Currently in the church near star sobor - novy or something like that. Had a epic run up north, me and 3 friends. Two of which where new, so we picked em up and pengu and me (well equiped) set out to the north, getting em there.
Once we meet up and exchanged gear, we already got ambushed (Me dieing), but the surivor that shot me did not see my buddys. He went to loot, got shot and our two newbs where over the corpse like vultures, picking it clean and then retreating into the forest again. While I made my way to my corpse, 3 other players had the same fate and so we took off to the north surprisingly well equipped.
It was a long journey and we had more then one hard spot, so mostly out of supplys, food and medicals, we arrived at the airport. We started looting it, with one player always providing overwatch... one of the newbs just couldn't stop agroing all the zeds withhin miles and so we had to waste more ammo then we found keeping him alive ( he died to that same shit, just keeps on shoting everything he sees and then bitching when he gets attacked). While the rest of us pulls back into the control tower to fight off the 30 or so zeds that remain, two bandits open fire from the firehouse, killing the other newb quickly, before I can cap the first one (the other got a bullet to the head when he checked on his friend, once again thinking they had taken care of all danger by killing one guy).
We packed what we had and got out of there, asap... down in stary sobor we found the biggest mob of zeds ever. We both already had up to 200 zombie kills and didn't think much of raiding the place anyway... sneaking in, throwing smoke nades to make the zeds move out of the way (seriously, like splitting a ocean at that point) and caping those we have to with the m9 silenced.... but he put his last bullet into the wrong zombie, who decided to ignore that he got shot in the head and just yell around instead... drawing easily up to 20 zeds... so we have to fire out main guns... and then the 20 turned to 80, my friend and i choose to just make a run for the church, but a single hit broke his bones and i saw him fall, covered in pure black bodys, I pumped two mags into the stack of zombies while avoiding those after me, but he was dead far to soon.
I made it to the church, while they mostly ate his body, killed 30-ish zeds (this is all at night btw) and then lured them off his corpse with another smoke, taking what he requested (over ventrilo) and went back into the church to call it a day and morn his loss.
I'll add B12 to my nick so if somehow some of us run into each other, we can have some fun.