Not another, 'Why doens't Toady fix the bugs that personally bother me' threads.
We're in a stint of bug fixes right now. Currently we're having this stint with Part of the Improved Hauling, but I suspect we'll go back into bug fixing after that. Partly to address bugs of the reworked systems for animal taming, and for minecarts.
I know for sure that the bug fixes aren't done yet, as Toady said he was also going to address Dorf On-Fire mentality.
And these military bugs are annoying, but I can see why they're on the back burner.
The entire military aspect of the game is going to be touch upon during the fabled Army Arc, and right now the focus of development is domestic stability and domestic dynamic world interactions. And these trading, resource gathering, product creating, resource using, doesnt need more refined/rehashed military for that to work.
I'm also willing to suspect that we'll see good effects when the Personality Rewrite is done, but thats not related to the posted bugs.
The important military issue I feel exists involves where the goblins can't do anything about gates or walls... which makes the game unbalanced for them. Can you imagine if we had to play this game as the goblins?? Arriving at the dwarven forts where they close the gates and there's nothing for us to do except wait around plus our goblin soldiers being trapped in cages without no way to break them free. As a result I play where there's always a path leading inside my fort and without cage traps, but I want to have a fortress and enemies attacking my walls and gates. I know it's on the list of things to be done, but this feels so important to me since sieges are such a major variable in the game.
And for this to be worked upon requires that the Caravan Arc to be done.