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Author Topic: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]  (Read 5241 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:Fey Moods]
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Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:34:09 am »

I pulled back in my chair, staring at the screen disbelievingly. That's a fine 9$ word, isn't it? But there it was: I didn't believe it had actually happened. It was too specific, too precise- like someone had architecturally designed the thing with an exactness you only found in these block-mining/building games. One thing was for certain: *I* didn't do it, nor did I order it. So who did?

"What the fuck?"

--- Watchword Chapter One: Deuteranopia

Hopefully that got your attention. Let's get one thing straight, right here and now. I don't mod Dwarf Fortress. I've never touched a single raw or downloaded a mod for it- nor do I have any wish to, at the time being. There's simply so much content to it that I still have yet to experience all that the original game has. For crying out loud, I only now started using screw pumps for any purpose other than stirring water to keep it from going stagnant (not even sure if its necessary, to be honest, but better safe than sorry). I'm also an impatient and meticulous soul, using PerfectWorld, Overseer and DFHack's Fastdwarf (though I turn it off during Times of Darkness), Tubefill (only just after Embark) and Reveal with absolute abandon so that I can build the fortress the way I *want* it. To date, I still have yet to destroy the Clown Car- or even make a half-decent dent in it, for upwards of forty attempts. I'm rather proud of my computer's specs- able to keep upwards of 300 dwarves on a standard embark, with minimal FPS drop (but I usually have Fastdwarf off for good by that point)- but those are the only changes I have ever made to my download.

What I'm about to tell you may or may not be true. You don't know me- I can't try to convince you of anything. Those of us who dwell on the internet tend to be jaded, humor-seeking and cynical souls that take everything with a pinch of salt and a hint of pepper. But I have to tell the story, if only for a promise I made.

Some promises you can't break.


April 2, about 5 PM. Music was playing- Powerman 5000's 'Worlds Collide' or whatever the song was called. You know the thing- played on the radio forever ago. Yes, I know the song is kinda pop-y and not suitable for Dwarf Fortress- but I can't think of a better one when I'm constructing a world. Yes, constructing- PerfectWorld is my friend. 50000 embark points (don't laugh, I'm a newb), a round 50 kinds of each evil world-slaughtering or bloodsucking bastard, all legends hidden, a good 15 layers between each cavern, double the size of each good/evil biome, don't cull the unimportants... You get the idea. Its my favorite setup- I've yet to gen a world like this that was boring. Set it up, exported it, and loaded DF for a good night of construction and excavation. I don't normally mess with the seeds all that much.

Embarking... Embarking was surprisingly tough, this time around. I try and stay away from aquifers, but the entire map was plagued with them. I was contemplating genning a new world, and finally decided to say 'screw it'- picking a spot that had everything else I needed, and rested atop a few different 'serene' biomes- all of which had a bunch of trees. Pissing off the elves was always an added plus. There was even a river.  Checking my civs list, seemed I was close-by pretty much everyone- including humans, which usually eluded me. Trading would be good, as well as goblinite. To be fair, though, I usually placed any edged goblinite in weapon traps for the sheer irony of it. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to escape the aquifers this time around, I thought ahead and brought enough parts for a few screw pumps- I liked to have the main bulk of my fortress *way* underground, you see. Past the third cavern layer, usually with a 100-or-more Z-level staircase leading towards the surface. With easier access to the lifeblood of the earth, I would not soon be forced to go anywhere near the surface- once I had enough beds, anyway. With most of my points squirreled away in food, seeds, digging implements, a couple anvils and a motherload of sand (as well as 50 each of each little random thing to save any dwarf that early on hits a mood), I was ready to assign skills.

