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Author Topic: Crucible RTD [Turn 23: Holy Fuck(ups)]  (Read 34561 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Crucible RTD [Turn 23: Holy Fuck(ups)]
« on: April 14, 2012, 06:52:33 pm »

A god game plus a tribes/civilization game with (hopefully) high player turnover which will then (supposedly) be used as part of the setting for a game that's somewhere between Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper.

Welcome to Crucible RTD. I have planned for nothing.

It is currently the Age of Twilight, when the Gods' ability to shape the world as they see fit is waning.

Next is the Age of Legends, when the Champions of the Gods will battle for supremacy, and the Gods for the hearts of their people. Any player wishing to play some manner of hero or supernatural entity may participate in this stage.

How to Play
There are two player types- Leaders and Gods. For the upcoming Age of Legends, there will also be rogue heroes or supernatural creatures.

Gods are your standard divine entities floating around messing with the world. The first portion of the game is them creating the world (or at least this portion of it). After that, they take a much, much more backseat role, usually interacting with Leaders more than physically descending from the heavens and wreaking havoc.

Gods require Power to survive and do anything, and they attain it by having things in the world matching their spheres. Overt worship qualifies as something matching their spheres, obviously. Gods spend Power to act, and a god who doesn't spend or gain Power for too long simply fades into hibernation (or away completely, depending on who you ask).

Leaders are the mortal (usually) leaders of mortal (usually) factions, be they entire races or particular secret societies. Of course, to be relevant a group must usually be fairly large and powerful, but sometimes factions can get away with being incredibly small and feeble provided they nonetheless have a massive impact, usually by taking advantage of some unusual discipline or method they're essentially peerless at.

Leaders use a wide range of resources and benefits to keep their people growing, coherent, and alive. For more details, see the Civilization section.

Detailed Information
Spoiler: Gods (incomplete) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Divine Power Costs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tribes (incomplete) (click to show/hide)

Pitfalls of Civilization
Civilization is a tricky business, and many pitfalls lie in wait to turn happy, successful tribes into scattered bands of ragged cannibals. The following are known pitfalls of building a successful civilization:

Events may sometimes occur which affect your civilization in various ways. Some of these may attach rewards or penalties for various actions, such as costing you Research for each point of Food or massacring your population if you don't produce enough Culture. Others may be somewhat more open-ended, but often have correspondingly harsher penalties for failure. Being able to take advantage of or appease these situations as a moment's notice can prove essential- but of course, being prepared for everything is impossible.

Unrest occurs any time anything goes wrong. A d6 roll will determine how well your people react to adversity, and on poor rolls may start causing problems. Successively poor rolls may cause an otherwise healthy civilization to collapse completely, as its people refuse to work together and tolerate the status quo.

How To Join
Currently only gods may join and play, but nongods may reserve a spot. You may also submit a prototype for your leader and tribe if you wish, but given that you don't know anything about tribes or the world (whether Culture is a thing or if there's any deserts around, for instance) you may want to hold off. Bear in mind that you may not be both a God and a Leader*, but Gods who "die" may rejoin as Leaders if they so choose.

*I'd probably be willing to make exceptions for a select few unusually awesome people who I know could pull it off.

For Gods, the signup sheet is very simple:


Each sphere automatically comes with an opposite, which you may specify or leave to my discretion (a certain amount of creativity is allowable here). The opposite of your sphere works precisely in reverse to your sphere; in other words, it saps your power when it exists in the world. You gain a +1 bonus to rolls involving your sphere and a -1 to rolls involving its opposite.

There is no hard limit on the number of spheres a God may have, but if it's a lot you'll probably have to track them and their opposites yourself. Try to keep your spheres are major elements of who or what your god is, not just favorite foods or rocks you like ever so slightly more than other rocks.

For Leaders, the signup sheet is a bit more open-ended and complex:

Leader Name:
Leader Strength(s):
Leader Description:

Tribe Name:
Tribe Strength(s):
Tribe Description:

Strengths are what your people or Leader excels at, and may be abstract ("hunting") or concrete ("acquiring food"). You receive one for free, and may have extras provided a corresponding weakness is provided for each extra. These strengths and weaknesses must make thematic sense (though again, creativity is allowed here) but needn't be polar opposites or otherwise directly related.

Do bear in mind that your peoples' strengths (and weaknesses, if any) are likely to be more permanent and far-reaching than your Leader's, though not necessarily by much and not necessarily more important.

When you die (usually meaning run out of Power for Gods and have your tribe destroyed as Leaders) you may immediately rejoin the waiting list.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 01:15:00 am by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nope~
    • View Profile
Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 06:52:50 pm »

Current World

The Seas of the World
The world consists of four connected seas, with various landmasses within them.

The Nameless Dead Waters are still, shallow waters where nothing lives and nothing stirs, eerily quiet and calm as the grave. They surround the Nameless Continent.

The Nameless Dull Ocean is a dull, unremarkable body of water, inhabited only by creatures too small to be more than specks of dust or debris in the water. It surrounds the continent of Idathoras.

The Nameless Abyss is an unfathomably deep sea filled with writhing sea behemoths. It surrounds The Nameless Stunted Forest.

Aerie's Deep Ocean is a deep, varied sea filled with all manner of life. It surrounds the island of Aerie.

The Glimmering Field is a shallow, brightly lit, flat seabed, filled with thriving, colorful life of all varieties.

Trench of the Deep Night is a three-mile wide crater, dropping straight and deep into the seafloor, where no light exists and the pressure can crush stones. Vast, utterly unfathomable alien horrors swim within its depths.

Avatar of Nassharath Endrasi (Divine Creature)
An avatar of the God of War, able to take on the forms of any of Nassharath Endrasi's peoples and mingle with them.

Northern Lagoon (Biome)
A series of frosty sandbars and tiny islands.

