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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette On ship Thread: Maurice's One Night Stand  (Read 5818977 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21210 on: December 10, 2013, 08:49:19 am »

"We don't know that he'll explode yet. I think the best thing to do is wait and see what's going to happen instead of looking at him as some rabid beast to be put down."
"If I may take a moment to voice my own opinion. I understand that Grate isn't some 'rabid beast', but the fact of the matter is that he somehow fucked with the laws of the universe and space magic, and now these magics  are going out of control. What I'm trying to say is, no matter how much we might want to save grate, it might just be the case that he simply cannot control these powers and we'll be forced to kill him lest he whipes out the entire region.

If we could all take a moment to remember Ice-9 and the sunrise, I think just 'waiting to see what happens' isn't an option here, boss, sad to say."

"Yeah, tell the synthlesh monster that we should bust a cap in his kid, nice plan"


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21211 on: December 10, 2013, 08:51:52 am »

((Its a marowak... and its because im wearing the skull of one of those anomoly planet SUV worms.
Oh and fight is selected because its the default selection.))
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21212 on: December 10, 2013, 09:09:07 am »

((Ah. While I'm at it, why is Jim only Level 3? Isn't that below the minimum level of Pokemon, whereas Jim is one of the highest-level, aka most experienced, of the Men In Space?))

((Also, proposed--if incomplete--rating system for HMRC-caused calamities.))
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
((I really want nukes to be absurdly low, but the X-9 events to be Category 9, and I'm having trouble filling the middle.))
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21213 on: December 10, 2013, 09:25:00 am »

((Ah. While I'm at it, why is Jim only Level 3? Isn't that below the minimum level of Pokemon, whereas Jim is one of the highest-level, aka most experienced, of the Men In Space?))
((New game + emulator action replay codes, thats why.
Also minimum level is 1 when hatched from an egg or 2 when caught wild.))
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21214 on: December 10, 2013, 10:01:25 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India

Tavik Toth

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21215 on: December 10, 2013, 11:39:05 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

((Hey Sean, why not use your non lethal whatchamacallit to knock grate out?))

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21216 on: December 10, 2013, 12:39:13 pm »

((Because him being unconscious is only theoretically better than him being conscious, and even that only if we are resolved to kill him. His conscious mind isn't the driving force behind the overload any more than the floodgate operator is the driving force behind a bursting dam.

Besides, my nonlethal whatchamacallit depends on the laws of physics to function.))
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India

Tavik Toth

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21217 on: December 10, 2013, 12:43:44 pm »

((Also have a trope suggestion or two for Jack:
 Badass Longcoat- After he bought his Civil Defenders Longcoat.
 Katanas are just better: After he had a katana made by Jim.
 Kinetic Weapons are just better: All but one of his weapons is some form of kinetic weapon including a bolt action rifle and a shotgun he looted from Ivan after his Altered form was 'killed'.))


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21218 on: December 10, 2013, 01:42:12 pm »

(Now I want to see the rest of the HRMC as mons.  Make it so, Pariah!)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21219 on: December 10, 2013, 02:14:27 pm »

((What would Grate be?))
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21220 on: December 10, 2013, 02:16:47 pm »

((At this point, MissingNo.))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Tavik Toth

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21221 on: December 10, 2013, 02:35:50 pm »

((What would Jack be?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21222 on: December 10, 2013, 02:58:53 pm »

((Is it a bad sign that I had a dream about ER where Grate's next will roll was a 1?))
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21223 on: December 10, 2013, 03:00:15 pm »

>How about we do this when grate isn't shitting all over the laws of physics.
((In the immortal words of Elan: "Fight, fight, fight, fight the urge to say I told you so!"))

Find somewhere farther away from people. Keep under control!



Despite my earlier foolishness, my survival instinct is quite healthy.

Xan considers. On one hand he really really wanted to know what was going on. On the other hand that was stupid.
The solution was obvious.

Form a ball of sensory apparatuses that have a protobrain in the center which stores all sensory information that it receives so I can retrieve it later. The apparatuses themselves cover sight in all forms of the electromagnetic spectrum, hearing in all ranges, all smell, all taste (including that kind that snakes use to 'smell' - basically it records everything. It also shouldn't be too large; size of a softball at most.

Extrude this thing in the AM's direction.

If you get called on to extinguish the anomaly, could you bring this thing along with you so I can see what happens? Just stick it in a corner or someplace where it won't get hit and return it to me after.
If you end up fighting whatever it is, that is.

Also creep out fellow hider.

If AM wants me to go fight Grate, scuttle off while making myself as agile as possible.


Well, you manage to get yourself what amounts to a flesh drone, but its eyes and ears are no better then your own.

