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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette On ship Thread: Maurice's One Night Stand  (Read 6156301 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship: [WIKI]
« Reply #27585 on: April 09, 2015, 07:40:29 am »

"Fucking great. At least there aren't any boxes here. Just holler if it needs to be pulped. Hopefully this one doesn't regenerate like the other. Jason responds before moving back around the leg and to the hatch on Gilgamesh.

"I'll bring it back in one piece, Flint, you have my word." Jason states before climbing up into the battlesuit and closing the hatch. He looks around inside, drawing on the gift of the Shroud to familiarize himself with the controls.
((The entire front of the battlesuit was open (I've actually asked piecewise about it and he has said it can do that) so that Flint could see without using the suit's cameras so it should be fairly easy to get in from the front. Just to give you a mental image.))
"Just don't do anything dangerous." Flint said loudly as Jason approached the cockpit entrance. "For you or for others."
"I'm already regretting this..." he added quietly.
When Jason starts climbing into the battlesuit, I back away from it and take cover as best I can.
When things get weird people sometimes explode, I need cover and to not be near anyone fighting.

Flint watches Jason and yells at him if he does something wrong or if something looks wrong.

Assuming nothing bad happens with the battlesuit, Flint gathers his equipment and having nothing better to do goes towards wherever Lyra went.
Once there, he starts wearing his MK2, starting with the boots, so he can hide his synthetic lower legs.

Comrade P.

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship: [WIKI]
« Reply #27586 on: April 09, 2015, 07:51:36 am »


- Yessir.
Yaroslav briefly salutes, which looks kinda weird because he still does it like if he had a head, and leaves the site, heading back to the briefing room.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 02:11:13 pm by Comrade P. »

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship: [WIKI]
« Reply #27587 on: April 09, 2015, 02:27:12 pm »



Oh, well the readout looks sort of like a heart monitor or an eeg. It's got three colored lines which are scrolling forward across a moving grid background, with some numbers labeled along the left side. One of the lines, a red one, is sitting still at 0, while the other two, green and blue, are synced up and are wavering slightly, between 5 and -5.

So green and blue are at the same position, or is it that when one moves, the other does as well, but with some room between them?

As a test, use dirt from Hep I took with me (and that's in the hangar) to produce some namite. Do it slowly, create only a little at first. How do the lines change?
Also, ask Steve what kind of tools would be most convenient (for the average trooper, not Miya) to dig/cut and find those nerves with.

Can people do that? Sell to the team fund? If they can, [wiki]
Yes, but for the same price as if they sold back to the AM. Keeps items in the player economy easier, and team fund can always sell back to the AM itself at no loss.
The green and blue lines move in sync.

Your test creates more namite then you wanted, but is successful. The blue and green lines begin deflecting up and down more radically, between 10 and negative 10. They stay this way for a while.

>Sharp things. Knives, axes, those sort of things.

You spit him out.

Remember how when I fire the more powerful modes of the rainbow cannon like blue lightning or red plasma I drain the suit's reserves and have to wait for it to restart? I want something like a secondary battery or capacitor or generator that would let me walk around after firing the red plasma or let me fire blue lightning while retaining mobility for about a minute.
Just walk around? No secondary firing or anything fancy? Because that would be cheap and relatively small.
Well, ideally I want it to also be able to boost the Rainbow Cannon's available power to allow me to fire a second shot (or a super-powered ultimate-attack-style shot, depending on circumstances) and allow me to recharge my industrial mining laser's battery in its spare time. But if I can't get that at a reasonable price I'd prefer just being able to move around after firing.

Also, since I now have some more money (thanks PW), would getting an ARSC help the team in any way or would it do more harm than good?
Would it let us get around faster?
Could they be protected by it and fire through port holes or use their amps through cameras or something?
Is it airtight enough to allow medicine to be practised on board?
Does it have any weapons of its own?
Can it land?
Can it be returned to the sword at mission end or am I looking at a one time deal?