Southern Continent (Biome)
A frozen, snowy, but not at all barren plain.

The Glimmering Field (Biome)
A shallow, brightly lit, flat seabed, filled with thriving, colorful life of all varieties.

Trench of the Deep (Region)
A three-mile wide crater, dropping straight and deep into the seafloor, where no light exists and the pressure can crush stones. Vast, utterly unfathomable alien horrors swim within its depths.

The Underflow (Biome)
A massive undersea river coursing through the entire world.

The Harvest Fields (Biome)
A vast region of opulent bounty, stuffed with delicious kelp and meaty fish.

The Sunken Temple (Divine Region)
A grand temple of corroded bronze, sporting massive spires that jut off at angles like a spiked crown. Some of these spires extend out of the water. The Underflow courses through and around it, making it a somewhat volatile place. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

The Naga (Tribe)
A race of humanoid-fish hybrids, vicious and wise, covetous of knowledge and claiming dominion over all the seas. They are sacred to Apotheosi.

The Trident of Storms (Artifact)
A trident, which serves as both a weapon and an amplifier for water magic.

The Ice Urchin Swarm (Divine Creature)
A massive swarm of sea urchins, which build ice foundations for themselves wherever they go. This includes laying down a sheet of ice as they pass through an area.

Colossal Cuttlefish (Divine Creature)
A truly massive cuttlefish, unusually intelligent and able to communicate in a distorted voice.

The Leviathan (Divine Creature)
A truly massive dragon eel that can spit superheated steam.

Aquarium (Supernatural Material)
A light blue metal that gives various water-based attributes when forged into the correct charm.

Innominatam (Biome)
A place of dull hills, blunted mountains, and large but shallow caves. Mount Onnet rises up from the center.

Nameless Dead Waters (Biome)
Shallow, still, lifeless waters surrounding the Nameless Continent. Nothing dwells within, and it's eerily quiet and calm.

Mount Onnett (Region)
A somewhat large mountain rising from the center of Nameless Continent. It is absolutely stuffed with a certain type of silvery, twisting metal, similar to iron, resulting in no shortage of the stuff but a certain lack of fertile soil, water without metal flakes in it, and so forth. This metal is sacred to Tuwa.

Mithril (Supernatural Metal)
A magical, nigh-unbreakable metal that absorbs energy. This energy may be released in the form of kinetic bolts and enhanced movement for its bearer, but only with a great expenditure of effort. It may also be delayed for the barest fraction of a moment when doing so. It is sacred to Tuwa.

Sanctuary of Tuwa (Region)
A gemstone cavern lying deep within the earth, accessible by a very long tunnel leading to Mount Onnett's summit. Within lies the Blade of Order.

Nameless Grotto (Divine Region)
A nice-looking underground cave, a lot of it with silvery ore walls. Contains the entrance to the Temple of Tuwa.

Temple of Tuwa (Divine Region)
A vast natural cathedral and series of grand caves, twisting, dangerous, and vast. It is sacred to Tuwa.

Dire Honey Badgers (Mundane Life)
Honey badgers the size of a truck. Run. They are sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Giant Bears (Exotic Life)
Bears the size of a car.

Small Chirping Thing (Exotic Life)
A small golden-colored chirping bird-thing.

Snake-Men (Tribe)
Great serpents with humanoid shoulders, arms, and posture. They're a bit small compared to normal humanoids, and spend most of their time hiding when not doing anything else.

Dwarves (Tribe)
Grim, deadly serious dwarves that seem to be formed from solid stone, both in coloration and toughness. They have zero tolerance for fools, and are prone to executing anything that wanders too close to Mount Onnett. They have some rudimentary metalworking knowledge. They have some meaninglessly trivial magic pottery working knowledge. They are masterful animal tamers. They have a masterful affinity with the earth. They are extremely varied in personality, outlook, ability, and features, but get along well and value each others' uniqueness and variety. They're a bit dull-minded and have an interest in architecture. They can transform themselves into beings of solid stone, becoming stronger, tougher, slower, duller, and more severe in temperament. They are innately gifted at magic. They generally obey Tuwa's laws. They are sacred to Tuwa.

Deep Dwarves (Tribe)
Grim, deadly serious dwarves that seem to be formed from solid stone, both in coloration and toughness. They live deep, deep underground. They have zero tolerance for fools, and are prone to executing anything that wanders too close to Mount Onnett. They have some rudimentary metalworking knowledge. They have some meaninglessly trivial magic pottery working knowledge. They are masterful animal tamers. They have a masterful affinity with the earth. They are completely identical, static, and faceless, being linked into a hivemind. They're a bit dull-minded and have an interest in architecture. They can transform themselves into beings of solid stone, becoming stronger, tougher, slower, duller, and more severe in temperament. They are innately gifted at magic. They generally obey Tuwa's laws. They are sacred to Tuwa.

Rigoth Stoneset (Legendary Creature)
A prophet of Tuwa, larger and more imposing than other dwarves. His eyes glow from within with the light of Order, and he ensures his people follow Tuwa's laws.

Tuwa's Fool (Divine Creature)
Malicious, scheming creature of amorphous ink, generally formed into long, sinuous forms. Currently inhabits a chamber just before the treasure room of Tuwa's Sanctuary, where it thinks itself safe from the God of Order, rather than being his guard dog.

Ruwir Herlasko, or the Bane of Havock (Divine Creature)
A massive yet graceful golem of iron, standing as tall as eight men, as wide as three laying down, and possessing enough power to crush nearly anyone or anything into sand. It is loyal to Tuwa and the concepts of Order. It is sacred to Tuwa.

Arcanium Mithril Poppet
A wee poppet made of mithril and arcanium. It looks like a golem!

Superhero (Divine Creature)
An arcanium golem, capable of shifting its form, which runs around fighting the forces of chaos and evil using earth magic and a gigantic ravenous steel worm.