"If you want to see what happens, then you should actually come watch, ya coward." The armory master says, walking out of the kiosk and off toward the hanger.

"How did the half-pint become a self-propelled manipulator overload? Anything you want me to do?"

Talk to Steve.

>Not entirely sure. Probably that pill machine he has and something related to an amp or manipulator or something. And poor foresight. Honestly, he's above your pay grade so I'm having the Armory master take care of him. As per what you can do; keep an eye out for lookie loos who don't belong to ARM. We'll have to do something about them later.

Lars continues to cower at Steve's feet.  "Yes, Supreme Lord!  You are wise in teaching us to deal with these problems ourselves.  All hail Glorious Steve, his General Jim, and the wise Saint Milno!  May Algis shield us all!"

Sing praises and prayers.

You sing battle hymns and prayers of victory while steve argues with various people about the murder of children.

"Well, I'm feeling rather good where I am. Probably won't last."

Do the robot. Check how convincing I am. Does this body actually have specially-installed unsteadiness modules or something?
You can do the robot pretty dang well. Having servos and synthetic muscle fibers instead of flimsy meat parts helps.


missed me. Or something.

Where would you like to start in the mission? At the beginning or would you like to select a time?

Stay put. Don't panic.

Spoiler: Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos (click to show/hide)
Keep calm and carry on.

Any further information on the mission, Steve? Additional data on hazards or hostiles, secondary objectives, et cetera?
Briskly walk to to the armoury to ask the Armory Master a few questions before she leaves.
Hello, ma'am. Busier days have come, haven't they? Glad to see your loveliness untarnished a tiniest bit. May I have a minute of your time, please?
What would you recommend for non-lethally dealing with ones mutated by an organo-amp overload? Of sedatives, stun grenades and shock weapons, which ones are most likely to remain effective despite the bodily changes? Or maybe I am missing something of the most common and easily available solutions?
Also, do you happen to have any books by Dr. VonNost? Publicly available libraries seem to lack his works. Censure, I guess,

((@GM Is the 'Idiots in space' inventory correct? Because Maurice's stats there are outdated, and 'Men' has no inventory for Maurice. Also, do I still have that cooler from the AM?
Would your rather I tinkered a bit after the mini-mission, or is it fine for the moment?))

EDIT: Send a message to the Doctor:
Can the boy be helped?
Can you save him?
(We moved to the idiots in space .txt completely. If your stats are outdated, let me know what they should be. Also I didn't transfer anything from your days as intern to this current sheet, so it may be missing stuff. You could tinker now)

The armory master has already walked away by the time you get there.

I told him the batteries don't carry an electric charge. Well, maybe some latent synaptic activity, but nothing worth considering. And I might be able to help him if he could be restrained, but I doubt he will be.

"I don't want to kill a child, especially one on our team, Steve. If he actually does become a threat to us then I'll think about it, but right now he hasn't harmed anyone."

(Also, asking me to PvP? Yeah, sure. >.>)

>I'm going to forgive the subordination because it comes from ignorance rather then obsinance.
Steve says with a look of mild annoyance.

>The armory master will handle it from here. I was simply giving you the option of doing it yourself.

>How about we do this when grate isn't shitting all over the laws of physics.
((In the immortal words of Elan: "Fight, fight, fight, fight the urge to say I told you so!"))
Find somewhere farther away from people. Keep under control!
((How dare you stand in the way of progress... you are dead to me.))

ask AM if i can borrow a manipulator capable of killing that little progress impeding midget.
Join the "Grate must die" posse.

You chase after the armory master as she walks away and ask for a manipulator.

"You don't have the will for it." she says, waving her hand dismissively in your direction. "The skill maybe, but not the will."

Is he clear of the hanger? Awesome.

Head to the hanger! Examine the destruction and, most importantly, see if the Blackship took any damage. :P
You run to the hanger. There's a big melted hole to the lockers in  one of the walls, a trail where it appears that the deck is composed of everything from granite to aluminum to wood, and then a scorch mark heading out of the hanger and toward the admin building. Your ship appears to have shifted to the side a bit and is pressed up against a wall, but seems to be undamaged.

The armory master walks past you and out of the hanger, following the scorch mark.

Go, grab the prepared scalp, then try to calm Grate down with the power of music. (Charisma roll activate!)

You grab the scalp and run toward grate's current location, singing like a mistrial with a death wish. You only go as far as the edge of the hanger, since it doesn't seem to be having any effect.

>No, seriously, Jim. You wanna go kill your kid for me? Because honestly, granting him death before he becomes something beyond our control is about all we can do right now.

