on firmly!
You struggle for the bronze spear.
You gain possession of the bronze spear.
The Human Ranger is no longer stunned.
The Human Ranger breaks the grip of The Sea Lamprey's mouth on The Human Ranger's upper body.
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the lower body with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the guts!
The Sea Lamprey looks sick!
The Sea Lamprey slaps The Human Ranger in the head with her tail, bruising the muscle, bruising the skull through the large horse leather hood!
The Sea Lamprey misses The Human Ranger!
The Sea Lamprey gives in to pain.
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's nervous tissue!
The Sea Lamprey falls over.
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's nervous tissue!
The flying silver bolt strikes The Sea Lamprey in the lower body, tearing the muscle and tearing the stomach!
The silver bolt has lodged firmly in the wound!
You bash The Sea Lamprey in the head with the shaft of your bronze spear, bruising the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's cartilage and bruising the nervous tissue!
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the upper body with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the heart!
A major artery in the heart has been opened by the attack!
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the head with your bronze spear, tearing apart the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's nervous tissue!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the upper body with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the middle spine's nervous tissue!
The Sea Lamprey has bled to death.
The Human Ranger flounders in the water!

We finally reached the dingo cave and sneaked in. Damn human almost stole the kill with his long-range crossbow. I had to resort to throwing rocks.
The flying silver bolt strikes The Dingo in the head, tearing the muscle and shattering the skull!
A tendon in the skull has been torn!
The silver bolt has lodged firmly in the wound!
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Dingo in the head, bruising the muscle, shattering the skull and bruising the brain!
Dingo has been shot and killed.
You butcher Amar Uspumsesnum's corpse.
You pick up the Amar Uspumsesnum's skull and put it in your sheep wool backpack.

3: I recruited more humans, a pikeman and a trapper, from the hamlets and headed southwest towards the mountains. On the way there we visited a beautiful shrine here. The legends say that a bronze colossus lives in here, but we found nobody there.

4: We had to cross many rivers, and we got attacked by sea lampreys almost each time. The pikeman and ranger drowned. The trapper just couldn't keep up with me and I lost the sight of him somewhere in the mountains. Can't even remember his name.
Stram Mabsan, Human Pikeman has drowned.
Imi Medoncosla, Human Ranger has drowned.

5: My original plan was to head west from this point, but as I had already lost all of my companions I had to stay close to the mountains to avoid the bogeymen. Visited a cave here and had much fun torturing the troglodytes living in there.
The Troglodyte strikes at You but the shot is blocked!
You gouge The Troglodyte's left eye with Your right hand, tearing it apart!
You gouge The Troglodyte's right eye with Your right hand, tearing it apart!
You pinch The Troglodyte's throat with Your right hand, tearing apart the hair!
You punch The Troglodyte in the head with your right hand, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
You kick The Troglodyte in the head with your right foot, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
The Troglodyte has been struck down.
You kick The Troglodyte in the left hand with your left foot, bruising the muscle!
You punch The Troglodyte in the right lower arm with your right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Troglodyte gives in to pain.
You punch The Troglodyte in the head with your right hand, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
The Troglodyte has been struck down.

6: Found some remains of helmet snakes around here. Very likely the ones that Ubiq killed. Couldn't find a cave entrance anywhere. I followed the stream into a canyon and found a wounded yak bull near the waterfall. It was vomiting all around the place and looked like it had been poisoned by a helmet snake. I tried to put it out of its misery by wrestling, punching and kicking. It took a very long time. Poor thing.

7: As I had no companions, my plan was to spend the next night in this cave and then continue to the human settlement south of it. The legends said there were supposed to be giant bats in the cave. I sneaked inside, found the first bat and threw some sharp rocks at it before it even saw me.
You begin sneaking.
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the right upper leg, bruising the bone!
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the right upper arm, bruising the muscle!
The spinning sharp conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the upper body, bruising the muscle and bruising the left lung!
The Giant Bat is having trouble breathing!
You've been spotted!

