Turn 96 AddendumI'm sending the Zakdorn the first of three major bribes. Let's have a moment of silence for our treasury while we still have something in it.
Pictured: What's happening to our latinum.
Turn 97The Ferengi refused yet another non-aggression treaty. I'm beginning to wonder whether they might dislike us. On a related note I'm sending a second bribe to the Zakdorn, and we're waiting to hear back from the Selay about our affiliation.
Production-wise, Mintaka completed the first destroyer in our newest battle fleet: the USS Nautilus A. This fleet is available to be claimed. Also Malurian managed to build our wind turbines, this is nice.
Turn 98This first contact was peaceful, if not very friendly. The Antedeans don't seem to like anyone at all...
Here's a look at the Zakdorn system.
The Selay accepted our offer of affiliation, while the Zakdorn will have to wait a turn to receive the remainder of our treasury. We can't afford the size of the final remaining bribe for another turn.
Turn 99Well this seems a little strange...
I guess the Ktarians aren't going to take the Romulan's shit anymore. To be honest I wasn't aware the Romulans
were giving them shit. But it's nice to know where they stand towards one of our most dangerous neighbors. On a related note, the Talarians have offered us an affiliation. I'm happily accepting.
The final ship of the First Destroyer Fleet has completed in Trill: the USS Majestic A.
USS Stratford A
USS Brittain A
USS Tian An Men A
USS ShirKahr A
USS Reliant A
USS Saratoga A
USS Majestic A
USS Sitak A
USS Lantree A
The impending affiliation with the Talarians has prompted me to build another scout ship in Trill before we begin construction of the Research Committee.
With the completion of the First Destroyer Fleet, we are now moving into Romulan territory to scout and raid their systems and to destroy any ships we encounter. Also the Sandhusky scouted the Borka system, it's fairly uninteresting.
Turn 100The Sandhusky continues to find success in its directive to seek out new life.
Here's a look at the Borka system.
Most of the minor races we've encountered have met either the Romulans, the Ferengi, or both. When we asked the Takarans about these two they told us they already had an affiliation with a group called the Cardassians. This is the first we have heard of this empire, and we know nothing about them. Speaking of diplomacy, we're finally sending the Zakdorn an affiliation treaty. Hopefully our generous bribes will pay off.
We've had a busy turn production-wise. The USS Miranda A completed in Mintaka, Betazed completed a farm upgrade, Sol built a plasma reactor, and a factory finished in Catullan.
Oh and one more thing...
I noticed the bulk of the Romulan fleet left the system it was in, I think they destroyed a Talarian warship. This seems an ideal time to do some aggressive scouting of their main system.
Turn 101Now for the result you've all been waiting for...
Hooray! We've finally reached Energy 5. This will allow us to build free energy buildings in systems that contain P-class planets. But more importantly, we can now construct Federation Replicators to feed our people.
Next it's construction research.
We also got into a bit of a scrape in the Romulus system.
4 kills! And I want to say they were all destroyers too. Admirals Sirus and Haspen commanded their ships brilliantly.
We're pulling back the fleets a little this turn to ensure the safe passage of our newest scout ship through Romulan territory. The USS Cortes A finished in Trill this turn. Trill will delay the Research Committee yet again to construct a set of Federation Replicators.
Personal NoteOccasionally BOTF crashes when you load a battle. Thank god for Google Chrome auto-cache when you restart your computer. I nearly lost everything.
Turn 102We encountered the support ships that fled during the battle over Romulus. Their temporary escort of 2 scout ships fled, as did one troop transport. Our fleets claimed a colony ship and another troop transport. As far as I can tell we've taken the Romulan fleet down to 3 destroyers, 2 scouts, and some assorted support ships.
Also the Talarian warship mysteriously reappeared with a lot of hull damage. Glad to see they're ok. Speaking of friends, the Zakdorn signed our affiliation treaty. So that lays to rest any worries we had about their friendship with the Ferengi.
For RealsNot quite so many turns this update, but an awful lot happened.
With the destruction of 4 destroyers, the Romulan fleet is much less of a threat. The combined fleets of admirals Haspen and Sirus will continue to explore their space and search for ships to completely gang-up-on. Meanwhile I'm sending the Cortes to investigate two stars that are now in range of our ships on the top edge of the galaxy.
Production continues at pace, but once the next battle fleet is completed I'd like to refocus on development again.
As always, comments or questions are always welcome.