I had my first coherent, memorable dream in, well, forever last night.
In the dream, my father and I have just woke up to discover that our beds had been replaced with some kind of stasis pods. Everything in the house looks dirty and neglected, so we come to the logical conclusion that we have been 'asleep' fore quite some time. We go for a drive to find that most things we remember are still there, however the country appears to be under the control of some kind of Generic Communist police state, with guards patrolling the street and bilingual propaganda (English and some symbol-alphabet that wasn't quite Asian) plastered about. Talking to people we discover that about sixty years have passed since we fell asleep last. Strangely enough, many people seem quite satisfied with the current state of things - outwardly, at least. But soon enough, a rumor starts going 'round that two guys have showed up who aren't registered by the government, and thus have no record of having 'dangerous opinions.' Once properly registered, this status gives us a few unique priveleges, among them purchasing 'state-approved' firearms. (Low caliber, bolt or pump action, made of cheap materials and painted bright colors with 'HUNTING OR SPORTING PUROPSES ONLY' emblazoned on the sides.) Naturally, we use this privelege to load up on guns and ammo and go off into the woods, attempting to trek our way up to my grandmother's farm in the mountains, far from government-controlled zones. It doesn't take long before we run into soldiers in the woods, and a firefight ensues. We get chased all the way back to our house, where we barricade ourselves inside and proceed to hold off dozens of soldiers for many hours. Eventually, though we still have massive amounts of ammo and have yet to see any soldiers with any kind of skill at all, we decide to surrender for some reason. We sit there in the house and wait for a while, until a red sports car pulls up and a very unfriendly man in a suit pulls up with a bag of nasty-looking instruments. He pulls me aside, sets me down at the kitchen table, starts recording us with an iPhone, and then pulls out a pair of scissors and starts cutting my hair. Somehow, we strike up conversation and I manage to get my hands on the scissors without him noticing. While he is distracted by something, I pull them away and proceed to destroy the iPhone with them, before ramming them into his gut. As he falls away dying, I sling my rifle again. The last thing I remember saying is "We need to go. Now." and then I woke up.
Of course, this was only the second half of the dream. The first half involved rescuing orphans, ponies fighting Deathwing over control of a massive temple, and I can't remember much past that. I guess I was having wierd dreams in stasis or something?