Huh, I'm using KDE but since it's Arch I only installed certain parts of KDE and Krita wasn't one of the ones I grabbed since I just defaulted to using GIMP once I figured it out. Mostly looks like Krita is better suited for tablet/stylus type stuff I take it? Oh hell, Krita is for actual art creation, I think I'll leave that to you folks, but I'm kinda flattered you'd suggest it. GIMP is all I need since I'm just mixing and matching parts or at best trying to rescale them, unless Krita is better for scaling?
Didn't think to check the emulator folks but yeah that makes sense, though it's funny I'd probably have to grab WINE to use that scaler program... funny since WINE Is Not an Emulator, and all.
I didn't even think to check what sort of scaling algorithms were available in GIMP though, I'll have to poke around and see what the options are in there, most of my... I'm not gonna call it work because I don't do the art like ya'll do, let's call it hacking stuff together... is just getting it lined up layer by layer and then direct replacement, but I'm on a 1920x1080 monitor so I'm mostly just trying to pick and choose my favorite stuff from the existing 24x24 tilesets, being able to size stuff up without it looking all degraded or overly jagged would be amazing.
Huh, while investigating krita and gimp comparisons I noticed
this guy who does stuff with both, and yeah... I love artists, and yes, you folks making your prettied up ascii or fleshed out full on twbt packages are in that category, but that isn't where my talents lie.