Giant Steel Worm (Divine Creature)
A gigantic steel worm, which swallows creatures whole and then exposes them to raw earth mana in its gut, transforming them into arcanium statues. It's usually rather hungry and prone to collateral damage.

The Blade of Order (Artifact)
A massive claymore, too big for many men to wield. It instills its bearer with religious zeal and devotion to the concept of Order, slowly shifting them over time into what is in some ways an avatar of Order itself. The blade is anathema to Chaos, and bears many powers against chaotic and disorganizes foes. It is sacred to Tuwa.

House of the Righteous (Divine Region)
A grand, severe, imposing mountain citadel. It slowly warps those who dwell within, strengthening their command of Earth and Order, and warping their flesh to stone and minds to absolute Order. It is regarded with no small amount of trepidation by most dwarves. It is sacred to Tuwa.

Krut (Mundane Life)
Fat, turkeylike birds, eating just about anything they can get their beaks on. They're theoretically capable of flight, but it's a losing battle for most of them.

Floating Island (Divine Region)
A rather small, misshapen island floating above Mount Onnett.

Arcanium Guardians (Divine Life)
Statues of pure, hardened Arcanium, capable of forming themselves into whatever shape they wish. They can hover, but only awkwardly, and usually don't bother. They are sacred to Tuwa.

Arcanium (Supernatural Mineral)
A somewhat sturdy ore that reacts to earth magic by strengthening itself, and serves as a conduit for earthen energies. It is sacred to Tuwa.

Arcanium Duplicator (Divine Region)
An arcanium device located within a hidden sealed chamber in Tuwa's Sanctuary, which creates an imperfect earthen doppleganger of whatever uses it.

Arcanium Floater (Divine Region)
An arcanium device found within Tuwa's Sanctuary. It causes creatures that use it to float up to the island above Mount Onnett, assuming they help navigate the way up decently well.

Shadow Gate (Divine Region)
An imperfect gateway to the Dark Realm, allowing ambitious and foolhardy creatures access... and possibly things within access as well.

Temple of Nikalas (Divine Feature)
An imposing temple to the God of Fear, proclaiming in vivid imagery Nikalas' victory and superiority to the craven False God of Order. It is sacred to Nikalas and blasphemous to Tuwa.

Temple of Tuwa (Divine Feature)
An outer cloister to the Temple of Nikalas, dedicated to the worship of Tuwa. It is sacred to Tuwa.

Tidal Rock Land Bridge (Region)
A series of tidewater rocks, formed into a long, meandering bridge. It is inhabited by various forms of tidal life. They connect Idathoras and Nameless Continent, for anything willing to make the long journey.

Stormy Shark Trench (Region)
A stormy, shark-filled trench between Aerie and Nameless Continent.

Rocky Bridge (Region)
A raised, rocky land bridge leading from Ferrokai to Nameless Continent.

A large landmass composed of drizzly, muddy scrubland on one side and vibrant jungle on the other, surrounded by extended shallow waters dotted with tiny islands and rocky outcroppings. It is surrounded by the Nameless Dull Ocean.

Nameless Dull Ocean (Biome)
A region of ocean, inhabited by generally vicious, hungry, poisonous life. Also home to organisms too miniscule to make out as anything more than dust or debris in the water. Surrounds the coastal areas of Idathoras.

Idathoras Half I (Divine Biome)
A large area of somewhat rocky scrubland, riverbeds, and mud pits, receiving frequent drizzle and light rains and almost always being overcast. It's good training terrain, and is somewhat aggressively colored. It empowers those who enter it, improving their strength and endurance, as well as inspiring them to battle and glory. It functions as a giant cauldron of power to Nassharath Endrasi, energizing him so long as it is properly stocked with conflict and war. It also feeds off the conflict in the jungles of Idathoras. It is sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Fierce Hyenas (Mundane Life)
Tough, territorial hyena packs roam the badlands of Idathoras, picking fights between each other and harassing anything they can't or don't want to kill and don't fear.

Pillar of War
A massive pillar with blood flowing down its sides, armor adorning its upper half, and chains wrapping around the armor and spiraling to the ground. It's an imposing monument to battle. It is sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

War Crystal Pillar (Divine Region)
A great pillar of War Crystal, intended to help empower the God of War. It is sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Small War Crystal Pillar (Divine Region)
A small pillar of War Crystal, intended to help empower the God of War.

Great War Crystal Pillar (Divine Region)
A very, very large pillar of War Crystal, intended to help empower the God of War. It is sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Spindly War Crystal Pillar (Divine Region)
A spindly "pillar" of War Crystal, intended to help empower the God of War.

War Crystal (Supernatural Material)
A dark red crystal that may be worked like metal, but only through aggression and spilt blood. The material outright refuses to hold any shape not destined for conflict and war, but bends to arms and armaments as though it were returning to its original shape. It is an extremely strong, tough material. It is sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Trench of Trepidation (Divine Region)
A trench running the entire length of Idathoras, splitting the empowering badlands from the vibrant jungle. It exudes a feeling of fear and unease.

Shadow Gate (Divine Region)
An imposing arch of twisting black stone, surrounded by equally ominous surroundings. It emanates fear. It is sacred to Nikalas.

Idathoras Half II (Biome)
A large area of vibrant, life-filled jungle.

Giant Spiders
Giant wolf spiders, somewhere between a very large dog and a donkey in size. They have excessively detailed and nuanced faces and fur patterns, giving them a very distinctive look. They take easily to humanoids, often following them around waiting for a treat, though this is not totally mutually exclusive with eating them.

Several different types of small but ferocious predators, greatly resembling normal badgers in most respects.

Several different types of herbivores, which can grow to truly gargantuan sizes but begin life as one of a large spawn of tiny eggs. They greatly resemble long-necked dinosaurs in most respects.