Not that I didn't have fun with it- I considered it a personal goal of mine to always have each of the original 7 survive into old age, naming them something easily recognizable. This had yet to happen- there was always an accident, either with a misplaced keystroke causing a collapse or an army that somehow breached my defenses. When it comes to combat and channelling (and even building or digging stairs), I can be surprisingly inept- something I compensate for with the added embark points. Several times, I'd built an entire staircase of down stairs, causing my miners to starve to death at the bottom- causing me to rage-abandon and begin again. These seven wouldn't be so unlucky, I swore. A Miner/Mason, a Miner/Farmer, a Mechanic/Wood Cutter, an Architect/Brewer (the combo amuses me), and two Carpenters/Engravers. That left the seventh of the group- a dwarven man with a full head of black, braided hair and a long, braided beard. It listed him as given over to kindness, liking fluffy wamblers and generally a low-key good-guy sort that liked to mingle and cooperate with people. Not me in the slightest- I knew and know myself to be a petty, pessimistic individual that was often irritated. Still, he was excellent 'Overseer' material. His last name was 'Forgeworks' for fuck's sake- how could anyone compete with that? I tossed him some cursory points in appraisal and intent-judging, as well as a few conversational skills. He would serve as my broker, expedition leader, bookkeeper and manager- and later on, my mayor as well. I doubted any mandates he made were something I couldn't handle, as he liked green glass. I nicknamed him 'Azri', after my preferred screenname. He'd be the MVD of the fortress 'Watchword' and effectively my avatar.

There's a reason I spoke specifically of my 'Overseer', and the others' names haven't been mentioned. They aren't as important.

I didn't think anything of it at the time.


Work was underway. Three full wagons of supplies had arrived at the peaceful place that seemed as if it had never been touched by erosion- at one end of the map, more than twenty levels of a mountain soared off into the sky and the river cut right through it on this pretty little 2x8 embark. Odd size choice, I know, but when I'm waiting for stuff to finish I like to tastefully refine my entrance- sometimes my 'gates' can get quite massive indeed with each new addition. It was a simple matter, placing a long exploratory stairway cutting right into the magma sea from one corner of the map- making certain that I 'discovered' all three cavern layers and magma before revealing it all. With fastdwarf, it was all done in seconds- and my handy miner/mason went and capped it off with a diorite floor. With that finished, I typed in 'reveal' to start planning the first great chapter in this world 'The Planes of Churning'.

I'd gotten to the 'living quarters' Z-level when I noticed that 'reveal' hadn't shown a portion of the lowest cavern's area. Where there should have been the usual water sitting at the bottom, instead there was only a mud-strewn lacework of tunnel floors- around a big black unrevealed portion. I knew what the unrevealed portion was, of course. Candy. Reveal didn't show you candy, otherwise you would get clowns by default- dragging your FPS through the dirt. It didn't bother me- I wouldn't be using Tubefill this time around, as I was trying to wean myself off the cheats slowly. If anything, the (massive) tube of candy would take the edge off once I was in a position to start mining the good stuff- up until the Clown Car hit.


Two migrants had arrived, but that was hardly important. Know what was important?

Stockpiles. Stockpiles, stockpiles, stockpiles. I'd dedicated almost an entire level to them, all separated and organized to perfection. The workshops would be just beneath, one level above magma layer- making for quick and easy access to any item imaginable at any time. As I always did, I built at least 20 more spaces for workshops than I actually needed. I'd find something to do with them, even if it meant just hollowing out the separations and putting in a sculpture garden. My chopper was hard at work turning the trees into toothpicks for beds, 'Azri' had seemingly already claimed the 7x7 room I'd dug out solely for him despite there being no furniture in it yet, and everyone else was busy schlepping the contents of the wagons inside. A seperate set of stairs led up to the first few levels, just above the aquifer (which thankfully was circumnavigable) to serve as indoor farming, a well and sand-gathering area- and the food stockpile. All this would be reachable from the inside, and impenetrable unless invaders managed to breach the 1-block wide trap-strewn entrance, flanked by a 20-level drop on both sides and fortified murderholes for marksdwarves. The marksdwarves, spikes and spears at the bottom would have to come later, but for now the mining portion was planned out and dug. There would even be room, later, for nobles and such- though I've yet to have a fortress progress to the point where I get even low-ranking nobility. I think it had something to do with my habit of deconstructing Depots at well-planned times. This time, though, would be different- I could feel it. It was time to start learning how to Trade.

