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Author Topic: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort  (Read 40926 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #210 on: September 21, 2012, 01:07:33 pm »

i dont know, their heads are fairly high in the sky, so cutting them off falls away. But then again, that applys to sauropods too (if it matters at all ;) ). Also, i have seen worse, like goblins attacking my fort and drowning in the river because their animals were aquatic.... A whole siege died in that river, and my dwarfs feasted on their mounts :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #211 on: September 21, 2012, 01:15:36 pm »

Nah. No warbeast (save dragons) are a real threat to a decently equipped dwarf. Steel (or similar) armor protects from most of their attacks, and masterwork mithril weapons easily lop off limbs or heads. That holds true even with sauropods. Sentients and their weapons are much-much dangerous, hammermen usually get in some bone-crushing hits regularly, and enemy spearmen pierce organs - if unlucky, skulls.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #212 on: September 22, 2012, 05:06:20 am »

I should not have doubted my commander. It went quite smoothly: first, it was a small group of axemen, led by a master lasher - their captain was the only dangerous one, and by the time we went down to meet the enemy on the field, he was already trapped in a cage, along with two of his men. The fight was pretty one-sided, but I had a chance to really see the legends in action for the first time.

Captain Silus went to battle without his armor, and even without his weapon. He only carried his trusty shield. Sir tells me this is something of a custom to him, he did something similar against a whole siege of dark stanglers in Shadytorments. However, he did that one alone, so going into THIS battle without proper equipment was a cakewalk for him.
Freya is a beast. A fucking beast, I tell you. I never saw her actually use that battleaxe of hers outside the training room, and boy, am I glad that she's on our side. She claims that her skills have rusted a bit, but judging from this battle, you wouldn't know. She just went ahead, chopping limbs with every strike, effortlessly deflecting the few blows that came towards her. She seemed invincible.
The commander is every bit the warrior he's supposed to be. He swings that mithril greatsword like there's no tomorrow, and he didn't even seem to get tired from it. He made the whole fight look like a warmup, which it totally was, compared to what was to come.

We did another round of this, not taking a single scratch, but for the third time, the tigermen wised up. They sent forward their sauropods, holding the bridge down with their enormous weight. This was a problem: we could not separate chunks of the army anymore. Almost half of their initial force was immobilized or killed at this point, and they still outnumbered us four to one. Good odds for any dwarf!

I don't remember much from this fight. A couple of guys collapsed, either from wounds or exhaustion, body parts flew everywhere (mostly tigermen heads), but I do remember some turning points.
First off, Silus' spartans are incredible. Since the Metal Lady outfitted them with mithril spears, they seem unstoppable. There were only four of them, but they were the best four we had out there by far. Silus trained the True Phalanx incredibly well. Unfortunately, they overextended themselves a bit, and Silus herself got hurt pretty bad. Soon, his two new recruits passed out from exhaustion, only Greenhorn stood his ground until the very end.
Panopticon was also surprisingly effective through the whole thing, I reckon he broke quite a few bones with his warhammer.
To sum it up, we were kicking some serious ass. I personally killed four of them, and wounded many more, before a sauropod got me. It messed up my arm really bad, and I must have passed out, because when I came to, there were mutilated bodies everywhere, and the battle was over.

As the others told me, the tigermen broke their charge after the losses on their side became astronomical, and wanted to flee. The commander would have none of it: he gave the command to raise the drawbridge, trapping the remaining enemies near the trade depot. It was brutal. All of them were quickly slain, except their leader, a master lasher. They say that one put up a hell of a fight, it took Sir and Freya everything they had to defeat that one together. Wow. That must have been something, it's a shame I was taking a nap when it happened. Finally, Freya tackled the guy into the moat, and the bastard bled out down there.

Either way, the battle is over, the day is won. We have quite a number of injured dwarfs, but no casualties. The gates remain locked however: among the real fighters, only Freya is standing, and Greenhorn will probably be all right after a little rest - he doesn't have any real wounds, he's just completely exhausted.
The other three spartans had it way worse, all of them have multiple broken and fractured bones, it will take a while for them to get back on their feet, even Silus. Sir and myself aren't better off either. Even though the commander insisted that he is 'fine', he couldn't exactly hide his broken right arm. Doc might have let him off with his various bruises (and he has plenty), but he wants to keep Sir inside at least he can use his arm again.
This situation may be bad, since autumn is very near, and we may find ourselves without water again.

(I didn't make this up: different world, different dwarf, different fortress, even a completely different version of the game, and the dwarf called Silus pulls the same shit as she did in the original fort: going into battle completely naked and unarmed, save for her shield.)
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #213 on: September 24, 2012, 02:54:19 pm »

(Whoops, missed yesterday's update. Funny thing is, I had it writeen up and everything, just forgot to post. Here it is.)