Giant Tigers (Mundane Life)
Fairly large tigers, graceful and powerful, with a penchant for territorial aggression and taking down big game.

Carnivorous Bunnies (Mundane Life)
Just what you'd expect. Not powerful enough to go for the throat on a standing human.

Nematursharath'dan (Nemarath'dan for short; Tribe)
Tall, beautiful, graceful, powerfully built humanoids of pure muscle, beauty, and bone, with fair, flawless skin, luxurious hair of myriad vibrant colors, and bodies that somehow appear strong without losing their grace. They generally stand seven feet tall. They know nothing but conflict and fight constantly amongst themselves, whether there's reason to or not. They obsessively dominate, train, and selectively breed animals of all sorts, molding them for constant conflict and living among them like any other family. They are sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Spartan Humans (Tribe)
A tribe of humans living near the border to Idathoras' scrublands. They value strength and skill at war above all else; indeed, they don't really value anything else at all. They're imposing physically and mentally adept at the intricacies of war, but utterly unforgiving of any manner of weakness or softness. They're somewhat fond of stories. They expertly keep livestock, beasts of burden, mounts, tracking animals, and of course war beasts. They are sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Orks (Tribe)
Savage, green-skinned humanoids with no trace of common sense or self restraint. Extremely strong and tough, as well as rather numerous.

Dragons (Divine Life)
Very large dragons, capable of transforming into draconic humanoids. They are furious and warlike, bringing carnage and destruction wherever they go, and abhorring peace and stability. They have advanced but largely shallow knowledge of siege weapons and forged metals. They keep housepets, and are worshipers of the God of War. Some of them lack the innate ability to transform, but can instead call upon their patron's power to transform into varying forms of ferocious or otherwise combat-worthy animals. They may also blend these animals very slightly, adding a dash of one form to another. They are sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.

Nameless Coastal Region (Biome)
A very large, shallow region of water dotted with tiny islands and rocky outcroppings. It teems with life.

Fayra (Mundane Life)
Black and white predatory birds the size of small dogs. They eat just about anything they can catch, and are generally known for having a voracious appetite.

Hungering Black Spear (Artifact)
A massive black spear, seething with power and adorned with glowing red lines. It hungers to pierce through everything, and can penetrate almost any defense conceivable. Stopping it once battle is joined is difficult at best. It is currently slammed into the ground in the middle of Idathoras' jungle, immovable save by those Nassharath Endrasi grants the right to wield it. It is sacred to Nassharath Endrasi.


Nameless Sparse Forest (Biome)
A forest of not particularly dense trees growing in somewhat acidic soil. Jagged Mountain rises up from its center, and it's surrounded by the The Maw.

Red Apes (Mundane Life)
Red-furred gorillas standing five feet tall when on their knuckles. They are fierce and territorial, frequently fighting amongst each other and anything else they come across.

Metal-Furred Wolves (Divine Life)
Large, graceful wolves with steel fur. They're ferocious pack hunters. They are sacred to Ahnaros.

Things (Magical Life)
Shaggy animals a little smaller than a small dog, looking somewhere between a rabbit and a goat in appearance. They're understandably jumpy, given where they live.

Saurus (Tribe)
Hulking, obscenely strong, heavily armored reptilian humanoids. Their scales are impervious to the flames of the Sanguine Ferrum. They have a slight aversion to caves. They are currently in possession of the Rock Cracker and Heavy Armor. They are culturally obsessed with scaling Jagged Mountain, and their status and worth in society is largely measured in these terms. They have gills, which are somewhat weaker than their normal scales, though they require a lucky or precise strike to penetrate. They have a masterful knowledge of rune magic, and frequently use them in their dwellings, implements, and even on their scales. They also have particular knowledge in some protective and anti-magic runes.

Reinforced Caverns (Biome)
A massive series of heavily reinforced, slab-walled caverns below Ferrokai, inhabited by life forms suited to such a fortified environment.

Drow (Tribe)
Slight, dark-skinned, white-eyed and haired elves that loathe the light. They're malicious and cunning.

Arid Plateau (Region)
An arid plateau rising up off the side of the Nameless Sparse Forest.

Nameless River (Region)
A spring located on the Arid Plateau, pooling into a lake before coursing down the plateau's sides and through the Sparse Forest.

The Maw (Biome)
An unfathomably deep ocean surrounding the Nameless Stunted Forest. It teems with writhing, gargantuan sea monsters.

The Edge (Biome)
A somewhat shallow coastal region surrounding the Nameless Sparse Forest, its seabed made of incredibly hard materials. It is inhabited by somewhat unpleasant creatures.

Boiling City (Divine Region)
A fortress-city of metal and sanguine, perched on the edge of The Edge. It warms the waters around it, resulting in bubbling and steam directly around it. It is connected to the surface by a spiraling staircase. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Temple of Dead Metal (Divine Feature)
A temple in the Boiling city, complete with a giant pit filled with rusting, decaying, gnarled metals. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Chrachek´ah (Divine Creature)
A gargantuan sea serpent with two long arms, teeth the size of claymores, and wicked talons. It protects the Boiling City from the terrors of The Maw.

Jagged Mountain (Region)
A steep, jagged mountain rising up from the Nameless Stunted Forest. A grand temple, the Temple of Ahnaros, sits atop its peak.

Temple to Ahnaros (Divine Feature)
A jagged, severe, in some cases lightly flaming temple of whitish, almost crystalline metal. It almost seems to emanate seething rage and power, and is sacred to Ahnaros.

Forges of Ahnaros (Divine Feature)
Several magnificent forges located around the Temple to Ahnaros. They allow their users to bend metals worked within to their whims as effortlessly and perfectly as a beloved leader making small requests of his subjects. They are sacred to Ahnaros.

