Sell weapons in inventory other than rifle-bayonet combo and suit. Buy sullen moon nyartifact, toss kit stolen from dead person in union room at Miyamoto's place. Open sullen moon nyartifact in the union room.
"Sorry guys, I'm going to have to do this before he disbands the union or beats one of us up."
Well, you said something about an opportunity for the union to test nyartifacts for you, could you elaborate on that?
Buy sullen moon nyartifact, toss kit stolen from dead person in union room at Miyamoto's place.
"Sorry guys, I'm going to have to do this before he disbands the union or beats one of us up."
Well, you said something about an opportunity for the union to test nyartifacts for you, could you elaborate on that?
pocket random tiny object of some sort of value be it a token or jsut some random item. before helping him with the rest
Be oblivious for RP reasons.
Straight lemonade or spiked?
((Assuming it is not Clockwork Orange'y "spiked"))
- Spiked, please.
Vladimir gets his drink and finds himself a table in the corner. He sips it once in a while, his sight locked on his wristpad computer - he reads something, it seems.
Booze lemonade for you.
Try 387 this time. Still shooting number gun at targets in space.
Would it be possible to test multiple numbers per turn to accelerate testing or would that be too much work?
Set up a link to Christopher's helmet cam so I can watch him test the union's new artifact.
The target you're pointed at seems to collapse inwards and then explode back outward.
Sure. Just don't do 50.
Buy microwave physchokinetic amplifer and Mk 1suit Token check and price checkM-Madam i would like a... Yes! A microwave physchokinetic amplifer and some basic armor... Oh im A-Abigail south What i-is your n-name armory owner?
The buying can be wiki'd.
Not sure what you mean by price check.
"It's The Armory Master. Thats what you'll call me."
Ideally I'd want to create a laser pistol, using the MCP-1 as a power source. The focusing lens could be made from sand and hopefully all the other parts from scrap? If I can do that, and the AM will give sand, then do that.
Otherwise, just add plating to the MCP-1.
Lastly, can you take a sip of a potion? Just... wondering.
Have you bought the Sullen Moon yet? If you have, any plans on testing it?
Handiwork 0 huh? Well nope to that.
The plating you can do.
No, all or nothing.
Ask how much the blueprints would cost, whether it would be possible to buy additional rooms, and, if so, how much they would cost.
Not for sale.
You'd basically have to buy it from another player.
Get some robo-ready bluesmokes and alcohol. Have a bluesmoke and some alcohol. Sit in the far corner of the briefing room and wait for the mission. I shouldn't actually die if I die in VR, right? If so, head to VR, the scene being me with my current equipment, with a hostile arbiter of peace 100 meters away.
((Got to do something while waiting for the mission, and missed out on the last arbiter battle.))
Lemme skip ahead for you:
Buy sullen moon nyartifact, toss kit stolen from dead person in union room at Miyamoto's place.
"Sorry guys, I'm going to have to do this before he disbands the union or beats one of us up."
Well, you said something about an opportunity for the union to test nyartifacts for you, could you elaborate on that?
What, the pill machine, or the other thing?
See if lab boys have found a solution for mr. Doomarms.
So, 3 or 4 tokens to replace it. And how many tokens to add a forceblade to the other end of the naginata, aka making it have both a forceblade and a monorazor? And would this even work without a high chance of hilariously stabbing myself?
And what about putting the forceblade next to and over the monorazor on the other side? What would that cost, and is it practical?
This pic might help:
But with razor on one side and forcefild on the other.
Or would it be possible to have a serrated forcefield, and then maybe have the forcefield itself or part of the assembly vibrate?
Finally, what about a system with the monorazor behind the forceblade, where the monorazor is pushed to the front and allowed to saw if the forceblade can't cut through?
Yeah, it's a hacksaw and a piece of wood to bite down on.
We can get some limiters for him but if he really fucks up, they won't last for long.
Eh, just the cost of the blade itself, so probably 2 tokens or so.
Well the forcefield's movement and orientation is related to the projecting material, so you'd have to vibrate that.
Well, it couldn't get through the force field, could it?
"So, wait... I bought this because anything called a "blaster" whatever has got to be good. I assume it's a laser of some sort? Or does it launch plasma? Also, as I assume it has a battery, how do I change it?"
Ask the AM stupid questions. Try to resist asking if it takes AAA batteries.
((Also, we should see if we can parallelise PW and run him on a fat stack of graphics cards. Why deal with ~4 cores when you can have 600+?))
"Just shoot it at things. I'm not in the mood to explain."
Track down the quartermaster/AM and ask for recommended purchases for Hephaestus crew within 5 tokens, given that I own the MCP-I. Don't buy anything yet, though.