And not a moment too soon- a caravan from the Mountainhomes was already at the edge of the map, and I immediately told my mason to stop manufacturing furniture and get his hairy arse above-ground where he could make the only depot I'd ever need- an obsidian masterpiece that I, later, could flank with statues just to show my greatness. It didn't take long, even counting for time he spent grabbing a quick bite to eat. One thing I was particularly looking forward to was buying up their spare weaponry- I needed to fill those traps with something, after all, and I didn't have a glassmaker that could pump out some decent green glass discs. As if on cue, Azri had begun hanging about the Depot- I'd long since deconstructed the wagons, just so my dwarves wouldn't pussyfoot around it. I told him that the 'Broker' aspect of his job was required, so he took up position as the merchants started unloading. A quick conversation with the associate told him that I wanted any metal weapon he could bring- especially steel. In return? He wanted stone instruments and clothes. Too bad there isn't an option to insult the emissary for such an elvish request- but he buggered off quickly enough. That left only the traders themselves, and I'd hastily told one of my Engravers (thank you, Dwarf Therapist) to go and cut a few gems to trade with. Fastdwarf was a good ally here, and after a good ten had been cut I told him to get back to work on the beds. Now to open trade negotiations...

A good hour later, experimenting, I'd found an optimal trade- I'd only be losing a few dwarfbux on the tradeoff, and there was no way the trader wouldn't be able to haul off the measly handful of gems. Having a look around the screen, I knew there was a way to determine just what likelihood a trader had of accepting a deal- that was what Judge of Intent was for, right? And I'd set good ol' Azri up as a novice so I'd have some sort of idea-

'Seems unnerved'. It didn't say by what, and I wasn't sure how to find out. Regardless, he took the trade- and I had a few shiny swords and axes to start 'decorating' my killzone with. Azri's work was done- I told everyone to pack up the swords from the depot, and relieved my broker from duty to go back to his books. Hey, his dining room/bedroom/office was ready, too! And it'd be a damn sight better than 'meager' when everything was engraved. It'd be a while before the traders left- it was hard to not highlight my little obsidian welcome mat and hit 'x'. They'd had a few bits of armor that looked quite tasty.


I'd just finished telling my mechanic to make a few traction benches and a bunch of mechanisms when the message popped that the traders were finally packing up to leave. It had taken longer than expected. No matter, it just meant that I could move the Depot over to a more suitable location now, right? As it was, putting it right outside the entrance wasn't ideal to me. Not without some renovation. I'd F1'd up to the surface and already moused over to deconstruct once they'd left when the game informed me in shiny red text that all six horses the traders had brought had simultaneously gone berserk.

Yes, all six- at once. And there wasn't even cause for it. The most threatening thing on the map at the time was a bunch of unicorns off in the NW corner playing hide-and-seek with a badger. At least half the map lay between them and the horses, who proceeded to kick the poor traders in their collective faces and trample over what was left in a mad attempt to get away from... something. Weird, right? It might have been the fact they were passing by my capped-over exploratory shaft, but there wasn't a beast down there that could path to them. There wasn't a thief or childnapper, because they'd have been revealed. The poor dwarves didn't have a chance- one managed to crawl a blood-stained trail seventeen squares before getting kicked into the river and subsequently drowning as the horses ran like bats out of hell for the map edge.

Oh well- more stuff for me, right? Glitches happen. I told my dwarves to go and yank all the stuff (just in case any of it was forbidden) before saving the game and nodding off to sleep for the night.
Currently: Writing Watchword.
Tips, criticism and appreciation (If you like it, lemme know!) should be posted in the thread, or PM'd to me.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:Fey Moods]
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 03:49:22 pm »

---Watchword Chapter Two: Vanishing Act

Day 2. Not theirs, but mine. After checking over the Lazy Newb Pack to make sure sound was off, I loaded up Watchword and had a quick look around. When I'd last left my little diggers, the traders from the mountainhome had all suffered a grisly fate at the hands (or hooves) of their pack animals- their wagons left derelict and ripe for the ransacking. After making sure all nine dwarves were A-ok, I F1'd to the surface for some good ol' mass-reclaiming. No, there wasn't really a reason (at least, as far as I was concerned) to stockpile a bunch of rotting bodies that were already on the surface, but at the same time I figured it would be good to have them inside- you never knew what kind of stuff could happen where you'd need the bones.

