Extract myself and get up.
"Well, that's awkward."
Get back on my feet, take a few steps back.
"I guess five or so years of brutalizing store owners for missing payments doesn't actually prepare you for real combat. Who would've thought?"
By mutual consent you both decide to stand up and never talk about this moment again.
Continue reading.
I didn't post you reading but you're basically done with the book now. There's no bonus but it did tell you that 1. tesla sabres are best used in stabbing motions rather than slashing, 2. Battlesuit Heavysabres are best handled like a club rather then a sword, since stabbing with them is awkward and slow, 3. Blinkblades should never actually strike the target, rather they should be brought near the target and activated then brought back and, 4. archanic type blades should be reserved for unarmored targets if possible, but if against a suited target it is preferable to either strike at the joints or attempt to sever any exposed airlines or electrical cables (If you are insulated against shock).
Enter melee with centaur.
[centaur dex:6]
[cent str:3]
You charge the centaur in turn smashing through the waves of Altered till you both slam into each other, metal and flesh grinding and screeching as you try to push the creature back. You get hold of one of it's slashing arms while it hacks ineffectively at you with the other, your feet digging into the soft, bloodsoaked earth as you try to push him to the ground. His extra legs give him leverage though,and he manages to push you back despite your efforts.
Bishop paused in thought before answering.
"Hmm... It's hard to know right now what I would need without going to a breifing first, so how about something thats general purpose? At the least, something that won't rupture like tissue paper!"
(Are we talking about automated field manipulators or straight armor still?)
I said wrestle him into submission!
[worker dex:1]
You twist his arm behind his back and pin it in place, successfully subduing him, at least for the moment.