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Author Topic: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle  (Read 16580 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2012, 04:48:32 pm »

I was smiling while typing my reply, It's hard to convey over the Internets lol. But seriously maybe I shouldn't try to use such far out examples in my own arguments. (no feelings hurt).
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 04:55:37 pm by runlvlzero »
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #46 on: April 22, 2012, 04:06:49 am »

The problem I have with dream interpretation is that there's almost always more than one way to go about it. For example, I've had these dreams which sort of follow a pattern, where I'm in some place (A hotel, a fair in New Mexico, my house) where there is some sort of danger (Zombies inexplicably created by my grandfather, a mountain-sized velociraptor, a DF-style hydra) that is threatening everyone around. I always completely ignore everyone else and rush to save myself (I hijack the car and drive away, climb up a mountain, hide in a bedroom) with greater or lesser success (The car doesn't work and I need to stop the zombies by kicking them in the head, I'm about halfway up by the time the velociraptor reaches the fair, the Hydra misses me the first time around, but then catches my scent and attacks) though I always wake up before actually dying. So does this mean I ignore other people's problems and focus on protecting myself? Or does it mean that I think other people can handle themselves just fine without my help? Or that I don't acknowledge other people as being real? Or maybe part of the horror of these dreams is that I can't help the other people? Very confusing.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2012, 05:01:02 am »

The problem I have with dream interpretation is that there's almost always more than one way to go about it. For example, I've had these dreams which sort of follow a pattern, where I'm in some place (A hotel, a fair in New Mexico, my house) where there is some sort of danger (Zombies inexplicably created by my grandfather, a mountain-sized velociraptor, a DF-style hydra) that is threatening everyone around. I always completely ignore everyone else and rush to save myself (I hijack the car and drive away, climb up a mountain, hide in a bedroom) with greater or lesser success (The car doesn't work and I need to stop the zombies by kicking them in the head, I'm about halfway up by the time the velociraptor reaches the fair, the Hydra misses me the first time around, but then catches my scent and attacks) though I always wake up before actually dying. So does this mean I ignore other people's problems and focus on protecting myself? Or does it mean that I think other people can handle themselves just fine without my help? Or that I don't acknowledge other people as being real? Or maybe part of the horror of these dreams is that I can't help the other people? Very confusing.

In the above scenario I would just pick the interpretation that had the most meaning to me at the time. Or the one that I felt would be the most useful as a meditative tool.

Some of it really is individual, other things are tailored to cultural values and psychological norms. For example in general, in most peoples dreams, a murky pool is a sign of the feminine. Turbulent water is created by intense emotion...  You can use that to get clues as to the context of the rest of the dream. Every part needs to go into context for the individual, the content of the dream, and the situations that individual deals with in waking life. I sometimes write out my definition or idea of what it all meant, and compare it to what the norms are. Sometimes I adjust it and make compromises to come up with something slightly different then what my ego provides.

Other people in your dream may represent other facets of yourself. If you dreamed of a bully picking on a child. You might be mad at yourself for not having fun at a party... or because you told yourself you couldn't do something or something was too dangerous. Usually when I dream about family its aspects of myself I am analyzing in dreams, family more often then strangers. Its gotten to the point when I am dreaming I just assume the others are me, most of the time I gain control over them in my dreams (this makes them less reliable for interpretation at that point lol). is an 'ok' source to look up things. I like to right down key parts I remember, colors, people, things, emotions, sounds, (thankfully I haven't smelled much while dreaming lol) and do a quick search for each thing on my list (sometimes I copy paste it into one big text file) then read through it and see how they all work together...  I try to keep it linear. Allot of times I find stuff that I totally disagree with from that page, or the book I have (which is older and written by wiser more reliable people).

Sometimes I just ask people what they think about certain things I dreamed about (especially when I can't figure it out or I disagree with the books and web). To get an idea or definition and try to think of synonyms, analogs, or metaphors that can be put into psychological or philosophical terms. Sometimes I dump things into google and pick a few pages that look promising or at random and try to garner some kind of definition from the hive mind. I've come up with some interesting meanings, and some dreams are still illusive.

Just kinda go with the flow and let it be a tool to help you think about things. If it all seems meaningless, then it may just be so... and don't worry about it. It is allot like painting a picture of your day, then going back and thinking about why you chose the details you did. Some of those details may even be inaccurate because memory is flawed, while the reason behind picking them still has importance.