When it got closer I first targeted its limbs to cripple it, and threw rocks at it when it dodged away.
You stab The Giant Bat in the left paw with your bronze spear, fracturing the bone!
A ligament has been torn and a tendon has been torn!
The Giant Bat falls over.
You stab The Giant Bat in the right paw with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle!
A motor nerve has been severed!
You attack The Giant Bat but He rolls away!
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the lower body, bruising the muscle and bruising the stomach!
The spinning +sharp+ conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the right lower leg, fracturing the bone!
The Giant Bat gives in to pain.

I finished the job by strangling.
You grab The Giant Bat by the throat with your left lower arm!
You place a chokehold on The Giant Bat's throat with Your left lower arm!
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
The Giant Bat regains consciousness.
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat!
The Giant Bat gives in to pain.
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
The Giant Bat has suffocated.

A second giant bat was hiding around a corner and surprised me. It charged at me, knocked me down and while I was stunned by the blow it ripped my foot clean off.
The Giant Bat collides with You!
You are knocked over!
The Giant Bat bites You in the lower body, bruising the muscle and bruising the pancreas through the giant cave spider silk robe!
The Giant Bat latches on firmly!
The Giant Bat shakes You around by the lower body, tearing apart the lower body's fat and bruising the muscle!
The Giant Bat grabs You by the thumb, left hand with her left upper arm!
The Giant Bat bites You in the left foot, tearing apart the muscle and bruising the bone through the dog leather shoe!
A motor nerve has been severed, a ligament has been torn and a tendon has been torn!
The Giant Bat latches on firmly!
You are no longer stunned.
You lose hold of the dog leather shoe.
You lose hold of the pig tail fiber sock.
The Giant Bat shakes You around by the left foot and the severed part sails off in an arc!
The left foot is ripped away and remains in The Giant Bat's grip!
The Giant Bat drops your left foot.
You stab The Giant Bat in the right hand with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle!
An artery has been opened by the attack and a sensory nerve has been severed!

At some point it had grabbed my waterskin and was really obsessive about it. While it was trying to wrestle the waterskin off from me I managed to get critical hits with my spear.
You've lost possession of the sheep leather waterskin.
You begin sneaking.
You pick up the your left foot and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
You pick up the pig tail fiber sock and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
You pick up the dog leather shoe and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
The Giant Bat regains consciousness.
The Giant Bat is no longer stunned.
The Giant Bat gives in to pain.
You stab The Giant Bat in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the upper spine's nervous tissue!
A tendon in the upper spine has been torn!
The Giant Bat loses hold of the sheep leather waterskin.
You stab The Giant Bat in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle, shattering the skull and tearing the brain!
A tendon in the skull has been torn!
The bronze spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
The Giant Bat has been struck down.
You pick up the sheep leather waterskin and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
You butcher the Giant Bat corpse.
You pick up the Giant Bat skull and put it in your sheep wool backpack.

I was sure there would be more giant bats deeper in the cave, so I dragged myself closer to the entrance, backed up into a dead-end corridor, lit up a campfire in front of me and slept a few hours. When I woke up another giant bat was staring at me on the other side of the campfire. I got a lucky headshot with a single rock.
You eat the prepared giant bat spleen.
You fall over.
You regain consciousness.
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the head, bruising the muscle, shattering the skull and bruising the brain!
The Giant Bat has been shot and killed.

I spent several days in the cave, waiting for the campfire to burn out, because I was stuck behind it. My waterskin was already empty and I had to lick the blood remains from my clothes. I was getting desperate.
You eat the yak tripe.
You drink the giant bat blood.
You drink the giant bat blood.
There are no traces of sunlight here.
You cannot travel until you leave this site.
It is cold.
You eat the prepared giant bat brain.
You drink the Uggi Granitegods's dwarf blood.
There is nothing to pick up here.
Your intense search turns up nothing.
You've already searched this area recently.

So apparently indoor campfires burn forever. I had to use DFHack to extinguish the campfire with water.

