"Always had to wait to see the Doc eh? Well, can you let me in? Or at least let him know I'm looking for him?"
Await answer. If answer is no, head to the Wrec room.
You realize, of course, that you could always send him a message yourself with your wristpad, right?Back to Duel. Wear my suit of electricity +5 and spawn a guy friendly to me. Give the dude a hug. Then activate the electroburst.
The electroburst seems to have a very unhelpful effect on the man, though it's not very helpful for you either.You regenerate but are left very tired and hungry.
Do a hand-stand for the AM.
You fall face first onto the ground with a colossal thud.
"Are you not impressed?" You mumble, face down.
Faith sighed, hoping she'd made the right choice.
Financially, not morally, that was.
Well, maybe some exercise would help calm her down. Nothing she could do to harm or help, after all.
"Hey Steve," she said after a moment. "Has the Doctor had a lot of disciples?"
Punch speed bag for a while. Question Steve.
You punch the bag for a bit till you get a bit overzealous and give it much too hard of a blow and end up throwing yourself off the rhythm.
>Ones that made it through the training or just ones that tried? Gorat dozes a bit in front of the blank TV, mumbling an oddly specific bet for 3 tokens, then jolts up.
"Whoops. Must have fallen asleep. Is that a possible side effect of... er, amp overuse, Steve?"
Turn on the TV, zap through a few programs.
(Oh, yeah, I got that one already)
You flip through a few channels. Cartoons, News, some sort of sporting event involving several hundred men fighting on a field.
Sambo's Character Sheet.
Strength: 5
Every other stat: 3.
"Just a normal bloke that's a bit stronger than he looks."
Int: 1
Conventional weapons: 1
Unconventional weapons: 1
Auxillary: 1
Med-tech: 1
"A roustabout, handy, not stupid. Well, not entirely. Just human. Just. Fairly intuititive for a human. Even with a blowtorch for medical work. Humans know these things."
Quick bio: Sambo was a pretty normal army bloke. Trained hard, worked hard. No wars, enough pay. The best sort of army to be in. Then Sambo got bored. Then Sambo got drunk. Really, really drunk. Then he ran into some people. Then more people. Then through a wall. Then more people. Then the tank stopped. So he figured it was time to fire the cannon. The shell ran through 18 other walls at hyper-sonic speed, destroyed 4 ATM sites (auto-termination-machines, auxillery-turret-Masons, a tall man, and something else), wiping out everything with it's shockwave anywhere within 400 metres of the shell's path. Then it blew up.
14 hectares of fairly prime real-estate was now pretty sub-par. Rent's dropped. A lot.
Fortunately Sambo was one fucked up drunk commander of a heavy battle-tank. He only passed out.
Now he's here. How did that happen? Over 1,200 casualties and more dieing due to burns and high radiation. It made the news. People weren't happy.
Visual Character Description: however he wakes up out of stasis. Have fun.
Retcon sort-of: He's a Grunt. +1 to Conventional Weapons, -1 to speech. What else can tank commander's do? Auxilliary? That's a technician job. Repairs and stuff. Speech? No. "Fire now!" Kaboom. !!!!!! ?? "Fire again!" Kaboom-shanka!!!!!
"Well done crew."
Edit: forgot having any class what-so-ever.
Got it. Looks fine, go ahead and start screwing around on the ship.
(( Uh, better late than never: that's a beautiful decision on how to handle the dynamic bonuses. ))
With a slight jerk of his head Maurice awakened. "...molestation and murder... ...unacceptable...", huh? ...It seems Brother Lars's preaching is over, pity I don't remember how it ended.
Go to the caffeteria, get some (3-1-2-1) food.
((@sambojin Welcome to the HMR Corps!
You get a plate of meat, veggies and a drink with a side of dessert. That done, you sit down at one of the tables and start eating. Tastes...well it's food.
The sermon over, Lars says a benediction for the fallen.
"Fuck those guys."
