I'll ask the clerk for a slip of paper when my number comes up.
Also what Thlpfhelf tank? I don't recall filling out the correct forms for a tank.
Unless my memory is substandard, the Soldier's Quarters should be right beside the Central File Depot.
I think that this is the correct place.
Transcription 9A452D757E6F28Summary of Communication between PF4-D529 and Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz
Excuse me, but is this the Soldier's Quarters? PF4-D529
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz That they are, little fighter. However only Soldiers are allowed in, not fighters like you.
Oh. Well is there any way I can get in? PF4-D529
Mznbcz.znxzznzx.znzxcmnz.zxbzxcnxz No. Now run along little fighter.
Heui. Now what?
Inventory: Pen (5,337,212,989)
Mysterious Package
Slip of Paper with '10000000'
Forms: B4742Y-23-V-123-GJ 'Offer of a bribe'
D9C-11 'Door operation'
F08D-D1902A-IP 'Improper disposal of food'
F08D-D1902A-PR 'Disposal of food in proper receptacles'
M081A3-Z4 'Form for arming Level P3-D Fighters for Order Mobilization 95-S Level B'
M41L-H5560R-05 'Shipment order for explosive items'
T-102t-1 'Message from Pod Member to Pod Member'
T-31At-1 'Message from Pod Member to Pod Member of different pod'
T-405t-1 'Message from Fighter to Soldier'
T-420t-2 'Message from Pod Member to Pod Leader'
Bay12, I'm ashamed of you.
1) Return to the previous file depot;
2) Get a standard slip of paper;
3) If impossible, fill out a form to get a standard slip of paper;
4) If impossible, ask the clerk to give you a form to get a standard slip of paper;
5) Write '9999A00' on the slip of paper;
6) If impossible, fill out a form to get permission to write '9999A00' on the slip of paper;
7) If impossible, ask the clerk to give you a form to get permission to write '9999A00' on the slip of paper;
Try to remember why do you have an empty Thlpfhelf tank in your quarters;
9) Wait until your new spot comes up.
Clever, but not going to work, seeing as our number will need to come up before PF4-D529 can talk to the clerk. Besides that one point it would work. All PF4-D529 needs is a properly filled out slip of paper with a number on it. Getting that piece of paper is the hard part.
Also if I had more time I would have gone more indepth with that suggestion. Sorry about that.