Sometime between the end of the trial and entering stasis for travel to Trinity 3, do the following:
1. Create simple-minded organisms that can withstand being shot out of a shotgun and impacting a solid object, and attach them to the front of my shotgun rounds (are they slugs or shells, by the way?). The organism's directive is to feed on any non-Haebi organic matter it touches. Once it runs out of organic matter to feed on, it goes dormant (stops trying to feed). If, after being shot out of the shotgun, it impacts a non-organic material (like, say, armour) it will form a spike and attempt to pierce through it to the flesh presumably underneath. If that doesn't work, it will go dormant without having fed on anything.
The goal is to turn my shotgun ammo from something practically useless into something that will literally eat my enemies from the inside out, creating caches of organic matter that I can connect to my Haebi arm directly after combat and make other things out of.
2. I want to make a substance like Chem-Off with my Haebi arm, and then secrete enough of it to coat my suit in it.
3. Make another simple-minded organism, this time something like a spider with an egg-shaped body. When detached from the arm, it will immediately head towards its programmed target and explode when in range, spraying Haebi acid within a radius of about 2 meters. No target for the moment, since I don't want to test Haebi acid on-board the ship. Reconnecting to it and giving it a target in the field sounds like it would take less time than making one of these from scratch with a target pre-programmed. Keep it in the backpack I get from the armory further down the post, for now.
4. Finally, I want to make a vacuum-safe attachment to my 5 Second Reset. It should monitor my vital signs, and if they cease or indicate severe trauma, it should activate the 5 Second Reset for me, undoing the damage.
Afterwards, head to the mess hall and replenish my arm's lost mass.
Also, buying a Solid Light Matter Generator, one token's worth of 5 Second Reset batteries, an Uncon battlestim, exchanging my strength stim for an Exotic battlestim, and selling that old Nyars artifact. Grab a non-hammerspace backpack and a lunchbox full of food, too. Wiki'd already.