It's also entirely possible to have routine dreams. Sometimes you have routine things placed in between bizarre scenario's to give your brain downtime. Like it was mentioned someone had a 'safe mode' form of dreaming. People generally just replay old memories from their daily routine for that. And those dreams have no meaning, their just your mind looping through old data to keep itself busy. Usually its something you like, and do very often. Soldiers who dream about putting on their uniform are experiencing that. But its more likely to have meaning to an office worker who's never been in the military.

Hope that rambling few blocks of text had something useful and informative. Just keep a diary and write down whats important, then write the interpretation you like the most. Eventually you'll get the hang of it. Its an art form =) I think once you start interpreting your dreams you will be more familiar with dreaming in general and might start having more lucid dreams. It has also helped me become much more objective and in general happy and content with my normal daily business. (not that I don't still have my moments of pure blind rage... but I do get a Zen like understanding of it all after the fact =))

****Update. I just had a dream and walk through interpreting it.***** This one is a a great example for showing the processes in a simple and basic way.
My current and most recent dream. I was in the kitchen talking to my mother who was making speghetti out of a mildy poisoness berry we grow in the backyard. Its pretty and red and small.

To see your mother in your dream represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

To see poison in your dream denotes that you need to get rid of something in your life that is causing you much sickness and distress. You need to cleanse and purge away the negativity in your life.

To dream that you ingest or inhale poison indicates that you are introducing something into yourself that is harmful to your well-being. This may be feelings of bitterness, jealousy or other negative feelings that are consuming you.

To see or eat berries in your dream indicate that you will be involved with a fulfilling relationship or experience. In particular, if the berries are poisonous, then it suggests that you are in danger of becoming negatively influenced by something or someone.

To dream that someone or something is smaller than usual represents feelings of insignificance, helplessness and unworthiness. Alternatively, you may be literally trying to "knock" this person down to size. Perhaps it suggests that you or someone in your life has an inflated ego and need to be taught a lesson.

To dream that you are small and everyone is normal sized suggests that you are suffering from low self-esteem and/or a sense of helplessness. Perhaps you are being overlooked.

Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Alternatively, the color red in your dream indicates a lack of energy. You are feeling tired or lethargic.

Red is also the color of danger, violence, blood, shame, rejection, sexual impulses and urges.Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.

To see or eat spaghetti in your dream symbolizes longevity, nourishment and abundance. Alternatively, eating spaghetti indicates that you find yourself entangled in some messy relationship or uncomfortable position. Perhaps you are not sure how to end a relationship or situation.

Taking into account all these. And discounting some or adjusting for example the definition of poison. Because I am not experiencing much sickness and distress.

I might have been being critical of myself for trying to provide significant guidence, or get an important point accross. I am worried and cautious about being open with strangers. I may have a small fear of poisoning someone elses opinion or view of something, or I might be worried someone else will poison my views. I might be afraid of ridicule to some small extent. The fact that the berries are small and mildly poisoness says I'm not overly worried or the threat being percieved is not great. I am acknowledging the nuturing aspect of my daily events. I have learned a bit, and I feel like I have met some pretty cool people lately. I can be very passionate sometimes in my arguements and views. I chastize myself quite often for not taking a step back and being objective or simply listening to another persons argument without providing input.

That is basicly how it goes. Sometimes the definitions dont fit so well. Sometimes its not even a definition, it could be like a building saped like an L has meaning and your brain is trying to tell you L, or something like Lay off... Everyones brain works differently.

But I find the topic fascinating to say the least =).
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 01:51:07 pm by runlvlzero »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2012, 02:46:42 pm »

In the above scenario I would just pick the interpretation that had the most meaning to me at the time. Or the one that I felt would be the most useful as a meditative tool.

I'm sorry, but I can't take much of what you say seriously after this. Picking and choosing what data or interpretations you use and what you ignore is the worst possible way of finding things out, for the same reason as in a courtroom the judge can't ignore the prosecutor if they think they smell funny, and that a scientist can't only publish data which supports their hypothesis. You are guaranteed to be biased in your interpretation, and worse, that bias is unpredictable and therefore uncorrectable.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2012, 04:29:01 pm »

In the above scenario I would just pick the interpretation that had the most meaning to me at the time. Or the one that I felt would be the most useful as a meditative tool.

I'm sorry, but I can't take much of what you say seriously after this. Picking and choosing what data or interpretations you use and what you ignore is the worst possible way of finding things out, for the same reason as in a courtroom the judge can't ignore the prosecutor if they think they smell funny, and that a scientist can't only publish data which supports their hypothesis. You are guaranteed to be biased in your interpretation, and worse, that bias is unpredictable and therefore uncorrectable.

