Transcription 9A4534F8BD587CSummary of Communication between PF4-D529 and Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz
Excuse me, but can you deliver a package to Bzmxnb.zxnxznzx.nzxvzx? PF4-D529
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz I'm not going to do it, little fighter.
Bzxcbzxczxcv. Vcz.
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz Fine, little Fighter. I'll do it.
Really? Praise be to the Sun God! Here's the package, and make sure that Bzmxnb.zxnxznzx.nzxvzx sends a reply stating that he got it! PF4-D529
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz Fine, little Fighter.
Transcription 9A4534F8BE82DESummary of Communication between PF4-D529 and Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz Here you go, little Fighter. Are you happy?
Of course! Many thanks, and may the Lightning God grant you a long life! PF4-D529
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz Sure, sure. Now go, little Fighter.
Aheui! Now to get the M081A3-Z4 filled out!
Transcription 9A4534F8BF1465Summary of Communication between PF4-D529 and Zcxbzxcv.nzxnb.zncvzbn.zxvbzcn
I've delivered the package. PF4-D529
Zcxbzxcv.nzxnb.zncvzbn.zxvbzcn And what did Bzmxnb.zxnxznzx.nzxvzx say?
Ueui, I have no clue. I handed the package to a guard to deliver to Bzmxnb.zxnxznzx.nzxvzx. PF4-D529
Zcxbzxcv.nzxnb.zncvzbn.zxvbzcn You handed the package to somebody else? You were supposed to deliver it in person! Can't you read? The computers are down. I can't process any forms here. Now scram.
What? You've filled out a B4742Y-23-V-123-GH and everything! PF4-D529
Zcxbzxcv.nzxnb.zncvzbn.zxvbzcn No I haven't.
Oeui. Well do you have a B4742Y-23-V-RE5737? PF4-D529
Zcxbzxcv.nzxnb.zncvzbn.zxvbzcn No, now scram.
That's illegal! Either fill out a B4742Y-23-V-123-GH and process my M081A3-Z4, or I'm going to report you! PF4-D529
Zcxbzxcv.nzxnb.zncvzbn.zxvbzcn I'd like to see you try.
Inventory: Pen (5,337,212,956)
Mysterious Package
Slip of Paper with '10000000'
Forms: B4742Y-23-V-123-GJ 'Offer of a bribe'
D9C-11 'Door operation'
F08D-D1902A-IP 'Improper disposal of food'
F08D-D1902A-PR 'Disposal of food in proper receptacles'
M081A3-Z4 'Form for arming Level P3-D Fighters for Order Mobilization 95-S Level B'
M41L-H5560R-05 'Shipment order for explosive items'
T-102t-1 'Message from Pod Member to Pod Member'
T-31At-1 'Message from Pod Member to Pod Member of different pod'
T-405t-1 'Message from Fighter to Soldier'
T-420t-2 'Message from Pod Member to Pod Leader'
(that was fast you must have pre-made angry faces and such things so as to be able to post so quick.)
Yep. I'm surprised you haven't noticed already. Photoshop is pretty damn sweet.
Ya ever notice how the top eyeball looks like a one-eyed face whenever he is making an expression?
Yeah, I've noticed. No clue what else to do with it though.