Thomas tosses some of the jerky at May and opens up a bag for himself.
"Think this'll work?"
You throw some meat may's way.
And you give her some jerky.
"Uhhhhh. Unless this propulsion system can work outside of zero-g or you can give me some other way of moving on the ground, I need my legs. I want to be useful for more than just zero-g missions. And what was Faith in here for? Or is that secret?"
Keep the legs, unless the propulsion system works outside of zero-g, or the Doc gives me another means of movement on the ground.
The doctor leans against the wall and scratches his head.
"Hmm. Well, if you don't want to move quickly I suppose small pods would work for maneuvering. But you won't be able to be a good spaceship."
((I was hoping someone else would be so kind as to ask, buuuuuut...
Also, Faith is Ms. Fanservice. No, May does not count.))
"You got your answer...And something occurred to me." Milno said to Kyle, walking towards the armory kiosk.
He really should just remember all of his questions and ask them all at once, but human nature was a bitch. "Hey, question: have you ever seen a melee battlesuit in the field?"
He stopped for a moment and waited for the answer before asking the next one:
"And do you happen to remember the name of every convict? I noticed you mentioned mine once or twice."
Ask the AM.
(Not intentionally, but she keeps having interactions with the doctor and the doctor has shit to do and doesn't care who he violates in the course of the action.)
"I've seen them in use a few times. They're absurdly dangerous up close, even against other battlesuits. The UWM used ones with segmented mono-atomic claymores to help put down the Red Moon Rebellions."
"And yeah, I know most of your names, some more then others."
((She does seem to get indecent more often than normal...
Also, pretty sure she just got mouthraped by the Doctor's geneticin' proboscis. Well, that or he's [REDACTED], but I don't think he'd want to have to exert that much control indefinitely.))
Wake up?
You return to consciousness with a gasp and immediately fight back a wave of Nausea. You feel frankly terrible. And someone's torn your shirt open. You suppose you should be used to being molested at this point, but you're not. You hold your suit shut and look around. You're in a room, a small room, with nothing much here but a bed and a small book with the title "Stories to pass the time" scribbled on the front.
You try the door. Locked. Of course. You sink down against one wall and sigh, scratching at your left arm. Gahhh, it is itching something fierce're not really sure you want to look why.
Thomas tosses some of the jerky at May and opens up a bag for himself.
"Think this'll work?"
Go feed jerky to the Basilisk.
((Hey, is the Kitchen up and running again?))
(not yet. Almost though, the rec room will be open again soon. You all should play with your toys more carefully next time

You head back to the infirmary and give a piece of meat to the Basilisk, which is still curled up under the light. It swallows it all in one bite and looks at you expectantly, mouth slightly open. My but it has some large teeth.
Eat half the bag of chips, or just enough to feel full after regenerating a few fingers, whichever portion's smaller.
You down the entire bag of chips and smack your salty lips, feeling nice and full. Mmm transfats.
((Seeing Faith and May's status...I'm quite curious as to where the sanity went.))
"Who performed the operation on me, and what synthetic organs were placed inside me?
"Also, fertility status." Feyri inquired, pointing at her body while, lowering her voice for only her and the medical personnel.
"Three surgeons, the names of whom I'm not allowed to give to you because of the homicidal tenancies of some inmates.[...]"
It took Feyri a few moments to accept the reality of what had happened.
"Take my word for it, I am not a homicidal person, sir. But...thank you for telling me about my condition. I would like to try to help in research around here - not using my body of course - but then I'm guessing the stereotype of inmates are like laws among the staff, right?
"Is there any way I can use the apparatuses here?"
Ask. Then resist depression.
"What are you talking about specifically?" The doctor asks, looking a bit confused.