Perfect Death got it spot on, but I already typed this up so I am going to post it anyways

1. why do you give ingame advantages for backers? isn't this kind of a no-go for pvp games?
I would strongly recommend you go check out our latest update here: ability for premium account members to automate some processes is more of a convenience than an advantage. Some people wish to support us in an ongoing fashion, and we appreciate that. We also recognize that not everyone has an equal amount of time to dedicate to the game. For these people we offer some of the management tools to be more easily automated. However, and this is important, placing your armies, and your logistics in the hands of AI can render them extremely vulnerable to those who are shrewd enough to defeat the AI. Such reliance can actually be a crutch and so the use of these tools becomes an additional cost/benefit analysis into the game, rather than simply being a boost to power.
To make this very clear: WE HATE PAY TO WIN IN GAMES. I would rather see the game never made at all, then to waste its potential by ruining it with pay to win.
2. what will happen to my civilization when i am not online?
Your armies will be handed over to your commanders (the AI) that will do their best to defend your space, perhaps alerting you of imminent threats. Also, your forces will respawn when destroyed to simulate continuing to bolster forces of a functional empire.
3. what will be the monthly fee?
No mandatory fee. Again, premium exists for those who wish to support us, and gain some automation to your logistics.
4. is the pvp consent-based or can i attack anyone, anywhere, anywhen?
Consent based PVP makes no sense for RTS. The only exception is the home planet. Each home planet will be invulnerable. However, they are not very good, and expansion into dangerous territories will be necessary for anyone wishing to be competitive within the game.