Just looking for ways to protect our squishy newbs. Plus, two battlesuits circling around what I assume to be an armoured flying saucer would be fun.
You could buy it, but it would be large and expensive.

It might help. I dunno.

Well yes, flying around in a rocket powered bunker would be pretty quick compared to walking

They'd be protected, but you couldn't fire out without some modifications.


Does slamming through shit at high speed count?


It depends. Depends on how fast they need to leave and how many pieces they're leaving in.

Ulrich Leland. Location: Armory

With sudden influx of tokens buy Pimp Cane, bottle of painkillers, bottle of coagulant boosters and exo battle stim. Already in [WIKI].

Go into hangar and try out simple exercise with Pimp Cane. Use most of it to form a thin circular platform hovering few centimeters above floor. Step on it, and command it to move straight forward two meters at walking speed. Personal hovercraft!

((Gotta pimp shit out of overgrown crotch fungus.))

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
You manage to create the platform, but manage to do nothing with it but smash it into your own shins and sweep your legs out from under yourself. You land face first on the floor as your platform rolls off like an angry manhole cover.
((And that is at +3 Willpower while not in a stressful situation, though I suspect doing things quickly had to do with it. I think giving up on actively using the sharkmist suddenly looks more reasonable than ever due to the risks a roll of [1] poses in the field. And which action failed, the consumption or creation of the whip?))

Milno doesn't even flinch when his fingers explode like an overripe melon hit by a sledgehammer, though he does frown before getting to recover the pieces of xeno symbiote all over the immediate area. "Fuckin' aliens."

Recover all the lumps of sharkmist and absorb them back, wearing the MkIII if necessary to get to the bits in hard-to-reach places. Get my fingers to the way they were before (eating food as necessary).

Then get out of the MkIII (locker the suit so it isn't at risk in case of another explosion) and try once again, with the whip-creation part being done slowly and with a bunch of food handy to fuel the process.

Touch Empyrea's club and have the sharkmist quickly consume a bit of it to see the consumption speed.

Then go to an airlock and try to create a long (4 feet), thin (thinner than a pencil) and rigid sharkmist tendril coming from Milno's open palm, slowly thickening the tendril and making it more flexible until it looks like a whip.

Whatever the result may be, fix the mess caused and then head to the Armory to check whether there are many people around.
You get the sharkmist back inside you, heal up your fingers, and then create a whip of the stuff, or at least use the stuff to create the whip. The whip itself is actually more akin to a bullwhip made of woven diamond fibers.

Are there many people in the armory? I don't think so.


count to 10. If by then the giant mouth hasn't stopped chewing me up, use universal amp to form a force bubble around me, expand until it no longer chews me and just throw it away from me.
The giant mouth spits you out almost immediately.

"So what are my responsibilities on this mission?

check exoskeleton boots for electromagnets, if none are found requisition some from the armory master after my duties are explained.
You're getting some for the mission.
"I fucking hate fleshhorrors."

Run back to the rec room and strength roll Taddok off of Pancaek. Then punch him until he is a normal human again.
You start punching the giant mouth but considering the majority of it's body mass is an unyielding wall of teeth, this does little more then hurt your hands.

Brother Lars nodded.  "As you wish, Brother.  O Algis, may you protect these two... men as they struggle with their problems..."

Pray for the safety of these two fools.
They're gonna need a lot more then prayer.

Wandering around the ship, Maurice heard the mass excitement ahead, with all the various people talking and Pancaek's uncharacteristically booming voice. Chuckling to self in amusement, yet respecting the privacy of the event, he took the turn at the nearest corner, without coming any nearer.
Quote from: Dr. M.Sanctor to: Pancaek
Just so you know, I can safely cut you out of the thing, probably without much damage to the possessed teammate. I know and respect your ability to take care of yourself, and won't trouble you; just mentioning in case you want a clean and discreet option on the table.
#Dr. M.Sanctor

Browse the Nyars wares again! I still have three tokens to blow through!
He should've renewed his stock already, right? No day like a busy market day!

((Does anyone object to me prompting Nyars wares reset?))
They're still the same for the moment. Until someone buys the last one or some more time passes.