Stone of Ahnaros (Divine Feature)
A massive slab of stone with incandescent runes, which blasts the glories of Ahnaros at visitors. Few can weather the assault for long. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Jagged Mountain City (Region)
A sprawling, rather cramped metropolis on Jagged Mountain. It is currently unoccupied.

Sanguine Ferrum (Supernatural Mineral)
An incredibly strong metal found on Jagged Mountain, glowing red-hot at all times and usually being on fire. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Aeglis (Supernatural Mineral)
A metal found on Jagged Mountain, so light that it's actually buoyant in air. It's incredibly sharp but a little bit on the brittle side, especially because it's hard to work into thick pieces and easy to move around very quickly. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Drakes (Divine Life)
Medium-sized, fire-breathing, flight capable dragons, easily large enough to ride. Their flames are far hotter than any normal flame, though they usually only use diluted bursts. They obey and generally refuse to harm those deemed worthy. They are sacred to Ahnaros.

Custodem Ferros (Divine Creature)
An imposing guardian, standing nearly the height of two men, clad in full plate made of a strange, glowing crimson metal, and wearing a full helm and flowing black cloak. Wields a great two-handed sword and tests those who come to the mountain, obeying and protecting those found worthy. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Custodem (Divine Creature)
An imposing guardian, standing the height of three men and very broad, clad in full plate made of a strange, glowing crimson metal, and wearing a full helm and flowing black cloak. Wields a great two-handed sword and is somewhat slow and ponderous. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Heavy Armor (Artifact)
A very heavy, reinforced golden chestpiece of armor, molded perfectly to fit a Saurus. It's incredibly thick and heavy.

Rock Cracker (Artifact)
A massive two-handed, double-bladed axe, too big for a Saurus to wield properly without prodigious strength.

Fireheart (Artifact)
A ruby adorned with a rune of power on each of its faces. Those with knowledge of how to use them can use the ruby as a devastating weapon of fire, destruction, and light. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

Grey Hawks (Mundane Life)
Steel-grey birds of prey the sizes of dogs. They're known for their vicious, murderous temperament and fighting ability when riled, and make for absolutely horrifying predators.

Aerie (Region)
A somewhat tall island with steeply rounded slopes covered in Ironwood trees, located north of the Nameless Continent. A very small mesa sits at its center, atop which sit the Pillars. The Nameless Cavern System runs beneath it.

Aerie's Deep Ocean (Biome)
A vast, deep ocean surrounding Aerie, teeming with life of all sorts.

Great Eagles
Intelligent eagles capable of speech. They're a bit simple-minded, though. Said to be messengers of Ferren.

Ironwood Trees
Large, magnificent, slightly grayish trees made of extremely hard wood. Mature specimens are essentially immune to any reasonable, natural force.

Colorburst Vines
Massive, twisting dark green vines with numerous watermelon-sized pods filled with different colors of every hue imaginable. These pods frequently become pressurized and shoot their contents across a wide area, permanently staining anything in the region with a staggering array of color. When harvested safely, the contents can be used to make incredibly vibrant, incredibly permanent dyes, inks, and so forth, and even the vines can be turned into color-related products of a much more subdued, reasonable character.

Scraggly Vultures
Scraggly, mildly intelligent vultures with a penchant for bright colors and repeating patterns.

Ironwood Sloths (Mundane Life)
Fairly large sloths with powerful, sharp claws and teeth. They are peaceful, however, and only use these endowments to navigate and eat amongst the Ironwood trees they inhabit.

The Weavers (Divine Creatures)
A trio of what appear to be humans with great black crow-wings and solid, jet-black eyes that seem to see and see into and through everything. They are rapacious devourers of knowledge and tales, often devolving into salacious gossip and gruesome anecdotes. They have absolutely zero regard for the privacy of anyone, seeing all as yet more stories to be embroidered into the great tapestry of the history of the world.

Llen (Tribe)
A joyous, celebratory tribe of dark-skinned humanoids with a great passion for art and complete abhorrence to harming other living things. They spend most of their time creating and celebrating art and peace, or else foraging for things they can eat and use without hurting anything else. They are able to communicate freely and fluently with animals, and are fairly charismatic at it at that. They are knowledgeable about mathematics, often combining its concepts with their artwork. They are adept at harvesting the wood of the ironwood trees without harming them, as well as working the resulting wood into useable tools and materials. They are sacred to Ferren.

Nameless Plant (Exotic Life)
A plant which provides sustenance without harm to itself, making it an obvious choice for the gentle Llen. It is sacred to Ferren.

Temple (Divine Feature)
A temple on the southern edge of Aerie. It is artistically themed, and currently holds the Statue of Ferren. Those who enter are inspired to create works of art in whatever mediums and styles appeal to them. It is sacred to Ferren.

Statue of Ferren (Divine Feature)
A pretty, somewhat vain statue of Ferren, made of flawless white stone with a slight golden tinge to it. It inspires those who gaze upon it. It is sacred to Ferren.

Underworld Gate (Divine Feature)
A black jumble of stones forming a crude gateway. It serves as a path to the Underworld, and the souls of the dead are drawn to it. In theory, only souls and gods may enter, but in practice, it's not the most secure gate in the world, and a crafty or determined mortal or other creature could potentially get in. Similarly, it's not perfect at allowing access either, and a soul occasionally being barred entry or getting stuck isn't out of the question.

Underworld (Divine Biome)
A vast series of somber but not unpleasant caverns where the souls of the dead cannot escape. It is sacred to Mavet.