3rd Autumn
Considering the emergency, Sir promoted Panopticon to the position of hammerer months ahead of schedule. We were supposed to train him way more, and appoint him sometime around spring, but we need authority figures while our heroes are recuperating.
I also took this chance to recruit a few eager souls into the military. They are green as grass obviously, so some serious training is in order. Sir has high hopes for a young fellow called Firehawk, he thinks that if he can survive boot camp, he could be a real asset. Of course, surviving boot camp means months of preparation, countless hours of training, and I imagine it will involve arena fights against the numerous captured enemies we have now. Oh well, not my problem.

Actually, scratch that, it IS my problem now. Sir just gave the order that all of the recruit training should be supervised by the fortress guard, to avoid accidents. Crap. I guess I have to take matters into my own hands, and solve this problem by the use of SCIENCE. Not the awesome kind. The boring kind.

We are building a library. Not just any library mind you: this will be a library OF WARFARE. We are down for the count, sure, so we can't train the recruits personally. But we can write instructions, even entire books for them, and they can study it in the library, bettering themselves in the process. I heard stories that this might be even more effective than actual live-combat training... I don't know about that, but we'll give it a try. I'm sure glad that Sir is unconscious though - if he knew that I'm training the military by making them READ and not fight captive tigermen, I'm sure he'd flip out.

While I was writing an exceptional piece about swordfighting (I guess I can be considered a dependable source, with all that tigermen-slaying lately), the metal Lady burst into the hospital, looking for an authority figure. Since Sir is still unconscious, and nobody gives two shits about the mayor, I guess I'm the closest he has. She was right to report this: the smiths are constructing the great magma forge, even as we speak. When this thing is finished, the master weaponsmiths will be pumping out volconaic weaponry like there's no tomorrow. My only regret is that we don't have blueprints for a decent weaponry. She tells me that if we had those, she could craft runic volcanic weapons... oh boy. I think I have a pretty sound idea what to request from the next caravan that comes through.

Meanwhile, I'm still hoping our injured military won't die of dehydration.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #214 on: September 24, 2012, 03:21:55 pm »

I would like to be dwarves as... Mephidross. The priest please. :) Devout, bloodthirsty dwarf that wants to build more nice buildings made of skulls (temples)
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #215 on: September 24, 2012, 03:37:41 pm »

Zin is already our resident priest, as he asked for the craziest dwarf available. I could make you his acolyte or something, a poor soul to experiment on.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #216 on: September 24, 2012, 05:06:26 pm »

Oh, excuse me, I didnt knew that. No worries then, I will watch and see if anyone else catches my eyes later.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #217 on: September 25, 2012, 01:27:12 pm »

God, that was quick! The magma forge is up and running, and the smelters started compressing blocks into slade, an essential part of making volcanic alloy. Sounds good, I asked the metal Lady to keep me updated.

In other news, we have strange weather. Okay it's just rain, but the effects are strange: for one, there are small 'valleys' that collect rainwater, this is nice. What's not nice however, that the water freezes. What's incredibly funny is that when the lavafall reaches these ponds, it converts them to obsidian. Which gave me an idea. Having a lavafall is nice, but it gets old after a while, so I asked the masons to contain it somewhat, collect rainwater, and pour that shit on it. This will create a nice obsidian terrace right outside the main bridge, and flat surface is a thing I kinda miss around here. I wonder if it turns out all right, or we all die horribly from the magma mist.

Zin established his own quarters when I wasn't looking. In the graveyard. Near the corpse stockpile. AND he had a shrine of Armok built right in his living room - that guy creeps me out more and more with each passing day. Oh, he's also an expert bone carver for some reason. How does that help him, I have no idea, and frankly, I don't want to know.

The commander is back on his feet. Sure, his arm is still fractured, but that doesn't seem to hold him back. He hasn't discovered my secret book-training club yet, and I hope he won't, at least for a while. At the very least, I need to buff up Firehawk and Panopticon. This is slower than it's supposed to be, as we have a serious lack of logs. Funny thing, a dwarf might think that a big-ass tree should be enough for more that a single page of a book.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #218 on: September 26, 2012, 01:55:32 pm »

Good times, good times: Lucky Lur spotted a caravan at the base of the volcano, they are headed this way. Let's see... the tigermen left quite a good number of weapons. Most of those could be used by our troops, Sir doesn't want to hear about selling any steel weaponry until we get volcanic production rolling. I have to say I agree with him. The tigermen also left behind a decent supply of armor, and that, we can do without. It's way too large for us, it's just clogging up the armory right now.
All of this is just a formality anyway: the Metal Lady has been quite busy, and we have an absurdly large supply of aluminum and gold crafts. I think we could buy the King's wife for this. Twice.

Vukrig, the broker decided to have a drink after we finished hauling all this stuff outside. How about fuck you, Vukrig? We've been working on these goods for almost three years, some of us gave their lives to get it from angry tigermen, others died breaching the volcano... and you just went out to have some plump helmet wine. Good for you. Who is our Hammerer again?
And now he went to sleep. I'm gonna punch that bastard so hard... Oh well, I guess we could let any random dude trade then. It's not like we are talking about more than 100.000 urists worth of goods or anything... oh yeah we do. Fuck you Vukrig, fuck you on so many levels.