You walk towards the VR machines, wandering down the halls, when you find something sitting in the center of a hallway. It's a statuette of some kind, six inches high and oddly shaped, a swirling mass of spheres with segmented trails flowing behind them. It's just sitting there in the center of the hall with no one around.
((On one dramatic and sadistic hand, I want to say "go ahead and check it out", but on the other, more reasonable and gentle hand, I want to say "OH SHIT, IT'S TIMMY, RUN". Then again, if it's really Timmy, nobody is safe anyway.))
Head to the armory and show the Armory Master the painting. Ask her for her opinion on it.
"Greetings once more, ma'am. I made this work of art under the influence of some mind-altering alcohol. What do you think about it? I think I really managed to capture the essence of star-devouring monstrosities from people's nightmares."
Get a frame for the painting. Also get something with which to securely (as in making it difficult to remove) attach it to a wall in the rec room.
As you walk toward the Armory you come across a man standing in the hall, looking at a statuette on the ground huh.
Scream slightly. Remember to take the catheter out as well. After walking out the door. Cover self a bit or put on available clothes. Sort of cry about "main cannon usage".
You-ahem- unplug yourself and grab some clothing before wandering out into the hall and screaming about "Firing the main cannon" and "A can of shrapnel laden woop-ass" .
Seeing no-one was about to give any sort of explanation as to just what was supposed to go on around here, Floki instead turned his mind to amusing himself. 'Place looks kinda fun, I guess. If you're armed, at least.'
He glanced up and down the room, lighting his eyes on a choice piece of furniture before lumbering over to it, face splitting in a grin. 'This here'll do nicely...'
>Scan room for possible materials from which to fashion makeshift weaponry. Liberate said materials from whatever purpose they currently serve and attempt to cobble them together into a club. Use kitchen utensils if necessary.
There are several possibilities: that shrine in the corner is made of bits of wood and metal, the kitchen has slices of counter top and washing machine, the tables in the mess hall,if you tore them apart, have large metal rods. Hmm.
The utility. The chance that I have to kill something in the mission with that. The weapon carried and not used is not a weapon, it is a burden that just makes things more difficult for the one who brought it, like lots of people when they discover the uselessness of their abilities.
And even if melee is very difficulty against ranged, it can do a lot more damage when used the right way. Using a melee weapons makes things more interesting than just "press this button and ka-boom"
"Situation should dictate your weapon. If you wish to survive you should not worry about what makes something more interesting, you should worry about what makes something most effective. Any techniques I teach you should be used only if the situation is such that they are the most advantageous. Charging into a gunfight with a sword is not only silly but purely disgraceful of what I will teach.
What I teach is not simply how to hit a man with a bit of sharp metal. I am teaching how to kill. The medium is unimportant, blade or bullet, whats important is the methodology."
The doctor thinks for a moment.
"Have you killed a man before?"
Snap out of it. At the worst possible time.
Alright, thats done. Now then, where were you...oh thats right
You Flip May like a table and immediately begin screaming.
Milno rose an eyebrow. Twenty-five missions leading a team of assorted psychos and idiots was not something most people looked forward to. He couldn't care less about who led unless the team started to act in a way even more idiot than usual, which was the only reason he had decided to take command.
"Did your team lose any members during the missions you led? Also, have you ever had to execute any of them?"
"Of course I lost members. Sometimes I sent them to their deaths knowing full well what would happen. I did what was needed to complete the mission with the least number of casualties, nothing more or less. And yes, I had to execute a few, mostly ones out of their minds or controlled by something else. But not all of them."
"Aw, my clever ruse failed," Jim complained, but with a smile on his face. "But if you want me to try again, then I'll do so."
Jim uses Intelligence to figure out the best way to kiss Feyri, then does so.
Uhhh...well it's hard to kiss someone without lips...or a face. You could probably just smoosh her face on your faceplate, but the best would probably be getting a synth-flesh body.
Examine rifles. Price check on X10 scope and X20 scope.
The differences between a normal rifle and the extra focusing chamber ones or just what they all look like? x10 scope is 2 token, the other is 3.