((I figure he has use statistics and probably survival statistics about? Eh.))
A good pair of mittens. And something that uses electricity.
The Industrial Suit is the one that machine city technicians use. Protects against falls from great heights, getting hit by heavy machinery, falling into vats of molten steel, that kind of thing. Might not be the same as the reactor tech suit. The one with the helmet resembling a dodecahedron, was it? Bishop was looking into it once upon a time. Still the same price? If yes (with a 2-token tolerance either way), buy it and put it on anyway.
In any case, subtract 2 tokens from that previous return since the MK3 is actually 10 tokens, leaving me with a perfect 6.
After that's done, to the testing room! Try doing a roll in the Industrial Suit. See if agility improves over series of attempts via miraculous space flesh magic, and whether I can turn that fat roll into a fast roll.
The rolling thing doesn't work. Your body is already strong enough that even if you can't roll fast, your muscles aren't shredding apart or anything.
Give Miya those tokens he asked for by some means.
Alex sort of sat in the regenerative fluid, only now regaining consciousness, yet not nearly able to move yet. After a moment of confusion, he checked his equipment and wristpad, find Miya's message and discovering his kit gone. After some investigation with his enormous amount of free time, he sent a message to Tek, then Miya.
Hey, do you happen to still have my kit? I'd like it back if possible.
Alright, I'll find some way to get the tokens to you, thanks for letting me borrow them. Sorry about how the mission turned out.
"Thank you, Brother."
Vanessa turns around and ambles off, looking closely at the various medical personnel she passes. Then she's off to one part of the ship or another, looking for something to do while waiting for the mission.
Head to the Rec Room and try to plug myself into VR if at all possible. Enter Duel (or whichever program lets us generate opponents to fight) and spawn an average human guy with a metal bar/baseball bat or something to fight.
Also confirming going on mission 24
"Ever seen or heard of the Shadow Walkers? Can you tell me a bit more about the way they fight and how they hide? And what's involved in becoming one?"
Best to approach the subject slowly...
Keep talking to the AM.
"Assassins. Something like executors but they don't focus on spying. They hide only to kill. That's their one purpose. One of the few that use biological weapons. Leshos too. They're the type who you'll never see. Someone will die and then you might find some evidence of how it was done, but you'll never find the person who did it.
Their training involves an apprenticeship with their leader."
"Trained by a single person... sounds like a slow process. That probably means not many of them are needed or that person is really quick in training them."
"So, this 'Leader'... are they anybody especially important or would someone else quickly take their place should they die? I mean, would assassinating the assassin make any sense? Or maybe there is a chance we could persuade him or her to join us?"
((Wait for an answer.))
"Wait, those guys can remain invisible while carrying LESHOs? Do you know how do they manage to do that?" Flint asked with great curiosity.
Keep talking to the AM.
The armory master laughs.
"Good luck assassinating him. He lives on Earth 2. And he fought in the Altered Wars. With melee weapons."
Flint stared at the AM blankly for a few moments before joining her in her laugh.
"Hahaha. Good one. You almost got me there, made me think you were serious for a few moments. I mean, haha, really, that's the worst bit of UWM propaganda I've ever heard. And I've been on films where I was the one killing altered with my bare hands, so that's saying something. Who would believe that? If nothing else, the guy's got to be like... I dunno, 1000 years old or something. Even if they kept him in stasis when not needed, had him travel at near light speed wherever he went and used all sorts of gene treatments on him, he'd be, like, the oldest human alive, even in subjective time. How can someone stay alive and so powerful while training people in an extremely dangerous profession for so many years? It's gotta be a trick. Right?"
"Usually they have it disassembled and reassemble it when they reach the vantage point they want"
"Still, it's gotta be pretty large and heavy though. Do they have some sort of strength enhancement genemod or merely utilise local resources to arrange for the transport of a large container? Or do they split it into multiple parts and sneak it where they want to get it slowly?"
Engage in the art of having two threads of conversation at the same time.
EDIT: Also, try to write one of those programs that block communication, like the one someone had wrote in the past. Might be useful in case we need to block UWM or xeno communication.
EDIT2: I want something I can use to carry large dangerous things. Can I get the biggest sturdiest forcefield container I can easily carry with my Battlesuit? Be sure the projecting material is in something sturdy and not too sensitive though, so that it doesn't explode when I activate it and then try to carry something heavy.
Also try to get a normal artifact container that fits the previous specifications.
Also try to get something like a MK1 blanket, something I could put around something else to help isolate it and protect it from its surroundings.