*Also, wait, your were taking stuff on the internet seriously?!!

I also stated get more opinions. And factor that data into your own conclusions. I didn't say to ignore data, but you will never get anywhere if you try to be perfect. Einstein admitted his theories where not perfect and he spent the rest of his life looking for a grand unified theory. But he did put down on paper what was 'good enough' to be useful to some.

Its not a court room. And no one is on trial, there is no verdict to be delivered, due process is not necessary.

Its not really scientific. Never was meant to be.

Its subjective. And exploring your own mind. That is just a method I suggested.

Its more akin to watching a movie at the theater and getting an opinion based on the content. Sometimes "what you like" is the best criteria you can use. If you don't believe so, create your own criteria.

Just like you can scientifically analyze the matrix and write a paper regarding its commentary on sociology, you can also come to your own philosophical, or personal conclusions. Hope you learn to be come more tolerant and open minded about the diverse methods you have of parsing your universe. Science as a rigid religion is a bad combination, in my opinion.

But most people don't even understand the scientific method. So why ask them to do science on something that doesn't always require it?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 05:06:36 pm by runlvlzero »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2012, 04:46:25 pm »

so, what would a dream where you are being chased around your neigbourhood by 50-foot wires in a benny-hill speed scenario mean?

because I've had that dream several times.

You mean this? LOL <---- youtube, I actually liked this benny hill clip and have seen it before.

If that was my dream, it would mean I was fucked about to have some fun, I might as well have a good time and laugh about it while I watched the circus come to town, in the dwarven sense =)

P.S. And hell yeah, sometimes you just can't take shit seriously, so don't. Otherwise you will just go insane and rock back and forth in a corner, when you should be pulling a Spartan 'we'll just fight in the shade' line.

On a more personal and serious note, you probably replay that dream because you like it, that would be my assumption. But its reaaaaaalllly not something I'm going to claim accuracy on, considering all I have to go on is 3 posts and one short sentence, I don't even know you in any meaningful way.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 05:28:10 pm by runlvlzero »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2012, 05:44:11 pm »

P.S. And hell yeah, sometimes you just can't take shit seriously, so don't. Otherwise you will just go insane and rock back and forth in a corner, when you should be pulling a Spartan 'we'll just fight in the shade' line.


But seriously, (heh), I interpreted what you were saying as 'this method with give you cold, hard facts about your personality and life', which I'd say is taking it kind of seriously. If you're looking at it for entertainment, you can interpret whatever you want.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #52 on: April 22, 2012, 05:53:55 pm »

Yeah, I toooooootaallly was not trying to say that, haha =)

Not exactly entertainment, but not serious business either, just like free association is not 'serious'.

Hell, I think if you talk to allot of scientisty PH.D's in medicine... psychology and psychiatry are two different things, psychiatry is faaar from scientific. Most good psychiatrists will acknowledge that. Psychologists, are in the serious business of trying to predict actual behaviors and find reliable ways of modifying them. Psychiatrists are just there to talk too =) that kinda thing. I've dealt with allot of both. Subtle nuances are hard to convey on the web...

Mahatma Gandhi I respect for what he had to teach, regardless of 'why' or 'how' he came up with it (I have no clue). I hope that makes a little more sense.... enough beating a dead horse... thanks for taking the time to read through all this thread if ya did =)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2012, 05:55:25 pm »

Yeah, I toooooootaallly was not trying to say that, haha =)

Not exactly entertainment, but not serious business either, just like free association is not 'serious'.

Hell, I think if you talk to allot of scientisty PH.D's in medicine... psychology and psychiatry are two different things, psychiatry is faaar from scientific. Most good psychiatrists will acknowledge that. Psychologists, are in the serious business of trying to predict actual behaviors and find reliable ways of modifying them. Psychiatrists are just there to talk too =) that kinda thing. I've dealt with allot of both. Subtle nuances are hard to convey on the web...

Mahatma Gandhi I respect for what he had to teach, regardless of 'why' or 'how' he came up with it (I have no clue). I hope that makes a little more sense.... enough beating a dead horse... thanks for taking the time to read through all this thread if ya did =)

Yeah, sorry about all this. I think I get what you're saying now, and I can respect that.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #54 on: April 22, 2012, 05:55:34 pm »

Also, wait, your were taking stuff on the internet seriously?!!
Translation: Disregard everything I say.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #55 on: April 22, 2012, 06:21:43 pm »

Also, wait, your were taking stuff on the internet seriously?!!
Translation: Disregard everything I say.