Nothing. I scrolled the screen around, checking around the wagons and the deforested area where I knew there'd been at least one tussle. Jack. Zilch. No blood, no bodies, no bones. Not even that trail where one of the poor bastards had 'fallen' into the stream. A bunch of migrants arrived almost fifteen minutes later, as I knew they eventually would- but I was preoccupied. A hotkey to my stockpiles told me that the bodies hadn't been reclaimed already (possible, considering fastdwarf), and I started going tile-by-tile on the surface, checking over everything I could see. Nothing at the bottom of the stream, hidden under a bush, or even in the same tiles as a wagon.

"What the fuck?"

Shaking my head, I decided it must have been another glitch. Found myself wishing I'd taken down names or the like, as this game or world was likely riddled with bugs. Did bones ever decay? I didn't know- maybe there was something in this 'serene' area that caused bones to poof. Or something was eating them? Unlikely. It hadn't rained either, so there was nowhere for the blood to go. Well, I'd wasted enough time trying to figure out what happened- and hadn't paused, either. It was time to see how many dwarves I got.

Fourteen, total- Three military axedwarves, and a couple contenders for the Mayor position with a few dabbling skills in other things. Dwarf Therapist took care of that- I needed furniture haulers and glassmakers, a combination I found went rather well. The ten workshops above the magma sea needed to be built, still- the five new losers would have something to do. That left the two schlubs that had come in the first wave- a married couple by the look of it, not that I really gave half a damn. Farmers and gatherers, I decided with an air of finality- till those fields and make sure I got stuff to brew with. Just to remember what they were, I set their job title as 'Farmer'- the five in the new wave would be 'Blowers'. Glass blowers, not- you know- anything else. I didn't see what their previous job titles had been.


Azri 'The Overseer' Forgeworks has been unhappy lately.

What? Why? I'd just been checking over my dorfs in Therapist, making sure everyone was up to snuff- I hadn't expected them to be happy yet, as I still had yet to actually start placing the beds, tables and chairs- but everyone had been Fine, except for my Overseer. The little orange square amongst yellow had drawn my interest, so I 'k'ed over to the guy and checked him over.

He has slept without a proper room recently.

Well, no duh. Don't worry buddy, your quarters are the first thing on my list of to-do's.

He has complained about the lack of tables recently.


He has complained about the lack of chairs recently.

Of course.

He has complained about the lack of wells recently.

I'd been getting to that, but I planned to use the aquifer for-

He has been haunted by the dead recently.

We have ghosts?

Bringing up the units list, I checked for any apparitions and drew up nada. Not a single spectre on the thing, which was a little more than concerning. Might have been the dead Traders, as they were the only ones who had died as of yet- I gave my mason a quick order to make five slabs and waited the few minutes it took to get around to it. Done. Next was to get the engravings done-

No one. Not a single name on the possible list. Really, I should have expected that- if I remembered correctly, only the merchants themselves could actually be memorialized- but even they were nowhere to be seen. I decided to keep the slabs handy regardless, sure that I'd need them eventually. If nothing else, I could use them to brighten up one of the more worthless rooms. Finding Azri once more, I decided to have a look at whatever else he was unhappy about.

He has been startled by dwarves recently.

Could that even happen?

He has not felt safe recently.

Well, whatever. He'll be alright once I get stuff placed. It wouldn't take long, what with the Blowers all hauling furniture. Macroing-up a pair of empty rooms full of bed, tables and chairs as well as Azri's own quarters, I decided to put the weapon traps up. We'd been lucky with child-snatchers and thieves so far, what with none coming to play- but it was better to have defenses up sooner rather than later. The chokepoint entrance would be lined with daggers, axes and whatever else the traders had bought for now- with the pits on either side, it only required one weapon each. Spikes and spears, to be placed at the bottom of the pit. I didn't like cage traps- they seemed too much hassle to me, and I'd yet to try them.


That was odd- one of the weapon traps kept disassembling, saying the job item was misplaced or destroyed. Azri, meanwhile, had finally gotten around to his bookkeeping duties- so I checked my stocks for dumped or forbidden items while sipping on some coke. Nothing doing- everything was claimed, nothing dumped. I only had the one weapon left, too- a steel axe listed as exceptional. Yeah, the now-dead traders had brought some decent stuff- so why couldn't I use it all? It was even listed in the stocks menu.

