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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette On ship Thread: Maurice's One Night Stand  (Read 6151071 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8985 on: October 24, 2012, 04:16:16 pm »

"Uh... who was that, Ms. AM?"


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8986 on: October 24, 2012, 05:09:33 pm »

"I see. Well, thanks for your time, and good luck on that project, it sounds like it could be incredibly useful."

Bid science guy farewell, go find The Doctor.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8987 on: October 24, 2012, 05:18:39 pm »

"Err, right. Yeah, no painting. Never was such a thing, of course. Must have been a dream of mine." Gorat spends a few seconds to regain his composure. "Dream, yes. I think my real question's coming back to me. When we scoured the ship for the anomaly, I kind of overdid it with my amp to defend ourselves (and I suspect I'm in deep trouble for this?), is there a way to mitigate that sort of thing?"

"Decompensator would work."

I have a feeling I'm not just drunk
Screw it, choose a random person to follow.

You follow the first person who walks near you as they wander down the hall. You stick near them, following them down a side hall and finally through what looks like a modified airlock and out a sea of lights. The area beyond the airlock looks to be a huge hanger of sorts but nearly every surface of the walls and floor and even ceiling is coated with scrap metal buildings and glowing neon and LED signs, a haze of blurred technicolor light advertising things in a language you don't recognize. Catwalks and scaffolding and great, terrifyingly rickety bridges crisscross overhead and everywhere swarms with with people; most in similar, spaceman clothing. The man you were following vanishes into the crowd almost instantly.

Mmmmm... great and glorious Steve... a hive mind?  Very, very interesting.  Perhaps I should bring this up with St. Milno?  Perhaps.

Continue the meditations.

uhhh...Hm. You can't

Wait for the doc. Think of ways of training how to shoot without the need for VR.

Could probably just shoot teammates. That should stop you from damaging the ship at least. You tap you foot while you wait and give May an annoyed look.

Strange...Nobody uses expletives on the intercomms unless they were composed of convict brain matter and went by the name of Steve. And even then...

Quote from: Feyri Nirel; Broadcasting
Did everyone receive that? I bet you did.

Alright, I may be asking too much, but keep alert everyone. Probably talk to those we can speak with, a minor technical error.

I just didn't like how that ended. I'm moving me, and my sword to the Briefing Room.

Promptly sheath sword [darn, forgot the sheath?!] and cautiously enter Briefing room in full gear. Inspect area.

You sort of stick your sword in your belt and head to the briefing room. It looks...well, pretty much like it looked before, but cleaner and with what looks like new replacements for a lot of benches and the holodisplay.

Milno stared at the ceiling for some time. What the hell. Well, curiosity appeared when he was bored, so there he went.
"What. Steve, why did the intercoms come back to life just now and whose voice was that?"

He also sent a message to the techies via wristpad:
How much would it cost and how fast could I go?

Ask both, head to check on the briefing room.

(( Please, please, please put a kinetic amp on either your forehead or your honey-claw hand if it can be done. ))
((Yeah, I was thinking about something violent with a kinetic amp attached to it to make full use of the combat dash system. And kinetic amp-powered headbutt is actually an interesting idea.))
>Some maintenance man probably jacked into it accidentally while trying to talk to someone else.

As fast as the suit is capable of going.

You head to the briefing room and see everything Feyri saw.

Quote from: Simulacrus Ferratum-Inanis; Broadcasting
That was most unusual. I'm off to the briefing room as well, see what it was.

Continue smoking, head to the briefing room.
You head to the briefing room, trailing smoke behind you as you go. You also see a distinct lack of anything interesting.

"Can I see the Basilisk?"
The Doctor nods and wanders off before coming back a moment later with a rather large metal box with a few small holes on the top. He hands it to you and you grunt under it's weight: it seems to weigh no less then 100 pounds.

"Uh... who was that, Ms. AM?"

"One of the Maintenance guys being an idiot." The armory master says while glaring at the nearest intercom speaker.

"I see. Well, thanks for your time, and good luck on that project, it sounds like it could be incredibly useful."

Bid science guy farewell, go find The Doctor.

You find the doctor in the Infirmary. You also find May with a large box. Did...did a tongue just pop out of the holes on that box?