Bloodguard (Divine Creatures)
Seven mortals with the Curse of the Bloodguard. They are immune to death by natural causes. Their power is directly proportional to their distance from the Underworld Gate, being stronger closer and getting successively weaker further away, to the point of dying if separated by too far. When one dies, a Spirit Guide takes their soul to the Underworld and resurrects it. The curse may only be passed on by a willing Bloodguard to another willing humanoid, freeing the current Bloodguard and transforming the newcomer in its place. They look slightly different from normal members of their race. They are capable of creating Homunculi, one and a half to three foot tall artificial life forms made of stones, plants, and earth. They are completely loyal to their creators, including gladly laying down their lives for them.

Dwarven Bloodguard Paladin of Tuwa (Divine Creature)
The dwarven Bloodguard, boasting increased strength and resilience, and abilities related to mending earth and healing allies. Severe and uncompromising, he views the other Blooguards with a certain amount of contempt. He is sacred to Tuwa.

Spirit Guides (Divine Life)
Tall, mummified humanoids wearing drama masks. They are surprisingly strong, possess a rather severe character, and are zealously devoted to ensuring no dead souls remain outside or living souls remain inside the Underworld. They are normally visible and tangible only to spirits, except in the Underworld. They are sacred to Mavet.

The Judge (Divine Creature)
A Spirit Guide with exceedingly good judgement, tasked with judging and recording the fate of souls. It is sacred to Mavet.

The Book of the Damned (Artifact)
A large, ancient-looking tome that reads the fates of souls. Those found unworthy are damned to the Underworld, while those found worthy are reincarnated. It is sacred to Mavet.

Bone Crown (Artifact)
A sinister-looking crown of bones. It empowers the wearer with the ability to feast upon the souls of the dead, draining their power for itself. It is currently worn by Mavet. It is sacred to Mavet.

Skull Banner (Artifact)
A flowing standard of pure shadow and bone, leaving all near it somber, fatalistic, and heedless of death. The effect is quite terrifying, but anything close enough to notice that has probably lost all emotion already. Releasing the standard causes not only the death of the bearer, but often everyone around them. It is sacred to Mavet.

Scroll of Plague (Consumable Artifact)
A scroll that empowers its reader with disease before crumbling to nothingness. The reader henceforth slowly decays plants in a personal radius and can, with great effort, inflict a serious disease on others.

Scroll of Madness (Consumable Artifact)
A scroll that, when read, causes its target to go into a berserk frenzy, killing everyone nearby save for the reader. It crumbles away once read.

Scroll of Death (Consumable Artifact)
A scroll that, when used, opens a gate to the Underworld, dragging all nearby down to be judged. It crumbled away on use. It is sacred to Mavet.

Centaur (Tribe)
A race of extremely adaptable, malleable creatures with the lower bodies of horses and the upper torsos of humans. They quickly adapt to whatever circumstances they find themselves in or near, resulting in easy and frequent splintering of groups into myriad, often hostile tribes.

Golden Pillar
A golden pillar atop the mesa on Aerie. It emanates a feeling of peace to those around it. It is sacred to Ferren.

Blood Pillar
A pillar of flowing blood surrounded by floating, shifting, barbed and bladed chains atop the mesa on Aerie. It is sacred to Nassharath Enedrasi.

Black Pillar
A deep black pillar streaked with white and thoroughly adorned with bones atop the mesa on Aerie. It emanates a calming influence on those around it. It is associated with Mavet.

Mana Pillar
A swirling blue pillar of pure mana atop the mesa on Aerie. It inspires a sense of wonder and curiosity in those around it. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

Writhing Pillar
A writhing, shifting pillar of shadow and grotesque features, constantly changing and beckoning. It's a disturbing sight, spiraling far into the sky and seeming to seep deep into the earth. It is sacred to Nikalas.

Aegis of Ferren
A somewhat large shield, made of an impenetrable solid white material with gold trim. A wing design graces its surface. In addition to being impossible to pierce directly, the shield tends to sprout wings to interfere with and protect against any hostilities, whether by, against, or unrelated to the bearer, as well as generating shimmering golden fields that restrict creatures' ability to harm each other and physically protect them. Overall, the bearer would find it difficult indeed to come to any harm whatsoever, but also rather hard to accomplish anything. It currently lies within the Golden Pillar, awaiting a bearer with a true desire and need for its power to bring peace to the world. It is sacred to Ferren.

Vicious Chickens (Mundane Life)
Strange, predatory creatures looking something like a naked newborn chicken with claws, larger eyes, and a nastier beak. They cannot fly, but can jump and track well enough to eat things that can.

Sapient Manawood Trees (Magical Life)
Somewhat stubby trees or fairly large, woody shrubs that only grow in areas with considerably higher than normal mana concentrations, which they absorb. The result is that their wood is mana-infused, which tends to make it better than normal wood for most purposes, as well as having some additional possible uses. None currently exist in the world, but their seeds have been scattered to Idathoras, Jagged Mountain and its forest, Aerie, and the Nameless Continent.

Nameless Whimsical Hedge Maze (Divine Region)
A fairly large hedge maze of mana and phantasms, brilliantly colored and shifting. It appears and disappears from place to place and at time to time, following no known pattern. Those who manage to make it through discover a mostly useless but often amusing or occasionally convenient magical trinket. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

The Eternal Labyrinth (Divine Region)
A shifting maze that tailors itself to be nearly but not quite impossible to whoever enters it, filled with deadly beasts and cunning traps for the unwary (and unworthy). Upon being solved, it vanishes within a day, only to reappear ten years later in a random location. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

Pool of Restoration (Divine Feature)
A magical fountain whose waters refresh, reinvigorate, and even heal wounds. Its waters are limited and replenish slowly. It is located just outside the Fragment of Apotheosi's chamber.

Fragment of Apotheosi (Divine Creature)
A rough-hewn, diamond-shaped shard of shiny obsidian or similar, with a large round purple eye in the center, seemingly of some sort of smooth crystal. It tests those who solve the Eternal Labyrinth, expending its power to grant the worthy an artifact or piece of knowledge of their choosing. It breaks the unworthy and casts them aside. It spends the ten years the Labyrinth has vanished regenerating its power for another boon. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

Star Metal (Supernatural Mineral)
A rare metal with some affinity for sky magic. It's found only where stars have fallen to the ground.