Screw it, I decided. It wouldn't take much to make a glass disc and throw that in instead- the blowers were all making glass spikes by the dozens now, anyway. I saved, flipped the game off and went to bed.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 12:52:22 pm by Azri »
Currently: Writing Watchword.
Tips, criticism and appreciation (If you like it, lemme know!) should be posted in the thread, or PM'd to me.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 07:45:59 pm »

getting kind of creepy...
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 09:02:31 pm »

"Has been startled by dwarves recently"

"Never gotten past the clown car yet. Hasnt even made a dent."

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:Fey Moods]
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2012, 06:14:12 pm »

---Watchword Chapter 3: A Different Sort of Accident

Day three. I found myself stalling as I sat at my computer- rather than immediately load Dwarf Fortress up and continue with Watchword, Firefox found my fingers instead. Youtube- Hadn't been on it for a week or so, thinking the subscribes had updated. They hadn't, oddly enough. Youtube was being weird- I ended up surfing through poops, and finally settled on this. It wasn't half as funny as I'd hoped, and succeeded only in making me want to put off DF a little while longer. Rather than load up anything else, though, I simply sat for a few minutes and twiddled my thumbs before saying 'fuck it' altogether, pulling up the LNP and going to town.


First thing was first- get those spikes up, and make a shiny green glass disc for a decent trap. It wasn't long before that got done, and I was loading the soon-to-be dodge-o-matic when a queer message pops up on the bottom bar.

Inod Ustnish, Farmer looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!

What? Oh, no. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I had a pretty good idea- and a look at his 'v' menu confirmed it. Fell mood. I'd never had one before, but I'd read up on them- the question was, who would he go after? hurriedly turning off Fastdwarf in the interest of keeping this bastard under lock, I realized I hadn't yet put doors around my workshops. Damn. Wait- I didn't have a buther's workshop, or a tanner's workshop. Didn't that mean-

No, he picked a craftsdwarf's workshop instead. Not only was a dwarf with potentially high skills to die, he was to be made into a toy or some other such bullshit trinket. I would have rathered the farmer die- I didn't need three, really. They picked the closest dwarf, right? Closest was...

A Blower. And only at rank 5 in said profession, though he was a pretty decent Judge of Intent and Flatterer. I could stand to lose him. Unpausing it, I found myself hoping the mooder made a piece of armor rather than something like an earring or the like. If I was to lose a dwarf to a mood regardless of what I did, it would be nice to get something worthwhile out of it. But no- the hapless Blower was bypassed, and through the halls continued to stalk the moody dwarf. In a panic, I tried setting burrows to give him options of my own choosing- but either the dwarf didn't reach the spot in time, or he simply walked by them without pause. I hadn't set everyone to burrows of course- I wanted to save my Miner/Farmer who was a legend in the former, and his backup lass the sole Farmer/Cook. I didn't even think once of throwing Azri to this asshole- but he took no one, slowly walking with a dutiful purpose towards the main staircase.

Pausing it, I loaded up Dwarf Therapist to have a look at what the dwarves were thinking- plenty of contents, including the murderer. Azri was still unhappy (and currently throwing a tantrum), and I wasn't sure what to do about that. All fourteen of my dwarves had been accounted for, with the dwarves I wanted to save (Azri included) behind forbidden doors for the time being. I decided to take it step-by-step with gratuitous use of the period key, hoping for an opportunity to seal him away. Even if I couldn't stop him, he would have had to pick one of the other, burrowed dwarves... or go more nuts than he already was.

At least, that's what I thought before he stopped next to the bedrooms on the other side of the stair shaft and refused to move. Said room was behind a single forbidden door, but there were no other ways in. Had he given up? I took it forward a few more steps, hoping so. Maybe the dwarf on the other side had passed next to him before the mood started- that could have caused it, right? Did they even pick targets before they claimed a shop?

On a whim, I looked over the dwarf inside- I knew who it was, of course. The Farmer/Cook, who'd come to the fortress in the first wave, alongside her husband... her husband who was now, seemingly out for her blood! Checking the wiki, I ravenously consumed the information within- no, Fell dwarves didn't care about what happened to the murdered. Presumably that meant family as well. No kids, so there was that also in favor. I could make one of the next migrants into a cook, sure, there wasn't a problem with that- and I'd get a legendary craftsdwarf out of the deal, right? I unforbade all the doors, unburrowed everyone and decided to watch the frame-by-frame. I was interested to see if a Fell Mood caused combat, or just a murder.

