Having secured the bargain, Arty returns to his room (frowning in distaste as he passes the Pantheon's door), stores the weapon and clip in the locker, and sets to work on the Mission 10 report. By the time it's finally done, he's quite sure that his skills are probably going to be insufficient. He heads to the infirmary (again frowning in distaste as he passes the Pantheon's door).
"Hi, I'm Dr. Arty, a surgeon. Do you happen to have a lab coat that I can use?
Although I have experience with gruesome accident victims, multiple trauma and even stab wounds and small caliber gun shots, you know, the normal ER ((that's "Emergency Room", not this game's name)) fare, I'm certain that what I'm going to find in the battlefield is on a completely different league. Would you mind that I help out here while I'm not in the field, like an internship to prepare myself better for the troops' needs?
I saw on the database that there's this medical monitoring program by one Dr. Maurice Sanctor... one of the ship's doctors, I presume? I most certainly hope to have the pleasure of meeting him sometime! In the meanwhile, I'd say that this program's usefulness cannot be understated; would it be possible for me to have a copy?
By the way, I need to deposit a couple of samples... not that I much care for it, but it's for, uh, (mumble)dynastic reasons. You know, just in case I lose my body."
Frown each time he passes the Pantheon door.
Return to room, store weapon and compile mission 10 summary.
Lock up, go to infirmary, ask for:
- a lab coat,
- an internship while not in the field,
- a copy of the medical monitoring system.
Store a sperm sample bottle and a buccal mucosa swipe on the samples' freezer, labeled "ARTY'S SPERM & BMC - RESERVED - PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH!"
- If welcomed to stay: scrub in and help out if they're busy; listen carefully and take notes if someone lectures; else, read up on old cases, especially where field treatment is involved (try not to gasp in horror at the osteopathic kicking treatment).
- If not allowed to stay: take a VR booth in the recreation room and start the true Battle of Hexbarax with enough medical gear to open a small aid station. Practice treating war injuries arriving a bit faster than possible to handle properly, and trying to keep as many alive as possible while under fire and gradually having to cut more and more corners.
Lab coat we can get you, internship...I dunno. Doc is out in the field, spraying seed across the multiverse and all. Monitoring system we can get you, but I think it just gets data from the monitoring systems in MKII or better suits.
We'll make sure to add a "Do not eat" label before putting that in the freezer, knowing people around here.
The only people left there are the nurses so you can work there, if you want, but you won't really be working under anyone.
Iveson suggests, for the first step, that two small computers are surgically implanted near each amygdala. When he hears the words "God," "heretic," or "xeno," the amygdalae will be electrically stimulated, intensifying fear and anger, and likely triggering the release of adrenaline.
If the doctor refuses or is not interested: Having purchased the necessary items for the mercy killings of filthy heretics, whether alien or human, Iveson plugs himself back into the VR. He chooses an option that immediately appeals to him: Punch Many Things.
Also, consider the creation of a free vehicle from scrap, with ARM-standard powering its combustion engine. Is this possible? How about an exoskeleton?
((If High Guard armor has no official price, but is listed in the armory, does that mean it is not acquirable on the Sword?))
Thats less killing machine and more a 40k fan with anger issues. Killing machines generally mix mental instability with physical prowess or some kind of advantage. We're less interested in your mindset, more your loadout.
Punch many things it is. The Little girl is your first opponent. May god have mercy on your soul, because she won't.
Hmm. From pure scrap? Well you'd need a good deal of it, me thinks. You know, because straight scrap metal isn't gonna be enough.
Exoskeleton? I guess, but again, gonna need more then just scrap metal.
It might actually not be now. The armory is losing a lot of custom ability because the AM isn't around to manufacture stuff.
After a quick self-examinination, Zek'thal heads toward the armory, and attempts to purchase a microwave pychokinetic amplifier.
Unfortunately those aren't available without special permission anymore.
Alien gods and all that.
Well, I wish you the best of luck.
you too
Abigail goes to the rec room and enters vr clicks option randomly
Hmm, well there's another person on VR at the same time so you could coop punch many things with them, or challenge them to Duel
Lyra Saves and Exits stretches, and wanders aimlessly around on the Sword, seeing what other people are doing.
By the look of it, there are two in the vr, one talking to nurses and another swearing at the armory kiosk about wanting the power to burn the world.