December 20, 2011 - April 15, 2012An ambitious game, A game that tried to laugh in the face of god himself. The gamewrights were overstretched and overworked in their abilities to fashion a decent game, in their haste they cribbed design notes from other, more established franchises... yet they failed to learn the hard learned lessons that the others had discovered. This disaster could have been prevented if only that had looked to the past, to the venerable SS Galaxy. But no, the taskmasters said! To many expenses not enough profits! They wanted to craft an MMO that would dwarf even the mighty HMS Warhld'o'worcrapht.
Built on a faulty engine, built on an exuberant fanbase, and built on a decades long franchise, several million people boarded that MMO thinking a tropical ocean of merriment lay ahead. The fans took great joy with the seemingly fantastic voyage, fans who had such admiration for those gamewrights that they could do no wrong... and for awhile... for awhile everyone was content. None of the subscribers knew what they had gotten into, no one did.
Slowly a few of the subscribers noticed a few troubling things, having a faction being able to kill the other in it's spawn points, being a blatant WOW rip off, being threatened with bans for "Farming", having nothing to do after reaching level 50. When they tried to point out these flaws to the other subscribers they were quickly decried as troublemakers and told "U don't haf to play" or "Go back to wow"
But soon after, with Bioware's other flagships burning into the sea, and further promises broken they realized how damned they were, with 600,000 subscribers left and dwindling, with many servers have only a hundred on so people active at anyone time... The good ship SWTOR is past the point of no return.
This goes not just mark the death of an MMO, but the first death knell of Bioware. The discontent is growing against this once fine company, now just a husk of it's former self, a spineless puppet of EA.
Kyrie, eleison