I would never find out. As soon as the maniac breached the bedrooms and his wife started to retreat away from him, he was interrupted so hard he broke his strange mood.

"What the hell?"

As fast as only a boozed-up-dwarf could be, someone had gotten between him and his intended target. If I hadn't been going frame-by-frame I would have missed it- the fight was fast and brutal.

The Overseer charges at The Farmer!
The Overseer misses The Farmer!
The Overseer collides with The Farmer!
They tangle together and tumble forward!
The Farmer strikes The Overseer in the left hand with his ≡steel battle axe≡, tearing apart the skin!

Azri had decided to get in the way, and he was going to pay the price- I'd just now discovered where that steel axe was, and it was no joke- Azri was going to die, I was sure. At least it was for a noble cau-

The Overseer stands up.
The Farmer stands up.
The Overseer charges at The Farmer!
The Overseer misses The Farmer!
The Overseer collides with The Farmer!

And then the maniac vanished, his axe laying on the ground where he once stood. A check at the bottom of the stairs told me the poor mooder had fallen down at least twenty flights of stairs, and promptly died after 'colliding with an obstacle' so hard he exploded. The body was discovered, soon after- and poor Dobar went miserable, then tantruming (destroying a bed), then melancholy almost immediately from the death of her husband. Azri, his job done, picked up the axe- and immediately calmed down. A glance away at Therapist told me he was miserable. To be honest? I was feeling the same way. A situation such as this was supposed to be !!FUN!!, right? So why did I flip off the game and go to bed almost immediately after?

Something was nagging at me, and I couldn't figure out what it was.
Currently: Writing Watchword.
Tips, criticism and appreciation (If you like it, lemme know!) should be posted in the thread, or PM'd to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 05:35:35 am »

This fortress is cursed! On a related note, your overseer-avatar is both badass and nuts, so par for the course. Good writing, and good luck surviving this.
Generally, when one is conducting an experiment, it is worth noting that the observers went insane, killed each other, and then rose from the dead.
It's like DF inhaled a peanut.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 09:15:47 am »

Very intriguing. Looking forward to reading more.
Quote from: Lolfail0009
Quote from: GuesssWho
Also, why is there a stray hen having a tantrum?


  • Bay Watcher
  • B12's Department Head of Arts & Recreation
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    • Cloudsprite
Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 02:28:38 pm »

Great story :D, keep it up


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2012, 12:31:12 am »

Huh, interesting. Posting to see what happens next.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:Fey Moods]
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2014, 06:24:07 pm »

---Watchword Chapter 4: Doesn't Want to Be Here

It had been a while, and I still had my save, so- kinda tipsy (you know, that point where everything is kinda tingly and swimmy but you feel alright), I booted up LNP and went back into Watchword. It didn't take long to get the dead dorf at the bottom of the stairs buried. Quick-excavating a catacombs, building a slew of coffins and having them placed, I'd fill it up and make the place pretty later. Before that, I still had furnishings to make.

Fifteen minutes later, after placing furniture and engraving, the Overseer's quarters were Opulent- as was the mess hall, the sleeping quarters and most of the fortress. The former was definitely one of my best- what wasn't basic furnishings like a desk or bed was weapon racks, dressers, statues and gold floors. I sure as hell wasn't going to make golden weapons or toys, so floors seemed to be the best bet. Azri was still miserable, but that'd lighten up with time. The other dwarves seemed just happy to be here, except Dobar who'd understandably lost her husband.

Things seemed to be going well, so I finished up placing the surplus of furniture that Fastdwarf had plopped in my lap and went outside to start constructing a damn good trade depot.


'Azri' Forgeworks has been miserable lately.

He has found a weapon recently.

Yeah, he was still carrying that axe, even though I hadn't put him in the military and never would.

He managed to protect an innocent recently.

That's a thing?

He has slept without a proper room recently.

How recent was recent? Sure, I'd only finished his room half an hour ago, but he was definitely assigned its sole owner. Maybe he hadn't slept since.

He has been haunted by the dead recently.

I checked again, but we still didn't have ghosts. the Farmer was also safely interred in a sarcophagus of his own.

He has been startled by dwarves recently.

Maybe he was interrupted from working? I still didn't understand this.

