Jim set that aside and continued making swords, according to this list...
1. Another reiterpallasch
2. A katana, because someone probably wants one
3. A claymore
4. A macuahuitl
5. A kilij
6. A bolo knife
7. A gladius
8. A xiphos
9. A falcata
(I'm not sure if I have enough scrap metal for all of them, but hopefully I can make a few.)
We'll assume that you take some time between each sword, rest, and regain your mental faculties. Also keep in mind that you could probably melt down any complete sword and try to remake it.
Alright, lets see here.
sword 1
Your next blade comes out fragile but insanely sharp.
You attempt to form a katana but end up just bashing the metal to pieces.
Same thing happens again
And again.
And a-fucking-gain
That's better. This ones a bit dull, but some sharpening will fix that.
Didn't even heat it up enough that time.
And again.
A dull claymore, but a claymore none the less.
>Error in list. Macuahuitl requires prismatic blades, not metal.
Risk it. I could probably do the cover shot thing, but I don't want to waste more laser. Also, it makes it more exciting!
You leap for the mirror...and fall flat on your stomach like a cat on ice.
[hunter con:5]
You don't have time to curse your terrible coordination before a slug catches you in the temple.
Game over.
Brother Lars ponders. This longcoat may be just what he needed. Hmm... what could be done to increase its effectiveness against lasers? Some sort of woven-in crystals that would diffuse the light energy?
Get cost/specs of Civic Defender longcoat. Look up ductilecrystals or materials that could be woven into its construction- price that out as well.
Well, you could weave in the fibers that a battlesuit uses, but they're gonna make it heavy.
Lukas just stood there for a while, examining the doctor before he spoke. What is this guy all about? "Doctor, I've done what you asked. I've killed your other test subject. Now, I am smart enough to know that killing that thing doesn't repay the debt you warned me about before my...transformation. However, I feel that it bought me the right to know more about your plans with me." Lukas paused and looked at the palms of his hands before speaking again. "Why did you do this? What exactly is in it for you?"
The Doctor turns to look at you and you notice that every other doctor and nurse in the room does the same in a single, synchronized motion.
Bishop huffed and looked strangely relieved.
"Well done, you just saved your life and spared yourself considerable discomfort. I don't really WANT to kill you, I'm a pretty nice guy all things considered, I just felt obliged to is all. And just so you know, being killed by me should be a good thing compared to the stuff we'll run into on a mission."
He nodded and stood upright again.
"You also make a good point. We all make mistakes, it's only human to do so. Consider the slate wiped clean between us, just make sure not to make too many stupid decisions in the future, our lives are on the line after all. Now I'm off to talk to an actual doctor about a possible treatment for my visions. See you later."
Head back to see the doctor about possible fixes for my visions. Also ask if there's anything he can do about increasing reaction times.
The doctor seems a bit busy with the enormous metal giant he's talking to. Hmm. Guess you could wait a minute.
"They will be their own doom."The sheep is back, standing around beside you. Its black eyes glace up at you.
"Salvation lies in blood."