Translation: Translation: You think that's air your breathing! <---- caution internet banality ahead... sheldon...
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #56 on: April 22, 2012, 06:54:37 pm »

Its subjective. And exploring your own mind. That is just a method I suggested.

Its more akin to watching a movie at the theater and getting an opinion based on the content. Sometimes "what you like" is the best criteria you can use. If you don't believe so, create your own criteria.
Drawing conclusions about one’s psychological condition from the dreams you experience is not the same as deciding if you like a movie. It is entirely possible to get it wrong.

Hope you learn to be come more tolerant and open minded about the diverse methods you have of parsing your universe.
“Making shit up,” is not a valid method. Hell, you even asked greatorder for empirical evidence of his assertion, but it seem that the same standard does not apply to you.

But most people don't even understand the scientific method. So why ask them to do science on something that doesn't always require it?
I know you don’t understand it, but we are not asking you to “do science”. We are asking you to cite credible sources and give logical arguments in support of your assertions, or, at least, not criticise other people for failing to meet that standard just before you start rambling off your litany of ill-founded conclusions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dream Interpretation: Alien Space Battle
« Reply #57 on: April 22, 2012, 07:26:28 pm »

Its subjective. And exploring your own mind. That is just a method I suggested.

Its more akin to watching a movie at the theater and getting an opinion based on the content. Sometimes "what you like" is the best criteria you can use. If you don't believe so, create your own criteria.
Drawing conclusions about one’s psychological condition from the dreams you experience is not the same as deciding if you like a movie. It is entirely possible to get it wrong.

Hope you learn to be come more tolerant and open minded about the diverse methods you have of parsing your universe.
“Making shit up,” is not a valid method. Hell, you even asked greatorder for empirical evidence of his assertion, but it seem that the same standard does not apply to you.

But most people don't even understand the scientific method. So why ask them to do science on something that doesn't always require it?
I know you don’t understand it, but we are not asking you to “do science”. We are asking you to cite credible sources and give logical arguments in support of your assertions, or, at least, not criticise other people for failing to meet that standard just before you start rambling off your litany of ill-founded conclusions.
Your taking this whole thread too seriously.

I never said I was an expert, I am just sharing what I know, and or do. At the very least I thought someones anecdotal opinions might be entertaining.

I didn't tell anyone they were wrong, or they shouldn't do something a certain way, I even stated that if you don't like making shit up, create different criteria.

Were not coming to conclusions about someones psychological state of mind, you can't even do that from a single dream, I may have not been clear enough about this. You need many hours of talking to a professional or self meditation and study that goes well behind "guessing out our inner subconscious feelings" (or whatever floats your boat)

This isn't even a thread about doing science, read the title and the OP.

Also, I was only defending my assertions from being called stupid, and or ignorant. Which I think their not, and pointing out the logical flaws in those arguments. Greatorder made a blanket statement that "dreams have no significance" I said, that's not a very logical statement. We're cool about it. I also don't primarily disagree with him, which I think I made myself clear on. But I disagree that thats a valid blanket rule.

So far as I can tell, I've only made two assertions:

Dreams can have meaningful value to think on and reflect an inner state of being.
Science is not the end all be all of all there is to our experience. Many people share this belief.

I think those are pretty obvious and commonly held enough assertions that I don't need to give you some lengthy argument over.

It was never my intention to criticize Greatorder or TSTWizby in the fashion your are illustrating. I hoped I had made that clear too.

You are also right, in that I ramble far to much, and need to learn to make more concise and clear statements, especially considering my audience. I also tend to be a little odd in my logic or come off as nuclear when defending my arguments. But again I think it's pretty clear between me, Greatorder and TSTWizby, as I think we made a few posts each over this.

For you, you may scroll to the bottom of and read all the citations there. I don't even proscribe to any particular theory.

I never said science was bad.

If you ask a random U.S. citizen on the street about scientific method you almost never get a correct answer.

Approximately 28 percent of American adults currently qualify as scientifically literate, an increase from around 10 percent in the late 1980s and early 1990s, according to Miller's research.

As far as I'm concerned 28% is quite low.

I never stated someone in this thread didn't understand it.

I think there are both scientific theories that account for dream interpretation and also theories that try to debunk it. As it should be. As I have stated I seriously doubt any theory that tries to debunk it completely as if its all nonsense.

And I'm not sure who this royal we, are...
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 12:36:01 am by runlvlzero »
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