I've got the time and the inclination to post more. My apologies to anyone who wanted to contribute and is now too late. The poll shows a split decision between warships, an outpost and then colony ships, and just colony ships. I'll be forced to make an executive decision on the matter before moving forward. It'll be colony ships, and destroyers later. At the moment an outpost won't be overly useful.
Turn 56With no instructions from admiral Sirus, I am forced to temporarily command the Martynov myself. And, being the coward that I am, I have decided to forego investigating the ship we saw on the far side of Romulan space. There's simply too much unexplored territory to risk losing the Martynov over one system.
On a whim I'm sending the Selay yet another offer of trade. Perhaps persistence will pay off.
Turn 57Our research efforts have paid off, now we can improve our income with trade centers.
Next is energy research. It won't unlock much but it's necessary for university upgrades.
Also, this breakthrough does not unlock new building upgrades. This will give us more time to construct ships.
The Romulans offered us a 25 turn non-aggression pact. This simple agreement would prevent either of us from sending ships into the territory of the other. Also we would not immediately initiate combat in the event our fleets pass one another in unclaimed space. I'm inclined to accept, as it will give us valuable time to build warships. Also, most of the systems between their territory and ours are already inhabited by minor races. If we quickly seize the Balosnee system then they will be unable to expand toward us any further.
Turn 58Quite an eventful turn!
The Selay finally cracked, and we're setting up a trade route with them from the Betazed system.
In Sol I've queued up a trade center and a colony ship. They should be completed in about 5 turns. Betazed has reached its current target number of factories. I'd like to build a communications grid, trade center, and a set of wind turbines before we start thinking about upgrading anything. The Malurian system reached 60 population, and the aquaculture center will be completed soon. System administrator Jarod Cain should begin thinking about how to specialize the system's economy.
Turn 59This turn Mintaka reached its target number of factories. I've set it to build the same economic structures as Betazed.
The Martynov is continuing to circumnavigate Romulan space, it would appear there isn't much to see for now.
Here is a look at the Talar system. As you can see the Romulans are quite well hemmed in by the Talarians, Trill, and Caldonians. These minor races will keep their empire small, which can only be good for us.
Turn 60Not much to report. The Martynov spotted a system on the far side of Romulan space. But it's out of our range, so scouting it will have to wait.
Turn 61The Rica completed terraforming the Catullan system. It's colony time!
I've decided that our next colony will be the Balosnee system, to further contain the Romulans. The Smith is still terraforming in Betazed but it will head there as soon as it's done. A new colony ship is under construction in Sol.
Also the Martynov saw yet another system out of range. At least we have something to look forward to.
Turn 62Once again, we lose a fleet and gain a home.
Admiral EuchreJack is now the planetary governor of the Catullan system. It's a barren hellhole with very little to justify its existence, but I'm sure he'll find something interesting to do.
Also, the Martynov has detected more activity, this time it's a pair of unknown alien ships to the galactic east, and a Ferengi troop transport to its west.
EuchreJack, here's a look at your system.
Also between this and the image from turn 59 you can see all the territory the Martynov has scouted these past few turns.
Apparently the Caldonians have met the Ferengi. They aren't trading, but it's important we get them as allies before the Romulans do. A hefty bribe should do the trick. I wonder what that troop transport is up to?
Turn 63Well, it appears the Ferengi are building an outpost in that system. So that mystery is solved. In other news...
Next it's weapons, to unlock university upgrades.
In Sol, we've completed construction of the USS Saskia A, our latest colony ship. We're going to do a quick upgrade to our plasma reactors to help maintain a balance in our production, but then I'm pretty sure we need to begin serious warship production.
In Malurian, we
finally finished the aquaculture center. We'll be adding a few factories to redistribute our population, but we're getting very close to specialization.
I've sent an affiliation treaty to the Caldonians in anticipation of our bribe.
Turn 64The Ferengi have been expanding towards the galactic north, the Martynov scouted a newly colonized system of theirs near the outpost we saw being constructed.
Additionally, the Romulans issued a demand. Frankly I don't think they've done anything to deserve our money, so I plan on ignoring the request.
Turn 65Destroyer production on Sol has begun in earnest. I'm not sure how quickly we'll get this fleet built, or if we'll need to pause midway through for some other reason. We may need to shift production to one of our minor race systems if a critical upgrade becomes necessary on Sol.
Mintaka finished all its construction. I've ordered the system to build what is called a Mintakan Farm. A unique agricultural technique only possible on their home planet, this should double food production in the system.
The Caldonians accepted our offer of affiliation. We should now have less to worry about from the Romulans or Ferengi in the near future. Less once the fleet of destroyers is complete.
Here's a look at the progress of the Martynov:
The selected system next to Caldonia contains the currently-under-construction Ferengi outpost.
The Ferengi already have an outpost constructed in their territory. But as it A) can kill the Martynov outright and B) isn't guarding any planetary systems we don't have any motivation to explore
that sector yet. The ship you can see is a light raider, the equivalent of our destroyer. We should avoid it with the Martynov if we value it's existence.
Admiral Sirus should be very careful in choosing where to sent the Martynov next.
For RealsThings are beginning to get very serious. I think it's most definitely time for a military fleet. It's not going to hurt our expansion too much, considering the fact that there are only one or two other systems within reach that we can colonize at all. The local area is pretty heavily populated with minor races.
Regarding the minor races, things are going swimmingly. The Talarians don't like us much, but they don't like the Romulans much better. We can mutually leave one another alone for a while and nobody will be the worse for it. In terms of the mystery ships we've seen on the other side of Romulan territory and near the Ferengi frontier, I felt like a general survey of the area was more useful than first contact. Now that we've finished, Sirus may decide to go visit them and boldly get blown to bits while saying hello. Totally up to you man.
In terms of major races. The Ferengi are actually much scarier than the Romulans because they are so big. The good news there is that the Romulans are much scarier in the long term because all their warships cloak. If we can kill off the Romulans quickly then it's much easier to kill the visible Ferengi fleets. Still, even the Ferengi aren't a huge worry, their ships can barely reach our systems if they can reach them at all. And the completed fleet of destroyers should be able to kill most of their ships provided we get good (read: one-sided) engagements.