He has not felt safe recently.

Or this. Assuming this is a response to a fortress being under siege or attacked by a forgotten beast or something, it made no sense whatsoever. The biggest two events we'd had was when the horses killed a load of dwarven traders and the fell mood that The Farmer had fallen into.

He does not want to be here.

This, I don't even. Maybe it was better ignoring it- Azri would eventually be brought into a better mood, and he had a ton of work to do with bookkeeping.

He can't remember the last time he had a drink.

Were we already out of beer? I'd brought almost a thousand points' worth of alcohol, and hadn't even gone two seasons. There was no way we were running dry, and the alcohol stockpile was certainly reachable by anyone- no other dwarves were showing signs of sobriety-

Not even Dobar, but she had a different problem.

Dobar Lastinked has been ecstatic lately.

She has been remembering old memories recently.

She has been hounded by visions recently.

She has been haunted by the dead recently.

I found her in the catacombs level. It was still a pretty shoddy place- I'd put all the sarcophagi in circles around empty spaces that would be pillars, when I had the time. Even with Fastdwarf on, she was just standing there, ten squares away from the coffin that housed her late husband axe-murderer with her the eight surrounding tiles constantly flickering. I had to turn off the superspeed to see what it was.

It wasn't a graphics bug. I could press period, move it frame by frame. Every few frames, the tiles would show Dobar surrounded by '&' symbols. But I hadn't dug any candy, or loosed the clowncar. It made no sense, and as far as bugs went it was strange- but not particularly impressive.

She went up to her husband's coffin and vanished several frames later. It took me a moment to realize she hadn't just poofed into nonexistence.

She'd crawled into it with his broken, impacted body and closed the lid.


A couple hours later, I found out why Azri wasn't enjoying his room- or doing any bookkeeping.

He wasn't sleeping in his opulent office. He was sleeping outside.


Dobar 'Wtf Coffindwarf' Lastinked has gone missing.
Currently: Writing Watchword.
Tips, criticism and appreciation (If you like it, lemme know!) should be posted in the thread, or PM'd to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2014, 07:20:05 pm »

The spookiness is decent but I'm getting annoyed at how much of a scrub the player is.

Forty assaults on HFS and still using every cheat utility in the book
Forty assaults on HFS and still embarking with 50000 points
Forty assaults on HFS and still just learning how to trade
All Races Playable Mod - Minimal mod to play as any race in DF - For 0.50.01


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2014, 07:44:44 pm »

The spookiness is decent but I'm getting annoyed at how much of a scrub the player is.

Forty assaults on HFS and still using every cheat utility in the book
Forty assaults on HFS and still embarking with 50000 points
Forty assaults on HFS and still just learning how to trade

This is, of course, because I actually am a scrub. Designing and building fortresses is my forte; for the longest time, I was just using it to design dungeon maps for DND or RP. There's something that a Stonesensed Fortress or just the regular top-down view of a dungeon adds to a campaign you're playing, mapwise- and the different rooms you need to make to keep a dwarf happy lend some realism so that you don't design a 40-level fighting environment and forget to make a damn barracks or mess hall. Rarely do I actually play Dwarf Fortress for its intended purpose- and when I do, I usually have a lot of !!FUN!! very quickly.

Also edit: I haven't actually made 40 attempts on HFS. Usually I do not survive long enough to even assume I can have a chance against it, and the number of times I have actually played DF do not equal that amount in any way- though I swear to god it sometimes feels like I've been making infinite attempts when I lick too deep at the cotton candy.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 07:57:11 pm by Azri »
Currently: Writing Watchword.
Tips, criticism and appreciation (If you like it, lemme know!) should be posted in the thread, or PM'd to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2014, 04:59:57 pm »

Quote from: Helgoland
Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
Location subject to periodic change.
Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2014, 06:43:16 pm »

Ooh, fantastic. Interesting story, and nice buildup of tension, too. (I never thought of using DF for dungeon maps, but now that you mention it that might be an interesting experiment...) Watching.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Watchword [Spoilers] [Horror] [Creepypasta]
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2014, 10:17:39 pm »


I do not understand. o.o What is this?
Currently: Writing Watchword.
Tips, criticism and appreciation (If you like it, lemme know!) should be posted in the thread, or PM'd to me.
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