Sage/Seer of Hope - Guiding Light (Encounter): Everyone gets a +3 to hit and a +3 to damage for one turn.
How is this? I'm not sure exactly how health and AC change from level to level, so this might need some tweaking. Maybe it should scale with the character level?
We've already abandoned set powers for the Title Power. Instead, you could attempt to grant bonuses as a minor action, and depending on how high you shoot for, the difficulty would be so high. Using it on multiple targets would also increase the difficulty.
And then John was Dad.
And now we need a comic with Battle Hardened FeudalPrince!Mikhael finding that note. Make it happen.
I need a new scanner, dammit. Or a tablet, I am not choosy. I think I'll make that a 7th or so tier concern for paycheck distribution.
As for skill power, I'd say Title Power (possibly finalized skill name) should draw from IMG. Out of those Aspects, the only one I'd really be behind changing that for is Doom, but we don't know enough about it.
Another victory for the God Stat. Here, have some poorly shopped sheets:
Come to think of it, we should probably make a new sheet design. It needn't be drastically different, but it'd be a nice addition to the PDF. Also, cool plot art as always. Also also, putting that revised Mimi sheet in the OP for the main thread.
Speaking of, we're swapping over to Class Power sets used in the v1.2 doc. So, from now on, we won't be using the old PDF for Class stuff. Except for Troy, who is sort of a Sylph class, which we have nothing for. If Riccto wants to class-change to Maid, which was lumped in with Sylph previously, he can choose to do so.
Man, we need to work on some Sylph powers and stuff.
EDIT: Going away, won't be back until most likely friday. Talk amongst yourselves.