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8988 on: October 24, 2012, 05:21:17 pm »

(I find it funny that all of you were freaking out about it. XD I knew it was a joke. Come on, didn't any of you read Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger when y'all were little? Mr. Kidswatter does the exact same thing in the first chapter with the school intercom. Well, anyway, back to waiting on Yoink for me. Unless I can get a cheapshot in for waiting a day or so with no response? :3)
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8989 on: October 24, 2012, 05:24:18 pm »

The f&%#.........
Intuiton the hell out of this situation.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8990 on: October 24, 2012, 05:29:07 pm »

Faith stared at the box a moment, before looking at the Doctor, May, the box, Doctor, May, and the box again. She wasn't sure what the implications of this were.

"So, uh... what's in the box?" she asked the Doctor. "Oh and, um, possibly related to that, what kinds of, um, genetic augments can you do?"

Box and gene mods.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8991 on: October 24, 2012, 05:29:52 pm »

Continue to smoke, look in at the progress on the (W)rec Room, if there's workers in there:

Any idea when this place will be back to being functional?

Then head back and wait.
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8992 on: October 24, 2012, 05:35:31 pm »

"So we inmates aren't the only incompetant ones here then."
Thomas mutters the last line under his breath.
"Thanks ma'am."
Thomas gives her a thankful nod, then heads over to the Doctor.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8993 on: October 24, 2012, 06:58:25 pm »

(I find it funny that all of you were freaking out about it. XD I knew it was a joke. Come on, didn't any of you read Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger when y'all were little? Mr. Kidswatter does the exact same thing in the first chapter with the school intercom. Well, anyway, back to waiting on Yoink for me. Unless I can get a cheapshot in for waiting a day or so with no response? :3)
((In fact, I was hoping to find the maintenance personnel there. Discover who's the owner of the voice, that is.))

Go and get the "Combat Dash" system installed.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8994 on: October 24, 2012, 07:02:23 pm »

Look inside the holes.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8995 on: October 24, 2012, 08:28:26 pm »

Well.  Looks like this train of thought had reached its end.  Now... what did this mean?

Hmmm... ah.  Clearly, the highest honor one could reach here was to be assimilated into the great mind that was Steve.  Surely that would be the fate of St. Milno, the ship's savior.  Lars decided to convey this knowledge to him.  Now... where was he?

A quick search caught St. Milno about to enter the briefing room.  Lars followed, bowing as he approached..

"Greetings, St. Milno!  I wish to tell you of a great divine revelation I had!  Since you have brought great glory to this ship, you shall be given the highest honor!  When you pass, your brain will be brought into the fold of the great Steve, and you will live forever in service with him!  Ah, if I could only be as lucky as you!"

Lars bowed again, then once more for good measure.

"May you find great comfort in the knowledge that your eternal essence will be joined to the glorious Steve!"

Wayside School

(( *brofist*  I quite enjoyed those books.))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8996 on: October 24, 2012, 08:30:08 pm »

Go to the Rec room, see what the workers are doing. Ask them if they want a hand with anything, but stay out of their way. Ask them if they want a drink after they knock off for the day. Proffer bottle of acohol at them.

"You blokes want a hand with whatever you're doing or a drink after you've finished fixing this crap up? Actually, I'll have a drink while you're fixing this crap, but there'll be some left."

Try and intuitively work out how to be a kitchen-repairman on a monkey-see-monkey-do basis, especially with regard to re-wiring former-death-murder-wires. Look around and see if there's any unattended tools as well.
It's a game. Have fun.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8997 on: October 24, 2012, 08:34:36 pm »

"Greetings, St. Milno!  I wish to tell you of a great divine revelation I had!"

"No." Milno said nonchalantly before turning his back to Lars and walking to the labs' area, leaving the crazy preaching man talking by himself. At least most of the wackos had decided to ignore him, but that one was apparently going to persist.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8998 on: October 24, 2012, 08:45:52 pm »

(( Now this is a pretty dumb question, but did I pay for my k.amp and sledgehammer? I bought my laser rifle, but the other two was "The AM hands them to you, then shit happened. Then I got hit in the nuts." It's not like her to overlook something like that, so I can assume it was just deducted from my account (are credits even real things unless you request to carry them?), but I was just wondering. ))
It's a game. Have fun.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: St. Milno
« Reply #8999 on: October 24, 2012, 08:55:14 pm »

Lars followed close enough to finish what he was saying, but then stopped as St. Milno left.  Ah, the life of a saint is very busy indeed.

He headed back to the barracks and delivered unto the masses an impromptu sermon on the benefit of living like St. Milno- a tricky prospect since Brother Lars wasn't really sure himself.


((Pretty sure tokens are real, since at the end of Mission 6 a pile of them were dumped out into the briefing room.))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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