And some sort of way to absorb the heat from my suit and battlesuit. Maybe a hexsand heat sink?
"There are people out there who are very good at what they do. I have Amps, The Doctor has biology. He has fighting."
"Probably depends on the situation. I don't know much about them. Few people do."
You mean turning your radio off?
You're pushing it.
*Knife sharpening sounds*
Read up on "God of Bloodletting" in my Pantheon notes. Stuck in a tank; good time to study.
Hold off on that. Updating this thread is taking forever and I still have to study for a lab quiz.
Mycroft shall step out of the infirmary and invoke the Great Steve.
"Uh. Steve? You're the AI, right? Would you mind telling me what the flying skeletal carp I seem to have gotten myself into out of inertia? Also, how to avoid dying?"
>You are in trouble. And as per how you can avoid dying, the standard methods seem to be shooting first, running quickly and hiding behind things that are sturdier than yourself. "You've got a wrist pad that functions like a computer. It can work with voice commands if you can't work the keypad. As per a cane, we've got one here for 5 tokens. If you check your pockets, you probably have that much. They're little purple plastic disks."
"Mmhrm, thank you, I'll buy that then."
Fork over tokens with a small smile, get cane, comment on cane: "Hmm. Something about it feels... strange. Is there anything I should know?"
You already know enough, Root, it's like me, it wants in your head. Canes with neural interface protocols, oy vey what a future, what a future!
Mutter: "shush you, you're an internal voice, there's a world of difference"
Ask AM (after she's said her bit on the cane): "Oh yes that reminds me, is there anything you can do about reducing the number of voices in my head?"
No, please! I'm your conscience, you need me, not everyone's so lucky!
Shake head, grumble "shutup shutup" at the voice.
There now she thinks you're crazy!
Mutter: "She probably already thought I was crazy you little shit"
Cough awkwardly. Apologize to AM and bid a hasty retreat: "Sorry about that. Pesky voice in my JUST CAN IT, YOU WORM! Shitnugget uh pardon me I'll go make a fool of myself somewhere else"
Cross the hall to the test chamber, action there pending what the AM said.
((shall I wikignomificate his defrosting and purchase? And is this sort of internal bickering clear enough in who's talking to who?))
"Don't make it angry. And don't try to wave it at any kids, unless they're REALLY annoying you."
"Booze tends to help." She gives you a bottle of ARM standard.
(You might want to make the bolding a bit more obvious, I missed it on my first pass. Otherwise, fine.)
((well seeing as the mission still appears to not be starting...))
stack all my weapons outside the testing chamber.
Go buy a blaster pistol and place it on the floor in the testing chamber along with my mk1.
Turn on the suit computer and sync the geiger counter to my wristpad.
take deathcube out into the hall and make sure im closer to the pistol then my weapon pile.
push B1,C7,F4,G6,H1.
observe difference in radiation output by the blueraditite power core.
Put deathcube back if radiation levels are safe, if not place it in a different testing chamber.
((oh and a uick question:
can synthbodies consume metamorphosis pills somehow?
and if yes would it only affect the brain? or is synthflesh semi-organic and therefore semi-susceptible?)
Yancy gets a sudden premonition in the form of an insistent beep on his wristpad, and hightails it back to the briefing room with a curt "Gotta go!"
Vladimir finishes his drink and gets over to the briefing room, urged by his wristpad as well.
These don't really need actions.
Get ready for the upcoming mission. Try to not die from other people testing any artifacts, using abilities, general mayhem.
I'm getting close to killing a few of them...
Ramses heads towards the general direction of the briefing room where a number of people seem to be rushing towards.
"It's a bit sudden, I hereby Volunteer for whatever madness and certain doom awaits!"
(Oh right, didn't see that 15 man limit. Can I join the next one or something?)
Eventually, yeah. We should have a new one somewhat soon. Assuming mission 21
dies finishes.
Mycroft is swept along in the general rush, apparently.
"Did I actually just hear that? Wow. Not that I'm not going to end up doing something equally stupid and probably request assignment to a mission at some point. Because we've all got our little moments, I suppose...Well, if I don't get blown up by doing something incredibly stupid with Kinetic Amplifiers and engines."
Mycroft once again pulls up the 2D version of Tinker on his wristpad while he walks and tries something.
People have tried to do mobile tinker before.
I'm pretty sure I killed them.
Wait for the lab boys to do science on my arms.
((I assume I'm probably out of the mission at this point?))
It's done, just don't go nuts.
she will go to the medical bay and ask someone to install the amp she purchased
(How big are the suits? or do they adjust to the users size?)
I assume the rest of these things were handled by Miya and the gnomes. I think Thats what I saw.