8: When I finally got out my only option was to crawl south towards the nearest hamlet. I headed off very early in the morning. Just when I thought I would make it before the nightfall, a pack of dingos surrounded me. I targeted their legs and managed to cripple most of them, taking easy headshots when available.

Thanks to dwarven martial trance, I survived although badly bruised, and finally reached the hamlet of Hoofapes when it was already dark. I spent the night in an empty house.

9: The next day I crawled around the hamlets and the town of Evenedlions, searching for a crutch, which I never found. Spent a night in the cathedral and then explored the keep next to it. I had a talk with the lord of the keep in his penthouse on top of the central tower, recruited a human maceman and headed downstairs to the basement. Opened a door and got jumped by kobolds.

When the first arrows struck us, we had lost the fight. Looks like I managed to kill only one swordskobold. I managed to crawl a few steps upstairs before suffocating. I was hit by a total of 30 arrows and about a dozen of them were lodged in me.

My stats from my very last moments and the obituary page:



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #155 on: May 07, 2012, 10:51:05 pm »

Yes my kobold soldiers, keep killing dwarves......keep killing dwarves......
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #156 on: May 08, 2012, 12:23:46 am »

Sea lampreys are a lot more dangerous than you would expect an animal with no jaws to be.

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #157 on: May 08, 2012, 05:17:10 am »

Yes my kobold soldiers, keep killing dwarves......keep killing dwarves......
Aren't you supposed to be playing a Dwarf right now?
ALso, mighty good dhow Uggi, glad to have your deeds in history despite the death.,
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #158 on: May 08, 2012, 06:56:19 am »

Even if we die, at least we still make a small dint in history.

Perhaps there will be an engraving in this future fort about "Orky Firebolt of Death the dwarf and Sprayflied the carp", or "Lord Reudh Noblebattle the Ageless Nightmare of Apes the dwarf and I don't remember the name the Giant Dingo"...

In dying, as long as we're of the civ, and have achieved a small amount, we have fulfilled one of our two intentions...

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #159 on: May 08, 2012, 07:18:33 am »

Yeah thats something to remeber, everyone playing, be sure you are all picking the same parent Dwarf Civ!!!
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #160 on: May 08, 2012, 05:25:36 pm »

Perhaps there will be an engraving in this future fort about "Orky Firebolt of Death the dwarf and Sprayflied the carp", or "Lord Reudh Noblebattle the Ageless Nightmare of Apes the dwarf and I don't remember the name the Giant Dingo"...

The giant dingo that killed your character is called Dipplays. The other one that killed your human companion Kes is known as Warmthsplashed.

Yeah thats something to remeber, everyone playing, be sure you are all picking the same parent Dwarf Civ!!!

I think we already failed with that. I'm a bit confused about the civilizations and regions and how stuff ends up in the engravings. Let me recap:
- Orky, Reudh and I started as members of the dwarven civ called The Hall of Twinkles (Îton Shetbêth).
- Looks like Ubiq instead started as a member of The Watchful Rags (Isdenunib).
- The Watchful Rags is the dwarven civ closest to our destination, what we call "The Valley of the Dwarves" in the mountainrange of The Bronze Towers.
- They have three mountain halls called Silverysects (Ralevost), where Ubiq's character retired, Cobaltveils (Letmosbisek) and Languageropes (Talulgoden).

Now some questions regarding fortress mode:
- If we choose The Hall of Twinkles as our parent civ will our engravers know nothing about Ubiq's character, because he isn't a member of the civ, nor became a hero in their eyes?
- Or will he maybe get mentioned for reaching the summit of The Plain Thorn, which is in The Bronze Towers region? And only if we build the fort in the same region?
- Vice versa, if we choose The Watchful Rags as our parent civ, will the engravers know nothing about Orky, Reudh and me?
- Or are all the civs telepathic and know everything that happened in the whole world?
- Can Ubiq's retired character show up as a migrant only if we choose The Watchful Rags?
- If this is true can we retire in any of the three mountain halls of The Watchful Rags, or do we all have to retire in the same mountain halls?