Though not directed at him, the sentence still makes Anton turn his head.

"Kill him? We spent near a damn year in the company of things no more messed up than he is, far as I can see - courtesy of you, I might add. Steve. Don't tell me this planet is so small that you can't allocate a space for a single being like him." He starts gesticulating and pacing as his speech gradually becomes louder. "When he came to fight that damn wheelchaired space wizard, I gave him a rifle! I could have sent him away, I could have prevented him from being killed in the first place, but I did not! I am not going to condemn a child to death, for becoming... an abomination, against physics - just because he tried to become useful! Not any more than..." Anton looks around, trying and failing to find Xan in the room. He passes his gaze over the various people in the room instead, the assembly of robots, synthflesh constructs, and modified humans, settling on Lyra. "...not any more than I would condemn any of us, for trying the same."

He turns to walk out of the room, but pauses in the doorway.

"If anyone else feels or thinks that way... feel free to start coming up with ideas to save him. I'll go see what I can see."

Head to the gangway, keep the drone flying after Grate. Try to keep him in view of the drone, but remain at a safe distance.

Message AM.

Quote from: Anton Chernozorov, text message to the Armory Master
You must have been already notified of the issue with one of our rank. The effects seem related to a manipulator malfunction, therefore must be grounded in the same principles. You have been around here probably longest of every other Sword crewmember, and you have the best knowledge of the manipulators, as far as I was able to gather. Over the years, the UWM must have come afoul of powerful users of this technology, and must have found ways to counter. Not dampen the effect, but suppress the operating principle of the manipulator itself.

We could very much use one right now.

>I don't think you quite understand the situation. Allow me to explain. That isn't grate anymore. That is a manipulator overload on an exponential growth curve. That is a beacon to things which mankind can not comprehend. That is an incomplete conduit to powers you frankly have no fucking idea the extent of. I am killing him before this entire PLANET is gone.

There are reasons you are not privy to whats in those boxes. There are reasons why each is built to self destruct before anyone can breach them and see whats inside. The vast, black expanse of your ignorance is a buffer to the white hot knowledge of what lies in those weapons and what they mean.

"I don't want to kill a child, especially one on our team, Steve. If he actually does become a threat to us then I'll think about it, but right now he hasn't harmed anyone."

>No, seriously, Jim. You wanna go kill your kid for me? Because honestly, granting him death before he becomes something beyond our control is about all we can do right now.

Though not directed at him, the sentence still makes Anton turn his head.
"Kill him? We spent near a damn year in the company of things no more messed up than he is, far as I can see - courtesy of you, I might add. Steve. Don't tell me this planet is so small that you can't allocate a space for a single being like him." He starts gesticulating and pacing as his speech gradually becomes louder. "When he came to fight that damn wheelchaired space wizard, I gave him a rifle! I could have sent him away, I could have prevented him from being killed in the first place, but I did not! I am not going to condemn a child to death, for becoming... an abomination, against physics - just because he tried to become useful! Not any more than..." Anton looks around, trying and failing to find Xan in the room. He passes his gaze over the various people in the room instead, the assembly of robots, synthflesh constructs, and modified humans, settling on Lyra. "...not any more than I would condemn any of us, for trying the same."
He turns to walk out of the room, but pauses in the doorway.
"If anyone else feels or thinks that way... feel free to start coming up with ideas to save him. I'll go see what I can see."

"Jim, Anton, I understand you'd be averse to killing a child. Especially you Jim, I heard you and him are kinda close.
But did you see that? That wasn't normal, not even for us. I have seen before what happens when people mess with stuff they don't understand, be it technology or 'magic' or whatever. I was there when Timmy exploded and left nothing but magical artifacts that completely healed people somehow, and I was there when Leon got dragged away by some daemon to whatever hell dimension it resides in when he used that magic without knowing what it was.

Now look, I'm not saying we should just kill him without trying to save him first, but for all we know he'll be going supernova within a minute, and we need to be ready to do the necessary if that happens. Jim, if you want to help me, I'd appreciate it, but standing at the sidelines and just hoping for the best could turn out disastrous. He could be a time bomb waiting to go off, he could stabilize on his own, but whatever happens, we need to take some action."

Then, he turns to open comms: "If anyone wants to join me to check on Grate, report to the hangar now. Only come if you can actually contribute anything, I don't need a gang of disaster tourists just running along and getting themselves hurt in the progress. Pancaek, you're good with amps, I could use your help. Milno, if you could give some backup, it would be appreciated. Flint, I'd ask if Gilgamesh is ready, but I'm not sure if you'd be of particular help against this kind of thing. No offense buddy. If you think you could help though, I wouldn't turn it down."