Harpies (Tribe)
Territorial avian humanoids, fairly friendly to their own, who inhabit higher elevations.

Slithzeraki (Tribe)
Snake humanoids, somewhat small, not very numerous, and generally living in low caves where possible. Native to Innominatam.

The Battle (Obvious Celestial Object)
A staggering, ever-shifting constellation showing the battles and passions of Idathoras, Continent of War and Savage Beasts. It's a truly awe-inspiring feature, one that inspires both admiration for the glory of war and fascination with the beauty one can render it in. It is sacred to both Ferren and Nassharath Endrasi.

The Pillars of Aerie (Obvious Celestial Object)
A beautiful constellation showing the Pillars of Aerie, including those that are missing. It's rather inspiring and beautiful. It is sacred to both Ferren and Mavet.

Infinity Student (Obvious Celestial Object)
A massive constellation depicting a master and pupil. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

Ferren's Jewelry (Artifact Set)
8 pieces of jewelry: A necklace, an anklet, a circlet, a sash, an earring, an armlet, a ring, and a cloak clasp. Each is decorated with a different gem or precious metal, and rests within a flawless sphere that opens to the touch of a sentient being. The jewelry allows a sentient creature to form a special bond with an animal, granting them three forms. The first is each being separate, the second is a mixture of the humanoid and the animal, and the third is a more powerful version of the animal's form. The bond goes deeper, however; those bound so begin to influence one another, slowly becoming like and attached to them in body, mind, and spirit. One rests on Aerie, one in the Harvest Fields, two on Idathoras, two on Ferrokai, one on Innominatam, and one in the Old Realm. All have a sacred connection with Ferren, allowing him to know the bearer at all times. They are sacred to Ferren.

The Terror

Creatures that enter The Terror find themselves trailed out of the corner of their eyes by a shadow. They cannot fully see their own Shadow, no matter which way they turn, without the assistance of magic, mirrors, or similar trickery. This effect is sacred to Nikalas.

Shadow of Innominatam (Divine Biome)
A place of low hills and blunted mountains, just like Innominatam. It is sacred to Nikalas.

Palace City of Nikalas (Divine Region)
A massive, crowded, sprawling metropolis of the God of Fear, packed with writhing shadows and bestial horrors. It is sacred to Nikalas.

Shadow of Dead Waters (Divine Biome)
A perfectly still, blank, uninhabited stretch of water around the Shadow of Innominatam. It is sacred to Nikalas.

Shadow of The Maw (Divine Biome)
A blank, uninhabited stretch of vaguely deep ocean. It's supposed to be an impression of The Maw.

Shadow of The Edge (Divine Biome)
A hard-floored coastal region inhabited by the shadows of somewhat unpleasant but not especially dangerous or large sea creatures. It is sacred to Nikalas.

The Rest
Stunted, simplified, less useful versions of Ferrokai's sparse forest, arid plateau, river, reinforced caverns, and Jagged Mountain; Idathoras' dull ocean, coastal region, war lands, jungle, and trench of trepidation; Aerie's deep ocean, landmass, ironwood trees, colorburst vines and Llen plants; the Harvest Fields, Glimmering Field, Trench of Deep Night, and Underflow. They are bereft of creatures.

Ferren's Moon (Obvious Celestial Object)
A fairly large, very pretty moon. It is sacred to Ferren.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 07:12:06 pm by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 06:53:27 pm »

Character cap hit for above. Continued below!

The Sun (Critical Celestial Object)
A massive mana reactor. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

Ley Lines (Divine Biome)
A series of weak, spindly mana streams, invisible and intangible, connected to most parts of the world.

Ley Line Temple (Divine Region)
A modest temple atop the meeting of Ley Lines in Ferrokai.

The Octom (Artifact)
A multicolored ball that shifts light slightly. It grants minor bonuses to skills to whoever wields it based on which God they worship.

Quiet Place (Divine Feature)
A disturbingly, unnervingly peaceful and still place, devoid of any conflict whatsoever.

Ahnaros' Tomb (Divine Feature)
A metal tomb designed to house Ahnaros' coil once he has expended his energies. It's made of metal, but can be opened by a rune mage of great power who worships Ahnaros. It is sacred to Ahnaros.

The Old Realm (Biome)
A glittering, multicolored cloud in the sky, like a nebula visible even during the day, when it hasn't vanished for reasons unknown. In truth, it's an ever-changing realm of floating islands, mountains and forests, lakes and skybound rivers. Mana permeates its very being, being as common and ubiquitous here as moisture, air, or light might be in a normal realm, and an air of mystery and wonder affects most who come here. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

The Fey (Divine)
Long-lived creatures capable of effortless, graceful shapeshifting and peerless, innately talented mages. Their minds are incomprehensible to most creatures, shifting between childlike innocence and cold, deadly seriousness on a whim. They feel perfectly at home in The Old Realm, despite most other creatures' difficulty navigating and understanding it. They are sacred to Apotheosi.

God-King of the Fey (Divine Creature)
An immortal Fey, commanding incredibly powerful, unstable arcane might. Has a bit of leadership skill as well. Would be sacred to Apotheosi did he not accept some worship for himself.

Tome of the Grand Magi (Artifact)
A treatise on magical theory. Of great interest to some, though not especially interesting to the God-King of the Fey, who currently possesses it.

Shrine of Arcane Arts (Divine Region)
A massive bluish-green metal tower, slowly tapering far up into the sky and deep into the earth below, with several additional spikes shooting off at lower angles. It's a nexus of arcane power and whispered secrets, warping the lands around it even by Old Realm standards. It is sacred to Apotheosi.

