Try opening the medkit again. Then, should I open it, find burn cream to fix my patient. Keep an eye out for strange sheep.
You manage to get the medkit open! And by that I mean you spill the contents all over the ground and proceed to kick them around the room as you attempt to pick them up.
(With the new system you would have gotten it open but not found the thing you were looking for immediately)
[/shadow]"huh. well. Who dares wins, right?"
Boldly go meet whatever is below.
Missed me again?
Per your instructions, the action. I got big bold and red. Didn't quite manage on fire:
Boldly go meet whatever is below who'se attention I've got. Be polite.
As you descend towards the opening below, towards the ever expanding well of light, you begin to feel something. You've felt this sensation before, when you've over used or overloaded an amp. It's not the pain, so much as it's the sensation of your mind being spread thin, like a sheet of paper held taught with more and more weight being placed upon it. You feel exhausted, anxious, frustrated, terrified and fulfilled all at once. The well swallows you, and you shield your eyes against the light. After a moment, you look. At the center of this planet is a core; planetoid floating within. The planetoid is white, though there seems to be some sort of luminous reddish quality to it as well, but you can only perceive that when you're not looking directly at it. Clearly not natural; it's shape can't say. It's like a Penrose triangle or a Blivet, the details of one area seem disconnected and impossible when compared to the next, undulating folds of white become luminous shadows as you trace them with your eyes, and the sheen off the planet's matter becomes matter if you blink. Everything about this thing painful to perceive; it hurts your eyes and your mind, it's like a paradox you can't stop thinking about, a impossible existence thats eating your brain like Escheresque syphilis.
"We noticed. Also, little help here? Kinda stuck. Also, I'm going kick the guy who threw that grenade. And one other question, why are you a squid?"
Talk with Dr Clark. Also see about getting help with getting freed from goop.
Great. What breached containment? What effects has it had and will it have on the ship? Can it be recontained?
Is that a suit or a robot body?
Point at the giant skull-headed violence-crazed mad robot man and shout to the scientists:
"He's being mindfucked by the aliens!"
"No one's killing anyone. Calm down, guys. Auron, why do you want to keep that thing so badly?"
To Dr. Clark (assuming I can speak normally without rolling Endurance, yet): "Can you explain what's going on, please? Breach of containment of what?
And how much do you know of what's been going on in here, so far?"
The robotic Squid calling itself Dr.Clark doesn't respond directly to anyone, in fact he might just be talking to himself or his crew; but he does keep talking.
"The object appears to have been some manner of pocket dimensional physical medium database. Scanning this planet or perhaps just the fused man's memory. This is either leakage or we are being constrained with its space. The subject's consciousness appears to be having an effect upon the system."
As he speaks, something glimmers down the hall. A section of wall between the melted hole and the corner leading to the barracks hall shimmers like oil on water and something passes through it as though the steel were liquid. It's a brain, a human brain, though pale white and trailing part of a nervous system like frayed treads off a piece of cloth. The science crew turns their attention to it, but the squid raises one tentacle.
"Hold." It says, mechanical voice a harsh metal whisper.
I never had the chance to put on any clothes, remember? Also, this is probably a bad idea but gonna try standing up. Then walking if standing up wasn't too hard.
You manage to get shakily to your knees at least. You don't hurt, but you feel very awkward. You look like a newborn horse; blood soaked and trying to get stable on unfamiliar limbs.
Yell death threats at dorsidwarf for trying to get me killed.
Protect the teapot at all costs.
Engage jump rockets if i need to escape suddenly, because the people behind me havent suffered enough.
They seem to be ignoring you so you bide your time.
See if the R and D department doors are still open.
They are.
Wow, this is real neat, read the wiki, holy shot those diagrams, this is a legit operation, kudos to you pw, I will never understand how you do this. Seriously, someone already gave me a wiki page wut? 
Look around, find the alcohol, find someone to yell at, be an asshole.
(I don't know how this thread works, if pw regulates it or such.)
Hey, other players, is anyone still in the barracks room? If not I can have this guy pop into existence.