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #161 on: May 08, 2012, 06:45:06 pm »

I think we already failed with that. I'm a bit confused about the civilizations and regions and how stuff ends up in the engravings. Let me recap:
- Orky, Reudh and I started as members of the dwarven civ called The Hall of Twinkles (Îton Shetbêth).
- Looks like Ubiq instead started as a member of The Watchful Rags (Isdenunib).
- The Watchful Rags is the dwarven civ closest to our destination, what we call "The Valley of the Dwarves" in the mountainrange of The Bronze Towers.
- They have three mountain halls called Silverysects (Ralevost), where Ubiq's character retired, Cobaltveils (Letmosbisek) and Languageropes (Talulgoden).

Now some questions regarding fortress mode:
- If we choose The Hall of Twinkles as our parent civ will our engravers know nothing about Ubiq's character, because he isn't a member of the civ, nor became a hero in their eyes?
- Or will he maybe get mentioned for reaching the summit of The Plain Thorn, which is in The Bronze Towers region? And only if we build the fort in the same region?
- Vice versa, if we choose The Watchful Rags as our parent civ, will the engravers know nothing about Orky, Reudh and me?
- Or are all the civs telepathic and know everything that happened in the whole world?
- Can Ubiq's retired character show up as a migrant only if we choose The Watchful Rags?
- If this is true can we retire in any of the three mountain halls of The Watchful Rags, or do we all have to retire in the same mountain halls?

Since the intended embark area is within The Valley of the Dwavres (The Bronze Towers/The Kindled Jungle), any engraved events will be from that area. We would have to embark in The Plain of Murdering for your deaths to show up. Far as reaching summits go, I don't know if that translates into engraving/statues or not. I'm testing that right as I embarked in the swamp where my sidekicked died with a bunch of engravers, masons, and a lot of sandstone to carve statues with just to see what I get.

Beyond historical events like royal succession, the region that you embark in carries more weight for determining engravings than anything else.

And it doesn't matter which mountain hall we retire in so long as it is the same civ; I doubt it even matters which one we begin with so long as we retire at the same place; you become a member of a civ when you retire there. So long as we use The Watchful Rags to embark with, it'll be fine.

The symbol of the Watchful Rag is an Amethyst Man, the deities are Aran (God of Fertility, Rain, and Thunder, who spends his time either screaming or contemplating with a rare laughing fit), Rakas Tradesold (God of Fortresses, Trade, and Wealth; contemplative in nature), Tholest Bladedangers (Goddess of Revenge; easily offended and tends to strike a menacing pose), Aned Goldgilds the Luck of Matches (God of Gambling, who stands triumphant), and the relatively rare Gigin the Zenith of Ink (God of Sun and Light, who also stands triumphant) and the as-yet unseen Limul (God of Volcanos, Mountains, and Jewels) and Asas (Goddess of Courage).

It doesn't seem that mountaineering is worthy of being recorded. So anybody who reaches the Valley of the Dwarves might want to pop into the other lairs in the area as it'll be all Mukca Purpleprison striking down Rotik Trammeltip all the time.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 07:18:17 pm by Ubiq »


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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #162 on: May 09, 2012, 04:06:35 am »

Alright, given Ubiq started as a member of Isdenunib, and succeeded, I vote we use Isdenunib rather than Iton Shetbeth as our parent civ.

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #163 on: May 09, 2012, 08:45:10 am »

It would seem as long as we all retire at the same mountainhome, we should all get the chance to enter into Fortress mode, as long as we initially start the Fortress as part of Isdenunib.

By the way, having an "Amethyst Man" as the symbol of the civ is pretty bad ass if you think about it.
Going to make a statue of gemstone at some point ;)
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
« Reply #164 on: May 09, 2012, 03:00:13 pm »

Ursit McGemcutter likes Amethyst Men for their expensive bodies.
This space for rent
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