Miyamoto waits for whoever wants to join him, then sets of to track the Gratething. If the AM had any tips on how to help or stabilize him with his manip, he'll try so.

'Dammit, this is just like with that deathcrystal all over again.' He thought to himself. 'We have no idea what it is or what it could do, yet we can't just sit here and wait it out. Gah, why do I always have to organize the hunting parties. Though it may just as well be a killteam this time 'round. And it's just a kid this time too. Goddamn.'

((Because I don't know how to trope.))

((As I have stated before, if you simply type up the trope and accompanying 'flavor text' then I'm willing to add it to the page, just post it here in the thread. Or learn how to do it, it's easy and literally doesn't take more than 5 minutes.))
You head out to the edge of the hanger and see the armory master walking toward the glowing point of anomalous physics that is grate. You decide to let her take point.

Pan tenses up for a second, then hangs his head

"It seems our expertise is needed"
"Yeah, nice going dipshit. By showing you're actually useful at times with that little stunt of yours, you've just been selected to go hunt the grate big magical anomaly!"[/size]

"I'm not going to lie, I don't like the sound of this. I'll come, but the moment he starts speaking in tongues or shit starts getting biblical, I'm fucking out of there."
accompany Miyamoto, make sure Miyamoto is between me and danger at all times
You follow Miyamoto and get yourself a ring side seat to the greatest show on not-earth.

STEPHEN HAWKING takes a walk with Jim. "So, worse comes to worst, we still have the other one up in the infirmary, correct?"

-snip- "but I'd be willing to do anything if you help him. I mean it. Anything."

((Queue the AM turning you into her boy-toy XD))

Jim doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Except on steve's naughty list.

retract my claws, but still hold on tight to Jim. leave my face buried against him so he's the only one that can feel or see that it is wet.
It's the sad kitty show, Staring lyra.

"Let me get this straight. You want us to go kill Grate so this shit hopefully stops happening, right? Because if so, I'll do it. Killed him once, might as well finish the job. Sorry Jim. It's for the crew."

Head out towards Grate. Use the mass amp to stop anyone trying to prevent me from going. Be as non-lethal as possible, and try to keep their brains intact.
You join miyamoto.
Stay calm and keep those that stay behind calm as well. Make sure no one panics and does something stupid/dangerous/needlessly excessive.


Well, we'll say you're in the inventory, but it's a bit early to start joining the cleaning crew. We have to finish making more work for you first.
((Changed due to friendly reminders.))

T. gives a casual shrug. He'd come to expect events like this over the previous mission.
'Kill Grate', 'Save Grate'. 'Play him music'.
Considering how close this place was coming to a civil war, he figured he might as well just give the kid some quiet time.
Could be good for the poor tyke.
And at the very least he could get a good seat for rubbernecking.

Go find a Security room. Watch the havok unfold. If the opportunity arises, lead Grate underground (via mic/video) and lock him there (via door controls).

((I'll just put all my buys and borrows here for when Grate is no longer a threat to everyone aboard this world.))
1. Namite thrower (Borrowed from M.)
2. Engineering suit. (Purchased from AM)
3. Grenades (If tokens left over).
There aren't any security rooms around here. Really, why would there be?

The armory master walks about halfway out on the gangway as the being that was once great begins to float into the air, the building around him tearing apart. Debris swirls around him like a nebula around some nascent star, concrete and steel melting and cooling to near absolute zero even as they shift composition into a hellish tornado of super heavy elements and metals never before seen by mankind.

"It seems you're beyond being able to be damaged physically, aren't you?" She yells up at him, shouting over the electric discharge crackling across the building and the gangway. He doesn't respond.  "Such a waste of energy." she says, shaking her head, "Lets start slow and build up from there."

She doesn't move, doesn't make a single gesture, but the building, for a doze levels up and down and hundreds of feet in any direction suddenly collapses. It implodes and falls in, as though dragged by an invisible gravity well, on grate. More then a square kilometer of steel, glass and concrete, hundreds of tons of matter, is crushed down into a silvery ball roughly ten feet across and several times denser then metallic hydrogen. It hovers there for a moment before cracks appear in it's surface and heat and light begins to leak out.

The armory master turns back to the ship and the amp and manipulator users assembled at the edge of the hanger.

"You guys may want to put up a shield for this next part."

((Is it a bad sign that I had a dream about ER where Grate's next will roll was a 1?))
Only if precognition is bad.

Tavik Toth

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette Mission 11: Grate's attempts at Apotheosis
« Reply #21224 on: December 10, 2013, 03:04:10 pm »

Start of mission.

((Sweet fucking Jesus.))
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