>Search the Room for objects of use.
You gaze around the room. There doesn't seem to be anything useful here, aside from a bunch of notebooks and a single pen. Of course, there's also your trusty messenger bag, sitting on the floor beside your desk.
You are wearing the following items...
Eyes: a Pair of Clear Contact Lenses
Torso: a Green T-Shirt
Torso: a Gray Sweatshirt, unzipped
Legs: a Pair of Skinny Jeans
Feet: a Pair of Converse Sneakers
Feet: a Pair of Black Shoe Laces, tied
You are not holding anything.
Your Gray Sweatshirt, unzipped, contains the following items...
Left Pocket: Nothing
Right Pocket: an iPod Touch, a Pair of Orange Ear Buds
Your Pair of Skinny Jeans contain the following items...
Front Left Pocket: a Wallet, a Blue Pen Knife
Right Pocket: a Carton of American Spirits, a Yellow Lighter, a Set of Keys
Back Left Pocket: Nothing
Back Right Pocket: a Mint Tin
>Take a nearby notebook.
You take your notebook from your desk with your left hand.
>Skim through it for subjects of interest.
What is 'it'?
>It's it.
What is 'it'
?>Skim through the notebook for subjects of interest.
You skim through the notebook. Whoever was taking notes (you) seems to be a fairly bad note-taker. Aside from the occasional definition, the majority of the notebook is given over to scribbles, poorly done doodles, and hand-drawn fractals made of triangles.
>Pick up PENS
You take your pen from your desk with your right hand.
>Go up to the board and write incredibly crude things.
You get out of your seat and approach the board, clicking the pen menacingly all the while. Quite the ruffian you are, blackboards everywhere must be quaking in their boots, shrieking in fear of the many absurdities and horrors you are about to impose upon one of their kind. You imagine it isn't a very pleasant sound, much like...
>Draw dongs on chalkboard
Your pen screeches across the blackboard as you drag it about with your right hand. You manage to finish drawing one (1) dong, carefully placed beneath the word "PRONATALIST" as it should be, before the tip breaks off, spewing black fluid everywhere atop the head of your creation.
The ink drenches your arm, ruining the sleeve of your Gray Sweatshirt, unzipped! In your dismay, your self-esteem drops by 5 points!
The screeching of metal on blackboard lingers in your ears far longer than it should! To your horror, you realize it won't go away! Your insanity rises by 2 points!
Meters: Health 20/20, Energy 45/50, Hunger 10/100, Thirst 5/100, Self-Esteem: 15, Insanity: 2/??
You are standing in a classroom. Notebooks scatter the desks, and a Trusty Messenger Bag lays on the floor beside one. Someone has written "ANTINATALIST|PRONATALIST" on the blackboard in a feminine script. Someone has scratched one (1) dong onto the board. There is ink dripping down the board, from the one (1) dong's tip.
Health 20/20, Energy 45/50, Hunger 10/100, Thirst 5/100, Self-Esteem: 15, Insanity: 2/??
Exits: West (Closed)