Head out to the Hangar.

"General Sir Robot Titanic Overlord Sir Miyamoto Sir Sir! I would like to requisition what is listed on the manifest as a 'Mind Fuck Gun'! I wish to verify the effects and potential use in the field and therefore pledge to write an appropiate post-combat report SIR!

Wrangle with Avatar of Miyamoto from vantage point gently bouncing on stilts.
I can only imagine you carrying on a conversation with Miya, only talking at the top of each bounce, as though two people are having a conversation with one of them on a second floor balcony and the other on a trampoline.

Billy wanders around the ship looking for things to do. finding a crazy man wanting to play ping pong sounds "fun" he Billy introduces himself "Hi im Billy friends call me mayes or at least they would if i knew anyone on this ship." play ping pong with Zayne.

Billy wanders around the ship looking for things to do. finding a crazy man wanting to play ping pong sounds "fun" he Billy introduces himself "Hi im Billy friends call me mayes or at least they would if i knew anyone on this ship." play ping pong with Zayne.
"Nice to meet you Mayes, I'm Zayne." He held out his hand to shake, after receiving or not receiving a handshake, He attempts to ping pong.

Oh god. You both rolled 1.

So both Billy and Zayne line themselves up at the ping pong table, take a ready stance with their paddles, and prepare to play. Billy, whose serve it is, manages to languidly knock the ball over the net, though just barely. Zayne attempts to return the ball, but gravely misjudges the distances and ends up slamming his forearm into the table, snapping his forearm like a twig. He screams, as you would expect, and tries to double over in pain, only to slam his head into the table, breaking his nose and knocking out his two front teeth. He then jerks backwards, loses his balance and falls over backwards, cracking his head on the ground and knocking himself out. Billy, who sees all this happen within the span of about 2 slap stick packed seconds, tries to run over and help, but slips, catches himself groin first on the edge of the pingpong table and collapses in screaming agony.

Assuming I have six credits now, head to the armory and purchase a microwave field manipulator. Ask the AM for the biggest 3-token brain in stock. Request details on said brain's life history prior to purchase.
Well you can get the manip, but brains don't vary much in size and we don't know their prior history.

"I, uh, wow. Thank you boss. I won't."

Take Milno's Fancy Shield, the ((IC)) knowledge of the MkIIIs secret features and all of Milno's automatic systems for the MkIII. Stop by the AM and get some connector cables, enough for six different suits, and some duct tape.

Then, go to the infirmary, grab one of the buttons from AMIABLE AMBER, and ask the doctors there if they know what they might be. As long as it's not bad, jam one into my arm. Ask the doctors there to make sure I don't die. Please. And to see if I look/sound, or do anything differently. Dear god I hope this doesn't kill me.

As per amiable amber, the doctors don't know what it is, but they say it looks like a drug administration system.

Still wanna go for it?

Sigh, understand that no one is coming, and go to armory.
"Ahem...Hello. I would like to ask, can I... I mean, can you modify Gungnir kit to be used with Спектр, like... for additional cost maybe, messer Armory Master?"
((I'm asking if can pay AM to make Gungnir with Spektr instead of laser rifle))
Does that change the price?

[wiki] regardless.

There's nothing to [wiki]. That was just a question if Spectr can be used instead of laser rifle to make Gungnir. Pricewise [wiki] believes that cost increases only if person in question doesn't have a laser weapon of his own.
Well that conversion just turns the thing into an electrolaser via sticking a spark gap at the end right? Well, ask Sean if that would even work. He made both of them if memory serves. If it would work, they yes, we'll do that.

Head to the hangar to check out my locker. Gaze in wonder at all of the weird shit going on.
Is there weird shit going on in there?


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27588 on: April 09, 2015, 02:29:31 pm »

((Aww, no battlesuit joyride?))
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27589 on: April 09, 2015, 02:41:53 pm »

If the mission is about to start, then don't.