Seriously, screw that guy, we didn't need him. Trading went well with or without a broker: we have a slade turret, several valuable metal bars, some sensible mithril armor, and an absurd supply of wood, leather, cloth, food and booze. Buying all that cloth may seem excessive, but Sir didn't want some random crafter going crazy about the lack of silk for her pet project. Come to think of it, that's exactly what happened to that woman a few months ago. Huh. It'd be funny if the commander turned out to be a big softie at heart.

I take that last sentence back. Every injured soldier is back on duty. Some might consider this quick, I consider it foolish: we are back on duty all right, but not a single one of us is actually healed. We were just kicked out of the hospital beds with fractured limbs to 'walk it off'. Sir's orders, of course. Oh well, no harm done if we don't have to fight like this.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #219 on: September 27, 2012, 11:44:41 am »

3rd Winter
The caravan was ambushed by a group of forest imps on their way out. That was a cute attempt on their part. Imp bodyparts now decorate the mountain slopes.

Zin has been nagging us about an idea, and I know I'm gonna regret this, but I gave him my vote. He wants a huge magma temple dedicated to armok, right in the middle of the metalworking hall. I don't know what this may lead to, but frankly, I'd vote for anything that makes Zin disappear from my immediate vicinity. You want to ignite the booze supply? Fine, as long as you leave me alone for five minutes. That guy is crazy.

I had to bring a chesse maker in today. Lucky Lur sent me his file, and the case is rock solid: the guy really did something truly despicable: he violeted Lur's order to make a pair of mittens. Some say that 51 days in prison for something like that is a bit harsh, but dammit, we're gonna have ORDER here!

Silus dragged the slade turret near the bridge, took a couple of mechanics when she was at it, and set up a nice firing position for turrets, and possibly future marksdwarves. Tried and proven method: the turret on the inner end, floodgates in the middle, and a moat outside to protect it from building destroyers. The floodgates are shut when there are archers around and kept open at any other time, blah blah blah. I'm sure every dwarf alive knows the drill already. No need to go into further detail here.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #220 on: September 28, 2012, 02:05:48 pm »

The recruits had their first arena fight today. Sir even gave an encouraging speech for it, emphasising that it's not a shame to die in the arena, it's an accomplishment in their miserable lives. Then he said something about being honor to serve in the military and things like that. Overall, it made them feel worthless and proud at the same time. Only he can do that to a person.

Then, the arena gates closed behind the four recruits, Firehawk took command, ordered then to form a single line, and then... then the cage opened, and a raven flew out. One of the recruits slapped it with the flat of his spearhead, and it fell down dead. then they heard a small clap - it was the commander.

-Well done ladies. You passed your first live combat session. Now go back to training, you little shits.

He has a strange idea about recruit training.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 10:51:17 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #221 on: September 29, 2012, 04:14:19 am »

Zin has a strange glow in his eyes nowadays: the magma temple of Armok is complete. He hasn't actually done anything in there yet, he just stands there, admiring his little pet project. I can't say that makes me sleep any better.

I'm playing with the thought of building another great magma forge. Slade production is incredibly slow, we've yet to see a single volcanic weapon. Freya assured me it's well worth the wait, but I can't help myself. Fine, they wielded weapons like this before, but I haven't. In fact, I only know about volcanic alloy from an old codex, and haven't even seen it for real. It must be majestic.

All in all, the four squads were living together in harmony. Then everything changed... when the tiger nation attacked.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #222 on: September 29, 2012, 04:18:53 pm »

I would like to be dwarfed, preferably as a (weapon)smih, AKA somwone not in the army, but still valuable.
...You're arguing with the GM? Why don't you argue with Jesus about how much Peter liked clams?
Because each player's delicious tears are fuel for the continued torture that is the Warrens of Oric the Awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #223 on: September 29, 2012, 05:14:51 pm »

Done, but you won't make it into a real update for a little while, the upcoming battle will take a few days.

Meanwhile, do I have a chance for an arena update this weekend?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 05:46:58 pm by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


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Re: Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF Community Fort
« Reply #224 on: September 29, 2012, 09:47:20 pm »

*poke poke* Ishar turns around to find Zin staring at him. "Armok is most pleased with our latest Temple to his magnificence. However, I've noticed you have not put to use the range yet. Nor have we done anything with the corpses in the graveyard. I believe it would please Our lord Armok, praise his name, if we stripped his enemies to the bones, and fashioned them into weapons to use against their own kind. We would most assuredly receive the Great Armok's blessings during the upcoming battle, if we slay his enemies in bloody battle with the bones of their own families." He nodded excitedly almost bouncing in place at the prospect. "Arrows? Spears? Daggers? This project would keep the Great Armok placated until we start construction on his next temple. It would not be pleasant to experience his wrath... especially considering how close to his vengeful blood we do live."
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