Reclaim has been significantly less hectic and difficult then I anticipated...
So I am proceeding with it and feel fairly confident.
I've made the map a lair (the sole use of cheat commands so far, although I think I'll fix the diplomats for humans and elves, It would be sweet to get elves and humans to siege later).
This should make any further reclaims much less annoying.
I have forgone going anywhere NEAR the main fortress in favor of building up a farming infrastructure.
So far exporting the clothing and remains of the old fortress found in the foothills has been sufficient to get the initial hurdles of booze support out the way.
Ghosts continue to be vicious and I am attempting to overcome this with catacombs, however as those that tried to reclaim before me have noted there are ALOT of corpses.
And more growing with every season that I do not put at least five to rest!
However So far I think I will be able to manage.
As you can see from the picture I've built a combination farming keep and grain silo.
Most of the floors are dedicated to seed or food storage with some nice tricks with give and take parameters to prevent hauling issues!
I had a kobold ambush at the start of all things!
I didin't even know they did that!
Now I have a goblin to deal with, I've been unable to access the danger room for training up military so this should be !fun!