As long as the doctors can successfully revive me and I can still go on mission, go for it. Ask the doctors to see if I change at all, please.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 03:25:08 pm by renegadelobster »
Well, it only hates Linux for now. If we could condition it to hate computer viruses, than hooray! Free, brutal virus protection! Unless you have Linux!


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27590 on: April 09, 2015, 02:44:38 pm »

Go find an empty room so that me trying repeatedly to correct my form will not kill, maim, injure, absorb, digest, or otherwise impact anyone else. Try to find one of those little "Do Not Disturb" doorknob hangars like they use in hotels.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27591 on: April 09, 2015, 02:47:21 pm »

The green and blue lines move in sync.
Your test creates more namite then you wanted, but is successful. The blue and green lines begin deflecting up and down more radically, between 10 and negative 10. They stay this way for a while.

Send it to the AM/Doc/whoever, ask how stressed this would be and how far one should be able to safely push it (aka to what point).

Oh, and collect that namite into the tank.

>Sharp things. Knives, axes, those sort of things.
Kay then. Can the fund buy a whole bunch or decent cutting implements for a token or so?

((By the way pw, any date by which you'd like us to get going? I'd personally like to do my briefing tomorrow, and drop next Monday or Tuesday or so. Would that work?))

((If anyone wants to request a prototype or something else from the team fund, deadline is tomorrow.))

"Maurice, I have a quick question for you, if you have a moment."

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27592 on: April 09, 2015, 02:58:58 pm »

Ulrich Leland. Location: Hangar --> infirmary

Try again hover crafting with manhole cover.
Regardless of the result restore pimp cane into its original form. Go into infirmary and demand they fix my missing fornt teeths and possible injuries caused by earlier experimentation. If I'm going to die on the mission I might as well look good!

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship: [WIKI]
« Reply #27593 on: April 09, 2015, 03:20:53 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
(..I laughed way too hard at that xD)
Zayne lays on the ground with his broken arm, attempting to dream of him beeting Billy in ping pong.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27594 on: April 09, 2015, 03:32:34 pm »

Milno enters the rec room - newly-made whip in hand - to get some more food to replace the one he had stored and ate, but midway he's graced with the scene of two newbies nearly committing suicide via ping-pong. Not that he's used to the sport, but he's fairly sure it isn't played like they do. "Good to see our little army hasn't changed any." he says as he heads towards the food dispensers and gets some more edible material.

Now, he has a lot to do. A mountain's worth of work to be done, actually, but since there's no one close to the armory and the only thing that had been previously keeping him away was the possibility of hindering the AM's work... He goes there, though also having a good excuse to do so.

To the Armory, talk to the AM/ask her stuff as below. Also ask if she can provide a few free carbon blocks like some pounds of scrap metal were given to Jim.

"Hey there." he greets the Armory Master after glancing around to make sure people aren't going to suddenly swarm the booth searching for nuclear-powered nailguns. "What happened around here while I was away? Something fun, I take it."
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27595 on: April 09, 2015, 04:14:04 pm »

Spill some sand on the floor of the briefing room and practice using the MFM by creating a long glass sickle with an ankh-shaped handle.  Then, check the EEG.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27596 on: April 09, 2015, 05:12:28 pm »



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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27597 on: April 09, 2015, 05:16:05 pm »

Yancy wanders into the rec room, and spying the guy knocked out on the floor drags him to the infirmary. "Geez, what happened to him, barfight gone wrong?"
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27598 on: April 09, 2015, 05:29:58 pm »

take my salubrious border artifacts to an expert for appraisal.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: Ping Pong Massacre
« Reply #27599 on: April 09, 2015, 06:18:04 pm »

Hearing General Miyamoto's call, Maurice responded without delay.
Yes, General? How may I serve you?

Try to persuade Nyars into changing his wares. Doesn't he see that 80% of his current stock is already bought and the troopers preparing for the mission are willing to shell out the tokens?
(Yes, a Cha roll with +0 in it.)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 05:29:46 am by Nikitian »
Past Sigs
Nikitian kneels in front of his computer, fresh lamb's blood on his hands, and prays to the dark powers for answers about armor thickness.
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