Roster and Waitlist

Current Gods (6/6)

Nassharath and/or Endrasi (Caellath)
+Warfare, Military Technology, Fighting+
-Peace, Magic, Diplomacy-
A being which spends most of his time in the form of pure energy, but can transform into a fearsome warrior or assassin, usually in black and/or red armor to walk on the mortal plane, mainly if dire times approach. He dislikes diplomacy, and finds killing or battling the only right and proper way to settle matters. He is capable of inspiring individuals in his name and is pictured as a set of red, bloody teeth twisted in a vicious grin.

Tuwa (Spinal Taper)
+Order, Earth+
-Chaos, Air-
Think lawful good. With a dwarfy twist. If we're doing forms: A mound of earth, able to absorb metals, stones etc and change its form with it..

Apotheosi (dermonster)
+Knowledge, Magic+
-Stupidity, Skepticism-
Chaotic Good edging into neutral if we're going by that alignments. Takes the form of a great obsidian hourglass , two rings of eyes orbiting endlessly around its center, perpendicular to each other, surrounded by a multitude of glowing hands.

Ahnaros (Ahra)
+Fire, Light, Metal+
-Calm, Darkness, Softness-
An being of White steel armour with a single black rune upon it, it lacks a discernable face as uncovered skin reveals
the flames that rage in this being along with its merciless light. (Ever heard of an seraph? one of those covered in full armour)

Ferren (Morelli)
+Peace, Art+
-War, Phillistines-
Ferren appears as a man with a flowing cape that shimmers with many colors.  He is a patron to the arts, and exists to see them grow and develop.  Ferren always looks for ways to solve conflicts through diplomacy, and searches for the most effective route to peace.

Mavet (JackoftheBox)
+Death, Balance+
-Unsustainability, Imbalance-
Mavet is a god born out of necessity that is called death. He is almost emotionless being that doesn't enjoy or complain about his duty in this world. Mavet rarely takes a physical form, but when necessary, he appears as a man wearing a black robe with a hood. Besides handling death, Mavet is also obsessed to see the world in perfect balance.

Sleeping Gods (1/-)
-mcclay : Nikalas, God of Fear, Bravery, and Monsters

Future Tribes (2/?)
-Nirur Torir
-Tiruin : Dane Fenerof, Cultured Warrior of the Militaristic Kella
-Pandemix : Elyrion Ahandar, Charismatic Leader of Courageous Light Elves
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 11:42:27 pm by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2012, 06:53:55 pm »

Here, reserved <3 you.
Name: Nassharath
Sphere(s): Warfare. Military Technology. Fighting. Antispheres: Peace. Un-Technology (Magic). Diplomacy.
Description: A being which spends most of his time in the form of pure energy, but can transform into a fearsome warrior or assassin, usually in black and/or red armor to walk on the mortal plane, mainly if dire times approach. He dislikes diplomacy, and finds killing or battling the only right and proper way to settle matters. He is capable of inspiring individuals in his name and is pictured as a set of red, bloody teeth twisted in a vicious grin.

Edit: Edited.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 08:25:01 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 06:56:15 pm »

Name: Tuwa
Sphere(s): Order, Earth
Antispheres: Chaos, Air
Description: Think lawful good. With a dwarfy twist. If we're doing forms: A mound of earth, able to absorb metals, stones etc and change its form with it..

Can you elaborate on this? As in it will be used for a forum game?
A god game plus a tribes/civilization game with (hopefully) high player turnover which will then (supposedly) be used as part of the setting for a game that's somewhere between Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 07:03:29 pm by Spinal_Taper »


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 07:00:28 pm »

Name: Apotheosi
Sphere(s): Knowledge and Magic. Antispheres: Stupidity and I guess you can decide the other one. (Maybe skepticism?)
Description: Chaotic Good edging into neutral if we're going by that alignments. Takes the form of a great obsidian hourglass , two rings of eyes orbiting endlessly around its center, perpendicular to each other, surrounded by a multitude of glowing hands.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 07:58:15 pm by dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 07:01:05 pm »

Can you elaborate on this? As in it will be used for a forum game?
A god game plus a tribes/civilization game with (hopefully) high player turnover which will then (supposedly) be used as part of the setting for a game that's somewhere between Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper.
In theory, yes. The world created will serve as a general setting for the other, tentatively planned game.

So as an example, if a god creates a desert and then a series of players build up thriving but ultimately doomed civilizations in said desert, the DF/DK game will feature said desert as a very rough area, within which may be found ruins, artifacts, and most likely small settlements, marauders, etc. based on the previous inhabitants.

Players in the DK/DF game will also be able to craft their own races and civilizations out of thin air, however, and there will likely be a fair amount not detailed here and some things detailed here that simply never come up.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 07:40:33 pm »

I shall join the leadership waiting list.


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2012, 07:50:38 pm »

I shall join the leadership waiting list.


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2012, 08:19:41 pm »

OP has been updated with some vague, partially cryptic information on Tribes.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2012, 08:23:20 pm »

So once we have the 6 gods, we start?


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2012, 08:25:11 pm »

Indeed! Tribes will come in later, and we'll probably have a full complement by then.

The exact mechanics of when the terraforming/Gods Go Nuts phase ends haven't been settled upon, but I'm thinking of capitalizing on your self-interest and greed. :P
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2012, 08:27:56 pm »

Sweet, that's my specialty.


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2012, 08:44:14 pm »

Play my picture adventure games: Roll to Dodge Mr T and You Are Douchebag!


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Re: Crucible RTD [Multi-Stage God/Tribe Game]
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2012, 12:35:56 am »

For which one?

Also, I'm tempted to just start with 3 gods and then add the other three as we go. Not sure if that's being overly impatient or not.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.
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