You know what she yelled?
"Hashtag I'm Not Drunk!!!"
Seriously. What?
This sounds like an updated version of me, back in the '90s and '80s, saying "Bee Tee Double-You". Yes, I did that (despite it being five syllables, compared with "By the way"'s three).
I may have
also said "Eff Why Eye", at one point or another, but I think I've been cured of that one by seeing its increased use in 'management speak', perhaps via the kind of people who, since the late '90s and/or early new millennium, brought some of 'geek culture' into... well... 'culture'.
... 'Should've' is not 'should of', people!
...also 'their, they're and there'...
You are right, but it does have its[1] place. I use it as both a non-comma 'beat' (which
could be at the end of a sentence, but "elipsis+full_stop" combo just looks like "....", without actually invoking "…", which is Alt-0133 and less fluid to type) and a "text removed" indicator (although I might also bracket it up, e.g. [...], or use [snip] instead). As such I might also use "..?" as a trailing question ("?"x3 looking both more emphatic and, in forums like this, translating to the
But I also am guilty for often (in my more Usenet-using days) integrating the close-bracket of a parenthisised aside with the smiley/grinny that I wished to include in there... But
here I need to "colon (optional-dash) close-bracket
space close bracket", anyway, in order not to lose the visual part of the punctuation involved, or invoke the
symbol for the "noseless" version. (The 'nose'-versions don't seem to translate, so I suppose I could break a habit of 20 years or more and also, while correcting my bracket-contraction tendencies, add the noses back in! :-))
[1] In case
it's not been said recently please put an apostrophe only in
its correct place. Note also how I say "'90s" (substituting for the removed "19"), not "90's" (being used pluralising, although I know there's stylebooks that say you
can do this), above. BICBW, YMMV. HTH, HAND.
I really hate a lot of the atheists who go around the internet saying shit like "Christians are retards!" I just don't get why they feel the need to be so aggressive about all of it. I've nothing against either group of people, but really?
That'd be Explicit, Strong or Hard Atheism, then.
I hate it when people forget that "has no belief in a God" (which is not "Agnosticism") is not the same as "has a belief[2] there is no God". But being an (implicit, weak, soft) atheist of "has no belief",
plus a strong agnostic (there'd be absolutely no way of knowing for sure, anyway) and an apatheist (given everything, I'm just going to live a reasonably good life and any God worth his pillar-of-salt is going to have to accept this, without me trying to shoe-horn him/her/it into the equation, because the alternate pathway of following Pascal's Wager is too much fatally flawed to even consider).
But whenever I happen to find myself in the midst of an internet argument (please God... erm... <power or symbol of your choice>... I don't wish this thread to become so) between believers, non-believers and
dis-believers, very often it's the former camp that (while grouping the latter two together for their disdain) are the more vocal and less tolerant. Occasionally there's a "dis"ser who's also a "disser" of the Christian(/etc) camp, but he'll often be argued against just as much by the middle ground people, and even some of the firmly opinionated Atheist campers who also have an appreciation that
knowing is difficult/impossible.
Maybe its just the places I go to that have this particular bias of sensibilities (or, rather, the more sensible believers stay out of the argument the less sensible proselytising believer is clearly losing by their behaviour). I have no doubt that this is not going to be
always the case.
[2] There are better words than this, like "conviction", but here left as per the usual misconception for aesthetic reasons only.
Ppl wh0 spll lk ths drv me in 2 a homcdl rge.
Coming from a time before
way before SMS flavoured the ordinary typing (and sometimes
everyday writing!) of those who think it is cool (or 'bad', or 'wicked' or 'purple' or whatever) to do, I might well have equally complained about the 1337-5p34k w|2!73|2z. I wouldn't
ban anything like this, but it should only be used where the tone of the forum (or messageboard, or real-time 'chat' facility) is
already aimed that way.
The trouble, of course, is 'creep'. Mostly downwards from a fully-sensible place to the kind of place that such degredations are common-place. Again, I think I'm lucky in that I inhabit the right places.